Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Does anyone believe this guy? :lol:

You see my new BMW avatar don't you. I started life as a dumb Democrat then became a conservative, left the Democratic party plantation and my income skyrocketed. There now you have a road map to follow.

A picture of a car in your avatar doesn't prove anything. Lol. Try to use actual facts in your argument.

LOL live in denial it makes no difference to me :laugh: I picked it up last week, just got back from a short road trip still breaking it in. New house new car, not sure what's next a motor home or boat maybe. And my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:

Sorry you aren't making a good argument. Even if that is true, your money and things don't make you any more of an attractive person.

Now you are projecting, interesting but we'll discuss your self image issues another time. If you don't want your world view upended maybe you should crawl back under your covers and hide vs hanging out on a forum.
The middle class screwed themselves voting for these fucktard establishment candidates. Dem establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs with taxes and insane regulations. Rep establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs by flooding the country with cheap labor illegals and starting wars we can't afford. Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, well what do we have to show for that? Crumbling infrastructure, a $20 trillion dollar debt we can't pay off, and more people than ever not working. We are Rome in its end days.
That's a pretty big flip-flop from your initial post of how great your life is and condemning others for bemoaning the state of the Middle Class in America.

Where's the flip flop in educating people on why they are in the suck ass financial position they are in. I learned in my 20's the only winning move with these asshole politicians was to earn money faster than they could take it away...mission accomplished! :eusa_dance:

If you have so much money, why are you here? Lol.

Studying the enemy aka liberals.

BS. People with money aren't hanging out on internet forums on the 4th of July. :lol:

Ahahaha keep telling us all about you the projection is fascinating. :laugh:
This is the same government that has sold out to capitalist interests

The answer is more control not less

How can it be a bad thing to support respect for our property rights? Don't you want the government to protect your property rights?
Now you are projecting, interesting but we'll discuss your self image issues another time. If you don't want your world view upended maybe you should crawl back under your covers and hide vs hanging out on a forum.
Now I know you are a bullshit artist. Someone who is really superior and confident doesn't feel the need to attack those lesser than themselves.
This is the same government that has sold out to capitalist interests

The answer is more control not less
You should really listen to yourself, sir. Give more control to the very same government you claim sold out to capitalist interests?
Now you are projecting, interesting but we'll discuss your self image issues another time. If you don't want your world view upended maybe you should crawl back under your covers and hide vs hanging out on a forum.
Now I know you are a bullshit artist. Someone who is really superior and confident doesn't feel the need to attack those lesser than themselves.

Speaking of projection wow you have some issues. You as much as called me a liar so I slapped you around a bit and made you look foolish, that's not attacking someone.
Speaking of projection wow you have some issues. You as much as called me a liar so I slapped you around a bit and made you look foolish, that's not attacking someone.
Thanks for proving my point. Yes, I think you are a liar.

If you are so smart and accomplished, why don't you act like it instead of acting like a piss-off drunk in a bar? Part of my job is behavioral profiling; identifying threats. You, sir, are no threat. Just a common liar with identity issues.
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Speaking of projection wow you have some issues. You as much as called me a liar so I slapped you around a bit and made you look foolish, that's not attacking someone.
Thanks for proving my point. Yes, I think you are a liar.

If you are so smart and accomplished, why don't you act like instead of acting like a piss-off drunk in a bar? Part of my job is behavioral profiling; identifying threats. You, sir, are no threat. Just a common liar with identity issues.

Why don't you grow a pair and apologize for being wrong there it is my BMW key and your post in my avatar. Nothing to say? Bah your not worth my time later fool.

Regardless, even 47% approval is good for a politician in a country that rates Congress at 14%
Obama's approval rating is actually 56%. Over the last 65 years, only Clinton, Reagan, and Eisenhower have ended their presidency with higher ratings. This is not good for Trump who campaigns with a slogan of Clinton will continue the failed policies of Obama. Seems like 56% of Americans may be happy with that.[/QUOTE]

I believe you are conflating two things that don't go together. Those would be the likeability of Lame Duck President Obama and his policies. Asked if I LIKE President Obama, sure, I think he is a decent person. However, I hate, I can't say HATE to strongly, his policies doctrines and where he has driven this formerly great nation.

You're wrong about his approval rating, it has been hovering right around 50%, not 56% with disapproval hovering around 47%. That's a razor thin margin and well within the margin of error.


Poll was taken this week! Right Direction 27% WRONG DIRECTION SIXTY PERCENT (60%). That's huge and that's close to the approval of Congress which you ridicule.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls
Welcome to 2016 America
All politicians are disliked and mistrusted. Cruz, Christie, McConnell, Boehnor all have huge negatives

The only popular politician is Obama with a whopping 53% approval
Agreed on 2016 America, slight disagreement on Obama:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Term average to date 47%

If he was white it would be 67%.

I believe the opposite is true. If he ran as being white (he is half white) he'd have lost and his average would be far lower IF he had been elected. People polled are afraid to say they don't like President Obama for fear of being labeled...ta da...racist.

Lame Duck President Obama and Michelle have both been very clear about the racism toward whites.
Welcome to 2016 America
All politicians are disliked and mistrusted. Cruz, Christie, McConnell, Boehnor all have huge negatives

The only popular politician is Obama with a whopping 53% approval
Agreed on 2016 America, slight disagreement on Obama:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Term average to date 47%

If he was white it would be 67%.

I believe the opposite is true. If he ran as being white (he is half white) he'd have lost and his average would be far lower IF he had been elected. People polled are afraid to say they don't like President Obama for fear of being labeled...ta da...racist.

Lame Duck President Obama and Michelle have both been very clear about the racism toward whites.

Obama won because...

Bush got us into two unpopular wars
The economy was collapsing
He was charismatic
He was black
He ran against McCain/Palin

Any Democrat would have won in 2008
There are always many causes of a recession. However, most economist pin it on the banks and financial institutions. Government polices, home buyers who take on debts they couldn't pay, lack or regulations, Wall Street, and the federal reserve probably played a part but I'll go with the banks.

The banks simply created too much money. Every time a bank makes a loan, new money is created. In the run up to the financial crisis, banks created huge sums of new money by making loans. In just 7 years, they doubled the amount of money and debt in the economy. Then they used that money to push up housing prices and speculate in the housing market. Eventually, the debts became unpayable. Lending large sums of money into the property market pushed up the price of houses along with the level of personal debt. With debts rising quicker than incomes, eventually some people become unable to keep up with repayments. At this point, they stop repaying their loans, and banks found themselves in danger of going bankrupt. This caused a credit crisis in which everyone was afraid to make loans. Businesses cut back, sales fell and then the layoffs started. Thus, you have the great recession.

Wow, you're just so far off base it is difficult to believe.

The banks CANNOT CREATE MONEY. It is obvious you couldn't comprehend the difference in your fantasy and what really happened with hours of FACTS.

Briefly, here is where money is CREATED. That came about primarily AFTER the recession.


St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base
....Poll was taken this week! Right Direction 27% WRONG DIRECTION SIXTY PERCENT (60%). That's huge and that's close to the approval of Congress which you ridicule.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls
Agreed on the results of the survey. It helps explain why so many Americans are disgusted by our Federal government and the Presidential candidates presented to them.

While I don't think Obama is half the shit the far Right accuses him of being, I also don't think he's the Messiah many on the Left claimed he'd be. IMHO, he's a 21st Century Jimmy Carter. No better, no worse.
Why don't you grow a pair and apologize for being wrong there it is my BMW key and your post in my avatar. Nothing to say? Bah your not worth my time later fool.
I believe you are what you claim to be as much as I believe SeniorChief_Polock is what he claims.

Post as many pictures as you like, sir. The fact remains, people who really are as accomplished as you claim feel no need to prove it.
ChrisL, now that u here in open thread....how bout dem Viagra commercials? Blonde bimbo checking in hotel lobby (man get key!) She gaze blankly about lobby........or my favorite girl literally up in tree house, sundress, flower in hair, Christmas lights all around........I just have to get it off my chest! As they say....

I have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry.

Well? Are you going to tell me what you're talking about? What do Viagra commercials have to do with anything?

I was hoping you had seen at least part of "them". Funny weird. I had been waiting to find "open" board with female opinion. I am a bit limited in linking, posting, pics, new topics etc. I don't even watch commercials (if possible) but these weird enuff to stick.

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