Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

The 10th Amendment needs to be restored. Like Congress, the states have been stripped of all powers they were intented to have. The federal government must be explicitly restricted to their 18 enumerated powers and everything else turned over to the states and the people.
Agreed. The union has assumed powers that the states never delegated to it. The sovereign states need to bring their creation to heel.
Hillary is loathsome to conservatives

Trump is loathsome to anyone who understands our countries values
Get a grip on reality. It's not just conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable
55.6 unfavorable

Americans’ Distaste For Both Trump And Clinton Is Record-Breaking
The Democratic primary will technically march on, but Hillary Clinton is almost certainly going to be her party’s nominee. Same with Donald Trump. And voters don’t appear thrilled at the prospect: Clinton and Trump are both more strongly disliked than any nominee at this point in the past 10 presidential cycles....These are people who don’t just like or dislike the candidates, they really like or dislike them.

No past candidate comes close to Clinton, and especially Trump, in terms of engendering strong dislike a little more than six months before the election.


Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Clinton's Image Among Democrats at New Low

Welcome to 2016 America
All politicians are disliked and mistrusted. Cruz, Christie, McConnell, Boehnor all have huge negatives

The only popular politician is Obama with a whopping 53% approval
That's because he's leaving in a few months

Bush was leaving in a few months and had an approval of 28%

Obama is the most popular politician in America. Trump tries to paint Hillary as another Obama

Yeah whatever
Is that what it means when I log in and read a thread and think to myself "wow, what a bunch of greedy selfish assholes!"? I just hope that these people who post here are not an adequate representation of America in general. If so, we are up the creek without a paddle, and like I said, greed is going to be our ultimate downfall. The middle class is dying out quickly. Why do you think that is?
1) No, this forum isn't a good cross-section of Americans. Most don't log onto political forums. It takes a special kind of douchbag to do that. ⇐Sarcasm

2) Yes, Americans tend to be greedy, selfish assholes. We're highly materialistic consumerists who tend to be "He who dies with the most toys wins".

3) No, the middle class isn't dying out, but it's definitely taking a beating. There are solutions, but most of those solutions are against the Republican agenda.

The Lost Decade of the Middle Class
Since 2000, the middle class has shrunk in size, fallen backward in income and wealth, and shed some—but by no means all—of its characteristic faith in the future.

These stark assessments are based on findings from a new nationally representative Pew Research Center survey that includes 1,287 adults who describe themselves as middle class, supplemented by the Center’s analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

Fully 85% of self-described middle-class adults say it is more difficult now than it was a decade ago for middle-class people to maintain their standard of living. Of those who feel this way, 62% say “a lot” of the blame lies with Congress, while 54% say the same about banks and financial institutions, 47% about large corporations, 44% about the Bush administration, 39% about foreign competition and 34% about the Obama administration. Just 8% blame the middle class itself a lot.


I blame the "job creators"

They are the ones touted to save the country if only we would give them less regulation and lower taxes. Just watch the economy grow and wealth and prosperity trickle down
Hillary is loathsome to conservatives

Trump is loathsome to anyone who understands our countries values
Get a grip on reality. It's not just conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable
55.6 unfavorable

Americans’ Distaste For Both Trump And Clinton Is Record-Breaking
The Democratic primary will technically march on, but Hillary Clinton is almost certainly going to be her party’s nominee. Same with Donald Trump. And voters don’t appear thrilled at the prospect: Clinton and Trump are both more strongly disliked than any nominee at this point in the past 10 presidential cycles....These are people who don’t just like or dislike the candidates, they really like or dislike them.

No past candidate comes close to Clinton, and especially Trump, in terms of engendering strong dislike a little more than six months before the election.


Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Clinton's Image Among Democrats at New Low

Welcome to 2016 America
All politicians are disliked and mistrusted. Cruz, Christie, McConnell, Boehnor all have huge negatives

The only popular politician is Obama with a whopping 53% approval
That's because he's leaving in a few months

Bush was leaving in a few months and had an approval of 28%

Obama is the most popular politician in America. Trump tries to paint Hillary as another Obama

I don't see Obama being any different from any of the other establishment politicians. They are but mere puppets for their respective parties.
I blame the "job creators"

They are the ones touted to save the country if only we would give them less regulation and lower taxes. Just watch the economy grow and wealth and prosperity trickle down
That is, indeed, part of the problem. "VooDoo economics" doesn't work.

Another part is the demonization of private sector unions and empowering all control to business owners.

There are many other factors, such as global trade and a higher standard of living.
I blame the "job creators"

They are the ones touted to save the country if only we would give them less regulation and lower taxes. Just watch the economy grow and wealth and prosperity trickle down
That is, indeed, part of the problem. "VooDoo economics" doesn't work.

Another part is the demonization of private sector unions and empowering all control to business owners.

There are many other factors, such as global trade and a higher standard of living.
Taming the unions and forcing employees to compete for wages individually was a key to maintaining a fearful low wage workforce
Taming the unions and forcing employees to compete for wages individually was a key to maintaining a fearful low wage workforce
It kept wages down while profits rose. Obviously competing with Third World employees or, worse, losing those jobs to them doesn't help either.

Factor in the rising costs of entitlement spending and it's easy to see the US has several problems to fix. We can't tax our way to financial stability even though I do agree raising taxes to Reagan levels.


Agreed. The union has assumed powers that the states never delegated to it. The sovereign states need to bring their creation to heel.

again, have you seen state governments in action? The ones who can't pass budgets but can take the time to play bathroom police?

Of course you guys like nameless officials elected in off years when no one pays attention.
Agreed. The union has assumed powers that the states never delegated to it. The sovereign states need to bring their creation to heel.

again, have you seen state governments in action? The ones who can't pass budgets but can take the time to play bathroom police?

Of course you guys like nameless officials elected in off years when no one pays attention.

So you don't think that people can effectively govern themselves?
Agreed. The union has assumed powers that the states never delegated to it. The sovereign states need to bring their creation to heel.

again, have you seen state governments in action? The ones who can't pass budgets but can take the time to play bathroom police?

Of course you guys like nameless officials elected in off years when no one pays attention.
like the fucking federal government is any better
I blame the "job creators". They are the ones touted to save the country if only we would give them less regulation and lower taxes. Just watch the economy grow and wealth and prosperity trickle down

And that's exactly what happened. Until Bill Clinton came along and signed his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to make loans they refused to previously make while at the same time removed all risk for banks and incentivized them to make reckless loans because the money would be guaranteed either way by Freddie and Fannie.

There is a simple reality that you are aware of but refuse to admit because you'd rather see everyone in poverty with you due to your envy (misery loves company). You can have trickle down prosperity or flood up poverty. There is nothing else.

Do you know why the tech world is booming right now? Because they move faster than government so they are free from regulations and restrictions (sadly, they still have the devastating taxes or they would be even more successful). HBO has been running a documentary called "San Francisco 2.0" in which they discuss this. San Francisco offered tech companies tax incentives to move to San Francisco. Now for starters - if lowering taxes doesn't improve an economy - why would liberal San Francisco offer tax breaks to those companies? Because we all know you liberals are lying through your teeth when you claim that tax breaks don't help the economy. You know it. You just won't admit it. But that aside, the documentary goes on to speak with tech companies about why they can thrive even if bad economies. Here is what they said: Free from mandatory "hack licenses", free from "inspections", free from "regulations", Uber is thriving. They can code something on a phone and launch a business a the speed of light. It takes government time to catch up and attempt to strangle that business with regulations.

Sorry RW....but this documentary alone proves that you're a liar. The fact is, you know you're lying too. But you'd rather see everyone in property with you (like Cuba) then see the majority of American thriving and have to live with some people having a lifestyle you don't have.
So you don't think that people can effectively govern themselves?
Based on his numerous posts on similar subjects, it appears he believes only the Politburo Washington Democratic elite are fit to dictate orders and rule the land.
I blame the "job creators". They are the ones touted to save the country if only we would give them less regulation and lower taxes. Just watch the economy grow and wealth and prosperity trickle down

And that's exactly what happened. Until Bill Clinton came along and signed his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to make loans they refused to previously make while at the same time removed all risk for banks and incentivized them to make reckless loans because the money would be guaranteed either way by Freddie and Fannie.

There is a simple reality that you are aware of but refuse to admit because you'd rather see everyone in poverty with you due to your envy (misery loves company). You can have trickle down prosperity or flood up poverty. There is nothing else.

Do you know why the tech world is booming right now? Because they move faster than government so they are free from regulations and restrictions (sadly, they still have the devastating taxes or they would be even more successful). HBO has been running a documentary called "San Francisco 2.0" in which they discuss this. San Francisco offered tech companies tax incentives to move to San Francisco. Now for starters - if lowering taxes doesn't improve an economy - why would liberal San Francisco offer tax breaks to those companies? Because we all know you liberals are lying through your teeth when you claim that tax breaks don't help the economy. You know it. You just won't admit it. But that aside, the documentary goes on to speak with tech companies about why they can thrive even if bad economies. Here is what they said: Free from mandatory "hack licenses", free from "inspections", free from "regulations", Uber is thriving. They can code something on a phone and launch a business a the speed of light. It takes government time to catch up and attempt to strangle that business with regulations.

Sorry RW....but this documentary alone proves that you're a liar. The fact is, you know you're lying too. But you'd rather see everyone in property with you (like Cuba) then see the majority of American thriving and have to live with some people having a lifestyle you don't have.

Same old bullshit

Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement
I blame the "job creators". They are the ones touted to save the country if only we would give them less regulation and lower taxes. Just watch the economy grow and wealth and prosperity trickle down

And that's exactly what happened. Until Bill Clinton came along and signed his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to make loans they refused to previously make while at the same time removed all risk for banks and incentivized them to make reckless loans because the money would be guaranteed either way by Freddie and Fannie.

There is a simple reality that you are aware of but refuse to admit because you'd rather see everyone in poverty with you due to your envy (misery loves company). You can have trickle down prosperity or flood up poverty. There is nothing else.

Do you know why the tech world is booming right now? Because they move faster than government so they are free from regulations and restrictions (sadly, they still have the devastating taxes or they would be even more successful). HBO has been running a documentary called "San Francisco 2.0" in which they discuss this. San Francisco offered tech companies tax incentives to move to San Francisco. Now for starters - if lowering taxes doesn't improve an economy - why would liberal San Francisco offer tax breaks to those companies? Because we all know you liberals are lying through your teeth when you claim that tax breaks don't help the economy. You know it. You just won't admit it. But that aside, the documentary goes on to speak with tech companies about why they can thrive even if bad economies. Here is what they said: Free from mandatory "hack licenses", free from "inspections", free from "regulations", Uber is thriving. They can code something on a phone and launch a business a the speed of light. It takes government time to catch up and attempt to strangle that business with regulations.

Sorry RW....but this documentary alone proves that you're a liar. The fact is, you know you're lying too. But you'd rather see everyone in property with you (like Cuba) then see the majority of American thriving and have to live with some people having a lifestyle you don't have.

Same old bullshit

Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

Whose pet project were Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac?

The People Responsible for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (FMCC, FNMA)
Same old bullshit. Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.
The "trickle down" theory didn't work. The trickle down went sideways... to Asia. Jobs and manufacturing went with it and the middle class hasn't seen a raise in years. People have always voted with their wallets and their wallets haven't looked this thin since the 1970s. So, sorry but....Thanks Reagan. Thanks Bush family. True to form they made a horrendous mess and then left it to a black guy to blame it all on.
I blame the "job creators". They are the ones touted to save the country if only we would give them less regulation and lower taxes. Just watch the economy grow and wealth and prosperity trickle down

And that's exactly what happened. Until Bill Clinton came along and signed his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to make loans they refused to previously make while at the same time removed all risk for banks and incentivized them to make reckless loans because the money would be guaranteed either way by Freddie and Fannie.

There is a simple reality that you are aware of but refuse to admit because you'd rather see everyone in poverty with you due to your envy (misery loves company). You can have trickle down prosperity or flood up poverty. There is nothing else.

Do you know why the tech world is booming right now? Because they move faster than government so they are free from regulations and restrictions (sadly, they still have the devastating taxes or they would be even more successful). HBO has been running a documentary called "San Francisco 2.0" in which they discuss this. San Francisco offered tech companies tax incentives to move to San Francisco. Now for starters - if lowering taxes doesn't improve an economy - why would liberal San Francisco offer tax breaks to those companies? Because we all know you liberals are lying through your teeth when you claim that tax breaks don't help the economy. You know it. You just won't admit it. But that aside, the documentary goes on to speak with tech companies about why they can thrive even if bad economies. Here is what they said: Free from mandatory "hack licenses", free from "inspections", free from "regulations", Uber is thriving. They can code something on a phone and launch a business a the speed of light. It takes government time to catch up and attempt to strangle that business with regulations.

Sorry RW....but this documentary alone proves that you're a liar. The fact is, you know you're lying too. But you'd rather see everyone in property with you (like Cuba) then see the majority of American thriving and have to live with some people having a lifestyle you don't have.

Same old bullshit

Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

Whose pet project were Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac?

The People Responsible for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (FMCC, FNMA)
Red herrings
Same old bullshit. Blame the Great Bush Recession of 2008 on those with the least amount of wealth. It was unchecked speculation that led us to disaster. The result of deregulation and lack of enforcement

I can tell by your response that you know I am right on this. And while I agree with you that "speculation" in the markets isn't helpful, it's beyond juvenile, asinine, and absurd to say "unchecked". How the fuck do you regulate opinion? How the fuck do you regulate rumors? Only an oppressive dictatorship like Saddam Hussein's could even begin to attempt to do something like that. If that's the world you want to live in - get the fuck out of the U.S. winger. Because we're not allowing that here in our country.

It wasn't Wall Street that started the collapse. It was the housing market. And that was the result of government intervention implementing socialism. When the banks were on the line for the money, they didn't make risky and reckless loans. When government was on the line for the money, the banks went crazy because it was free money falling from the sky for them.

That's what happens with idiot government intervention. It's the same reason why college costs have skyrocketed and why healthcare costs have skyrocketed. When the consumer and the business aren't the people paying or assuming the risk, then they become reckless. It is why the true free market is so flawless. As the consumer paying, I'm not going to pay too much or pay for what I don't need. As a bank with my ass on the line for the loan, I'm not going to make risky loans. I'm going to make very safe loans for small amounts of money to people with incredible credit history. It's only when socialism enters the picture and the consumer isn't paying and the business isn't taking the risk that everything falls apart. History has proven it and now Dumbocrats have proven it right here in the U.S.

It was speculation in the housing market. I saw the value of my house rise from $160,000 to almost $400,000 in a matter of months
People borrowed against this new found wealth and houses were repeatedly flipped for huge profit

It was greed not lending to poor people that caused the collapse

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