Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Are you claiming that is average for Middle Class Americans?

The middle class screwed themselves voting for these fucktard establishment candidates. Dem establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs with taxes and insane regulations. Rep establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs by flooding the country with cheap labor illegals and starting wars we can't afford. Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, well what do we have to show for that? Crumbling infrastructure, a $20 trillion dollar debt we can't pay off, and more people than ever not working. We are Rome in its end days.
That's a pretty big flip-flop from your initial post of how great your life is and condemning others for bemoaning the state of the Middle Class in America.

Where's the flip flop in educating people on why they are in the suck ass financial position they are in. I learned in my 20's the only winning move with these asshole politicians was to earn money faster than they could take it away...mission accomplished! :eusa_dance:
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

The direction of our once great country is towards abject tyranny.

Things are getting worse.

The gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state , aka, the RMS Titanic, is heading towards an iceberg in deep cold waters.



It has nothing to do with being a slacker. The fact is that wages, job security and jobs themselves are not what they used to be. Besides, personal anecdotes don't count. Most of you people probably lie anyways.

I see so you broad brush corporations proving you know jack shit about corporations, typical 1970 left wing talking point. I give you an actual example of a modern corporation that treats their people like family and you choose denial because it doesn't fit your stupid talking point. Americans 100 best companies to work for, heard of it? Yeah I didn't think so. Here have one of these /EYEROLL

What example is that, the ones you make up in your head? Big multibillion dollar corporations are not your friend.

You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Does anyone believe this guy? :lol:

You see my new BMW avatar don't you. I started life as a dumb Democrat then became a conservative, left the Democratic party plantation and my income skyrocketed. There now you have a road map to follow.

A picture of a car in your avatar doesn't prove anything. Lol. Try to use actual facts in your argument.
You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Are you claiming that is average for Middle Class Americans?

The middle class screwed themselves voting for these fucktard establishment candidates. Dem establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs with taxes and insane regulations. Rep establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs by flooding the country with cheap labor illegals and starting wars we can't afford. Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, well what do we have to show for that? Crumbling infrastructure, a $20 trillion dollar debt we can't pay off, and more people than ever not working. We are Rome in its end days.
That's a pretty big flip-flop from your initial post of how great your life is and condemning others for bemoaning the state of the Middle Class in America.

Where's the flip flop in educating people on why they are in the suck ass financial position they are in. I learned in my 20's the only winning move with these asshole politicians was to earn money faster than they could take it away...mission accomplished! :eusa_dance:

If you have so much money, why are you here? Lol.
I see so you broad brush corporations proving you know jack shit about corporations, typical 1970 left wing talking point. I give you an actual example of a modern corporation that treats their people like family and you choose denial because it doesn't fit your stupid talking point. Americans 100 best companies to work for, heard of it? Yeah I didn't think so. Here have one of these /EYEROLL

What example is that, the ones you make up in your head? Big multibillion dollar corporations are not your friend.

You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Does anyone believe this guy? :lol:

You see my new BMW avatar don't you. I started life as a dumb Democrat then became a conservative, left the Democratic party plantation and my income skyrocketed. There now you have a road map to follow.

A picture of a car in your avatar doesn't prove anything. Lol. Try to use actual facts in your argument.

LOL live in denial it makes no difference to me :laugh: I picked it up last week, just got back from a short road trip still breaking it in. New house new car, not sure what's next a motor home or boat maybe. And my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:
You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Are you claiming that is average for Middle Class Americans?

The middle class screwed themselves voting for these fucktard establishment candidates. Dem establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs with taxes and insane regulations. Rep establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs by flooding the country with cheap labor illegals and starting wars we can't afford. Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, well what do we have to show for that? Crumbling infrastructure, a $20 trillion dollar debt we can't pay off, and more people than ever not working. We are Rome in its end days.
That's a pretty big flip-flop from your initial post of how great your life is and condemning others for bemoaning the state of the Middle Class in America.

Where's the flip flop in educating people on why they are in the suck ass financial position they are in. I learned in my 20's the only winning move with these asshole politicians was to earn money faster than they could take it away...mission accomplished! :eusa_dance:

If you have so much money, why are you here? Lol.

Studying the enemy aka liberals.
What example is that, the ones you make up in your head? Big multibillion dollar corporations are not your friend.

You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Does anyone believe this guy? :lol:

You see my new BMW avatar don't you. I started life as a dumb Democrat then became a conservative, left the Democratic party plantation and my income skyrocketed. There now you have a road map to follow.

A picture of a car in your avatar doesn't prove anything. Lol. Try to use actual facts in your argument.

LOL live in denial it makes no difference to me :laugh: I picked it up last week, just got back from a short road trip still breaking it in. New house new car, not sure what's next a motor home or boat maybe. And my credit card balance is 77 cents ahahaha life is good :eusa_dance:

Sorry you aren't making a good argument. Even if that is true, your money and things don't make you any more of an attractive person.
Are you claiming that is average for Middle Class Americans?

The middle class screwed themselves voting for these fucktard establishment candidates. Dem establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs with taxes and insane regulations. Rep establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs by flooding the country with cheap labor illegals and starting wars we can't afford. Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, well what do we have to show for that? Crumbling infrastructure, a $20 trillion dollar debt we can't pay off, and more people than ever not working. We are Rome in its end days.
That's a pretty big flip-flop from your initial post of how great your life is and condemning others for bemoaning the state of the Middle Class in America.

Where's the flip flop in educating people on why they are in the suck ass financial position they are in. I learned in my 20's the only winning move with these asshole politicians was to earn money faster than they could take it away...mission accomplished! :eusa_dance:

If you have so much money, why are you here? Lol.

Studying the enemy aka liberals.

BS. People with money aren't hanging out on internet forums on the 4th of July. :lol:
Yep.....the DHS has purchased 30,000 guillotines....you can find the purchase order of these easily.....
I hope you're just fucking with the conspiracy theorist nutjobs....which is fine by me. :)

U.S. Government Purchases 30,000 Guillotines

Bill Pawelec, ex-CIA, verified that guillotines were being stored on several military bases. A.C. Griffith, ex-NSA, said the same thing numerous times on talk shows...he has since died as has Pawelec. I believe that there is no question that the story is true.
Then I submit that Bill is either a fucking loon or he's fucking with the stupid people in America.

Let's run with this silly idea for a few minutes. Why buy and use something so horrific to Americans when the Chinese way is not only cheaper, but closer to American ideals? What's the logic behind this truly stupid conspiracy theory?


Ted Gunderson spent 30 years in the FBI and investigated many high profile cases and he also says that there are FEMA camps and 15,000 guillotines at some base in Montana and 15,000 at Fort Lewis in Georgia
Really? You believe that Oswald was the shooter? Do you know that they tested him for gun powder blow back using the Paraffin test and found nothing but a small spot on his left hand? There is the "gubermint" that you see and then there is the shadow "gubermint" that is actually calling the shots. Did you know that there are security clearances higher than the president and that there is a black ops budget that has no oversight whatsoever? Who the fuck put these people in charge and why are they allowed to operate outside of their corporate constitution?

Okay, the thing is, you really believe this crazy shit, and that's kind of sad.

Let's address the Lusitania....there was ammunition headed for England on it and Germany took out full page ads warning people about that any ship carrying ammo was going to be targeted.

which didn't matter. Firing on civilian ships without warning was STILL against the international agreements Germany had signed. Germany did exactly what we went to war with them over, after they had promised numerous times to knock it the fuck off.

The Balfour Declaration that would establish a Jewish state was negotiated by England and the international bankers that if they would give up Palestine that they could get the United States in WWI so the sinking of the Lusitania was necessary and accomplished their goal.

I KNEW you'd work the Jews in there eventually. Good show.

The Japanese code was broken almost a year before Pearl Harbor and they knew exactly when the attack was to happen. The attack was necessary in order to get Americans to support entry into the war.

Unlikely, since the Japanese executed radio silence until the attack.

There could have been no Nazi Germany without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs and they made money off it. They traded and supported the Nazis during WWII and then picked over the carcass of what was left by using the Vatican ratlines to bring in Nazi intelligence officers and scientists under "Operation Paperclip" and placed them in key positions after they whitewashed their backgrounds.

Wow, so you think the Catholic Church is in on it, too? Man, you are hitting the bigot trifecta... all you need to do is say something aobut the Muslims.

This is all de-classified information, dude. I know more than you....I dedicate most of my time to learning the kinds of things that you can't even wrap your head around.

You mean you dedicate your time to making yourself crazier when you should be availing yourself of a good shrink.

You can't defeat me in a debate when it comes to what is really going on.

No, I can honestly say, I can't run down the rabbit holes of your crazy.

The CIA runs opium into this country and has since the 1950's and it funds their black ops. Drug money laundered by their banks is what keeps the ATMs filled with cash because 97 percent of our money is nothing but numbers in a computer.

And more crazy...

Drugs are a "cash only business" and your beloved "gubermint" is up to their necks in it.....get it now? Bring on some more shit, Joe.....I can do this all day and night.

Yes, sadly, you can. YOu need help. I'm serious.

Like I have I have said MANY times....spend even a tenth of the time I have in reading and researching something other than "gubermint" approved books and websites because it is in their best interest to lie to you. The fact that you do not know that the CIA has been delivering cocaine and heroin into this country for decades when there is a multitude of evidence and outright confessions of those bring it in kills any credibility (as little as it was to begin with) to debunk anything I post here. You are a shill....nothing more and nothing less. You are in for a very rude awakening and that is coming very soon.
I've worked for Uncle Sam, one way or another, for over 30 years. Dale, not only are most people patriotic, but due to the great width and breadth of government, most of those patriots would spill the beans on any such conspiracy theories.
It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

Who exactly do you "think" I'm blaming the recession on? Look friend, your side is just as guilty of crony capitalism. It's the democrats and the republicans who are responsible. That's why I refuse to vote for either of them.
There are always many causes of a recession. However, most economist pin it on the banks and financial institutions. Government polices, home buyers who take on debts they couldn't pay, lack or regulations, Wall Street, and the federal reserve probably played a part but I'll go with the banks.

The banks simply created too much money. Every time a bank makes a loan, new money is created. In the run up to the financial crisis, banks created huge sums of new money by making loans. In just 7 years, they doubled the amount of money and debt in the economy. Then they used that money to push up housing prices and speculate in the housing market. Eventually, the debts became unpayable. Lending large sums of money into the property market pushed up the price of houses along with the level of personal debt. With debts rising quicker than incomes, eventually some people become unable to keep up with repayments. At this point, they stop repaying their loans, and banks found themselves in danger of going bankrupt. This caused a credit crisis in which everyone was afraid to make loans. Businesses cut back, sales fell and then the layoffs started. Thus, you have the great recession.

That makes sense but Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (both government loan institutions) played a big role in this. They were found to have been skimming off the top and we all know that both democrats and republicans are corrupt and also played a role in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It's documented fact.
That may have played a role, just as the federal reserve's monetary policy and regulations on lending. However, the big problem was banks and home mortgage companies were making home loans to people that would not be able to keep up the payments. Second mortgages, variable rate loans and other gimmicks were used to create low monthly payment mortgages with time bombs that cause the monthly payments to skyrocket.

Since most of the institutions planned to sell the mortgages, there was little interest in making sure the borrowers would be able to repay the loans. Of course Wall Street played a part by creating debt instruments which contained hundreds and thousands of these crappy mortgages in such a way, that the buyer would have no idea of the credit worthiness of the underlying mortgages. So the banks sold the mortgages, Wall Street packaged them into debt instruments. They were then traded and used to create other securities. Before long Wall Street was trading securities that weren't worth the paper they were printed on.

When the home buyer's monthly payments started rising and they couldn't make the payments, the whole thing started falling apart.
I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

Who exactly do you "think" I'm blaming the recession on? Look friend, your side is just as guilty of crony capitalism. It's the democrats and the republicans who are responsible. That's why I refuse to vote for either of them.
There are always many causes of a recession. However, most economist pin it on the banks and financial institutions. Government polices, home buyers who take on debts they couldn't pay, lack or regulations, Wall Street, and the federal reserve probably played a part but I'll go with the banks.

The banks simply created too much money. Every time a bank makes a loan, new money is created. In the run up to the financial crisis, banks created huge sums of new money by making loans. In just 7 years, they doubled the amount of money and debt in the economy. Then they used that money to push up housing prices and speculate in the housing market. Eventually, the debts became unpayable. Lending large sums of money into the property market pushed up the price of houses along with the level of personal debt. With debts rising quicker than incomes, eventually some people become unable to keep up with repayments. At this point, they stop repaying their loans, and banks found themselves in danger of going bankrupt. This caused a credit crisis in which everyone was afraid to make loans. Businesses cut back, sales fell and then the layoffs started. Thus, you have the great recession.

That makes sense but Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (both government loan institutions) played a big role in this. They were found to have been skimming off the top and we all know that both democrats and republicans are corrupt and also played a role in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It's documented fact.
That may have played a role, just as the federal reserve's monetary policy and regulations on lending. However, the big problem was banks and home mortgage companies were making home loans to people that would not be able to keep up the payments. Second mortgages, variable rate loans and other gimmicks were used to create low monthly payment mortgages with time bombs that cause the monthly payments to skyrocket.

Since most of the institutions planned to sell the mortgages, there was little interest in making sure the borrowers would be able to repay the loans. Of course Wall Street played a part by creating debt instruments which contained hundreds and thousands of these crappy mortgages in such a way, that the buyer would have no idea of the credit worthiness of the underlying mortgages. So the banks sold the mortgages, Wall Street packaged them into debt instruments. They were then traded and used to create other securities. Before long Wall Street was trading securities that weren't worth the paper they were printed on.

When the home buyer's monthly payments started rising and they couldn't make the payments, the whole thing started falling apart.

But it didn't just play a role. Fannie and Freddie higher ups were charged with crimes including embezzlement. I'm sure you will not like what is stated in this link at all. Now, I'm sure it contains much partisan slant, but the basic facts are there.

New Study Confirms Economy Was Destroyed by Dem Policies
Yep.....the DHS has purchased 30,000 guillotines....you can find the purchase order of these easily.....
I hope you're just fucking with the conspiracy theorist nutjobs....which is fine by me. :)

U.S. Government Purchases 30,000 Guillotines

Bill Pawelec, ex-CIA, verified that guillotines were being stored on several military bases. A.C. Griffith, ex-NSA, said the same thing numerous times on talk shows...he has since died as has Pawelec. I believe that there is no question that the story is true.
Then I submit that Bill is either a fucking loon or he's fucking with the stupid people in America.

Let's run with this silly idea for a few minutes. Why buy and use something so horrific to Americans when the Chinese way is not only cheaper, but closer to American ideals? What's the logic behind this truly stupid conspiracy theory?


Ted Gunderson spent 30 years in the FBI and investigated many high profile cases and he also says that there are FEMA camps and 15,000 guillotines at some base in Montana and 15,000 at Fort Lewis in Georgia
Really? You believe that Oswald was the shooter? Do you know that they tested him for gun powder blow back using the Paraffin test and found nothing but a small spot on his left hand? There is the "gubermint" that you see and then there is the shadow "gubermint" that is actually calling the shots. Did you know that there are security clearances higher than the president and that there is a black ops budget that has no oversight whatsoever? Who the fuck put these people in charge and why are they allowed to operate outside of their corporate constitution?

Okay, the thing is, you really believe this crazy shit, and that's kind of sad.

Let's address the Lusitania....there was ammunition headed for England on it and Germany took out full page ads warning people about that any ship carrying ammo was going to be targeted.

which didn't matter. Firing on civilian ships without warning was STILL against the international agreements Germany had signed. Germany did exactly what we went to war with them over, after they had promised numerous times to knock it the fuck off.

The Balfour Declaration that would establish a Jewish state was negotiated by England and the international bankers that if they would give up Palestine that they could get the United States in WWI so the sinking of the Lusitania was necessary and accomplished their goal.

I KNEW you'd work the Jews in there eventually. Good show.

The Japanese code was broken almost a year before Pearl Harbor and they knew exactly when the attack was to happen. The attack was necessary in order to get Americans to support entry into the war.

Unlikely, since the Japanese executed radio silence until the attack.

There could have been no Nazi Germany without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs and they made money off it. They traded and supported the Nazis during WWII and then picked over the carcass of what was left by using the Vatican ratlines to bring in Nazi intelligence officers and scientists under "Operation Paperclip" and placed them in key positions after they whitewashed their backgrounds.

Wow, so you think the Catholic Church is in on it, too? Man, you are hitting the bigot trifecta... all you need to do is say something aobut the Muslims.

This is all de-classified information, dude. I know more than you....I dedicate most of my time to learning the kinds of things that you can't even wrap your head around.

You mean you dedicate your time to making yourself crazier when you should be availing yourself of a good shrink.

You can't defeat me in a debate when it comes to what is really going on.

No, I can honestly say, I can't run down the rabbit holes of your crazy.

The CIA runs opium into this country and has since the 1950's and it funds their black ops. Drug money laundered by their banks is what keeps the ATMs filled with cash because 97 percent of our money is nothing but numbers in a computer.

And more crazy...

Drugs are a "cash only business" and your beloved "gubermint" is up to their necks in it.....get it now? Bring on some more shit, Joe.....I can do this all day and night.

Yes, sadly, you can. YOu need help. I'm serious.

Like I have I have said MANY times....spend even a tenth of the time I have in reading and researching something other than "gubermint" approved books and websites because it is in their best interest to lie to you. The fact that you do not know that the CIA has been delivering cocaine and heroin into this country for decades when there is a multitude of evidence and outright confessions of those bring it in kills any credibility (as little as it was to begin with) to debunk anything I post here. You are a shill....nothing more and nothing less. You are in for a very rude awakening and that is coming very soon.
I've worked for Uncle Sam, one way or another, for over 30 years. Dale, not only are most people patriotic, but due to the great width and breadth of government, most of those patriots would spill the beans on any such conspiracy theories.

People have....like Tosh Plumlee, Chip Tatum, Brigadier General Benton Partin, Scott Bennett etc, etc. The problem is the very same people that are comiting these crimes are also the ones that control 90 percent of the media. So much of this is so compartmentalized, they have to sign non-disclosure agreements or have gag orders placed on them....like NOAA and the National Weather Service....WTF could national security have to do with the weather? Or could they "gagged" them to prevent them from coming forward to talk about the blatant use of aerosols in our skies? Things are not what they seem....quaran-fucking-tee you on that one.
Capitalists created the problem....government looked the other way
Nope. Private ownership (i.e. capitalism) didn't create the problem. Government did. It's their baby.
It was Government who bailed out the Capitalists....not the other way around


Splain please.

Were you in a coma in 2009?

Da "gubermint" did us no favors by giving them money we are to repay for homes they later foreclosed on. The best thing would have been to let them fail and then kick the dollar to the curb and create our own interest free currency. What was going on when it came to Wall Street was thievery, not capitalism.

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