LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

This entire "movement" displays its fragility when they do this stuff. Every gay that gives it up is a threat to them.
The base of their flimsy foundation is "you are the sex that you think you are....and that can change from to day and mood to mood"
Ironic that changing their minds from day to day doesn’t allow for discussing it voluntarily with a pastor. They are such flaming hypocrites.
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Pastor Jeremy Schossau offered a Bible study for “sexually confused” teenagers. In response the LGBT attacked and threatened to burn his church down, burn his house down, kill him and then kill his family. If that was not bad enough, State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:

LGBT Attacks Christian Pastor Helping Teens With Same-Sex Attraction, They Say ‘If You Do Not Stop We Will Burn Your Church Down, Your House Down, Then We Will Kill You And Your Entire Family’ And State Government Politicians Side With The LGBT Against The Pastor

Aren't they so loving and tolerant, there is not one stitch of being selfish ignorant pigs now is there. That's all many leftist LGBT are selfish and greedy they are just part of the mental weakness class who are technically all in the same class mind sets hate america, hate freedom, rights, liberty, bring down America to a communist standard.

Problem is these are another bunch of loons who won't realize any of that until it's way to late.


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This conversion therapy horseshit is all predicated on the idiotic notion that on some level, being gay or trans is a choice. Well:

Yes, Homosexuality Absolutely is A Choice

To all of my Christian brothers and sisters who insist that homosexuality is a choice, I need to break down and finally admit something: I agree with you. I believe that it absolutely is a choice too, only not in the way that you may have meant

Now, before we go on, I want to be clear about something. While this excellent piece is directed at Christians, everything said here applies equally to anyone who ignorantly claims that homosexuality is a choice. I continue with selected excerpts

Christian, when you make the blanket statement that homosexuality is a sin, what you’re really doing without realizing it is reducing all LGBT people down to a sex act; as if that alone defines sexuality. You’re denying any emotional component in their lives; any capacity to feel real love or show genuine affection toward someone else. In a gross oversimplification, you’re labeling a complex, fully formed human being as merely a performer of intercourse

Consider this:

You know that in your own life, the physical act of sex isn’t the totality of your sexuality; that it is also about affection and companionship and the desire to love and be loved. It’s about who you are drawn to and attracted to and compelled to be close to.

In your own story, you experienced those things firsthand before you ever thought about or experienced the act of intercourse. In those moments when you first began to understand your own sexual identity, it snuck up on you and surprised you. There was likely no internal battle, no great wrestling, no real conscious choice to be made.

It was not a decision that you came to, but a realization.

Is something beginning to dawn on you? I hope so, but if not, here is more:

Christian, you probably recall this in your own story of sexual identity and self discovery don’t you? You simply felt naturally and quite involuntarily, the impulses you felt.
By following those impulses, you were making a choice, too. You were choosing to be authentic and true to your heart and mind’s leading. You were choosing to agree with the truth about how you loved. The alternative would never have been an option.

Why is it so hard for you to believe that LGBT people are operating any differently?

It just gets better! Anyone who can’t relate to this and see how stupid it is to claim that homosexuality is a choice is a hopeless empty shell of a human being
It’s rather careless to treat the gay community as if they are choosing their path of orientation, because what you’re implying when you do so, is that they are naturally wired to be straight but are making the conscious decision to act in direct opposition to this.You are charging them with the most profound emotional treason

Does that line of thinking work at all if you superimpose it onto your own life? That would mean that you could just as easily be gay as straight; that you could, with enough cajoling and suggestion and support and prayer—choose to be attracted to, desiring of, and aroused by someone of the same sex.

Now you're just making crap up.

This isn't about religion. This is about terror tactics of the homo mafia, and you have yet to denounce their CRIMES.
It is about the child abuse tactics of the religious right that you have yet to denounce
No it isn’t. It’s about the death threats and promises of violence issued by your unhinged pets against a pastor and his children.
Do you condemn these violent sickos?
The pastor is the sicko!
So you support him and his children being murdered.
I think that definitely makes you and your pals the sicko’s.
Thanks for making that clear.
Where the fuck did I say that!!?? He should be locked in a psych ward because he is clearly a danger to self and others.
I asked you if you would condemn the sicko’s issuing death threats to the pastor and his CHILDREN.
Instead of doing so (and you’ve been asked several times), you answered ‘the pastor is the sicko’, therefore it is quite clear you cannot bring yourself to condemn the people threatening the pastor and his children, and instead support their murderous threats.
Again, thank you for your candour.
Don't know. Get back with me when that happens
So you're not the one who will step up and condemn death threats?
Well, maybe they should just be locked in a psych ward forever.
Who should?
ANYONE who is a perpetrator of conversion "therapy" especially in the guise of bible study
But he isn’t offering conversion therapy, he’s offering discussion. YOU are clearly a despotic retard.
Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.
Yes he did, and one person that I know of was charged by the police. I posted it earlier in the thread when Tammy lied about no one being charged.
I asked you if you would condemn the sicko’s issuing death threats to the pastor and his CHILDREN.
Instead of doing so (and you’ve been asked several times), you answered ‘the pastor is the sicko’, therefore it is quite clear you cannot bring yourself to condemn the people threatening the pastor and his children, and instead support their murderous threats.
Again, thank you for your candour
You know, I never believed I was naive about anything. But I guess I "misunderestimated" (a Bushism) the left. I never thought they were THIS low.

Not ONE. Not a single Leftist loon can stand out from his fellow freaks and say it is WRONG to make DEATH THREATS against an innocent family.
I asked you if you would condemn the sicko’s issuing death threats to the pastor and his CHILDREN.
Instead of doing so (and you’ve been asked several times), you answered ‘the pastor is the sicko’, therefore it is quite clear you cannot bring yourself to condemn the people threatening the pastor and his children, and instead support their murderous threats.
Again, thank you for your candour
You know, I never believed I was naive about anything. But I guess I "misunderestimated" (a Bushism) the left. I never thought they were THIS low.

Not ONE. Not a single Leftist loon can stand out from his fellow freaks and say it is WRONG to make DEATH THREATS against an innocent family.
Yep. Sad isn’t it?
Yes he did, and one person that I know of was charged by the police. I posted it earlier in the thread when Tammy lied about no one being charged
I did not see that. What page on this thread?

That is good news. It looked to me like nobody cares if the enemies of the left get attacked.
I asked you if you would condemn the sicko’s issuing death threats to the pastor and his CHILDREN.
Instead of doing so (and you’ve been asked several times), you answered ‘the pastor is the sicko’, therefore it is quite clear you cannot bring yourself to condemn the people threatening the pastor and his children, and instead support their murderous threats.
Again, thank you for your candour
You know, I never believed I was naive about anything. But I guess I "misunderestimated" (a Bushism) the left. I never thought they were THIS low.

Not ONE. Not a single Leftist loon can stand out from his fellow freaks and say it is WRONG to make DEATH THREATS against an innocent family.

No problem. Death threats against an innocent family is wrong. You haven't proven the religious nut really got any death threats, and if he did, it just comes with the territory of a overbearing homophobe. You don't stick your finger in a fire, and then ask if it's hot. You don't insult and degrade gay people without expecting a response.
I asked you if you would condemn the sicko’s issuing death threats to the pastor and his CHILDREN.
Instead of doing so (and you’ve been asked several times), you answered ‘the pastor is the sicko’, therefore it is quite clear you cannot bring yourself to condemn the people threatening the pastor and his children, and instead support their murderous threats.
Again, thank you for your candour
You know, I never believed I was naive about anything. But I guess I "misunderestimated" (a Bushism) the left. I never thought they were THIS low.

Not ONE. Not a single Leftist loon can stand out from his fellow freaks and say it is WRONG to make DEATH THREATS against an innocent family.

No problem. Death threats against an innocent family is wrong. You haven't proven the religious nut really got any death threats, and if he did, it just comes with the territory of a overbearing homophobe. You don't stick your finger in a fire, and then ask if it's hot. You don't insult and degrade gay people without expecting a response.

Weak sauce at best.
No problem. Death threats against an innocent family is wrong. You haven't proven the religious nut really got any death threats, and if he did, it just comes with the territory of a overbearing homophobe. You don't stick your finger in a fire, and then ask if it's hot. You don't insult and degrade gay people without expecting a response.

Well, you ALMOST got there.
You STARTED OUT on the right track, then you went into full excuse mode.

In the end, you just made EXCUSES. There was no real condemnation
This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays.

Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.
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No problem. Death threats against an innocent family is wrong. You haven't proven the religious nut really got any death threats, and if he did, it just comes with the territory of a overbearing homophobe. You don't stick your finger in a fire, and then ask if it's hot. You don't insult and degrade gay people without expecting a response.

Well, you ALMOST got there.
You STARTED OUT on the right track, then you went into full excuse mode.

In the end, you just made EXCUSES. There was no real condemnation

An excuse and a statement of fact aren't the same thing.
I asked you if you would condemn the sicko’s issuing death threats to the pastor and his CHILDREN.
Instead of doing so (and you’ve been asked several times), you answered ‘the pastor is the sicko’, therefore it is quite clear you cannot bring yourself to condemn the people threatening the pastor and his children, and instead support their murderous threats.
Again, thank you for your candour
You know, I never believed I was naive about anything. But I guess I "misunderestimated" (a Bushism) the left. I never thought they were THIS low.

Not ONE. Not a single Leftist loon can stand out from his fellow freaks and say it is WRONG to make DEATH THREATS against an innocent family.

No problem. Death threats against an innocent family is wrong. You haven't proven the religious nut really got any death threats, and if he did, it just comes with the territory of a overbearing homophobe. You don't stick your finger in a fire, and then ask if it's hot. You don't insult and degrade gay people without expecting a response.
So because he insulted gay people (he didn’t - what he offered is voluntary and not without parental consent - that’s no other gay persons business!) he and his children deserve death threats after all?
You call that a condemnation of those making death threats? Lol.
This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays. Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.

There is very little bigotry against Christianity. However, the fake Christianity that is adopted by homophobes, racists, and generally ignorant, disgusting right wingers as an excuse for their vile beliefs and behavior is catching hell.
This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays. Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.

There is very little bigotry against Christianity. However, the fake Christianity that is adopted by homophobes, racists, and generally ignorant, disgusting right wingers as an excuse for their vile beliefs and behavior is catching hell.
Do you believe the pastor and his family deserve death threats? It’s a really simple question, yet you, like the other leftards here, seem unable to answer. Do you?
Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.

Anybody who claims to be hosting a Bible Class for the sexually confused is lying. The course outline made me shudder. Using the Bible to show these girls their “true sexuality”.

The reason why so many states have passed laws against gay conversion therapy is because so many children have been physically and emotionally damaged by these attempt to “pray the gay away”.

Legislators in this state also felt that this church needed to be stopped because they immediately went to work on a law.

Again. Stop trying to pretend that this Minister is the victim here. He’s not. Nor have you come up with proof of these “death threats”. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn this guy made it up so he could play victim. It’s what the religious right does they’re caught doing something shameful or illegal. Every. Single. Time.
For the hard of reading (ie the paranoid Christianophobes)

"We are about conversation, not conversion necessarily. We believe that sexuality is a choice, we believe that you can be what you want to be and do what you want to do," he added, clarifying that the church is in no way forcing anyone to attend such workshops.

"We find it incredibly odd that a community that has been so vocal about tolerance, about understanding someone else's perspective, about freedom, about choice, a community that has been so pro-choice, is seemingly so anti-choice when it comes to sexuality," he continued.

The pastor said that the workshop is not aimed at making judgments or trying to "fix" anyone.

"This particular workshop is about the parent and the child coming and saying, 'we want to talk.' We don't force the kids to be there, they are there because they want to be there. They are struggling, they are looking for some counsel, someone to listen to them."

People Want Pastor's Family Dead, Church Burned Down for Inviting Teen Girls to Discuss Gay Thoughts
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This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays. Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.

There is very little bigotry against Christianity. However, the fake Christianity that is adopted by homophobes, racists, and generally ignorant, disgusting right wingers as an excuse for their vile beliefs and behavior is catching hell.
Do you believe the pastor and his family deserve death threats? It’s a really simple question, yet you, like the other leftards here, seem unable to answer. Do you?

I never said anybody deserves death threats. Only that any religious nut who encourages the denial of rights to others just because of sexual orientation should not be surprised to get them.

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