Levin: Repeal the 17th Amendment

Dude, you're on crack. My two senators, and the one who retired a few years back, were all local politicians who rose through the ranks to run for congress, and moved on when senate opening emerged.

They might have been, but they didn't "rise" so much as they were tapped by the party. Party bosses in D.C. decide who is most beneficial to national party goals, and that is who is appointed. They pick from various pools - one of the larger being local politicians. But that doesn't alter anything, once the national part appoints them to the Senate, they are beholden to the National party, not to their state.

Yeah, dude, didn't you notice how long it took Obama to rise up through the ranks? I mean, he paid his dues, he didn't just have a federal senatorship handed to him on a silver platter! He blew a lot of blow and mo to get where he is today!


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Unrelated post. If you want to discuss your class warfare agenda, start a thread on that subject.
Stay on point.

My post IS ON POINT. Your not being able to see that is the problem.

Thomas Sowell wrote about these.

These ivory tower intelligentsias have the arrogance to believe that everything they write is True until proven False, or each point they make is Relevant until proven Irrelevant.

And even if you prove them false, or expose that which is irrelevant, they make 10 more assertions to "support" their claim, that must also be assumed true until proven false, or relevant until proven irrelevant.

Let not the Big Government histories of Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pott, Hilter, Mussolini, Castro or the bankruptcies of Cyrus, Greece and Detroit worry you, or the rampant violence, rape and murder in "gun-free" Chicago, Camden or California trouble you, Libtards don't go by facts, but pure emotion.

For the kids!

So you quote Thomas Sowell, a one percenter with something to sell. You truly are a sheep!
Like you, I rarely agree with g5000. And like you, I think he started a good thread here. Partly because of the topic, and partly because it taught me a lot about why 75% of the time I think g5000 needs therapy.

With the exception of Ron Paul, there is no bigger unhinged loon than Mark Levin. As pretty much everyone on this board knows, I am a die-hard constitutional conservative. Levin is not a conservative - he is a lunatic and a quasi-anarchist. He's actually gone on rants that Ron Paul is a "fake Republican". Dude, when Ron fucking Paul isn't far enough off the political scale to the right for you, you've got serious fucking issues.

When you go beyond the Constitution to the right, you are every bit as disturbed and dangerous as progressives who go beyond the Constitution to the left. I can handle less than 3 minutes off Levin before I have to turn the channel - and I'm genuinely concerned about anyone who listens to him.

Don't often disagree so much with Rotty. But when it comes to Mark Levin, he couldn't be more wrong.

Levin is a PURE conservative. He is not a lunatic at all.

His objections to Ron Paul go to his objections with libertarian political philosophy and a few finer points about the security of the nation.

But Mark is so clear-eyed and level-headed in his focused analysis that he almost seems like he's "too" narrow. He is actually quite brilliant.

Levin may be brilliant, but he's not the genius he purports himself to be. He's also a warhawk and a jerk.
You don't get to call a person a jerk and that's that.
Explain why you think he is a jerk.
Give examples of Levin acting like a jerk.
My post IS ON POINT. Your not being able to see that is the problem.

Thomas Sowell wrote about these.

These ivory tower intelligentsias have the arrogance to believe that everything they write is True until proven False, or each point they make is Relevant until proven Irrelevant.

And even if you prove them false, or expose that which is irrelevant, they make 10 more assertions to "support" their claim, that must also be assumed true until proven false, or relevant until proven irrelevant.

Let not the Big Government histories of Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pott, Hilter, Mussolini, Castro or the bankruptcies of Cyrus, Greece and Detroit worry you, or the rampant violence, rape and murder in "gun-free" Chicago, Camden or California trouble you, Libtards don't go by facts, but pure emotion.

For the kids!

So you quote Thomas Sowell, a one percenter with something to sell. You truly are a sheep!

You have no Earthly idea what a 'one percenter' is if you think Sowell is a one percenter, lol.
Don't often disagree so much with Rotty. But when it comes to Mark Levin, he couldn't be more wrong.

Levin is a PURE conservative. He is not a lunatic at all.

His objections to Ron Paul go to his objections with libertarian political philosophy and a few finer points about the security of the nation.

But Mark is so clear-eyed and level-headed in his focused analysis that he almost seems like he's "too" narrow. He is actually quite brilliant.

Levin may be brilliant, but he's not the genius he purports himself to be. He's also a warhawk and a jerk.
You don't get to call a person a jerk and that's that.
Explain why you think he is a jerk.
Give examples of Levin acting like a jerk.

I can. I used to try to listen to his show since it was the only talk show on at that time slot that I could get in on my PoS radio at the time. But I just couldn't put up with how rude he was to callers, and so condescending.

But to be fair, he seems to have really mellowed out recently.
Like you, I rarely agree with g5000. And like you, I think he started a good thread here. Partly because of the topic, and partly because it taught me a lot about why 75% of the time I think g5000 needs therapy.

With the exception of Ron Paul, there is no bigger unhinged loon than Mark Levin. As pretty much everyone on this board knows, I am a die-hard constitutional conservative. Levin is not a conservative - he is a lunatic and a quasi-anarchist. He's actually gone on rants that Ron Paul is a "fake Republican". Dude, when Ron fucking Paul isn't far enough off the political scale to the right for you, you've got serious fucking issues.

When you go beyond the Constitution to the right, you are every bit as disturbed and dangerous as progressives who go beyond the Constitution to the left. I can handle less than 3 minutes off Levin before I have to turn the channel - and I'm genuinely concerned about anyone who listens to him.

Don't often disagree so much with Rotty. But when it comes to Mark Levin, he couldn't be more wrong.

Levin is a PURE conservative. He is not a lunatic at all.

His objections to Ron Paul go to his objections with libertarian political philosophy and a few finer points about the security of the nation.

But Mark is so clear-eyed and level-headed in his focused analysis that he almost seems like he's "too" narrow. He is actually quite brilliant.

Levin may be brilliant, but he's not the genius he purports himself to be. He's also a warhawk and a jerk.

He doesn't purport himself to be a genius. I say he is a genius. I happen to be right. He IS a genius. I know. I listen to him AND I have read his books.

He is also most assuredly NOT a war-hawk. There is not a hint of a valid basis for that stupid contention.

You may consider him a "jerk" but your opinion is unsupported and unpersuasive.
My post IS ON POINT. Your not being able to see that is the problem.

Thomas Sowell wrote about these.

These ivory tower intelligentsias have the arrogance to believe that everything they write is True until proven False, or each point they make is Relevant until proven Irrelevant.

And even if you prove them false, or expose that which is irrelevant, they make 10 more assertions to "support" their claim, that must also be assumed true until proven false, or relevant until proven irrelevant.

Let not the Big Government histories of Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pott, Hilter, Mussolini, Castro or the bankruptcies of Cyrus, Greece and Detroit worry you, or the rampant violence, rape and murder in "gun-free" Chicago, Camden or California trouble you, Libtards don't go by facts, but pure emotion.

For the kids!

So you quote Thomas Sowell, a one percenter with something to sell. You truly are a sheep!

Yes, damn it! Where do you get off listening to successful people?! They have MONEY, the evil bastards! Let's go get our wisdom from some loser in a wifebeater drinking Old Milwaukee on the front porch of his double-wide!!

Or is that still too rich for you? Should I have gone with a single-wide? Airstream, perhaps?
Levin's brilliance is in NO way undercut by the fact that as an interviewer of some call in guests he can be rude and insufficiently polite.

I often find his schtick in that regard entertaining and yet I also sometimes find it a bit undignified and beneath him.

So fucking what?

What does that have to do with the arguments Levin has made in his new book?

It is possible (stretch your imagination and go with this thought for a moment) that his deficits as a polite radio host have -- oh -- nothing to do with the validity of his thesis?
Levin's brilliance is in NO way undercut by the fact that as an interviewer of some call in guests he can be rude and insufficiently polite.

I often find his schtick in that regard entertaining and yet I also sometimes find it a bit undignified and beneath him.

So fucking what?

What does that have to do with the arguments Levin has made in his new book?

It is possible (stretch your imagination and go with this thought for a moment) that his deficits as a polite radio host have -- oh -- nothing to do with the validity of his thesis?

I suspect that Mr. Levin's abruptness and impatience with people has a lot to do with his personality in general. Someone once said that being an arrogant asshole is a common failing of people who know what the fuck they're doing, and very smart people often are not terribly strong on people skills. I actually think Mr. Levin does an excellent of job of working his basic nature and personality into an entertaining and successful radio style. It's not to everyone's taste, but what is?
You seem to feel that people just can't be trusted to elect their own representatives

Your assumption is that the People are infallible and immune to corruption as a collective. Let us assume this is true; then there would be no need for the Senate at all.

Now, going by the above Assumption, that the People are infallible, then what Purpose does the Bill of Rights serve?

If Congress represents the People, and People infallibly choose them, then there would be no Need for the Bill of Rights?

This is the logical conclusion of your claim (if that claim is true).

[MENTION=42714]IlarMeilyr[/MENTION] : I need to go to bed, so I want you to continue from where I left off when Flopper responds.
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Thomas Sowell wrote about these.

These ivory tower intelligentsias have the arrogance to believe that everything they write is True until proven False, or each point they make is Relevant until proven Irrelevant.

And even if you prove them false, or expose that which is irrelevant, they make 10 more assertions to "support" their claim, that must also be assumed true until proven false, or relevant until proven irrelevant.

Let not the Big Government histories of Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pott, Hilter, Mussolini, Castro or the bankruptcies of Cyrus, Greece and Detroit worry you, or the rampant violence, rape and murder in "gun-free" Chicago, Camden or California trouble you, Libtards don't go by facts, but pure emotion.

For the kids!

So you quote Thomas Sowell, a one percenter with something to sell. You truly are a sheep!

You have no Earthly idea what a 'one percenter' is if you think Sowell is a one percenter, lol.

I am a one percenter. Sowell is a millionaire that make his money fueling the lunatic fringe.
Ultimately the power and authority of governance rests solely with the people.


The Power and Authority of Government rests solely on Natural Law. Not even the entirety of the People can violate the Natural Rights of a single Person.

Time to quote the document that all Libtards fear:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

If the Majority becomes a Tyranny, violating the Natural Rights of Persons in a minority, that Majority is no longer the Governed, they are the Governor. That means the opressed minority, the Governed, has the right to alter or abolish that Governor, be it by peaceful or lethal means.

And this is why the Majority Libtards want to disarm the Free Men (the minority), because they are the Governor, they steal our property (excessive taxation) and punish our self-reliance. The Minority of Free Men, the Governed, not only have the right, but the solemn DUTY to Abolish this parasitical Governor.

I know [MENTION=32813]JimBowie1958[/MENTION] will enjoy this post.
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I would love to respond, but I have been drinking.

Devil's fucking brew.

So, I claim time out.

I need a time out.

I go beddy bye now.

Oh, but before I visit the land of fucking nod, I must say one important thing.

Fuck that idiot Obama.

Worst. President. Ever.

Good fucking night.

Levin's brilliance is in NO way undercut by the fact that as an interviewer of some call in guests he can be rude and insufficiently polite.

I often find his schtick in that regard entertaining and yet I also sometimes find it a bit undignified and beneath him.

So fucking what?

What does that have to do with the arguments Levin has made in his new book?

It is possible (stretch your imagination and go with this thought for a moment) that his deficits as a polite radio host have -- oh -- nothing to do with the validity of his thesis?

Speaking only for me, no, Levin's sometime rudeness does not undercut his arguments nor his brilliance.

But it does make him hard to listen to when he gets like that, for me anyway.

I am not a particularly courteous person to idiot libtards either, but even I wouldn't do some of the things Levin has done, like take a caller (who has likely spent hours trying to get through unless blindingly lucky) and then hang up on them just because they started off with a stammer! Got no idea if the caller was a libtard, a Galbraith reflective liberal, a conservative, or whatever. It felt like a mental head fake, if that's not redundant. I would whoop the hell out of my kids if they weren't all grown up already and they had behaved like that.

But I have seen Levin recently on various shows and he seems much more calm, reflective and able to roll with the punches and the foolery of the audience.

It serves him far better.

But no doubt in my mind, the guy is brilliant and almost always right on his arguments.
So you quote Thomas Sowell, a one percenter with something to sell. You truly are a sheep!

You have no Earthly idea what a 'one percenter' is if you think Sowell is a one percenter, lol.

I am a one percenter. Sowell is a millionaire that make his money fueling the lunatic fringe.

One percenters are more than just wealthy; they are the OWNERS of just about everything, they went to the same kind of elite colleges and have the same levels of cost for their lifestyle. You have to earn an average of well over $300,000 each year to get into that percentage and that doesn't even do it for the group most people think of; the OWNERS of everything.

We are the 99% - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The people have never had the right to elect their president, the electoral college does that.
Distinction without a difference in the world today. The people cast their vote and the person that they voted for wins. Then only way that your contention would mean anything is if the EC went against the voters, something that has not happened in a VERY long time and I don’t think it has ever changed the outcome of an election.

The people vote for the president; denying that does not bolster your position.
If the 17th amendment were repealed the people would lose their right to elect their senators also.

If the people of a state do not directly elect their Senators, they can not vote them out of office. A Senators constituents would be the members of the legislature that elected him, not the people. So as long as a senator pleases his legislative constituency, what the people want is irrelevant because the only way the people can remove the senator is to remove the state legislators that sent him to Washington
No, they could not vote them out. What’s your point? The entire point is that the state legislators would be the senators ‘constituents’ giving the STATE a voice in government once again and allowing the states to exercise their sovereignty once more.

That right there I think is the most glaring point. As pointed out earlier, I don’t think that those on your side of the argument simply do not believe in states right or sovereignty. Instead, you just see them as another layer of government.
and if those legislators are outside their district, they have no say at all.
If the voters are outside of the senators district they have no say at all right now so, no kidding.
Senators would in effect just be proxy voters for the legislative constituency that elected them. The more indirect representation you have the less voice the people have in how their government is run.
THAT’S THE POINT. How can we be this far into the discussion and you not realize that. The point of the senate is NOT to be a vice of the people but rather a voice of the states. You continue to ignore that simple contention. You can disagree with it (as you clearly do) but you are completely ignoring that is the position of those that want to repeal the 17th.
Utter nonsense.

The national parties decide who to place in the Senate, and will even move Senators around to different states, as they did with Hillary. There is nothing even remotely "local" about it. Party bosses decide in Washington.
And why the 'party system' is dangerous, and needs to be broken up...just as the same politicians like to break up 'monopolies' in the private sector.:eusa_whistle:

Good gosh, man, the 'party system' is not analogous with a monopoly. Dictatorship is. Like in a ONE party system.

Our duopoly is not very much different from that considering that they are virtually the same. The wool has been pulled over your eyes as each party gets into power doing the EXACT same shit that the last party did.
Even though I'm not a Democrat (and have never been one), I thoroughly enjoy listening to Levin do more to destroy the Republican Party than any group of partisan Democrats ever could.

He's fanning the flames of an internal GOP insurgency which could leave that party in tatters.

Go, Mark, GO!


Nothing Levin is doing does anything to ‘destroy’ the party. The real destruction is in the GOP sliding further into irrelevancy by NOT changing to reflect the desires of their constituency. Levin IS fanning those flames because they MUST be fanned. The ‘insurgency’ will not leave the party in tatters; it will strengthen it far more than it has been in several decades.
Levin was hugely against Romney, before he was for Romney, before he was against Romney.

If a liberty minded conservative caller calls in, Levin shouts them down calling them scum of the earth Paulites.

If a liberty minded progressive caller calls in, Levin shouts them down claiming they know nothing of Reagan and Lincoln.

If an independent caller calls in Levin shouts them down explaining how stupid they are for not being like Levin.

The only type of caller Levin will tolerate is one that tells Levin how much they love his show and his books, and just how brilliant he is.

Levin is a true North Conservative who believes our Civil War was the greatest thing that ever happened for this country and Lincoln was our greatest President.

Levin supports with distinction every war started by republicans as brilliant strategy, and criticizes every war started by democrats as idiotic foolhardy disasters.

Levin is a Reagan Republican who hates everyone that does not agree with his stance at any point in time. Levin is incapable of reasoned discussion on any topic. Levin constantly brags about his qualifications as a constitutional scholar. But what he's really doing is leveraging the skills of constitutional scholars, and echoing and re-writing their opinions without true understanding or belief.

Oh and his constant advertising for gold traders... puleze.
When politicians make the decision as to who will best serve the people what they are really doing is making a decision as to who will best serve their interest.

Because Senators are appointed by the national parties, it is the power brokers of those parties who serve the interests of those Senators. As such, the decisions that they make are based on the good of the national parties, not the good of the states they supposedly represent.

Electing representatives to elect representatives is based on the idea that government is too important to allow the people a direct a voice in who governs them which is how the USSR functioned.

Smarter men designed a system where peoples representatives would be many, and that the voice of competing ideas would be heard. Representatives of the states were also to be heard, they would be few and specifically meant to further the goals of the states.

Such a system made it more difficult to buy Senators - Carnegie complained bitterly of the fact that Western States did not do his bidding - and thus was born the 17th, as a means of placing all the power of the Senate in the hands of New York oligarchs.
You seem to feel that people just can't be trusted to elect their own representatives, better to put that power in hands professional politicians who know what's best for the people. I think we're going have to agree to disagree here.

I don't agree that the Bootlickers believe anything they are saying. It's just a talking point to hide the fact that state legislators are easy to bribe, despite the rare exception of Andrew Carnegie, which itself contradicts the Bootlickers' point by exposing that the other Senators were easy to bribe.

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