LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

he'd have told you losers to leave gay people alone.
Now you're just making crap up.

This isn't about religion. This is about terror tactics of the homo mafia, and you have yet to denounce their CRIMES.
It is about the child abuse tactics of the religious right that you have yet to denounce
No it isn’t. It’s about the death threats and promises of violence issued by your unhinged pets against a pastor and his children.
Do you condemn these violent sickos?
The pastor is the sicko!
So you support him and his children being murdered.
I think that definitely makes you and your pals the sicko’s.
Thanks for making that clear.
Where the fuck did I say that!!?? He should be locked in a psych ward because he is clearly a danger to self and others.
Don't know. Get back with me when that happens
So you're not the one who will step up and condemn death threats?
Well, maybe they should just be locked in a psych ward forever.
Who should?
ANYONE who is a perpetrator of conversion "therapy" especially in the guise of bible study

Now you're making shit up, just stop
so you can be disrespectful to anyone who isn't white christian heterosexual and bigoted?
We can and should disrespect anyone who won't condemn death threats against innocent people.

You mean like the death threats against the lesbian couple who filed the complaint against the bakers.

Or the actual murders, bombings and shootings of abortion doctors?

When did you condemn any of those?
so you can be disrespectful to anyone who isn't white christian heterosexual and bigoted?
We can and should disrespect anyone who won't condemn death threats against innocent people.

You mean like the death threats against the lesbian couple who filed the complaint against the bakers.

Or the actual murders, bombings and shootings of abortion doctors?

When did you condemn any of those?

and the shooting in the black church

and the Oklahoma City bombing....

so you can be disrespectful to anyone who isn't white christian heterosexual and bigoted?
We can and should disrespect anyone who won't condemn death threats against innocent people.

You mean like the death threats against the lesbian couple who filed the complaint against the bakers.

Or the actual murders, bombings and shootings of abortion doctors?

When did you condemn any of those?
Bring it up in THAT thread.

Your duty is to condemn this
so you can be disrespectful to anyone who isn't white christian heterosexual and bigoted?
We can and should disrespect anyone who won't condemn death threats against innocent people.

You mean like the death threats against the lesbian couple who filed the complaint against the bakers.

Or the actual murders, bombings and shootings of abortion doctors?

When did you condemn any of those?

and the shooting in the black church

and the Oklahoma City bombing....

Who didnt dumb ass?

Oh yeah, YOU dont
State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:

Have any of you ignorant bigots even read the shit being spewed by these people? From the OP attachment:

The six-week workshop for girls 12-16 — which was canceled at the last minute due to a planned protest by LGBT advocates — was promoted as “a safe place for teenage girls to learn what the Bible teaches about sexuality.” FORGE Ministries designed it “for those struggling with the thoughts that they are Trans – Bi – Gay – or other.”

A safe place? Really. It was a hell hole of brain washing and coercion . Teaching them what the bible supposedly says about sexuality is not helpful. It will only increase their guild and shame. There struggle is with those who will not allow them to be true to themselves.

“Through thoughtful, relevant, and biblical counsel, we will help your girl be unashamed of her true sexual identity given to her by God at birth,” a social media posting about the workshop, which has since been taken down, stated.

More horseshit! They are doing nothing but shaming the girls. They know nothing of her true sexuality
“What we find incredibly odd is there is no seeking to understand what we are truly doing,” Pastor Schossau said. “Only the assumption that we are practicing some sort of (forced) conversion therapy.”

We understand perfectly well what you are doing and it's perfectly shameful
so you can be disrespectful to anyone who isn't white christian heterosexual and bigoted?
We can and should disrespect anyone who won't condemn death threats against innocent people.

You mean like the death threats against the lesbian couple who filed the complaint against the bakers.

Or the actual murders, bombings and shootings of abortion doctors?

When did you condemn any of those?
Bring it up in THAT thread.

Your duty is to condemn this

Nobody cries “victim” like the religious right. Between the phony “War on Christmas”, and claiming THEIR rights are being violated when they are displaying their bigotry.

When have YOU disavowed the hate, misogyny and bigotry of the Westbrook Baptists?

What happens if one of these young women this minister is counselling through “Bible study” commits suicide because the thought of being an “abomination” in the eyes of the Lord is too horrible to bear? Do you think the minister should be charged for “bullying”? I do.
Or as fascist as forcing anyone to bake any cake.

That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.
In this case, the item was not provided to anyone, regardless of race, creed, color, or sexual preference.

Explain to us why these are special people over all others.

Are you trying to say a bakery didn't normally bake wedding cakes? I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case.
I'm saying the cake they wanted was not offered to anyone. What makes them special people.
When have YOU disavowed the hate, misogyny and bigotry of the Westbrook Baptists
I don't agree with them, but when they make DEATH THREATS I will condemn it -- which is something you refuse to do. Beyond that, even they have freedom of speech.
Your fudge packing terrorists are not engaging in free speech.
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What happens if one of these young women this minister is counselling through “Bible study” commits suicide because the thought of being an “abomination” in the eyes of the Lord is too horrible to bear? Do you think the minister should be charged for “bullying”? I do.
So you don't believe in VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION.

If someone believes a BEHAVIOUR is wrong, and seeks help, IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS (pro choice). Quit being a busybody and CONDEMN TERROR THREATS.
That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.
In this case, the item was not provided to anyone, regardless of race, creed, color, or sexual preference.

Explain to us why these are special people over all others.

Are you trying to say a bakery didn't normally bake wedding cakes? I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case.
I'm saying the cake they wanted was not offered to anyone. What makes them special people.

Please elaborate.
Pastor Jeremy Schossau offered a Bible study for “sexually confused” teenagers. In response the LGBT attacked and threatened to burn his church down, burn his house down, kill him and then kill his family. If that was not bad enough, State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:

LGBT Attacks Christian Pastor Helping Teens With Same-Sex Attraction, They Say ‘If You Do Not Stop We Will Burn Your Church Down, Your House Down, Then We Will Kill You And Your Entire Family’ And State Government Politicians Side With The LGBT Against The Pastor

Aren't they so loving and tolerant, there is not one stitch of being selfish ignorant pigs now is there. That's all many leftist LGBT are selfish and greedy they are just part of the mental weakness class who are technically all in the same class mind sets hate america, hate freedom, rights, liberty, bring down America to a communist standard.

Problem is these are another bunch of loons who won't realize any of that until it's way to late.


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Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?

(nothing, because he's lying, but we'll be patient and wait for more lies)
Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.
Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.

Hard to condemn something that don't exist.

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