#LetThemDie: ‘Heartless’ Trump Blasted For Meals On Wheels Cuts

The federal government is not a restaurant. There should be local solutions to hunger. No one goes hungry in our town. As small as we are, we have 2 huge food banks stocked by townspeople and the churches feed and clothe the poor and pay for heat and electric if need be. We deliver.

Same here. I spent a couple of hours packing the bags with groceries at our Church food bank yesterday and will help carry them out and deliver them tomorrow. We get some donations from several chain supermarkets, but most of the food is bought with donations from the members and several fund raisers we have every year. Last year we sold over $10,000 worth of pumpkins the week before Halloween and the profits went to the food bank.

Then you know that most food banks are low and empty, and the further the cuts in federal government the harder it is going to be. I used to help with a WalMart run food bank called God's Pantry... but the food would often run out.

I haven't heard of any food banks that are low or empty. Church food banks don't get any funds from the federal, state, count or city governments. If the feds lower income taxes, I and others can contribute more money to the Church food bank.
Most red welfare states receive much more from the fed than they contribute. Hence - Trump supporters.
LOL, So sez the einstein that wants Bears Ears Monument to stay in government hands.

Yes, and so do many others.

Republicans back off bill to sell 3.3m acres of public land after outcry
Then don't be throwing the welfare red state kennard out there

Why, are you allergic to truth?

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In
The federal government is not a restaurant. There should be local solutions to hunger. No one goes hungry in our town. As small as we are, we have 2 huge food banks stocked by townspeople and the churches feed and clothe the poor and pay for heat and electric if need be. We deliver.

Same here. I spent a couple of hours packing the bags with groceries at our Church food bank yesterday and will help carry them out and deliver them tomorrow. We get some donations from several chain supermarkets, but most of the food is bought with donations from the members and several fund raisers we have every year. Last year we sold over $10,000 worth of pumpkins the week before Halloween and the profits went to the food bank.

Then you know that most food banks are low and empty, and the further the cuts in federal government the harder it is going to be. I used to help with a WalMart run food bank called God's Pantry... but the food would often run out.
No not all food banks are empty. Ours is booming and they are always asking for volunteers to pack/box up fresh produce to distribute. Drop off cartons are located all over town during the year...grocery stores,post offices,libraries,hospitals,banks,food bank etc... for the three main ones. All people have to do is donate...plus you can donate online now at any food bank website if you are too busy to drop off.

You understand that just your food bank isn't indicative of all food banks right? Nationally food banks are low or empty in a lot of areas since the change in SNAP benefits. Also, you have to realize not all areas of the country have as many programs as your's might have, and that people don't have the money to afford to move. I can tell you that here in Kentucky there are A LOT of needy people that live in deplorable conditions you wouldn't let your dog live in, and there is a huge need for more programs.

Part of the reason for that is people assume government can take care of these people. Perhaps if government played less of a role, more people would donate to food banks and like charities.
Why? Because like typical lying leftists, you try to make it as if these people will starve without meals on wheels. You see, I think it's all leftist BS as usual to try and paint a picture that's not there.

Even if Trump eliminated the program (which he's not) nobody is going to starve. Those people will be just fine.

Trump's wife and kids will move into the White House after the kids complete their school year. As for where Trump goes, you on the left never had a problem with DumBama's trips like his 100 million dollar African vacation. You didn't have a problem with Piglosi buying new plane to fly back and forth across the entire country instead of taking commercial transportation.

I'm not a leftist... and yes, some of these people just might starve without Meals on Wheels, it is the ONLY meal they get each day. Melania said she will not move into the White House...

$100 million dollar vacation? Really? Got proof of that? Because last I read he only cost tax payers around $97 million over his ENTIRE 8 years in office.
It is not " the only meal they get everyday". Quit with the drama queen BS.

I said it is for some. I'm not being a drama queen... it is the truth. Do you even realize that it cost tax payers more for Trump to make ONE trip to Mar-a-Lago than what the federal government gives to Meals on Wheels? And you are complaining about it? Do you realize how fucking petty that makes you look?
About as petty as you democrats crying about it after not giving a shit that Obamas state department accidentally gave 250 million to the Taliban.

I'm not a Democrat... and when will you guys ever shut the fuck up about the past and worry about the present and what is going on TODAY? For every Obama story you have someone can bring up a Bush story... or a Reagan story... and so on and so forth.

Here's a crazy idea, how about you start holding the CURRENT President accountable for what he is doing NOW... and quit trying to use the past to justify his piss poor decisions?

Good idea. It's what we have said throughout the eight years of Obama.
Most red welfare states receive much more from the fed than they contribute. Hence - Trump supporters.
LOL, So sez the einstein that wants Bears Ears Monument to stay in government hands.

Yes, and so do many others.

Republicans back off bill to sell 3.3m acres of public land after outcry
Then don't be throwing the welfare red state kennard out there

Why, are you allergic to truth?

Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In
Not all truth is of equal value.
2Tim 2:15
The federal government is not a restaurant. There should be local solutions to hunger. No one goes hungry in our town. As small as we are, we have 2 huge food banks stocked by townspeople and the churches feed and clothe the poor and pay for heat and electric if need be. We deliver.

Same here. I spent a couple of hours packing the bags with groceries at our Church food bank yesterday and will help carry them out and deliver them tomorrow. We get some donations from several chain supermarkets, but most of the food is bought with donations from the members and several fund raisers we have every year. Last year we sold over $10,000 worth of pumpkins the week before Halloween and the profits went to the food bank.

Then you know that most food banks are low and empty, and the further the cuts in federal government the harder it is going to be. I used to help with a WalMart run food bank called God's Pantry... but the food would often run out.
No not all food banks are empty. Ours is booming and they are always asking for volunteers to pack/box up fresh produce to distribute. Drop off cartons are located all over town during the year...grocery stores,post offices,libraries,hospitals,banks,food bank etc... for the three main ones. All people have to do is donate...plus you can donate online now at any food bank website if you are too busy to drop off.

You understand that just your food bank isn't indicative of all food banks right? Nationally food banks are low or empty in a lot of areas since the change in SNAP benefits. Also, you have to realize not all areas of the country have as many programs as your's might have, and that people don't have the money to afford to move. I can tell you that here in Kentucky there are A LOT of needy people that live in deplorable conditions you wouldn't let your dog live in, and there is a huge need for more programs.

Part of the reason for that is people assume government can take care of these people. Perhaps if government played less of a role, more people would donate to food banks and like charities.

Yeah, being at the mercy of random charity is so much more reliable that having guaranteed assistance from an institution - like local, state, or federal government programs.
Christians believe that forced charity is not charity at all, forced charity is theft. It also teaches that Jesus wanted people to give of themselves to demonstrate they are walking in his footsteps. And no, if government takes it from you to give to somebody else, that doesn't count.

We are 20 trillion in the hole right now and even with this budget, we will continue to create more debt; 20 percent is the figure I heard today. But it begs the question: if meals on wheels only delivers one meal a day, then what are these people eating for the rest of the day?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

"Forced charity?"

If Christians believe in charity they should be all for it period...

If you are so worried about the budget then why are you not complaining about the money Trump is spending to house his wife and kid in New York? Why are you not complaining about the money being spent on Trump to go to Mar-a-Lago EVERY weekend?

One GOOD meal a day is at least something... why the fuck you worrying about what else they eat during the day when you are supporting the idea of taking away their one good meal?

Why? Because like typical lying leftists, you try to make it as if these people will starve without meals on wheels. You see, I think it's all leftist BS as usual to try and paint a picture that's not there.

Even if Trump eliminated the program (which he's not) nobody is going to starve. Those people will be just fine.

Trump's wife and kids will move into the White House after the kids complete their school year. As for where Trump goes, you on the left never had a problem with DumBama's trips like his 100 million dollar African vacation. You didn't have a problem with Piglosi buying new plane to fly back and forth across the entire country instead of taking commercial transportation.

I'm not a leftist... and yes, some of these people just might starve without Meals on Wheels, it is the ONLY meal they get each day. Melania said she will not move into the White House...

$100 million dollar vacation? Really? Got proof of that? Because last I read he only cost tax payers around $97 million over his ENTIRE 8 years in office.

Here you go. It's from evil right-wing Huff Post, so don't complain about the source:

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | The Huffington Post

Sorry boss, but the numbers are out and Obama only spent $97 million over his entire 8 years. You realize your article is from 2013???

What difference does it make when the article was printed? Do you think it cost less because it was printed while he took that vacation?

Every Fn time a President goes on vacation, takes a weekend off, or participates in other activities outside the White House, the opposing party tries to make is sound like their guy didn't do it. THEY ALL DO IT! Get over it.

Most of the cost is equipment transportation and security. This is something that cannot be avoided. A President deciding to go to Walmart and shop could cost taxpayers a few million dollars.
Same here. I spent a couple of hours packing the bags with groceries at our Church food bank yesterday and will help carry them out and deliver them tomorrow. We get some donations from several chain supermarkets, but most of the food is bought with donations from the members and several fund raisers we have every year. Last year we sold over $10,000 worth of pumpkins the week before Halloween and the profits went to the food bank.

Then you know that most food banks are low and empty, and the further the cuts in federal government the harder it is going to be. I used to help with a WalMart run food bank called God's Pantry... but the food would often run out.
No not all food banks are empty. Ours is booming and they are always asking for volunteers to pack/box up fresh produce to distribute. Drop off cartons are located all over town during the year...grocery stores,post offices,libraries,hospitals,banks,food bank etc... for the three main ones. All people have to do is donate...plus you can donate online now at any food bank website if you are too busy to drop off.

You understand that just your food bank isn't indicative of all food banks right? Nationally food banks are low or empty in a lot of areas since the change in SNAP benefits. Also, you have to realize not all areas of the country have as many programs as your's might have, and that people don't have the money to afford to move. I can tell you that here in Kentucky there are A LOT of needy people that live in deplorable conditions you wouldn't let your dog live in, and there is a huge need for more programs.

Part of the reason for that is people assume government can take care of these people. Perhaps if government played less of a role, more people would donate to food banks and like charities.

Yeah, being at the mercy of random charity is so much more reliable that having guaranteed assistance from an institution - like local, state, or federal government programs.

Charity is a joke. Sorry, but no charity can help someone even 1/10th as the state or federal government.

Promoting education and allowing the person to have a dry place to stay is most important after something to eat.
"Forced charity?"

If Christians believe in charity they should be all for it period...

If you are so worried about the budget then why are you not complaining about the money Trump is spending to house his wife and kid in New York? Why are you not complaining about the money being spent on Trump to go to Mar-a-Lago EVERY weekend?

One GOOD meal a day is at least something... why the fuck you worrying about what else they eat during the day when you are supporting the idea of taking away their one good meal?

Why? Because like typical lying leftists, you try to make it as if these people will starve without meals on wheels. You see, I think it's all leftist BS as usual to try and paint a picture that's not there.

Even if Trump eliminated the program (which he's not) nobody is going to starve. Those people will be just fine.

Trump's wife and kids will move into the White House after the kids complete their school year. As for where Trump goes, you on the left never had a problem with DumBama's trips like his 100 million dollar African vacation. You didn't have a problem with Piglosi buying new plane to fly back and forth across the entire country instead of taking commercial transportation.

I'm not a leftist... and yes, some of these people just might starve without Meals on Wheels, it is the ONLY meal they get each day. Melania said she will not move into the White House...

$100 million dollar vacation? Really? Got proof of that? Because last I read he only cost tax payers around $97 million over his ENTIRE 8 years in office.

Here you go. It's from evil right-wing Huff Post, so don't complain about the source:

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | The Huffington Post

Sorry boss, but the numbers are out and Obama only spent $97 million over his entire 8 years. You realize your article is from 2013???

What difference does it make when the article was printed? Do you think it cost less because it was printed while he took that vacation?

Every Fn time a President goes on vacation, takes a weekend off, or participates in other activities outside the White House, the opposing party tries to make is sound like their guy didn't do it. THEY ALL DO IT! Get over it.

Most of the cost is equipment transportation and security. This is something that cannot be avoided. A President deciding to go to Walmart and shop could cost taxpayers a few million dollars.

What does it matter when the article was printed? Well because we know for a FACT how much Obama's total travel expenses were from a report in 2017... and his trip didn't cost $100 million.
Same here. I spent a couple of hours packing the bags with groceries at our Church food bank yesterday and will help carry them out and deliver them tomorrow. We get some donations from several chain supermarkets, but most of the food is bought with donations from the members and several fund raisers we have every year. Last year we sold over $10,000 worth of pumpkins the week before Halloween and the profits went to the food bank.

Then you know that most food banks are low and empty, and the further the cuts in federal government the harder it is going to be. I used to help with a WalMart run food bank called God's Pantry... but the food would often run out.
No not all food banks are empty. Ours is booming and they are always asking for volunteers to pack/box up fresh produce to distribute. Drop off cartons are located all over town during the year...grocery stores,post offices,libraries,hospitals,banks,food bank etc... for the three main ones. All people have to do is donate...plus you can donate online now at any food bank website if you are too busy to drop off.

You understand that just your food bank isn't indicative of all food banks right? Nationally food banks are low or empty in a lot of areas since the change in SNAP benefits. Also, you have to realize not all areas of the country have as many programs as your's might have, and that people don't have the money to afford to move. I can tell you that here in Kentucky there are A LOT of needy people that live in deplorable conditions you wouldn't let your dog live in, and there is a huge need for more programs.

Part of the reason for that is people assume government can take care of these people. Perhaps if government played less of a role, more people would donate to food banks and like charities.

Yeah, being at the mercy of random charity is so much more reliable that having guaranteed assistance from an institution - like local, state, or federal government programs.

Yes, it very well could be.
Why? Because like typical lying leftists, you try to make it as if these people will starve without meals on wheels. You see, I think it's all leftist BS as usual to try and paint a picture that's not there.

Even if Trump eliminated the program (which he's not) nobody is going to starve. Those people will be just fine.

Trump's wife and kids will move into the White House after the kids complete their school year. As for where Trump goes, you on the left never had a problem with DumBama's trips like his 100 million dollar African vacation. You didn't have a problem with Piglosi buying new plane to fly back and forth across the entire country instead of taking commercial transportation.

I'm not a leftist... and yes, some of these people just might starve without Meals on Wheels, it is the ONLY meal they get each day. Melania said she will not move into the White House...

$100 million dollar vacation? Really? Got proof of that? Because last I read he only cost tax payers around $97 million over his ENTIRE 8 years in office.

Here you go. It's from evil right-wing Huff Post, so don't complain about the source:

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | The Huffington Post

Sorry boss, but the numbers are out and Obama only spent $97 million over his entire 8 years. You realize your article is from 2013???

What difference does it make when the article was printed? Do you think it cost less because it was printed while he took that vacation?

Every Fn time a President goes on vacation, takes a weekend off, or participates in other activities outside the White House, the opposing party tries to make is sound like their guy didn't do it. THEY ALL DO IT! Get over it.

Most of the cost is equipment transportation and security. This is something that cannot be avoided. A President deciding to go to Walmart and shop could cost taxpayers a few million dollars.

What does it matter when the article was printed? Well because we know for a FACT how much Obama's total travel expenses were from a report in 2017... and his trip didn't cost $100 million.

Oh, so now you're saying the leftist Bible (Huff Post) are lying? Fake news, good to know. I'll remind you of that if you ever post anything from them regarding the Republicans or Trump.
I'm not a leftist... and yes, some of these people just might starve without Meals on Wheels, it is the ONLY meal they get each day. Melania said she will not move into the White House...

$100 million dollar vacation? Really? Got proof of that? Because last I read he only cost tax payers around $97 million over his ENTIRE 8 years in office.

Here you go. It's from evil right-wing Huff Post, so don't complain about the source:

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | The Huffington Post

Sorry boss, but the numbers are out and Obama only spent $97 million over his entire 8 years. You realize your article is from 2013???

What difference does it make when the article was printed? Do you think it cost less because it was printed while he took that vacation?

Every Fn time a President goes on vacation, takes a weekend off, or participates in other activities outside the White House, the opposing party tries to make is sound like their guy didn't do it. THEY ALL DO IT! Get over it.

Most of the cost is equipment transportation and security. This is something that cannot be avoided. A President deciding to go to Walmart and shop could cost taxpayers a few million dollars.

What does it matter when the article was printed? Well because we know for a FACT how much Obama's total travel expenses were from a report in 2017... and his trip didn't cost $100 million.

Oh, so now you're saying the leftist Bible (Huff Post) are lying? Fake news, good to know. I'll remind you of that if you ever post anything from them regarding the Republicans or Trump.

I'm saying they got it wrong. No one is perfect... I bet you've made a mistake once or twice in your life... hell you voted Trump so I know of at least one.
The president’s budget request eliminates federal grants for meals.

President Donald Trump is coming under fire for proposing a budget that includes the complete elimination of federal funding for Meals on Wheels programs.

Meals on Wheels provides food to the elderly, poor, veterans, disabled and others who often can’t leave their homes.

However, under the proposed budget, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s entire $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program would be eliminated, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

The grants fund services for low-income Americans ― including grants for Meals on Wheels programs.

More: #LetThemDie: ‘Heartless’ Trump Blasted For Meals On Wheels Cuts

Wow, no wonder seniors are upset.

More fake news, libturd.

The billions being cut have mostly been spent in wealthier neighborhoods, not for programs for the poor, like Meals on Wheels. The funding for that comes from other sources.

"The money often is not going to Meals on Wheels or even to the neediest communities. As a Reason Foundation analysis also from 2013 shows, wealthier communities get the larger chunks of the money, particularly counties that—what a coincidence!—are in proximity to Washington, D.C….Check out this audit from Riverside County, California, for their CDBG expenditures for 2016, and there's neither a meal nor a wheel to be found. Of the $761,744 the county received, nearly all of it went to improve a playground and the sidewalks of a single local elementary school. And note that the reason they were audited by Housing and Urban Development was because they hadn't provided proper documentation of their expenses.

Meals on Wheels does get some money from the CDGB. But the vast majority of its funding comes from elsewhere, and as even the leftists over at Snopes state, “the effect of CDBG cuts on local Meals on Wheels groups is uncertain.” Only 3 percent of the Meals on Wheels budget nationally comes from the federal government at all, and only a portion of that comes from the CDBG. Walter Olson of the Cato Institute explains that 35 percent of federal funding for Meals on Wheels comes from the Older Americans Act, not the CDBG; no cuts have been contemplated to that program yet.

So, Trump isn’t killing Meals on Wheels."

FAKE NEWS: Did Trump Just Kill Meals On Wheels? Not Even Close.

Exactly. This money was a cut for several programs--not meals on wheels although some of it did go there. And even if passed, it wouldn't hurt one person being served by that program.
Here you go. It's from evil right-wing Huff Post, so don't complain about the source:

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report | The Huffington Post

Sorry boss, but the numbers are out and Obama only spent $97 million over his entire 8 years. You realize your article is from 2013???

What difference does it make when the article was printed? Do you think it cost less because it was printed while he took that vacation?

Every Fn time a President goes on vacation, takes a weekend off, or participates in other activities outside the White House, the opposing party tries to make is sound like their guy didn't do it. THEY ALL DO IT! Get over it.

Most of the cost is equipment transportation and security. This is something that cannot be avoided. A President deciding to go to Walmart and shop could cost taxpayers a few million dollars.

What does it matter when the article was printed? Well because we know for a FACT how much Obama's total travel expenses were from a report in 2017... and his trip didn't cost $100 million.

Oh, so now you're saying the leftist Bible (Huff Post) are lying? Fake news, good to know. I'll remind you of that if you ever post anything from them regarding the Republicans or Trump.

I'm saying they got it wrong. No one is perfect... I bet you've made a mistake once or twice in your life... hell you voted Trump so I know of at least one.

Look, I provided a link to support my point, it was even a link from a leftist organization. Because you refuse to believe it doesn't make it false. When (if) you are ready to challenge that report, I'll be more than happy to read it if it's from a reliable source. But as it stands, yes, it did cost 100 million dollars for one vacation.

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