Levin sounds like someone just died

You saw how Trump RIPPED HER and BLOW JOB up when she started shit, WAIT until it's ONE ON ONE, he'll tear her a new asshole, so big, that Blow Job will be able to walk through it!
If you want to help Trump, stop being the stereotypical ignorant, hate-spewing moron, and try to convince people he's a logical choice.

Haven't you seen the poll results and now the polling?...Apparently your stupidity thinks I need to do anything for Trump, who is teaching everyone a NEW POLITICS!

I know Trump can win lunatics and morons. I hope there are enough of them in the rest of the states. Especially if Cruz or Rubio drop out.

Damn, is that gif disturbing.....
NeedleDickTheBugFucker doesn't like girls....always good to know!

How old do you have to be to consider Palin a "girl"?
Can you link me to the last Chinese that raped, murdered, or killed American citizens driving illegally while drunk in America?
Are you saying you defend illegals as long as they don't commit any other crimes? Now you're sounding like John McCain again.
I asked you a question, NO ANSWER, apparently you lied...again!
No but in novi a Chinese restaurant owner was letting 5 illegals stay in his basement and the house burned down killing them all. The owner is fucked! Good!

You sound like you're OK with illegals as long as they lay low.

You don't seem committed to the cause

STILL NO ANSWER to the CHINESE RAPISTS, MURDERS, and DWI KILLERS...Come on shithead, where are they...We ALL can list dozens of Latino scum criminals!
Instead of a right wing nut make the argument let's let trump defend his comments if/when he is the nominee and see if it costs him in the general election, or if he doesn't tone down his rhetoric.

I'm sure there are dozens of crimes committed by illegal Asians.

Just because you don't hear about them.

I agree anyways asshole! All I said was there's more illegal Chinese than there are Mexicans. Relax! I want the Chinese illegals to either become legal and pay taxes or go too.

You're OK with them because just like in 2007 you Republicans were OK with illegals because they kept your Chinese food cheap. You admitted it. And I'm sure you don't even remember the days when you were all pro illegals.

Today you can't find one Republican to admit they were pro illegals in 2007

AND STILL YOU CAN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION...but your fair at redirecting! Stupid bastard!
You saw how Trump RIPPED HER and BLOW JOB up when she started shit, WAIT until it's ONE ON ONE, he'll tear her a new asshole, so big, that Blow Job will be able to walk through it!
If you want to help Trump, stop being the stereotypical ignorant, hate-spewing moron, and try to convince people he's a logical choice.

Haven't you seen the poll results and now the polling?...Apparently your stupidity thinks I need to do anything for Trump, who is teaching everyone a NEW POLITICS!

I know Trump can win lunatics and morons. I hope there are enough of them in the rest of the states. Especially if Cruz or Rubio drop out.

Apparently YOU have no ethics, morals or principles!

Donald Trump suffered a legal setback Tuesday when a New York State appeals court reinstated a fraud claim against Trump University in a lawsuit by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

The ruling by a four-judge panel in Manhattan means Trump University must now defend against two fraud claims in Schneiderman’s 2013 case. The restored fraud claim allows the attorney general to seek certain monetary penalties against the school.

Schneiderman sued Trump and Trump University in August 2013, alleging the school swindled students out of $40 million by operating an unlicensed educational institutional and misleading students by promising they would gain real estate investing expertise.

The court’s ruling did not address the facts of the case and focused solely on legal principles.

The case is Schneiderman v. The Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC, 400965-2012, Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York (Manhattan).

Trump Must Face Claims Namesake School Swindled Students

DemoRAT judge in a DemoRAT state BUT...

Trump University has a 98% approval rating. So why is New ...
98% of Trump University students rated the program "excellent" while only *4% of New York State registered voters rated Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's ...
If you want to help Trump, stop being the stereotypical ignorant, hate-spewing moron, and try to convince people he's a logical choice.

Haven't you seen the poll results and now the polling?...Apparently your stupidity thinks I need to do anything for Trump, who is teaching everyone a NEW POLITICS!

I know Trump can win lunatics and morons. I hope there are enough of them in the rest of the states. Especially if Cruz or Rubio drop out.

Damn, is that gif disturbing.....
NeedleDickTheBugFucker doesn't like girls....always good to know!

How old do you have to be to consider Palin a "girl"?

Well she's 20 years YOUNGER than Hillary who you DROOL over, NeedleDick!
to our liberal friends- you might be surprised but many conservatives do not like cruz or rubio.... reasons differ for both.
Yea, they aren't leaders. NPR interviewed an evangelical and he explained why they're going with trump not Cruz.

Carter was way more evangelical than Reagan but like trump probably has he promised them things. They believe trump can get er done.

Every other moderate Republican is accused of being a rino.
Last edited:
as he is announcing Trump winning everything, lol.
I don't blame him. You all bitched about McCain & Romney & Bush Jr being Rinos.

TRUMP is the BIGGEST God damn rino this party has ever seen.

You all were so obsessed with getting everything your way or nothing at all and look where it got us. I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

Most of you are either retired or work for someone else so you don't really feel the results of your all or nothing bullshit. As a business owner I pay dearly every God damn time the pendulum swings and I'm fucking sick of it.

The only result you get when setting a forest on fire is a dead forest that ultimately regrows only for you to burn it again.

Ya'lls wild fucking swings remind me of my ex wife who was bipolar.....

End fucking rant/
I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

What, in particular, have you found so objectionable?
I've already covered this for the last 7 years. From cash for clunkers to Obamacare mandates to epaulets regulations to driving up the cost of energy. You pick it, Obama has fucked it up. If you want more details on my opinion search my history

I'm familiar with your work.......It is a bouillabaisse of inchoate rage leveraged with a healthy dollop of alarming ignorance.....

Allow me to demonstrate....

Show me what has happened to energy prices.......

PAY THE MAN: Electricity Rates Soar To Record Levels As Obama Shutters Coal Plants

Kindly fuck off lemming
as he is announcing Trump winning everything, lol.
I don't blame him. You all bitched about McCain & Romney & Bush Jr being Rinos.

TRUMP is the BIGGEST God damn rino this party has ever seen.

You all were so obsessed with getting everything your way or nothing at all and look where it got us. I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

Most of you are either retired or work for someone else so you don't really feel the results of your all or nothing bullshit. As a business owner I pay dearly every God damn time the pendulum swings and I'm fucking sick of it.

The only result you get when setting a forest on fire is a dead forest that ultimately regrows only for you to burn it again.

Ya'lls wild fucking swings remind me of my ex wife who was bipolar.....

End fucking rant/
I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

What, in particular, have you found so objectionable?
I've already covered this for the last 7 years. From cash for clunkers to Obamacare mandates to epaulets regulations to driving up the cost of energy. You pick it, Obama has fucked it up. If you want more details on my opinion search my history

I'm familiar with your work.......It is a bouillabaisse of inchoate rage leveraged with a healthy dollop of alarming ignorance.....

Allow me to demonstrate....

Show me what has happened to energy prices.......

PAY THE MAN: Electricity Rates Soar To Record Levels As Obama Shutters Coal Plants

Kindly fuck off lemming
There are green solutions to that problem but you would fight them
I don't blame him. You all bitched about McCain & Romney & Bush Jr being Rinos.

TRUMP is the BIGGEST God damn rino this party has ever seen.

You all were so obsessed with getting everything your way or nothing at all and look where it got us. I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

Most of you are either retired or work for someone else so you don't really feel the results of your all or nothing bullshit. As a business owner I pay dearly every God damn time the pendulum swings and I'm fucking sick of it.

The only result you get when setting a forest on fire is a dead forest that ultimately regrows only for you to burn it again.

Ya'lls wild fucking swings remind me of my ex wife who was bipolar.....

End fucking rant/
I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

What, in particular, have you found so objectionable?
I've already covered this for the last 7 years. From cash for clunkers to Obamacare mandates to epaulets regulations to driving up the cost of energy. You pick it, Obama has fucked it up. If you want more details on my opinion search my history

I'm familiar with your work.......It is a bouillabaisse of inchoate rage leveraged with a healthy dollop of alarming ignorance.....

Allow me to demonstrate....

Show me what has happened to energy prices.......

PAY THE MAN: Electricity Rates Soar To Record Levels As Obama Shutters Coal Plants

Kindly fuck off lemming
There are green solutions to that problem but you would fight them
If they are free market solutions that are financially feasible I'm all for them. If it's Uncle Wallet Molester Sam picking winners & losers & implementing mandates you're damn right I'll pass.
as he is announcing Trump winning everything, lol.
I don't blame him. You all bitched about McCain & Romney & Bush Jr being Rinos.

TRUMP is the BIGGEST God damn rino this party has ever seen.

You all were so obsessed with getting everything your way or nothing at all and look where it got us. I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

Most of you are either retired or work for someone else so you don't really feel the results of your all or nothing bullshit. As a business owner I pay dearly every God damn time the pendulum swings and I'm fucking sick of it.

The only result you get when setting a forest on fire is a dead forest that ultimately regrows only for you to burn it again.

Ya'lls wild fucking swings remind me of my ex wife who was bipolar.....

End fucking rant/
I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

What, in particular, have you found so objectionable?
I've already covered this for the last 7 years. From cash for clunkers to Obamacare mandates to epaulets regulations to driving up the cost of energy. You pick it, Obama has fucked it up. If you want more details on my opinion search my history

I'm familiar with your work.......It is a bouillabaisse of inchoate rage leveraged with a healthy dollop of alarming ignorance.....

Allow me to demonstrate....

Show me what has happened to energy prices.......

PAY THE MAN: Electricity Rates Soar To Record Levels As Obama Shutters Coal Plants

Kindly fuck off lemming
and those 7 dollar light bulbs don't help
Yeah....some "marxist"...


As long as you are rich in stocks, I guess you are rich, but your little drawing means nothing, I bet as the election draws near, we will see Obama set another record, we will see the largest loss of wealth in history.

my "little drawing"?

This is what I love about you Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voters......you think Reality is a conspiracy........the graph describes what has happened to the S&P since 2009....

If you don't think that is a big deal, ask someone with a 401K....

and keep cheering against your fellow citizens....that's most becoming...
I like how you make things up, almost like a bigot, you can not discuss what will likely happen, you have to make stuff up out of thin air.
as he is announcing Trump winning everything, lol.
I don't blame him. You all bitched about McCain & Romney & Bush Jr being Rinos.

TRUMP is the BIGGEST God damn rino this party has ever seen.

You all were so obsessed with getting everything your way or nothing at all and look where it got us. I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

Most of you are either retired or work for someone else so you don't really feel the results of your all or nothing bullshit. As a business owner I pay dearly every God damn time the pendulum swings and I'm fucking sick of it.

The only result you get when setting a forest on fire is a dead forest that ultimately regrows only for you to burn it again.

Ya'lls wild fucking swings remind me of my ex wife who was bipolar.....

End fucking rant/
I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

What, in particular, have you found so objectionable?
I've already covered this for the last 7 years. From cash for clunkers to Obamacare mandates to epaulets regulations to driving up the cost of energy. You pick it, Obama has fucked it up. If you want more details on my opinion search my history

I'm familiar with your work.......It is a bouillabaisse of inchoate rage leveraged with a healthy dollop of alarming ignorance.....

Allow me to demonstrate....

Show me what has happened to energy prices.......

PAY THE MAN: Electricity Rates Soar To Record Levels As Obama Shutters Coal Plants

Kindly fuck off lemming
Electricity Data Browser

Call your grandchildren.......apologize for polluting their gene pool...
Yeah....some "marxist"...


As long as you are rich in stocks, I guess you are rich, but your little drawing means nothing, I bet as the election draws near, we will see Obama set another record, we will see the largest loss of wealth in history.

my "little drawing"?

This is what I love about you Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voters......you think Reality is a conspiracy........the graph describes what has happened to the S&P since 2009....

If you don't think that is a big deal, ask someone with a 401K....

and keep cheering against your fellow citizens....that's most becoming...
I like how you make things up, almost like a bigot, you can not discuss what will likely happen, you have to make stuff up out of thin air.

What did I "make up"?

"What will likely happen"?

You have no idea what is going on NOW....
as he is announcing Trump winning everything, lol.
I don't blame him. You all bitched about McCain & Romney & Bush Jr being Rinos.

TRUMP is the BIGGEST God damn rino this party has ever seen.

You all were so obsessed with getting everything your way or nothing at all and look where it got us. I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

Most of you are either retired or work for someone else so you don't really feel the results of your all or nothing bullshit. As a business owner I pay dearly every God damn time the pendulum swings and I'm fucking sick of it.

The only result you get when setting a forest on fire is a dead forest that ultimately regrows only for you to burn it again.

Ya'lls wild fucking swings remind me of my ex wife who was bipolar.....

End fucking rant/
I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

What, in particular, have you found so objectionable?
I've already covered this for the last 7 years. From cash for clunkers to Obamacare mandates to epaulets regulations to driving up the cost of energy. You pick it, Obama has fucked it up. If you want more details on my opinion search my history

I'm familiar with your work.......It is a bouillabaisse of inchoate rage leveraged with a healthy dollop of alarming ignorance.....

Allow me to demonstrate....

Show me what has happened to energy prices.......

PAY THE MAN: Electricity Rates Soar To Record Levels As Obama Shutters Coal Plants

Kindly fuck off lemming

What do the slopes of the lines in the graph to which Tucker's stooge links suggest about the rate of increase from 2001-2008 compared to that from 2009-2014...

They cram that crap down your funnel, and you don't have the sense to ask basic questions...
Last edited:
as he is announcing Trump winning everything, lol.
I don't blame him. You all bitched about McCain & Romney & Bush Jr being Rinos.

TRUMP is the BIGGEST God damn rino this party has ever seen.

You all were so obsessed with getting everything your way or nothing at all and look where it got us. I'd give near anything to have had McCain or Romney rather than Obama for the last 7 years.

Most of you are either retired or work for someone else so you don't really feel the results of your all or nothing bullshit. As a business owner I pay dearly every God damn time the pendulum swings and I'm fucking sick of it.

The only result you get when setting a forest on fire is a dead forest that ultimately regrows only for you to burn it again.

Ya'lls wild fucking swings remind me of my ex wife who was bipolar.....

End fucking rant/
Yep. We are screwed again. Conservatives are clearly retarded.
Yeah....some "marxist"...


As long as you are rich in stocks, I guess you are rich, but your little drawing means nothing, I bet as the election draws near, we will see Obama set another record, we will see the largest loss of wealth in history.

my "little drawing"?

This is what I love about you Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voters......you think Reality is a conspiracy........the graph describes what has happened to the S&P since 2009....

If you don't think that is a big deal, ask someone with a 401K....

and keep cheering against your fellow citizens....that's most becoming...
I like how you make things up, almost like a bigot, you can not discuss what will likely happen, you have to make stuff up out of thin air.

What did I "make up"?

"What will likely happen"?

You have no idea what is going on NOW....
What did you make up? You are serious?
Yeah....some "marxist"...


As long as you are rich in stocks, I guess you are rich, but your little drawing means nothing, I bet as the election draws near, we will see Obama set another record, we will see the largest loss of wealth in history.

my "little drawing"?

This is what I love about you Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voters......you think Reality is a conspiracy........the graph describes what has happened to the S&P since 2009....

If you don't think that is a big deal, ask someone with a 401K....

and keep cheering against your fellow citizens....that's most becoming...
I like how you make things up, almost like a bigot, you can not discuss what will likely happen, you have to make stuff up out of thin air.

What did I "make up"?

"What will likely happen"?

You have no idea what is going on NOW....
What did you make up? You are serious?

Why don't you forgo the bluffing and get right to the point....
Cruz is the better man but you simply can not beat all the publicity that Trump gets.

Better at what?
Better at trolling, fool.
Cruz is better at trolling, I give you that. His dirty tricks in Iowa are proof that he will do anything to win, even if that means lying.

By what objective standard is Cruz a "better man"?

He is a smart guy, but he's not a "better man".
Levin needs to take a chill pill and start backing a winner- Trump.

Neither of the Crooked Cubans can stop the TRUMPNADO!!!
Great. I love it. 100% for it. You dumb fucks just make sure Trump gets the nomination. There are enough Republicans that hate his guts that they will vote for Clinton.

Be careful what you wish for Old Crock....
I agree with you on trump in Iowa, I say cruz is better because cruz did not promise ethanol subsidies for votes and is not threatening lawsuits over trumped up bull crap.

I think they're both decent men. But under pressure, Trump is better. I also believe that Trump has far greater "cross over appeal' with working class democrats. :thup:
I agree, Trump will definitely attract tons of democrats

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