LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

The pastor is not a Christian unless he has proof that Jesus hated gays. He doesn`t have that proof.

Jesus didn't hate anyone, He hates their sin. Over and over in the Bible homosexuality is a sin, an abomination.

he'd have told you losers to leave gay people alone.

He'd have told the gays He forgave them and go and sin no more

You really don't think I'm taking Biblical matters from you seriously do you?
How can anyone take bible matters seriously??
How judgemental!
Yet we MUST believe there are 72 genders!
It's about as dumb as saying that baking a cake for a reception makes one a part of a wedding ceremony.
Or as fascist as forcing anyone to bake any cake.

That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.
In this case, the item was not provided to anyone, regardless of race, creed, color, or sexual preference.

Explain to us why these are special people over all others.

Are you trying to say a bakery didn't normally bake wedding cakes? I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case.
Or as fascist as forcing anyone to bake any cake.

That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.
In this case, the item was not provided to anyone, regardless of race, creed, color, or sexual preference.

Explain to us why these are special people over all others.

Are you trying to say a bakery didn't normally bake wedding cakes? I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case.
This thread is about threats against a pastor and his family - it’s NOT about wedding cakes and whether or not bakers should be forced to bake them.
Yes. The courts on one side of the argument, and you, an anonymous nut job on a discussion board is on the other side. You think that makes you a winner?

So when will a gay graphic designer be forced under threat of fine to print a billboard for a busy highway that says "homosexuality is a sin unto God" for a Christian customer?

Bulldog? Dragonlady? (Hey Dragonlady, I notice you didn't reply to my questions to you on the Dumont thread. Cat got your tongue?)

Don't know. Get back with me when that happens.
he'd have told you losers to leave gay people alone.
Now you're just making crap up.

This isn't about religion. This is about terror tactics of the homo mafia, and you have yet to denounce their CRIMES.
It is about the child abuse tactics of the religious right that you have yet to denounce
No it isn’t. It’s about the death threats and promises of violence issued by your unhinged pets against a pastor and his children.
Do you condemn these violent sickos?
The pastor is the sicko!
he'd have told you losers to leave gay people alone.
Now you're just making crap up.

This isn't about religion. This is about terror tactics of the homo mafia, and you have yet to denounce their CRIMES.
It is about the child abuse tactics of the religious right that you have yet to denounce
No it isn’t. It’s about the death threats and promises of violence issued by your unhinged pets against a pastor and his children.
Do you condemn these violent sickos?
The pastor is the sicko!

Going to condemn the threats or not? Posting memes isn't going to get you off the hook
he'd have told you losers to leave gay people alone.
Now you're just making crap up.

This isn't about religion. This is about terror tactics of the homo mafia, and you have yet to denounce their CRIMES.
It is about the child abuse tactics of the religious right that you have yet to denounce
No it isn’t. It’s about the death threats and promises of violence issued by your unhinged pets against a pastor and his children.
Do you condemn these violent sickos?
The pastor is the sicko!
So you support him and his children being murdered.
I think that definitely makes you and your pals the sicko’s.
Thanks for making that clear.
It's about as dumb as saying that baking a cake for a reception makes one a part of a wedding ceremony.
Or as fascist as forcing anyone to bake any cake.

That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

They opened a bakery and invited the public to buy their products. They agreed to do so in accordance with local laws and regulations.

Then they decided they wouldn’t serve “sinners”. They used obscure passages in the Bible to condemn homosexuals, but ignored the Big 10 - liars, thieves, murders, adulterers, blasphemers, those who don’t keep the Sabbath holy, and focussed on one class of sinner, who Jesus neither spoke of nor condemned. This is called “bigotry” and “discrimination”.

I’d have no problem with these asshats using religion to justify their bigotry, but they have to stop serving other sinners. The Bible is really clear on divorce. It doesn’t exist. If you marry a divorced woman, it’s adultery according to the Bible. So why are these “religious bakers” baking cakes for second marriages?

Quite frankly, if these bakers stopped serving “sinners”, they’d be out of business. As Jesus said “Let he among you who is without sin, cast the first stone”.

When you obtain your business licence, you obey the law or find another line of work.
They did not offer that product to anyone. Why are these special people.

Odd that they didn't use that claim in their court hearing. Their only defense as that it was against their religion. Why do you think they did that?
Yes. The courts on one side of the argument, and you, an anonymous nut job on a discussion board is on the other side. You think that makes you a winner?

So when will a gay graphic designer be forced under threat of fine to print a billboard for a busy highway that says "homosexuality is a sin unto God" for a Christian customer?

Bulldog? Dragonlady? (Hey Dragonlady, I notice you didn't reply to my questions to you on the Dumont thread. Cat got your tongue?)

(It's weird, when I show up to a thread and ask these types of compelling questions, suddenly Bulldog and Dragonlady disappear, don't answer, and instead another pay per post LGBT cult blogger shows up and spams the conversation in another direction.) :popcorn:

I already answered that question dummy. You should stop posting the same question on several different threads, and read more.
The pastor is not a Christian unless he has proof that Jesus hated gays. He doesn`t have that proof.

Jesus didn't hate anyone, He hates their sin. Over and over in the Bible homosexuality is a sin, an abomination.

he'd have told you losers to leave gay people alone.

He'd have told the gays He forgave them and go and sin no more

You really don't think I'm taking Biblical matters from you seriously do you?
How can anyone take bible matters seriously??
How judgemental!
Yet we MUST believe there are 72 genders!

so you can be disrespectful to anyone who isn't white christian heterosexual and bigoted?
Yes. The courts on one side of the argument, and you, an anonymous nut job on a discussion board is on the other side. You think that makes you a winner?

So when will a gay graphic designer be forced under threat of fine to print a billboard for a busy highway that says "homosexuality is a sin unto God" for a Christian customer?

Bulldog? Dragonlady? (Hey Dragonlady, I notice you didn't reply to my questions to you on the Dumont thread. Cat got your tongue?)

(It's weird, when I show up to a thread and ask these types of compelling questions, suddenly Bulldog and Dragonlady disappear, don't answer, and instead another pay per post LGBT cult blogger shows up and spams the conversation in another direction.) :popcorn:

how many times do we have to slog through your insane obsessive homophobia?
It's about as dumb as saying that baking a cake for a reception makes one a part of a wedding ceremony.
Or as fascist as forcing anyone to bake any cake.

That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.

The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.
That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.
In this case, the item was not provided to anyone, regardless of race, creed, color, or sexual preference.

Explain to us why these are special people over all others.

Are you trying to say a bakery didn't normally bake wedding cakes? I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case.
This thread is about threats against a pastor and his family - it’s NOT about wedding cakes and whether or not bakers should be forced to bake them.

You are right. I got sidetracked responding to that nut job.
This entire "movement" displays its fragility when they do this stuff. Every gay that gives it up is a threat to them.
The base of their flimsy foundation is "you are the sex that you think you are....and that can change from to day and mood to mood"

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