Lewandowski testifying in the house...

Here is a couple things:

1. Rep. Collins complained abut rule changes. Well, whenever there is a change in majority in the House there is ALWAYS rule changes that help theirselves.

2. The only ones I see getting loud and making all kinds of outrageous statements are the Republicans.

3. The defense the Republicans keep bringing up is that Lewandowski was interviewed behind closed doors.. well the issue is, the public needs to see his testimony to better understand the Russian interference. If NOTHING happened then why are the Republicans fighting this so hard rather than just doing it as quickly as they can and getting it over with? It makes me think there is something that was said behind closed doors that makes Trump look bad. Like why would a private citizen who isn't related to the President have so much free access to him in the White House?

4. If Lewandowsi volunteered to be there instead of being subpoenaed, and keeps invoking Executive privilege that he also says he doesn't really have the right to, why is he NOT being held in contempt? And if he was just going to come to exert executive privilege, no wonder he volunteered.
You're not familiar with "Separation of Powers", are you?

Naddler has no right to Executive Branch private conversation information. That's not even a close call. It's been this way all along.

Hating Trump and being Butthurt about the Election loss doesn't change the Constitution.
So now they’re taking a half hour break. So do you think Cory has noticed how many people have gone to prison or waiting to go to prison just for protecting Donald Trump?
Cory was asked if Trump asked him to do anything else illegal and he said he can’t say because that’s privileged information. But then Nadler came out and said under Nixon if a discussion is made concerning a crime, it’s no longer privileged.

That's a lie, he said more than once Trump never asked him to do anything illegal.

No he didn’t. He claimed executive privilege. I’m sitting here watching it.

It’s on C-SPAN three.

I don't have Cspan 3, none of the networks are covering it. But in the early going he said several times he was never asked to do anything illegal. Of course the commies refused to accept that answer and kept insinuating otherwise, that's what they do.

Wrong. Anytime They asked Lewandowski anything the president said he’s read a prepared statement that the conversation is privileged. He must’ve said that statement 30 or 40 time so far.
Not a single time has Lewandowski said Trump told him something. Not once.

In fact, the closest he said to it is if it’s written in the report then it’s true. He refused to even read the statement that he took from dictation from Donald Trump.

You weren't paying attention. Also he wasn't there to read things that are already on the record, the commiecritters were free to do so.

All they’re doing is going over what he said in the Mueller report

Like I said, a dog and pony show. A waste of tax dollars to hear the same shit for the 3rd time.
Well it’s one thing to have something buried in the report nobody’s going to read and another thing to have them stand in front of the US Congress and say out loud what’s in the report. There’s a lot of crime in that report. And Lewandowski just admitted to some of it.

Really, was Corey Lewandowski charged and no one told us?

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NADLER: “Mr. Lewandowski, is it correct that as reported in the Mueller report on June 19th 2017, that you met alone in the Oval Office with the president?”
LEWANDOWSKI: “Is there a book and page number that you can reference me to please? I don’t have a copy of the report in front of me.”
NADLER: “Volume II, page 90. But I — I simply ask you is it correct that as reported in the Mueller report on June 19th, 2017, that you met alone in the Oval Office with the president?”
LEWANDOWSKI: “Could you read the exact language of the report because I don’t have it available to me.”
NADLER: “I don’t think I have to do that. I have limited time. Did you meet alone with the president on that date?”
LEWANDOWSKI: “Congressman I’d like you to refresh my memory by providing the report so I can follow along.”

A ‘Charade!’: Lewandowski Derails Impeachment Hearing By Refusing to Answer Questions Without a Copy of Mueller Report - AIR.TV

Democrats want to play gotcha games then they get what they deserve.

Trump Ethos: Be smug; arrogant; nasty; evasive; stone wall

THE BIG IDEA (Washington Post): Corey Lewandowski played a starring role in one of the 10 episodes of possible obstruction of justice that former special counsel Mueller detailed in his report.

He was Trump’s onetime campaign manager and never worked in the administration, but that’s not stopping the White House from making an extraordinarily far-reaching legal claim that he’s “protected by executive privilege.”

When Lewandowski testified before the House Judiciary Committee, the White House said that protection means he doesn't need to fully answer questions about conversations he has had with the president.

I watched it unfold this way: Within the first five minutes it became crystal clear what Trump's former campaign manager was up to: Trolling to please his old boss.

More details and analysis here from CNN.

Trump Ethos: Be smug; arrogant; nasty; evasive; stone wall

THE BIG IDEA (Washington Post): Corey Lewandowski played a starring role in one of the 10 episodes of possible obstruction of justice that former special counsel Mueller detailed in his report.

He was Trump’s onetime campaign manager and never worked in the administration, but that’s not stopping the White House from making an extraordinarily far-reaching legal claim that he’s “protected by executive privilege.”

When Lewandowski testified before the House Judiciary Committee, the White House said that protection means he doesn't need to fully answer questions about conversations he has had with the president.

I watched it unfold this way: Within the first five minutes it became crystal clear what Trump's former campaign manager was up to: Trolling to please his old boss.

More details and analysis here from CNN.

CNN analysis? :auiqs.jpg:
Trump won a 1 Trillion dollar deficit and gets his large ass kissed by his drones

When you got nothing... CHANGE THE SUBJECT....

Before W, the GOP supported tax and spending cuts.

Since W, the GOP has supported huge spending increases... and tax cuts... with disastrous consequences for all of us.

Democrats support huge spending increases and massive tax hikes.... which produces GREECE....

Trump could support a pile of dog crap and you would kiss his butt -

the old bastard is nothing but a dog and pony show 24/7 ...

today he's whining about not being treated nicely- Trump says Cokie Roberts 'never treated me nicely’ but 'was a professional'


Trump won a 1 Trillion dollar deficit and gets his large ass kissed by his drones

When you got nothing... CHANGE THE SUBJECT....

Before W, the GOP supported tax and spending cuts.

Since W, the GOP has supported huge spending increases... and tax cuts... with disastrous consequences for all of us.

Democrats support huge spending increases and massive tax hikes.... which produces GREECE....

Trump could support a pile of dog crap and you would kiss his butt -

the old bastard is nothing but a dog and pony show 24/7 ...

today he's whining about not being treated nicely- Trump says Cokie Roberts 'never treated me nicely’ but 'was a professional'


Ph uk her! The Lake of Fire!!! Beech Nut baby food for all!!!
theres not a RW'r breathing that isnt a weak ass chickenshit -

Trumps lawyer tells pencildick not to answer questions - pencildick doesnt answer questions.

gee, who knew ...
Here is a couple things:

1. Rep. Collins complained abut rule changes. Well, whenever there is a change in majority in the House there is ALWAYS rule changes that help theirselves.

2. The only ones I see getting loud and making all kinds of outrageous statements are the Republicans.

3. The defense the Republicans keep bringing up is that Lewandowski was interviewed behind closed doors.. well the issue is, the public needs to see his testimony to better understand the Russian interference. If NOTHING happened then why are the Republicans fighting this so hard rather than just doing it as quickly as they can and getting it over with? It makes me think there is something that was said behind closed doors that makes Trump look bad. Like why would a private citizen who isn't related to the President have so much free access to him in the White House?

4. If Lewandowsi volunteered to be there instead of being subpoenaed, and keeps invoking Executive privilege that he also says he doesn't really have the right to, why is he NOT being held in contempt? And if he was just going to come to exert executive privilege, no wonder he volunteered.
You're not familiar with "Separation of Powers", are you?

Naddler has no right to Executive Branch private conversation information. That's not even a close call. It's been this way all along.

Hating Trump and being Butthurt about the Election loss doesn't change the Constitution.

Lewandowski doesn't get executive privilege, he never worked in the federal government in the White House...

You surely don't know how Executive privilege works.

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