#LetThemDie: ‘Heartless’ Trump Blasted For Meals On Wheels Cuts

Explain to me why is it my place to pay for other people's food,clothing, housing. Just because you want to give them free stuff doesn't mean everyone fills the need to giveaway freely

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I'm with you. I don't want to bankroll someone life for them.

Its time for people to take care of themselves.

Get a damned job. Get two jobs and pay you're own way.

The taxpayers are sick and tired of being forced to support these freeloaders.
You are demanding the 88-year-old mother of a soldier killed fighting for his country go get a job in her wheelchair and eyes that barely see shadows and ears that barely hear. It's OK, horrible humans like you have a right to live in America.

If that 88 year old needs taking care of then her family or the State Govt. should be taking care of her. Not the Fed.

If they allow a moron like you to live here then they sure as shit will let a producer like me live here also.

Get over it sparky. LOL
Meals on Wheels is a practical solution to a problem. It saves huge amounts of taxpayer funds by allowing seniors and the disabled to live at home for a small amount of funding instead of being institutionalized at a huge amount of funding. If you want this service to become a state service instead of a federal one, get the state programs started before you cut off the current program.

The morons, you dunce, are the people like you who make emotional opinions based o hate and a general need to feel superior to others. You are mean spirited and hateful. You are a weakling that needs to control and hurt others to feel secure and whole.

And one of the better things about Meals On Wheels is that much of the food is delivered by volunteers. I have done it many times. My father did it twice a week from the time he retire until 2 weeks before he died.

And that's why such programs will continue without government assistance.
That's just it, Meals on Wheels is not just a FREE service... it's a sliding pay scale service based on what people can afford to pay.

These people who think that is ok to cut meals and wheels are just clueless and stupid... They all need to go to these homes who get meals on wheels and educate themselves.

I am fortunate not to have to worry about retirement..but as Christians we are suppose to help the poor, old and sick..
and I do give to help. This all can not fall on churches..

People cut this kind of program and go sit in church all holy with themselves..

Excuse me but Fuck this ..

I find it so ironic that we label ourselves as one of the most sophisticated, richest, and best overall countries in the world, but we still have people arguing about giving health care to everyone and helping to feed and shelter the needy.

In other words, penalizing success and rewarding failure.

If you are a poor person, what other country would you rather be poor in than the USA? In this country (unfortunately) poor people live better than the working.

Bullshit. Most people on welfare programs WORK, are disabled, or are retired... but that doesn't fit your agenda so you'll argue it is all lies.

Or I can post multiple links of how our so-called poor live. Would you like go see the amenities our poor people have according to the US Census?
I used to design products for the hearing impaired and saw how a few of them lived. Just the smell of these places would cause anybody who possibly could, to improve their living standards but these were the best places they could find and afford. However from the standpoint of useless statistics, they had most of the trappings of American life but these things were what most people would leave on the curb.
Yes it does; cutting funding to use the money for better things does make America great again.
Better than feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, clothing the naked, researching cures for diseases? What possibly could be greater than those things?

So who is cutting funding for research? I see how we are "feeding the hungry" quite a bit when I go grocery shopping. Yes, we do feed the hungry, and then "the hungry" load the belt with cigarettes, alcohol, flowers, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food, cat food and cat litter. They and their four kids wheel the shopping cart to their late model SUV and load the ten bags inside.
Trump's budget cuts grants for medical research.

And if all decisions were made based on anecdotal evidence rather than researched facts, we would still be using rum as an anesthetic.

Really? Because I read the OP and even the Communist News Network and I can't find anything on research cuts.

Here's what Trump's budget proposes to cut - CNNPolitics.com

Oh and I would hardly call "real life" experiences anecdotal. I see what goes on at work. I see what goes on at the grocery store. I see what goes on right here in my neighborhood. So don't give me this anecdotal nonsense.
Poor people have too much. Rich people don't have enough. It's more important to cut funding for the poor, the elderly, the homeless. It is equally important to grant tax cuts to the wealthy.

And thus we can say with confidence that America is a Christian nation, so while we're at it we can discriminate against homosexuals and repress transgender people because we're such sterling Christians.

And thus it is shown how Conservatives can talk out of both sides of our mouths at once and feel pretty damn good about it.

Christians believe that forced charity is not charity at all, forced charity is theft. It also teaches that Jesus wanted people to give of themselves to demonstrate they are walking in his footsteps. And no, if government takes it from you to give to somebody else, that doesn't count.

We are 20 trillion in the hole right now and even with this budget, we will continue to create more debt; 20 percent is the figure I heard today. But it begs the question: if meals on wheels only delivers one meal a day, then what are these people eating for the rest of the day?

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The president’s budget request eliminates federal grants for meals.

President Donald Trump is coming under fire for proposing a budget that includes the complete elimination of federal funding for Meals on Wheels programs.

Meals on Wheels provides food to the elderly, poor, veterans, disabled and others who often can’t leave their homes.

However, under the proposed budget, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s entire $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program would be eliminated, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

The grants fund services for low-income Americans ― including grants for Meals on Wheels programs.

More: #LetThemDie: ‘Heartless’ Trump Blasted For Meals On Wheels Cuts

Wow, no wonder seniors are upset.

So the states can't run these programs ?
Yeah, the blue states probably can. Most of them donate more to the feds than the get back. Too bad the for elders in red states.

Another mindless twaddlehump response.
The president’s budget request eliminates federal grants for meals.

President Donald Trump is coming under fire for proposing a budget that includes the complete elimination of federal funding for Meals on Wheels programs.

Meals on Wheels provides food to the elderly, poor, veterans, disabled and others who often can’t leave their homes.

However, under the proposed budget, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s entire $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program would be eliminated, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

The grants fund services for low-income Americans ― including grants for Meals on Wheels programs.

More: #LetThemDie: ‘Heartless’ Trump Blasted For Meals On Wheels Cuts

Wow, no wonder seniors are upset.

So the states can't run these programs ?
Yeah, the blue states probably can. Most of them donate more to the feds than the get back. Too bad the for elders in red states.

Another mindless twaddlehump response.
Don't let the fact that it's true spoil your mindless right wing view.
Better than feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, clothing the naked, researching cures for diseases? What possibly could be greater than those things?

So who is cutting funding for research? I see how we are "feeding the hungry" quite a bit when I go grocery shopping. Yes, we do feed the hungry, and then "the hungry" load the belt with cigarettes, alcohol, flowers, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food, cat food and cat litter. They and their four kids wheel the shopping cart to their late model SUV and load the ten bags inside.
Trump's budget cuts grants for medical research.

And if all decisions were made based on anecdotal evidence rather than researched facts, we would still be using rum as an anesthetic.

Really? Because I read the OP and even the Communist News Network and I can't find anything on research cuts.

Here's what Trump's budget proposes to cut - CNNPolitics.com

Oh and I would hardly call "real life" experiences anecdotal. I see what goes on at work. I see what goes on at the grocery store. I see what goes on right here in my neighborhood. So don't give me this anecdotal nonsense.
Poor people have too much. Rich people don't have enough. It's more important to cut funding for the poor, the elderly, the homeless. It is equally important to grant tax cuts to the wealthy.

And thus we can say with confidence that America is a Christian nation, so while we're at it we can discriminate against homosexuals and repress transgender people because we're such sterling Christians.

And thus it is shown how Conservatives can talk out of both sides of our mouths at once and feel pretty damn good about it.

Christians believe that forced charity is not charity at all, forced charity is theft. It also teaches that Jesus wanted people to give of themselves to demonstrate they are walking in his footsteps. And no, if government takes it from you to give to somebody else, that doesn't count.

We are 20 trillion in the hole right now and even with this budget, we will continue to create more debt; 20 percent is the figure I heard today. But it begs the question: if meals on wheels only delivers one meal a day, then what are these people eating for the rest of the day?

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You don't spend much time around old people do you. They probably eat it in stages throughout the day.

Where do you give your Christian charity if not to old people?
Better than feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, clothing the naked, researching cures for diseases? What possibly could be greater than those things?

So who is cutting funding for research? I see how we are "feeding the hungry" quite a bit when I go grocery shopping. Yes, we do feed the hungry, and then "the hungry" load the belt with cigarettes, alcohol, flowers, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food, cat food and cat litter. They and their four kids wheel the shopping cart to their late model SUV and load the ten bags inside.
Trump's budget cuts grants for medical research.

And if all decisions were made based on anecdotal evidence rather than researched facts, we would still be using rum as an anesthetic.

Really? Because I read the OP and even the Communist News Network and I can't find anything on research cuts.

Here's what Trump's budget proposes to cut - CNNPolitics.com

Oh and I would hardly call "real life" experiences anecdotal. I see what goes on at work. I see what goes on at the grocery store. I see what goes on right here in my neighborhood. So don't give me this anecdotal nonsense.
Poor people have too much. Rich people don't have enough. It's more important to cut funding for the poor, the elderly, the homeless. It is equally important to grant tax cuts to the wealthy.

And thus we can say with confidence that America is a Christian nation, so while we're at it we can discriminate against homosexuals and repress transgender people because we're such sterling Christians.

And thus it is shown how Conservatives can talk out of both sides of our mouths at once and feel pretty damn good about it.

Christians believe that forced charity is not charity at all, forced charity is theft. It also teaches that Jesus wanted people to give of themselves to demonstrate they are walking in his footsteps. And no, if government takes it from you to give to somebody else, that doesn't count.

We are 20 trillion in the hole right now and even with this budget, we will continue to create more debt; 20 percent is the figure I heard today. But it begs the question: if meals on wheels only delivers one meal a day, then what are these people eating for the rest of the day?

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"Forced charity?"

If Christians believe in charity they should be all for it period...

If you are so worried about the budget then why are you not complaining about the money Trump is spending to house his wife and kid in New York? Why are you not complaining about the money being spent on Trump to go to Mar-a-Lago EVERY weekend?

One GOOD meal a day is at least something... why the fuck you worrying about what else they eat during the day when you are supporting the idea of taking away their one good meal?
Shame on Trump.
Wonder what Uncle Jethro down in Kentucky is going to think about Trump when he has to take a hot meal over to grannys everyday.

I agree! Trump even admitted on Fox News that his policies are going to hurt his supporters the most. Yet they still worship him. Retardedly hilarious!

Maybe they understand that people have to be hurt to get things right.

Your solution is to keep spending money like it grows on trees.

You are a propagandist and a hack.

You have no idea what it means to be an American.
Nothing about Trump is moral or trustworthy! Nothing!


That's very lovely, Lakhota,. You should hang that on your bedroom wall but what does that have to do with Meals on Wheels or the federal budget?
We're like 20 trillion in debt....desperate times calls for desperate measures

How does increasing the Defense Budget by billions and building a wall nobody wants and that will tie up the government in court over countless lawsuits for years, decrease our debt?

Where's the proof to your claim that nobody wants a wall?

It gets them so much....

I mean....

The won the WH.

They won the senate.

They won the house.

They get to nominate lefties to the SCOTUS.


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