Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

If you did the same chart for the Soviet Union, Communist China, or North Korea, 1% would own 100% of the wealth.
Doesn't answer the question

How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?

Easy Peasy: Big Government Corporate Cronyism is the major cause.
Now we are getting closer to the real answer. The accumulated wealth of poor people had little to do with the collapse

It was the unchecked corporate greed of the financial sector that led us to the brink of depression

B'loney. Poor people are fodder for Big Government. Public assistance, handouts, racial preference crap are all part of the Big Government Cronyist equation of taking money from some to give to others. The Poor provide a voting bloc.

The people who are screwed the most are the vanishing middle class who just want to work and take care of themselves.
Poor people are fodder for big business

Providing a low cost workforce to generate wealth

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I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

If you did the same chart for the Soviet Union, Communist China, or North Korea, 1% would own 100% of the wealth.
Doesn't answer the question

How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?

Easy Peasy: Big Government Corporate Cronyism is the major cause.
Now we are getting closer to the real answer. The accumulated wealth of poor people had little to do with the collapse

It was the unchecked corporate greed of the financial sector that led us to the brink of depression

An easy way to see exactly what happened is to Google the Forbes 400 from 1986 and then again for 2016. The people who topped the list 30 years ago were worth around $2B. Today they are worth $30B+. That is the Easiest Peasy. Even accounting for the difference in the value of the dollar from then and now, it still explains everything
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

We have really gone to a country where needing money is more justification for taking it than having earned it.

I just sold my business a few weeks ago. It's not worth it anymore
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

The corporation I work for treats me quite well thank you. But then I work hard I'm not some lame slacker.

It has nothing to do with being a slacker. The fact is that wages, job security and jobs themselves are not what they used to be. Besides, personal anecdotes don't count. Most of you people probably lie anyways.

I see so you broad brush corporations proving you know jack shit about corporations, typical 1970 left wing talking point. I give you an actual example of a modern corporation that treats their people like family and you choose denial because it doesn't fit your stupid talking point. Americans 100 best companies to work for, heard of it? Yeah I didn't think so. Here have one of these /EYEROLL

What example is that, the ones you make up in your head? Big multibillion dollar corporations are not your friend.

You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Does anyone believe this guy? :lol:
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

The corporation I work for treats me quite well thank you. But then I work hard I'm not some lame slacker.

It has nothing to do with being a slacker. The fact is that wages, job security and jobs themselves are not what they used to be. Besides, personal anecdotes don't count. Most of you people probably lie anyways.

I see so you broad brush corporations proving you know jack shit about corporations, typical 1970 left wing talking point. I give you an actual example of a modern corporation that treats their people like family and you choose denial because it doesn't fit your stupid talking point. Americans 100 best companies to work for, heard of it? Yeah I didn't think so. Here have one of these /EYEROLL

Corporate ass kisser, peon.

lol your envy is noted lib.

I'm not jealous of some old man. :D
If you did the same chart for the Soviet Union, Communist China, or North Korea, 1% would own 100% of the wealth.
Doesn't answer the question

How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?

Easy Peasy: Big Government Corporate Cronyism is the major cause.
Now we are getting closer to the real answer. The accumulated wealth of poor people had little to do with the collapse

It was the unchecked corporate greed of the financial sector that led us to the brink of depression

B'loney. Poor people are fodder for Big Government. Public assistance, handouts, racial preference crap are all part of the Big Government Cronyist equation of taking money from some to give to others. The Poor provide a voting bloc.

The people who are screwed the most are the vanishing middle class who just want to work and take care of themselves.
Poor people are fodder for big business

Providing a low cost workforce to generate wealth


And the politicians (both dems and reps) allow them to do that.
Same old bullshit. Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.

It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

It was much more complicated than that, bub. Congress, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Executive Branch regulatory apparatus, Clinton, Wall Street, Realtors, ACORN, and yes, poor people and other people who chose to sign up for zero down loans.

Reckless Endangerment is the best analysis I've read to date on the matter.
You left Bush off that list

Color me surprised

Are you seriously trying to blame the economy collapsing on Bush alone? Good grief, you people are nuts. Lol.
Same old bullshit. Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.

It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

Who exactly do you "think" I'm blaming the recession on? Look friend, your side is just as guilty of crony capitalism. It's the democrats and the republicans who are responsible. That's why I refuse to vote for either of them.
ChrisL, yes he could have all that and more at big 500 company after 20 years. Vac time easy 5 weeks after that long. Salary would rise too.
ChrisL, now that u here in open thread....how bout dem Viagra commercials? Blonde bimbo checking in hotel lobby (man get key!) She gaze blankly about lobby........or my favorite girl literally up in tree house, sundress, flower in hair, Christmas lights all around........I just have to get it off my chest! As they say....
Welcome to 2016 America
All politicians are disliked and mistrusted. Cruz, Christie, McConnell, Boehnor all have huge negatives

The only popular politician is Obama with a whopping 53% approval
Agreed on 2016 America, slight disagreement on Obama:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Term average to date 47%
Last few months Obama has been over 50%

Regardless, even 47% approval is good for a politician in a country that rates Congress at 14%
Obama's approval rating is actually 56%. Over the last 65 years, only Clinton, Reagan, and Eisenhower have ended their presidency with higher ratings. This is not good for Trump who campaigns with a slogan of Clinton will continue the failed policies of Obama. Seems like 56% of Americans may be happy with that.
ChrisL, now that u here in open thread....how bout dem Viagra commercials? Blonde bimbo checking in hotel lobby (man get key!) She gaze blankly about lobby........or my favorite girl literally up in tree house, sundress, flower in hair, Christmas lights all around........I just have to get it off my chest! As they say....

I have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry.
Same old bullshit. Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.

It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

If you did the same chart for the Soviet Union, Communist China, or North Korea, 1% would own 100% of the wealth.

This isn't Russia, China or NK. That's why it's a problem.
Same old bullshit. Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.

It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

It was much more complicated than that, bub. Congress, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Executive Branch regulatory apparatus, Clinton, Wall Street, Realtors, ACORN, and yes, poor people and other people who chose to sign up for zero down loans.

Reckless Endangerment is the best analysis I've read to date on the matter.
You left Bush off that list

Color me surprised

I didn't present an exhaustive list, bub. The ratings agencies also played a huge role.

Color me unsurprised that you lack the intellectual curiosity to read something that doesn't conform to the view from your hardened leftwing bubble.

I don't understand how you can see anything from inside that red plastic bubble you live in.
Same old bullshit. Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.

It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

Who exactly do you "think" I'm blaming the recession on? Look friend, your side is just as guilty of crony capitalism. It's the democrats and the republicans who are responsible. That's why I refuse to vote for either of them.
There are always many causes of a recession. However, most economist pin it on the banks and financial institutions. Government polices, home buyers who take on debts they couldn't pay, lack or regulations, Wall Street, and the federal reserve probably played a part but I'll go with the banks.

The banks simply created too much money. Every time a bank makes a loan, new money is created. In the run up to the financial crisis, banks created huge sums of new money by making loans. In just 7 years, they doubled the amount of money and debt in the economy. Then they used that money to push up housing prices and speculate in the housing market. Eventually, the debts became unpayable. Lending large sums of money into the property market pushed up the price of houses along with the level of personal debt. With debts rising quicker than incomes, eventually some people become unable to keep up with repayments. At this point, they stop repaying their loans, and banks found themselves in danger of going bankrupt. This caused a credit crisis in which everyone was afraid to make loans. Businesses cut back, sales fell and then the layoffs started. Thus, you have the great recession.
Sadaam used to be at 98% once you go full out bananna republic dictatorship.....you get to where numbers are ??? How bout NK numbers?
Welcome to 2016 America
All politicians are disliked and mistrusted. Cruz, Christie, McConnell, Boehnor all have huge negatives

The only popular politician is Obama with a whopping 53% approval
Agreed on 2016 America, slight disagreement on Obama:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Term average to date 47%

If he was white it would be 67%.

Why don't you like having a black President?

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