Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.
I see waste and malfeasance with our tax dollars.
For example 100 billion a year is collected in various taxes and fees that are supposed to be earmarked for infrastructure upkeep

tell me where the fuck does all that money go?

Keeping up the infrastructure, dumbass. The problem is, 100 billion isn't enough to cover the needs.

Is some of that money wasted on a big Red State with no people in it and a Senator who sits on an influential committee? Yup. But the real problem is we are looking at infrastructure that was largely built back in the 1950's and it's all crumbling now. Mostly because we had leaders who think it's more important to give tax breaks to rich people and fight wars in the Middle East.


It would be enough if it wasn't wasted on bike paths, stupid staues and other useless projects and actually used for what it was meant for
It would be more than enough if we weren't resettling refugees.

If you really believe that, your elevator doesn't hit the top floor--LOL 10 thousand baby boomers are entering social security/medicare on a daily basis. We do have the working population, especially younger workers to support these two funds. Something has to be done, or they will both go bankrupt.

I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

Partially true. Back in the day someone could get a job and work there for their entire lives and come out with a retirement. Today we have 401K's that go wild, & many people change job titles--companies frequently. But we are a global economy today.

I don't think we can blame Corporations for being competitive in a global market for that. After all if they don't make money they don't stay in business and no one is working. The Federal Government has no authority to make corporations keep jobs in this country, they can only offer incentives for them to stay here which usually involves keeping their taxes low. If taxes go up on corporations it only gives them another reason to move operations overseas.

Trade has always been a double edged sword. While Americans enjoy cheaper computers, cell phones and other products, we also lose jobs over it.
Hillary is loathsome to conservatives

Trump is loathsome to anyone who understands our countries values
Get a grip on reality. It's not just conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable
55.6 unfavorable

Americans’ Distaste For Both Trump And Clinton Is Record-Breaking
The Democratic primary will technically march on, but Hillary Clinton is almost certainly going to be her party’s nominee. Same with Donald Trump. And voters don’t appear thrilled at the prospect: Clinton and Trump are both more strongly disliked than any nominee at this point in the past 10 presidential cycles....These are people who don’t just like or dislike the candidates, they really like or dislike them.

No past candidate comes close to Clinton, and especially Trump, in terms of engendering strong dislike a little more than six months before the election.


Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Clinton's Image Among Democrats at New Low

I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

Partially true. Back in the day someone could get a job and work there for their entire lives and come out with a retirement. Today we have 401K's that go wild, & many people change job titles--companies frequently. But we are a global economy today.

I don't think we can blame Corporations for being competitive in a global market for that. After all if they don't make money they don't stay in business and no one is working. The Federal Government has no authority to make corporations keep jobs in this country, they can only offer incentives for them to stay here which usually involves keeping their taxes low. If taxes go up on corporations it only gives them another reason to move operations overseas.

Trade has always been a double edged sword. While Americans enjoy cheaper computers, cell phones and other products, we also lose jobs over it.

That's another thing, our free trade policies. That is something that should be totally revamped.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

I do believe we're in a fiscal crisis. We have 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this will continue for the next 12 years. Adding an additional 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids, over the last several decades, kid size has been reduced to 2 or less. IOW--there aren't enough working youth in this country to support these two funds.

I would like to see the bipartisanship finally come together to come up with a realistic plan to fix this situation, versus using this topic as a political football and thereby constantly passing it onto the next administration.

I like Paul Ryan's path to prosperity, and he has stated that he would work well with Hillary Clinton, so I'll be voting for her.
youtube video paul ryans path to prosperity - Yahoo Search Results

Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.), the 2012 GOP vice presidential candidate, last year said if Clinton had become president in 2009, “we’d have fixed this fiscal mess by now.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

What is sad is that the money to be set aside for the baby boomers was spent. The ones that paid into the system and are due what is owed will get screwed by USA.INC. You make some very salient points but the fact of the matter is that we are under debt slavery system imposed on us by the Federal Reserve international bankers that actually own USA.INC through their subsidiary, the International Monetary Fund. USA.INC needs to be dissolved, the Federal Reserve bank needs a "top to bottom" audit. The CAFRs of all their 185,000 subsidiaries needs to be audited as well because they are sitting on a mountain of wealth due to the "skimming" off the top as it pertains to budgets. We could fix what ails this country in a matter of months if we simply did what Iceland did and jail the bankers and their henchmen. A huge collapse is on the horizon that is being purposely orchestrated and we could avoid what is to come if enough people were awake. #1 We are not under ANY obligation to remain under this fiat currency system and once the "too big to fail" banks collapse? Their assets are confiscated and put into a trust....same with the Federal Reserve bank....we dissolve USA.INC and their debts are theirs alone ...not ours. We have been under the impression that the debts of this corporate entity that contracted the right to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services of "gubermint" falls on us....nothing could be further from the truth. If you contracted with a lawn mowing service to do your lawn and they went "belly-up" does that mean that their debt is your responsibility? It's the same concept. People that went through the orchestrated collapse of 1929 did not have access to the information that we do and 7 million people died due to malnutrition and starvation because they were not armed with the facts.
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

USA.INC IS a massive corporation that has controlling interest in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries......where the biggest problem lies is that USA.INC is a subsidiary of the IMF that is an offshoot of the Federal Reserve bankers, Bank For International Settlements, the Global Bank, etc, etc. USA.INC isn't controlled by big corporate interests....it's the other way. USA.INC tells the multinational corporations what they need to do in order to improve the bottom line.....this is a fact and therein lies the rub........because most people do not have the faintest clue that it's the case.
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

The corporation I work for treats me quite well thank you. But then I work hard I'm not some lame slacker.
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

The corporation I work for treats me quite well thank you. But then I work hard I'm not some lame slacker.

Not all corporations fall under the umbrella of USA.INC but I get your point.......
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

The corporation I work for treats me quite well thank you. But then I work hard I'm not some lame slacker.

It has nothing to do with being a slacker. The fact is that wages, job security and jobs themselves are not what they used to be. Besides, personal anecdotes don't count. Most of you people probably lie anyways.
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

The corporation I work for treats me quite well thank you. But then I work hard I'm not some lame slacker.

It has nothing to do with being a slacker. The fact is that wages, job security and jobs themselves are not what they used to be. Besides, personal anecdotes don't count. Most of you people probably lie anyways.

I see so you broad brush corporations proving you know jack shit about corporations, typical 1970 left wing talking point. I give you an actual example of a modern corporation that treats their people like family and you choose denial because it doesn't fit your stupid talking point. Americans 100 best companies to work for, heard of it? Yeah I didn't think so. Here have one of these /EYEROLL
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

The corporation I work for treats me quite well thank you. But then I work hard I'm not some lame slacker.

It has nothing to do with being a slacker. The fact is that wages, job security and jobs themselves are not what they used to be. Besides, personal anecdotes don't count. Most of you people probably lie anyways.

I see so you broad brush corporations proving you know jack shit about corporations, typical 1970 left wing talking point. I give you an actual example of a modern corporation that treats their people like family and you choose denial because it doesn't fit your stupid talking point. Americans 100 best companies to work for, heard of it? Yeah I didn't think so. Here have one of these /EYEROLL

What example is that, the ones you make up in your head? Big multibillion dollar corporations are not your friend.
I think it's corporations sucking the life out of us and our country. Jobs, wages and job security isn't what it used to be in my grandparents' days or even my parents' days. More poverty equals more problems, more crime, etc.

The corporation I work for treats me quite well thank you. But then I work hard I'm not some lame slacker.

It has nothing to do with being a slacker. The fact is that wages, job security and jobs themselves are not what they used to be. Besides, personal anecdotes don't count. Most of you people probably lie anyways.

I see so you broad brush corporations proving you know jack shit about corporations, typical 1970 left wing talking point. I give you an actual example of a modern corporation that treats their people like family and you choose denial because it doesn't fit your stupid talking point. Americans 100 best companies to work for, heard of it? Yeah I didn't think so. Here have one of these /EYEROLL

Corporate ass kisser, peon.

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