Levi Johnston: Lot of divorce talk in Palin home

look, i don't have the time to respond to everyone of your stupid posts... why don't you get al gore and mia farrow and go look for bigfoot

Yeah, and then maybe St Sarah could shoot it from a helicopter.

Shows how little you know about game management.

in vermont the game wardens put out animatronic deer to catch people hunting from a car. they actually catch people shooting at it, but, they're always from out of state. one time they stooped a group of guys at the mass border with a calf strapped to their hood. plus we have all of those canadians trying to sneak in.
i'm pretty sure that brian lamb and pat leahy are the same guy
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Yeah, and then maybe St Sarah could shoot it from a helicopter.

Shows how little you know about game management.

in vermont the game wardens put out animatronic deer to catch people hunting from a car. they actually catch people shooting at it, but, they're always from out of state. one time they stooped a group of guys at the mass border with a calf strapped to their hood. plus we have all of those canadians trying to sneak in.
i'm pretty sure that brian lamb and pat leahy are the same guy
Vermont isnt quite the size of Alaska, nor do they have the same issues with Wolves
look, i don't have the time to respond to everyone of your stupid posts... why don't you get al gore and mia farrow and go look for bigfoot

Yeah, and then maybe St Sarah could shoot it from a helicopter.

Shows how little you know about game management.

You're right. I know nothing at all about game management.

But I do know that wolves are magnificent creatures and few in numbers whereas sheep are plentiful, stupid, and uninteresting.

Like con$ervatives.
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Yeah, and then maybe St Sarah could shoot it from a helicopter.

Shows how little you know about game management.

You're right. I know nothing at all about game management.

But I do know that wolves are magnificent creatures and few in numbers whereas sheep are plentiful, stupid, and uninteresting.

Like con$ervatives.
you might not think so if that sheep was meant to feed your children

btw, it wasnt to protect the sheep
this shows how little you ACTUALLY know about the Issue
Yeah, and then maybe St Sarah could shoot it from a helicopter.

Shows how little you know about game management.

You're right. I know nothing at all about game management.

But I do know that wolves are magnificent creatures and few in numbers whereas sheep are plentiful, stupid, and uninteresting.

Like con$ervatives.

It has nothing to do with sheep dumbass. Why do you comment on things you know nothing about? The wolf population in Alaska is abundant whereas the caribou and moose are not.

Wow, now you have demonstrated your ignorance of geography. Less than 3 miles of water separate Russia and Alaska, so I am pretty sure that you can see Russia from Alaska while standing on the land.

Diomede Islands - Super cool place you should visit blog

Please note that there is a difference between Palin making the factual statement that Russia can be seen from land in Alaska, and the claim that she said "I can see Russia," which she never said.

Please, keep digging the hole deeper. I am enjoying myself.

I think you are missing the point...she was trying to show her international diplomacy and experience because she could see Russia from her house. I believe at that point she never even left the states....if memory serves.

You are the one missing the point, she was answering a specific question.
She gave that as an answer when asked about her insight into Russia. LOL

The actual question was, "What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of this state give you?"

If some idiot reporter asked you that question how would you answer?

Probably something like this, "D'uh, Russia is so far away we cannot even see it from anywhere in Alaska, and I want to be famous to all those people who think conservatives are idiots."

her actual response (paraphrased) was that because russia shared a maritime border with alaska, this gave her some level of foreign policy expertise.

Very paraphrased, the actual video was posted earlier, but I do enjoy revisionist history.
I think you are missing the point...she was trying to show her international diplomacy and experience because she could see Russia from her house. I believe at that point she never even left the states....if memory serves.

provide the link where she says that

I already posted the Tina Fey clip where where said that, he has changed his tune to claiming she was talking about something else she did not say.

I guess he missed the part where she says "You can actually see Russia from from land here in Alaska".

I can take a short walk and see Connecticut. I guess that makes me an expert on all things Connecticut.

If you were governor of NY, yeah, I bet you would be somewhat well versed in Connecticut.
Gotta compare apples to apples.

It would be foolish to think that a governor of Alaska knew absolutely nothing about a country that has land as close to it as Russia does Alaska.

If you speak with any governor of any border state along the canaidan border, I bet they are well versed in basic border activities of Canada.

Like I said...gotta compare apples to apples. You are not responsible for what happens between NY and Connecticut.

But a valiant effort.

So you are literally saying Palin had foreign policy experience because she could see Russia? You sound like her. lololol

Please, get a hobby.
I guess he missed the part where she says "You can actually see Russia from from land here in Alaska".

I can take a short walk and see Connecticut. I guess that makes me an expert on all things Connecticut.

If you were governor of NY, yeah, I bet you would be somewhat well versed in Connecticut.
Gotta compare apples to apples.

It would be foolish to think that a governor of Alaska knew absolutely nothing about a country that has land as close to it as Russia does Alaska.

If you speak with any governor of any border state along the canaidan border, I bet they are well versed in basic border activities of Canada.

Like I said...gotta compare apples to apples. You are not responsible for what happens between NY and Connecticut.

But a valiant effort.

So you are literally saying Palin had foreign policy experience because she could see Russia? You sound like her. lololol

you really enjoy showing off how much of a fucking moron you are, dont ya?
If you were governor of NY, yeah, I bet you would be somewhat well versed in Connecticut.
Gotta compare apples to apples.

It would be foolish to think that a governor of Alaska knew absolutely nothing about a country that has land as close to it as Russia does Alaska.

If you speak with any governor of any border state along the canaidan border, I bet they are well versed in basic border activities of Canada.

Like I said...gotta compare apples to apples. You are not responsible for what happens between NY and Connecticut.

But a valiant effort.

So you are literally saying Palin had foreign policy experience because she could see Russia? You sound like her. lololol

you really enjoy showing off how much of a fucking moron you are, dont ya?

Dont ya? lolol

You betcha. Wink wink...
Thanks for proving Zona wrong.


What? What she said was Alaska’s close proximity to Russia give her foreign policy experience.

OK: first she says that “You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska”. This is from the Gibson interview.

Yes, she said that, and you know it's true, don't you?

What she didn't say however, is that she can see Russia from her house. Which you claimed that she said. But then it was said on SNL and with all of the lefty idiots who actually think the Colbert Report is news it wouldn't surprise me if there are some that think SNL is real too. Here's a little secret just for you Zona, SNL is a show of satirical skits, meant to be funny, not factual.

You just described Palin.

(You do realize she was trying to show her international experience because of the proximity of her state to Russia.

If this was so, her mailman would have just as much international experience with them considering she never, not once ever had anything to do with Russia. )

What? What she said was Alaska’s close proximity to Russia give her foreign policy experience.

OK: first she says that “You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska”. This is from the Gibson interview.

Yes, she said that, and you know it's true, don't you?

What she didn't say however, is that she can see Russia from her house. Which you claimed that she said. But then it was said on SNL and with all of the lefty idiots who actually think the Colbert Report is news it wouldn't surprise me if there are some that think SNL is real too. Here's a little secret just for you Zona, SNL is a show of satirical skits, meant to be funny, not factual.

You just described Palin.

(You do realize she was trying to show her international experience because of the proximity of her state to Russia.

If this was so, her mailman would have just as much international experience with them considering she never, not once ever had anything to do with Russia. )

i agree that you are a fucking moron

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