Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

Well let me tell you a little story. 40 years ago, I saw how they were starting to take discipline out of our schools, telling kids to report their parents if they were spanked. I decided it would be abuse to bring a child into that world and the world that would result. I didn't have any and I don't regret it a bit, this country has continued the down hill spiral that started back then.

LOL WTF. You seriously didn't have a child because it became socially unacceptable to hit them? That is retarded...so perhaps it's for the best for all of us.

Here is what I noticed about all these America-is-going-to-hell discussions - they simply reflect poster's situations, not macroeconomic realities.

Old people are going to talk about the good ol' days...because they were young in the good ol' days were optimistic and had their life ahead of them. By today many turned into grumpy old men, especially very conservative ones.

To me, the un-spanked person born some years after OKTexas has made the decision not to procreate, there is no better time than today. I want no piece of your wonderful 50s, 70s or even 90s, even if I had my salary doubled and workday halfed. 2016 is awesome.

When you have people not taught discipline and respect for others, you get things like students attacking teachers, students killing each other and shit holes like our major cities where life is meaningless. All the situations you regressives are now using to try to take away rights from the law abiding. You still refuse to address the criminal class that is your own creation. An undisciplined society is a lawless society.

Your phantasies do not seem to match reality of lower crime rates and many people with quite meaningful lifes in major cities.

No, in raw numbers crime has increased, the barbarity of crime has gotten worse, and lawlessness has increased. The only saving grace for your stats is the population has outpaced the criminals, but that's changing as you regressives put more criminals back on the streets before they complete their sentences.
2016 is awesome.

Record number of people out of the workforce in U.S. history. Record number of people on food stamps in U.S. history. Highest national debt in U.S. history. Little girls are now forced to change and shower with grown men suffering from severe mental disorders and who have awful sexually deviant behaviors. 2016 is only "awesome" if one is a liberal parasite mooching off of society. For anyone who knows what freedom actually looks like - 2016 is disgusting. And frankly, so is your post.
No, in raw numbers crime has increased, the barbarity of crime has gotten worse, and lawlessness has increased. The only saving grace for your stats is the population has outpaced the criminals, but that's changing as you regressives put more criminals back on the streets before they complete their sentences.

I have to disagree there. It hasn't gotten any better. But it hasn't gotten worse either. Back in the 1920's and 1930's people like Al Capone would have their men stand on the running-boards of Cadillac's and mow everyone down with Thompson sub-machine guns. The St. Valentine's Day massacre was one of the most gruesome crime scenes of all time. And let's not forget the 1970's and 1980's era of the "Cocaine Cowboys" when Columbian's would brutally murder entire families (including children).

The truth is, it's no better and no worse. Evil is evil. It has existed since the beginning of time and it always will exist.
Record number of people out of the workforce in U.S. history.

Bullshit stat - there has ALWAYS been record number of people out of workforce due to population growth.

That's why only fools talk about "number of people", the discussion is about %RATE. Current rate is about what it was in the 70s-80s. And the reason participation rate is low, and will continue to get lower has to do with people staying in school longer and aging demographics.

Record number of people on food stamps in U.S. history.

again, silly.

Highest national debt in U.S. history.

Again, as it always was for any given decade.

Little girls are now forced to change and shower with grown men suffering from severe mental disorders and who have awful sexually deviant behaviors.

Now you've gone from silly to crazy.

2016 is only "awesome" if one is a liberal parasite mooching off of society. For anyone who knows what freedom actually looks like - 2016 is disgusting. And frankly, so is your post.

And up yours too bud.
No, in raw numbers crime has increased, the barbarity of crime has gotten worse, and lawlessness has increased. The only saving grace for your stats is the population has outpaced the criminals, but that's changing as you regressives put more criminals back on the streets before they complete their sentences.

I have to disagree there. It hasn't gotten any better. But it hasn't gotten worse either. Back in the 1920's and 1930's people like Al Capone would have their men stand on the running-boards of Cadillac's and mow everyone down with Thompson sub-machine guns. The St. Valentine's Day massacre was one of the most gruesome crime scenes of all time. And let's not forget the 1970's and 1980's era of the "Cocaine Cowboys" when Columbian's would brutally murder entire families (including children).

The truth is, it's no better and no worse. Evil is evil. It has existed since the beginning of time and it always will exist.

Really, Capone crimes were pretty much confined to one or two cities, we now have drive bys in every major city in the US because of drugs and gangs. So I stand by my statement, there is no general respect for life outside of small town America and some of them are starting to be affected.
No, in raw numbers crime has increased, the barbarity of crime has gotten worse, and lawlessness has increased. The only saving grace for your stats is the population has outpaced the criminals, but that's changing as you regressives put more criminals back on the streets before they complete their sentences.

Again, only fools try to tread raw numbers. Crime RATES have been down

Record number of people out of the workforce in U.S. history.
Bullshit stat - there has ALWAYS been record number of people out of workforce due to population growth.
Bullshit comment. Births are way down in the U.S. (and across the globe for that matter) and the baby boomer generation is starting to pass away. We have a record number of people out of the labor force and that is fact. The number wasn't that high under Bush and the population has not exploded under Obama.
Record number of people on food stamps in U.S. history.
again, silly.
Again, inconvenient fact for your idiotic libtard ideology. And ideology built off of your desire to be a parasite and mooch off of society.
Highest national debt in U.S. history.
Again, as it always was for any given decade.
Oh please! It took the U.S. 235 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. It took Barack Obama 7 years to accumulate $9.5 trillion in debt. That is outrageous and only an asshole liberal would attempt to dent that.
Little girls are now forced to change and shower with grown men suffering from severe mental disorders and who have awful sexually deviant behaviors.
Now you've gone from silly to crazy.
Now I've simply provided one more fact that you cannot deny. Which is why you didn't even attempt to.
2016 is only "awesome" if one is a liberal parasite mooching off of society. For anyone who knows what freedom actually looks like - 2016 is disgusting. And frankly, so is your post.
And up yours too bud.
"Up yours too bud"?!? Who are you - Jeff Spicoli? :lmao:

You're crying like a little girl when all I did was post facts. That speaks volumes.
No, in raw numbers crime has increased, the barbarity of crime has gotten worse, and lawlessness has increased. The only saving grace for your stats is the population has outpaced the criminals, but that's changing as you regressives put more criminals back on the streets before they complete their sentences.

Again, only fools try to tread raw numbers. Crime RATES have been down


Well if there's no problem, how about you regressives just shut the fuck up about more BS laws.
No, in raw numbers crime has increased, the barbarity of crime has gotten worse, and lawlessness has increased. The only saving grace for your stats is the population has outpaced the criminals, but that's changing as you regressives put more criminals back on the streets before they complete their sentences.

I have to disagree there. It hasn't gotten any better. But it hasn't gotten worse either. Back in the 1920's and 1930's people like Al Capone would have their men stand on the running-boards of Cadillac's and mow everyone down with Thompson sub-machine guns. The St. Valentine's Day massacre was one of the most gruesome crime scenes of all time. And let's not forget the 1970's and 1980's era of the "Cocaine Cowboys" when Columbian's would brutally murder entire families (including children).

The truth is, it's no better and no worse. Evil is evil. It has existed since the beginning of time and it always will exist.

Really, Capone crimes were pretty much confined to one or two cities, we now have drive bys in every major city in the US because of drugs and gangs. So I stand by my statement, there is no general respect for life outside of small town America and some of them are starting to be affected.
Yeah - one or two cities for Capone. And one or two cities for Charlie "Lucky" Luciano. And one or two cities for Joseph Bonano. And one or two cities for Albert Anastasia. The mafia was the most powerful force in America coast-to-coast. In happened all over the United States.

And frankly, I think the Columbian nightmare of the 1970's and 1980's was far worse as the Mafia would never kill a woman and especially not a child. The Columbians would.

You can stand by your statement all you want - but it is wrong. It's definitely not better today. But it's no worse either.
Bullshit comment. Births are way down in the U.S. (and across the globe for that matter) and the baby boomer generation is starting to pass away. We have a record number of people out of the labor force and that is fact. The number wasn't that high under Bush and the population has not exploded under Obama.

Ok I'm obivously not talking to a clearly thinking person here.

I'll explain again - for any given period there will always be record number of people out of labor force, just as there will over time be more and more people IN the labor force. How does this magic happen? Well, there are more and more 16+ year olds that's how

Here are the graphs to help you understand that concept:

Not in labor force:


Labor force (employed+unemployed total):



So for that reason the meaningful conversation is one about RATES not number of people.
Well if there's no problem.

Concession accepted.

Stop quoting me out of context.

The context is me showing lowered crime rates and you not being able to dispute it.

What have I misrepresented?

This is the original post, there was no period after problem.

Well if there's no problem, how about you regressives just shut the fuck up about more BS laws.

Now run along lying scumbag, you're dismissed.
Bullshit comment. Births are way down in the U.S. (and across the globe for that matter) and the baby boomer generation is starting to pass away. We have a record number of people out of the labor force and that is fact. The number wasn't that high under Bush and the population has not exploded under Obama.

Ok I'm obivously not talking to a clearly thinking person here.

I'll explain again - for any given period there will always be record number of people out of labor force, just as there will over time be more and more people IN the labor force. How does this magic happen? Well, there are more and more 16+ year olds that's how

Here are the graphs to help you understand that concept:

Not in labor force:


Labor force (employed+unemployed total):



So for that reason the meaningful conversation is one about RATES not number of people.
Ok....I'm clearly talking to a typical libtard high school drop out here. There are not more 16 year olds than ever. The baby boomer generation (which I'm sure you'll need to look up due to your ignorance) was the largest generation ever. Since then, the population has been steadily decreasing in terms of births.

Many believed that when the U.S. birthrate held steady in 2012, we had finally seen its nadir. But according to the NCHS, the birthrate again dropped to a historic low in 2013

U.S. Birthrate Falls -- Again

Would you like to try again? I love watching desperate partisan hacks hopping around from one foot to the other attempting to continue their false narrative. :lol:
Now run along lying scumbag, you're dismissed.

Yep, conservatives as always are just a poke-with-fact away from :puke3: all over themselves.
Dude....you're getting obliterated with facts and you're running from them like a scared little girl.

Fact: Record number of people out of the labor force under Barack Obama

Fact: Record number of people on food stamps under Barack Obama

Fact: Record national debt under Barack Obama

Fact: Little girls forced to shower with grown men suffering from several mental disorders and disgusting sexually deviant disorders under Barack Obama

Now give us some nonsense like "every year people on food stamps will increase".

Oh....and I forgot one HUGE fact:

Fact: Barack Obama is the only president in U.S. history to not oversee at least one year of 3% or more GDP growth!
Ok....I'm clearly talking to a typical libtard high school drop out here. There are not more 16 year olds than ever.

Idiot, I didn't say 16, I said 16+, which is everyone over 16 and yes there are more such people than ever in the USA, which will remain true for any given year due to population growth.

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