Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

You left Bush off that list. Color me surprised

You left off what policy or law Bush was behind that puts him on that list. Color me surprised...

Bush actually recommended legislation to curtail Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which the Dems in Congress kept from passing.
You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Are you claiming that is average for Middle Class Americans?
Bush actually recommended legislation to curtail Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which the Dems in Congress kept from passing.
Both the housing and banking crises were years in the making. The truth is both the Republicans and Democrats are to blame. Our government failed us in several respects.
Same old bullshit. Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.

It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

If you did the same chart for the Soviet Union, Communist China, or North Korea, 1% would own 100% of the wealth.
You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Are you claiming that is average for Middle Class Americans?

The middle class screwed themselves voting for these fucktard establishment candidates. Dem establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs with taxes and insane regulations. Rep establishment politicians destroy businesses and jobs by flooding the country with cheap labor illegals and starting wars we can't afford. Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, well what do we have to show for that? Crumbling infrastructure, a $20 trillion dollar debt we can't pay off, and more people than ever not working. We are Rome in its end days.
I know I will be called a racist, but I saw a recent poll on 'Morning Joe' that had 91% of the African-Americans voting for Hillary and 1% voting for Trump. No, not a typo! Hillary promises more free stuff and Trump promises more jobs. What does that mean?
It means, why should these lazy bastards work when the Minorities can collect Welfare for free; and the promise of jobs leads nowhere but Minimum Wage at 30 hours a week!
One of the qualifications for public assistance is that you have to either have a job or be a full time student.
If you had a job - why would you need public assistance?
Single mothers (with kids) working below the poverty level.

Why don't single mothers sue the kids dad(s) for child support?
I know I will be called a racist, but I saw a recent poll on 'Morning Joe' that had 91% of the African-Americans voting for Hillary and 1% voting for Trump. No, not a typo! Hillary promises more free stuff and Trump promises more jobs. What does that mean?
It means, why should these lazy bastards work when the Minorities can collect Welfare for free; and the promise of jobs leads nowhere but Minimum Wage at 30 hours a week!
One of the qualifications for public assistance is that you have to either have a job or be a full time student.
If you had a job - why would you need public assistance?
Single mothers (with kids) working below the poverty level.

Why don't single mothers sue the kids dad(s) for child support?
If they are getting child support they have to include it in the application for benefits.
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

Partially true. Back in the day someone could get a job and work there for their entire lives and come out with a retirement. Today we have 401K's that go wild, & many people change job titles--companies frequently. But we are a global economy today.

I don't think we can blame Corporations for being competitive in a global market for that. After all if they don't make money they don't stay in business and no one is working. The Federal Government has no authority to make corporations keep jobs in this country, they can only offer incentives for them to stay here which usually involves keeping their taxes low. If taxes go up on corporations it only gives them another reason to move operations overseas.

Trade has always been a double edged sword. While Americans enjoy cheaper computers, cell phones and other products, we also lose jobs over it.
It is what it is. Globalization is here to stay because the factors that are responsible are an integral part of our daily lives, worldwide instantaneous communications, low cost transportation, availability of low cost labor abroad, and worldwide consumer demand for low cost good quality products.

There was a time when government could put huge taxes and fees on imports to protect domestic producers from foreign competition but that's slowly disappearing. Consumers want the best product for their money regardless of where it's produced.
It means, why should these lazy bastards work when the Minorities can collect Welfare for free; and the promise of jobs leads nowhere but Minimum Wage at 30 hours a week!
One of the qualifications for public assistance is that you have to either have a job or be a full time student.
If you had a job - why would you need public assistance?
Single mothers (with kids) working below the poverty level.

Why don't single mothers sue the kids dad(s) for child support?
If they are getting child support they have to include it in the application for benefits.

That depends of the benefit. Child support is excluded when applying for Medicaid but should be included in the application for food stamps, TANF, and most other benefits. However, there are many benefit programs that are state based and they have their own rules.
So you don't think that people can effectively govern themselves?

I thikn they do just fine on the federal level.

So let's be clear what you want. You've lost all the key arguments on the federal level- gay marriage, abortion, and so on. So what you want is some corner of the country where you can be free with your racism and homophobia and not have the man bug you.
Welcome to 2016 America
All politicians are disliked and mistrusted. Cruz, Christie, McConnell, Boehnor all have huge negatives

The only popular politician is Obama with a whopping 53% approval
Agreed on 2016 America, slight disagreement on Obama:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Term average to date 47%
Last few months Obama has been over 50%

Regardless, even 47% approval is good for a politician in a country that rates Congress at 14%
Welcome to 2016 America
All politicians are disliked and mistrusted. Cruz, Christie, McConnell, Boehnor all have huge negatives

The only popular politician is Obama with a whopping 53% approval
Agreed on 2016 America, slight disagreement on Obama:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Term average to date 47%
Last few months Obama has been over 50%

Regardless, even 47% approval is good for a politician in a country that rates Congress at 14%

The closer Obama gets to the end of his disastrous Presidency, the happier people are.

It's a "don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out" kinda thang.
Same old bullshit. Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.

It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

If you did the same chart for the Soviet Union, Communist China, or North Korea, 1% would own 100% of the wealth.
Doesn't answer the question

How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?
What an incredibly absurd response. There is so much wrong with that nonsensical post I'm not sure where to start.

First, even if what you said was correct (and it's not), so what? Even if state government do an awful job, it doesn't give the federal government the right to overstep their authority. They don't get to break the law if they think the states aren't doing a good job. What an asinine claim. "Oh - it's ok to engage in illegal activity if you think a state isn't doing a good job". Um...no. No it isn't. Breaking the law is breaking the law and it is never ok

Except no laws are being broken, stupid.

Second, how can you even have the audacity to mention not passing budgets when the federal government hasn't passed a budget since George W. Bush was in office?!? Congress under Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid never passed a single budget during the Barry Sorento Administration and the Republican's haven't under Paul Ryan either. Do you have any idea how stupid you sound on this one?

Last time i checked, the Federal bills are getting paid. Meanwhile, here in IL, Bruce Rauner won't sign a budget because the Legistlature won't sign on to his "Right to Work" crap- FOR TWO YEARS.

Third - who cares? I could care less if North Carolina doesn't pass a budget because they are focused on protecting women and children from sexual predators. And unless you live in North Carolina, you shouldn't care either unless you're a little Adolf Hitler wannabe desperate to exert power and control over others to compensate for your sad, little life.

I think you are confused here. The bigots in North Carolina were addressing a problem that didn't exist. There wasn't ONE case of a dude in a dress committing a sexual assault in a public restroom. But the religious right, having gotten it's ass totally whupped on gay marriage, needed something to get stupid people (that would be you) upset about.

50 independent states - 49 of which will never effect you no matter how stupid they are. But we all pay a price when the federal government is stupid. It's the single biggest reason why we need to return to constitutional government. The redundancy of 50 individual states protects us from a single point of failure that we get with one federal government.

No, guy, here's the problem. You guys have lost the national conversation. On every major issue except for guns and that's ones about one or two mass shooting from "enough of that shit". So what you want are little corners to practice your stupidity where you hope no one will notice.

Well good going. NC has lost BILLIONS in revenues pandering to people like you on the bathroom bill.
I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.

It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

If you did the same chart for the Soviet Union, Communist China, or North Korea, 1% would own 100% of the wealth.
Doesn't answer the question

How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?

Easy Peasy: Big Government Corporate Cronyism is the major cause.
It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

If you did the same chart for the Soviet Union, Communist China, or North Korea, 1% would own 100% of the wealth.
Doesn't answer the question

How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?

Easy Peasy: Big Government Corporate Cronyism is the major cause.
Now we are getting closer to the real answer. The accumulated wealth of poor people had little to do with the collapse

It was the unchecked corporate greed of the financial sector that led us to the brink of depression
I think the whole thing was that people were unable to pay back their loans, MANY people, who were also encouraged to spend more than they could actually afford in reality. Not to mention the skimming off the top by the higher ups (and with that goes government kickbacks to turn their heads).
Let's follow the money


Somehow, conservatives blame the economic collapse on the 40% of the population that only controlled TWO TENTHS OF A PERCENT of the wealth in 2007

It was their greed that caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Color me skeptical

If you did the same chart for the Soviet Union, Communist China, or North Korea, 1% would own 100% of the wealth.
Doesn't answer the question

How did the 40% of Americans that controlled 2/10 of a percent of the wealth manage to crash the economy?

Easy Peasy: Big Government Corporate Cronyism is the major cause.
Now we are getting closer to the real answer. The accumulated wealth of poor people had little to do with the collapse

It was the unchecked corporate greed of the financial sector that led us to the brink of depression

B'loney. Poor people are fodder for Big Government. Public assistance, handouts, racial preference crap are all part of the Big Government Cronyist equation of taking money from some to give to others. The Poor provide a voting bloc.

The people who are screwed the most are the vanishing middle class who just want to work and take care of themselves.
You are a mindless drone. I work for a large company with over 200,000 employees. My salary has increased every year for the last 20 years in a row, I make 571% more than I did when I started. Full benefits package, 2 retirement plans one fully funded by the company, 34 days off a year vacation plus holidays, unlimited sick time, short and long term disability, tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees, the list goes on and on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Are you claiming that is average for Middle Class Americans?

He is claiming to be a corporate drone.

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