Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

Doesn't answer the question. How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?

They didn't. People like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, etc. did when they unconstitutionally took over the free market and injected it with mass quantities of idiot socialism.
Doesn't answer the question. How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?

They didn't. People like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, etc. did when they unconstitutionally took over the free market and injected it with mass quantities of idiot socialism.

Interesting hypothesis

Which "socialist bills" did Pelosi, Reid and Clinton pass which crashed the economy?
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

We've gutted our manufacturing base, transferred money and power upward, and given too much power to loud and rich minorities.

Example. The majority of American voters support smart gun laws that make it difficult for criminals to get guns. However those elected to represent them have failed multiple times to make any meaningful progress on gun safety at the national level because a well-funded industry group NRA threatens them.
225+ trillion in debt... The federal government has fucked us.
Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Game over

The Government is an extension of the will of the people -- we fucked ourselves.

We (the majority) put the the Tea Bagger congress in place and then when they failed to pass a budged or do anything except shut down the federal government several times, we (the majority) turned the senate over to Mitch McConnel. We did it to ourselves.

Congress has the power to pass a budget, raise/lower/modify taxes... We have enough wealth in this country to pay down the National Debt. Well, a lot of that wealthy is held in off shore accounts, but still...

We did it to ourselves... We elected a President who lowered taxes then took us into two Wars without raising the money to pay for them... because someone told him the 2nd war would pay for itself... and he wasn't all that bright.
Da "gubermint" did us no favors by giving them money we are to repay for homes they later foreclosed on. The best thing would have been to let them fail and then kick the dollar to the curb and create our own interest free currency. What was going on when it came to Wall Street was thievery, not capitalism.

Ah, new heights in Crazy. Yup, letting the currency completely collapse and ruin everyone's lives. Where have we seen that one before?


Oh, yeah. Right.
225+ trillion in debt... The federal government has fucked us.
Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Game over

The Government is an extension of the will of the people -- we fucked ourselves.

We (the majority) put the the Tea Bagger congress in place and then when they failed to pass a budged or do anything except shut down the federal government several times, we (the majority) turned the senate over to Mitch McConnel. We did it to ourselves.

Congress has the power to pass a budget, raise/lower/modify taxes... We have enough wealth in this country to pay down the National Debt. Well, a lot of that wealthy is held in off shore accounts, but still...

We did it to ourselves... We elected a President who lowered taxes then took us into two Wars without raising the money to pay for them... because someone told him the 2nd war would pay for itself... and he wasn't all that bright.
Those taxes Were never the federal governments money to begin with dumbass fucker. You're delusional and fucked up In the head beyond understanding if you think that the debt can be paid off. Get your dumbass shit eating head out of your ass… LOL
Da "gubermint" did us no favors by giving them money we are to repay for homes they later foreclosed on. The best thing would have been to let them fail and then kick the dollar to the curb and create our own interest free currency. What was going on when it came to Wall Street was thievery, not capitalism.

Ah, new heights in Crazy. Yup, letting the currency completely collapse and ruin everyone's lives. Where have we seen that one before?


Oh, yeah. Right.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

We've gutted our manufacturing base, transferred money and power upward, and given too much power to loud and rich minorities.

Example. The majority of American voters support smart gun laws that make it difficult for criminals to get guns. However those elected to represent them have failed multiple times to make any meaningful progress on gun safety at the national level because a well-funded industry group NRA threatens them.

I agree with the first part but I disagree with the last part. There are hundreds if not thousands of acts, statutes and codes on the books having to do with firearms. Drugs are illegal but yet the very corporate "gubermint" that has outlawed it and collects BILLIONS of dollars a year from those that are busted using them are the ones flying in the drugs. USA.INC is the biggest small arms supplier in the world. IMHO, every American needs to be armed to the hilt in order to protect themselves from what they are wanting to propose. They are staging these mass shooting events as a psy-op and it's all perfectly legal to do because the Smith-Mundt Act is no longer in affect. They will keep staging these events in order to scare the masses into agreeing to giving up their rights to protect themselves. They want to merge USA.INC with the other corporate entities into a one world totalitarian technocracy with only two classes...the elite few and the serfs. They have even stated as much and they are so blatant and cocky about it because they feel that there is no stopping it.
225+ trillion in debt... The federal government has fucked us.
Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Game over

The Government is an extension of the will of the people -- we fucked ourselves.

We (the majority) put the the Tea Bagger congress in place and then when they failed to pass a budged or do anything except shut down the federal government several times, we (the majority) turned the senate over to Mitch McConnel. We did it to ourselves.

Congress has the power to pass a budget, raise/lower/modify taxes... We have enough wealth in this country to pay down the National Debt. Well, a lot of that wealthy is held in off shore accounts, but still...

We did it to ourselves... We elected a President who lowered taxes then took us into two Wars without raising the money to pay for them... because someone told him the 2nd war would pay for itself... and he wasn't all that bright.

The Government is an extension of the will of the people -- we fucked ourselves.

There we concur.

It could have been far worse - thank you Lord, for the electoral college.

The American electorate is completely and totally stupid.

Even Obama admits that if it wasn't for AMERICAN STUPIDITY Obama Hellcare would have never been enacted.

The fascists have been intervening with the economy since the early 1900's in order to become "electable".

225+ trillion in debt... The federal government has fucked us.
Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Game over

The Government is an extension of the will of the people -- we fucked ourselves.

We (the majority) put the the Tea Bagger congress in place and then when they failed to pass a budged or do anything except shut down the federal government several times, we (the majority) turned the senate over to Mitch McConnel. We did it to ourselves.

Congress has the power to pass a budget, raise/lower/modify taxes... We have enough wealth in this country to pay down the National Debt. Well, a lot of that wealthy is held in off shore accounts, but still...

We did it to ourselves... We elected a President who lowered taxes then took us into two Wars without raising the money to pay for them... because someone told him the 2nd war would pay for itself... and he wasn't all that bright.

No, your "gubermint" is actually a corporate entity and the politicians are nothing but corporate officers. Your "gubermint" is nothing more than a provider of the 19 enumerated/essential services in a "service for contract" agreement and they do it for a profit. Each agency is a corporation...every court is incorporated. All state houses are incorporated and if you understood the ramifications of a government being incorporated the way that I do? You would be horrified and pissed. I know this stuff because I have taken the time to learn it. I am still working on learning their legalese but I have a very good grasp on what has been done to us. USA.INC was taken into receivership by the International Monetary Fund in 1950 and that was when cities, towns and counties started incorporating and it's all about raising money from those that are under their alleged "jurisdiction". If you were to do any research about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report each one of these 185,000 subsidiaries of USA.INC has to file, you would find that they are sitting on an ungodly amount of assets. Everything from stocks and bonds to hard cash and property like amusement parks, race tracks, golf courses, real estate that includes apartment complexes. It's all a huge money making scam but they are always coming to us with their hand out when their budgets fall short instead of reaching into the surpluses. This is according to CAFR1.com....USA.INC and their composite "gubermints" take in more from their investments per year than the entire GDP of the private sector. They keep their tax free profits while handing us their corporate credit cards to pay. When you are incorporated, you go from the law of the land to the universal commercial code of the sea (also known as admiralty law) and that is what we are currently under. That is why everything is an act, statute or code because corporations cannot pass laws.
Doesn't answer the question. How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?

They didn't. People like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, etc. did when they unconstitutionally took over the free market and injected it with mass quantities of idiot socialism.

Interesting hypothesis

Which "socialist bills" did Pelosi, Reid and Clinton pass which crashed the economy?
I've explained it a thousand times already. The primary one was the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act (under Clinton).
Da "gubermint" did us no favors by giving them money we are to repay for homes they later foreclosed on. The best thing would have been to let them fail and then kick the dollar to the curb and create our own interest free currency. What was going on when it came to Wall Street was thievery, not capitalism.

Ah, new heights in Crazy. Yup, letting the currency completely collapse and ruin everyone's lives. Where have we seen that one before?


Oh, yeah. Right.

Every time you post to me, you expose your ignorance and you show no ability to think outside the box. It would take me too long and it would be a wasted effort and totally futile to explain what kind of system we are actually under and what it would take to correct it. You lack the intellect....sadly. I know more than you....infinitely more because I put in the time and effort. Deal with it.
Ah, new heights in Crazy. Yup, letting the currency completely collapse and ruin everyone's lives. Where have we seen that one before?

That's what happens when the state appropriates money. They fuck it up, as they do everything.
Ah, new heights in Crazy. Yup, letting the currency completely collapse and ruin everyone's lives. Where have we seen that one before?

That's what happens when the state appropriates money. They fuck it up, as they do everything.

After they skim some of that money off the top in order to invest it. Then they give the contracts to their cronies in exchange for a hefty kickback.......welcome to USA.INC where it's all about "bidness".
Ah, new heights in Crazy. Yup, letting the currency completely collapse and ruin everyone's lives. Where have we seen that one before?

That's what happens when the state appropriates money. They fuck it up, as they do everything.

After they skim some of that money off the top in order to invest it. Then they give the contracts to their cronies in exchange for a hefty kickback.......welcome to USA.INC where it's all about "bidness".
Yep. It's a scam. That's how the state operates. They appropriate money, and then the fuck it up.
Ah, new heights in Crazy. Yup, letting the currency completely collapse and ruin everyone's lives. Where have we seen that one before?

That's what happens when the state appropriates money. They fuck it up, as they do everything.

After they skim some of that money off the top in order to invest it. Then they give the contracts to their cronies in exchange for a hefty kickback.......welcome to USA.INC where it's all about "bidness".
Yep. It's a scam. That's how the state operates. They appropriate money, and then the fuck it up.
“The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First you take people's money away quietly and then you give some of it back to them flamboyantly.”
Thomas Sowell
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

Who exactly do you "think" I'm blaming the recession on? Look friend, your side is just as guilty of crony capitalism. It's the democrats and the republicans who are responsible. That's why I refuse to vote for either of them.
There are always many causes of a recession. However, most economist pin it on the banks and financial institutions. Government polices, home buyers who take on debts they couldn't pay, lack or regulations, Wall Street, and the federal reserve probably played a part but I'll go with the banks.

The banks simply created too much money. Every time a bank makes a loan, new money is created. In the run up to the financial crisis, banks created huge sums of new money by making loans. In just 7 years, they doubled the amount of money and debt in the economy. Then they used that money to push up housing prices and speculate in the housing market. Eventually, the debts became unpayable. Lending large sums of money into the property market pushed up the price of houses along with the level of personal debt. With debts rising quicker than incomes, eventually some people become unable to keep up with repayments. At this point, they stop repaying their loans, and banks found themselves in danger of going bankrupt. This caused a credit crisis in which everyone was afraid to make loans. Businesses cut back, sales fell and then the layoffs started. Thus, you have the great recession.

That makes sense but Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (both government loan institutions) played a big role in this. They were found to have been skimming off the top and we all know that both democrats and republicans are corrupt and also played a role in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It's documented fact.
That may have played a role, just as the federal reserve's monetary policy and regulations on lending. However, the big problem was banks and home mortgage companies were making home loans to people that would not be able to keep up the payments. Second mortgages, variable rate loans and other gimmicks were used to create low monthly payment mortgages with time bombs that cause the monthly payments to skyrocket.

Since most of the institutions planned to sell the mortgages, there was little interest in making sure the borrowers would be able to repay the loans. Of course Wall Street played a part by creating debt instruments which contained hundreds and thousands of these crappy mortgages in such a way, that the buyer would have no idea of the credit worthiness of the underlying mortgages. So the banks sold the mortgages, Wall Street packaged them into debt instruments. They were then traded and used to create other securities. Before long Wall Street was trading securities that weren't worth the paper they were printed on.

When the home buyer's monthly payments started rising and they couldn't make the payments, the whole thing started falling apart.

But it didn't just play a role. Fannie and Freddie higher ups were charged with crimes including embezzlement. I'm sure you will not like what is stated in this link at all. Now, I'm sure it contains much partisan slant, but the basic facts are there.

New Study Confirms Economy Was Destroyed by Dem Policies
Regardless of how crooked the higher ups in Fannie and Freddie might have been, student loans played little or no role in causing the recession. Defaults on student loans were fairly low until the recession was well under way in 2009. Also, 76% of student loans were subsidized which means defaults would have had little impact on the economy.

With ever recession, political forces on both sides of the fence attempt to throw the blame for the recession on programs, institutions, and legislation favored by the opposition.

When you start looking for causes of a recession there are always direct and indirect causes. The direct causes of the recession in the US include the subprime mortgage crisis and the housing bulb. There are many indirect causes such as balance of trade, US government housing policies, and limited regulations on non-depository financial institutions.
ChrisL, now that u here in open thread....how bout dem Viagra commercials? Blonde bimbo checking in hotel lobby (man get key!) She gaze blankly about lobby........or my favorite girl literally up in tree house, sundress, flower in hair, Christmas lights all around........I just have to get it off my chest! As they say....

I have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry.

Well? Are you going to tell me what you're talking about? What do Viagra commercials have to do with anything?

I was hoping you had seen at least part of "them". Funny weird. I had been waiting to find "open" board with female opinion. I am a bit limited in linking, posting, pics, new topics etc. I don't even watch commercials (if possible) but these weird enuff to stick.

I've seen some of those commercials. What about them?

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