Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

...my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:
Welfare check didn't cover that last 77¢?

This is my new ride:

See how easy it is to post bullshit? The proof is in one's intellect, not their braggadocio.

My new avatar of my BMW key and your post...you look foolish now how embarrassing for you. :laugh:

Too bad you can't purchase a new personality.
There are always many causes of a recession. However, most economist pin it on the banks and financial institutions.

They do not, you're full of shit. Why do you people make up crap like that?
Sorry, but they certainly do. So what's your explanation?

Do some HONEST homework, Federal Government REGULATIONS.
If you mean the lack of regulations, they were indirect cause. If you mean too many regulations, then you're heading out to ideological La La Land. I don't go there.
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Does anyone believe this guy? :lol:

You see my new BMW avatar don't you. I started life as a dumb Democrat then became a conservative, left the Democratic party plantation and my income skyrocketed. There now you have a road map to follow.

A picture of a car in your avatar doesn't prove anything. Lol. Try to use actual facts in your argument.

LOL live in denial it makes no difference to me :laugh: I picked it up last week, just got back from a short road trip still breaking it in. New house new car, not sure what's next a motor home or boat maybe. And my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:

Sorry you aren't making a good argument. Even if that is true, your money and things don't make you any more of an attractive person.

Now you are projecting, interesting but we'll discuss your self image issues another time. If you don't want your world view upended maybe you should crawl back under your covers and hide vs hanging out on a forum.

My world view upended? I don't know how you think you could accomplish that. Are you going to talk about your car again?
...my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:
Welfare check didn't cover that last 77¢?

This is my new ride:

See how easy it is to post bullshit? The proof is in one's intellect, not their braggadocio.

My new avatar of my BMW key and your post...you look foolish now how embarrassing for you. :laugh:

Too bad you can't purchase a new personality.

Too bad you are an internet troll.
You see my new BMW avatar don't you. I started life as a dumb Democrat then became a conservative, left the Democratic party plantation and my income skyrocketed. There now you have a road map to follow.

A picture of a car in your avatar doesn't prove anything. Lol. Try to use actual facts in your argument.

LOL live in denial it makes no difference to me :laugh: I picked it up last week, just got back from a short road trip still breaking it in. New house new car, not sure what's next a motor home or boat maybe. And my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:

Sorry you aren't making a good argument. Even if that is true, your money and things don't make you any more of an attractive person.

Now you are projecting, interesting but we'll discuss your self image issues another time. If you don't want your world view upended maybe you should crawl back under your covers and hide vs hanging out on a forum.

My world view upended? I don't know how you think you could accomplish that. Are you going to talk about your car again?

You bloviated 1970's talking points blaming corporations, I gave you a real world example that blows up your view and you ran for denial land. There now you are caught up.
A picture of a car in your avatar doesn't prove anything. Lol. Try to use actual facts in your argument.

LOL live in denial it makes no difference to me :laugh: I picked it up last week, just got back from a short road trip still breaking it in. New house new car, not sure what's next a motor home or boat maybe. And my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:

Sorry you aren't making a good argument. Even if that is true, your money and things don't make you any more of an attractive person.

Now you are projecting, interesting but we'll discuss your self image issues another time. If you don't want your world view upended maybe you should crawl back under your covers and hide vs hanging out on a forum.

My world view upended? I don't know how you think you could accomplish that. Are you going to talk about your car again?

You bloviated 1970's talking points blaming corporations, I gave you a real world example that blows up your view and you ran for denial land. There now you are caught up.

Err. No. Your stories don't count. The facts are that wages are stagnant, most jobs are moving to hiring part-time employees, there still aren't a ton of jobs out there. That doesn't mean there aren't some good companies out there. Now, this is what you call posting facts! Keeping in mind that we are a country of over 300 million people and there are more added every day.

US Employment and Jobs | Department of Numbers

Total US Employment
CES employment in May 2016 is at a new high of 143,894,000.

CPS employment reached a maximum of 151,320,000 in March 2016. 290,000 have been lost since then according to the household survey. From a April 2016 low of 151,004,000, the US has added 26,000 jobs according to the CPS survey.
...my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:
Welfare check didn't cover that last 77¢?

This is my new ride:

See how easy it is to post bullshit? The proof is in one's intellect, not their braggadocio.

My new avatar of my BMW key and your post...you look foolish now how embarrassing for you. :laugh:

Too bad you can't purchase a new personality.

Too bad you are an internet troll.

Sorry that you don't understand how to debate or what facts are.
We've gutted our manufacturing base, transferred money and power upward, and given too much power to loud and rich minorities.

Example. The majority of American voters support smart gun laws that make it difficult for criminals to get guns. However those elected to represent them have failed multiple times to make any meaningful progress on gun safety at the national level because a well-funded industry group NRA threatens them.
Demonizing the NRA is equally ridiculous as the RW Birther movement.

BTW, I renewed my membership to the NRA for 7 years precisely because of the actions pf LW gun grabbers. Like many, I support keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, but 1) there has to be due process to removing a person's Constitutional rights and 2) treating all gun owners as "suspects" or "Guilty until proven innocent" is wrong and will be fought against.
It's a pretty good possibility that she finds the money attractive. Not impossible that she would find him attractive though, I suppose.
While she might be attracted to just him, the odds are it's his wallet that holds her main interest.
It's a pretty good possibility that she finds the money attractive. Not impossible that she would find him attractive though, I suppose.
While she might be attracted to just him, the odds are it's his wallet that holds her main interest.

Well, there are some women out there that will do that. Some will even search them out. Some women are real jerks too. I still don't think money makes the man more attractive, but it probably makes the situation more attractive. It especially doesn't make him more attractive if he has a terrible personality, like Donald Trump! :lol: Yuck! Personally, I hate guys who are super obnoxious, loud and boisterous. I find it annoying and I don't have a lot of patience!
It's a pretty good possibility that she finds the money attractive. Not impossible that she would find him attractive though, I suppose.
While she might be attracted to just him, the odds are it's his wallet that holds her main interest.

Well, there are some women out there that will do that. Some will even search them out. Some women are real jerks too. I still don't think money makes the man more attractive, but it probably makes the situation more attractive. It especially doesn't make him more attractive if he has a terrible personality, like Donald Trump! :lol: Yuck! Personally, I hate guys who are super obnoxious, loud and boisterous. I find it annoying and I don't have a lot of patience!
Well, all he needs is one hottie to like his "Per$onality" even if other hotties like yourself are not interested.
It's a pretty good possibility that she finds the money attractive. Not impossible that she would find him attractive though, I suppose.
While she might be attracted to just him, the odds are it's his wallet that holds her main interest.

Well, there are some women out there that will do that. Some will even search them out. Some women are real jerks too. I still don't think money makes the man more attractive, but it probably makes the situation more attractive. It especially doesn't make him more attractive if he has a terrible personality, like Donald Trump! :lol: Yuck! Personally, I hate guys who are super obnoxious, loud and boisterous. I find it annoying and I don't have a lot of patience!
Well, all he needs is one hottie to like his "Per$onality" even if other hotties like yourself are not interested.

I noticed the $ in there! That's true though. He might have a very nice personality. I don't know him, so I can't say. Lol.
A picture of a car in your avatar doesn't prove anything. Lol. Try to use actual facts in your argument.

LOL live in denial it makes no difference to me :laugh: I picked it up last week, just got back from a short road trip still breaking it in. New house new car, not sure what's next a motor home or boat maybe. And my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:

Sorry you aren't making a good argument. Even if that is true, your money and things don't make you any more of an attractive person.

Now you are projecting, interesting but we'll discuss your self image issues another time. If you don't want your world view upended maybe you should crawl back under your covers and hide vs hanging out on a forum.

My world view upended? I don't know how you think you could accomplish that. Are you going to talk about your car again?

You bloviated 1970's talking points blaming corporations, I gave you a real world example that blows up your view and you ran for denial land. There now you are caught up.
It was scripted. She gave a one-word rebuttal to Trump speculating a day earlier that Clinton's faith was an unknown.
I've explained it a thousand times already. The primary one was the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act (under Clinton).

which had nothing to do with the Crash.

We didn't have a crash because the banks gave loans to poor people.

We had a crash because middle class people were buying McMansions they couldn't afford hoping to flip them, and the banks weren't scrutinizing it because they figured if they defaulted, they could foreclose and resell.
I've explained it a thousand times already. The primary one was the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act (under Clinton).

which had nothing to do with the Crash.

We didn't have a crash because the banks gave loans to poor people.

We had a crash because middle class people were buying McMansions they couldn't afford hoping to flip them, and the banks weren't scrutinizing it because they figured if they defaulted, they could foreclose and resell.

So the banks are responsible for some idiot's bad judgement now?

All any borrower has to do is meet some requirements to be qualified for a loan. If they meet them they get the loan

anything else is on the borrower not the bank
So the banks are responsible for some idiot's bad judgement now?

All any borrower has to do is meet some requirements to be qualified for a loan. If they meet them they get the loan

anything else is on the borrower not the bank

But that's the point. The banks weren't giving loans to people who qualified. They were giving people loans they knew they couldn't afford.

But being a horrible person, I'm sure that you take the side over greedy banks over working people.
So the banks are responsible for some idiot's bad judgement now?

All any borrower has to do is meet some requirements to be qualified for a loan. If they meet them they get the loan

anything else is on the borrower not the bank

But that's the point. The banks weren't giving loans to people who qualified. They were giving people loans they knew they couldn't afford.

But being a horrible person, I'm sure that you take the side over greedy banks over working people.

Sorry but you're wrong
Those people qualified if barely

And really they buyers were the ones at fault for buying a home on a 5 year ARM interest only loan with no down payment.

They were just as at fault as the people who reupped their mortgages every time the value went up then whined that they were underwater when prices fell.
Sorry but you're wrong
Those people qualified if barely

And really they buyers were the ones at fault for buying a home on a 5 year ARM interest only loan with no down payment.

They were just as at fault as the people who reupped their mortgages every time the value went up then whined that they were underwater when prices fell.

Right. The banks who put out those commercials encouraging people to do EXACTLY THAT had nothing to do with it.

And why not? It as a win-win for the Banksters. The government bailed them out when they fucked up, and the people who took out the loans were still on the hook.

And of course, a really horrible person would think this was fine.

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