LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.

Anybody who claims to be hosting a Bible Class for the sexually confused is lying. The course outline made me shudder. Using the Bible to show these girls their “true sexuality”.

The reason why so many states have passed laws against gay conversion therapy is because so many children have been physically and emotionally damaged by these attempt to “pray the gay away”.

Legislators in this state also felt that this church needed to be stopped because they immediately went to work on a law.

Again. Stop trying to pretend that this Minister is the victim here. He’s not. Nor have you come up with proof of these “death threats”. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn this guy made it up so he could play victim. It’s what the religious right does they’re caught doing something shameful or illegal. Every. Single. Time.
If the homo mafia didn't make death threats, then you're free to condemn it. If they are better than that, and YOU can't condemn DEATH THREATS, than YOU are worse than the homo mafia.
You are correctly named as a daughter of the dragon (Satan)
Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.

One man was charged by police after threatening, “Every member of the ANTIFA will show up ‘armed and ready. This is not a joke.’”

LGBT advocates threaten to kill pastor over Bible workshop for sexually confused girls

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
Riverview Police Chief Clifford Rosebohm confirmed that officers met with church elders on Feb. 7 regarding threats of violence they received as voicemail messages. Police say the threats were related to the church’s sexual identity workshop.

“The workshop has gained so much negative attention on social media and news outlets that the church has canceled the workshop, fearing that protest may turn violent,” police stated in their report. “The church is receiving approximately 40 voicemail messages a minute from critics of the Unashamed Identity Workshop.”

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays. Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.

There is very little bigotry against Christianity. However, the fake Christianity that is adopted by homophobes, racists, and generally ignorant, disgusting right wingers as an excuse for their vile beliefs and behavior is catching hell.
Do you believe the pastor and his family deserve death threats? It’s a really simple question, yet you, like the other leftards here, seem unable to answer. Do you?

I never said anybody deserves death threats. Only that any religious nut who encourages the denial of rights to others just because of sexual orientation should not be surprised to get them.
You’ve not been asked if anyone should be surprised - the alphabet people regularly threaten pastors - no one is surprised - you were asked if you condemn them.
It’s simple enough, do you condemn them?
Last edited:
I never said anybody deserves death threats. Only that any religious nut who encourages the denial of rights to others just because of sexual orientation should not be surprised to get them
Well, you are making progress.

Let me show you how it is done:..

Atheist Timothy McVeigh was a murderer and got and deserved the death penalty.

Dylan Roof walked into a church and murdered several people in cold blood. I believe he is to get the death penalty. I support that.
Your turn Bulldog. You're our only hope.
Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.

One man was charged by police after threatening, “Every member of the ANTIFA will show up ‘armed and ready. This is not a joke.’”

LGBT advocates threaten to kill pastor over Bible workshop for sexually confused girls

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
Riverview Police Chief Clifford Rosebohm confirmed that officers met with church elders on Feb. 7 regarding threats of violence they received as voicemail messages. Police say the threats were related to the church’s sexual identity workshop.

“The workshop has gained so much negative attention on social media and news outlets that the church has canceled the workshop, fearing that protest may turn violent,” police stated in their report. “The church is receiving approximately 40 voicemail messages a minute from critics of the Unashamed Identity Workshop.”

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
Thank you, and WINNER! May justice prevail.
Lot had sex with his daughters.
No he didn't. He was passed out.

so? he impregnated them so he was aware enough to get the job done.

' blacking ' out is not the same as passing out, but you get a gold star for trying to weasel out of christain bible thumping hypocrisy.
You never actually READ the story, did you. The SIN was the DAUGHTERS, not Lot's.

And because the Bible serves as a HISTORY book, doesn't mean it CONDONES something. It's just telling this present day what these flawed people did
Lot had sex with his daughters.
No he didn't. He was passed out.

so? he impregnated them so he was aware enough to get the job done.

' blacking ' out is not the same as passing out, but you get a gold star for trying to weasel out of christain bible thumping hypocrisy.
You never actually READ the story, did you. The SIN was the DAUGHTERS, not Lot's.

And because the Bible serves as a HISTORY book, doesn't mean it CONDONES something. It's just telling this present day what these flawed people did

oh lol...ya i read it.... tell me how it wasn't sinful that he also tried to offer up his daughters to be raped as if that was a better alternative to gay sex? abortion was also sanctioned in the OT, but the pick & choose christians always seem to overlook that little factoid too when it comes to deciding what is sinful....
What happens if one of these young women this minister is counselling through “Bible study” commits suicide because the thought of being an “abomination” in the eyes of the Lord is too horrible to bear? Do you think the minister should be charged for “bullying”? I do.
So you don't believe in VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION.

If someone believes a BEHAVIOUR is wrong, and seeks help, IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS (pro choice). Quit being a busybody and CONDEMN TERROR THREATS.
Is it voluntary association? Are the girls seeking help? The kind of "help" being offered? They are kids who are confused and instead of the adults helping them to find their way, they are taking a captive audience and trying to mold them into who and want they want them to be
Don't know. Get back with me when that happens
So you're not the one who will step up and condemn death threats?
Well, maybe they should just be locked in a psych ward forever.
Who should?
ANYONE who is a perpetrator of conversion "therapy" especially in the guise of bible study
But he isn’t offering conversion therapy, he’s offering discussion. YOU are clearly a despotic retard.
Bovine Excrement!
What happens if one of these young women this minister is counselling through “Bible study” commits suicide because the thought of being an “abomination” in the eyes of the Lord is too horrible to bear? Do you think the minister should be charged for “bullying”? I do.
So you don't believe in VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION.

If someone believes a BEHAVIOUR is wrong, and seeks help, IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS (pro choice). Quit being a busybody and CONDEMN TERROR THREATS.
Is it voluntary association? Are the girls seeking help? The kind of "help" being offered? They are kids who are confused and instead of the adults helping them to find their way, they are taking a captive audience and trying to mold them into who and want they want them to be
All we heteros ask is that the homos show us the proper respect and gratitude for their very existence.
Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.

One man was charged by police after threatening, “Every member of the ANTIFA will show up ‘armed and ready. This is not a joke.’”

LGBT advocates threaten to kill pastor over Bible workshop for sexually confused girls

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
Riverview Police Chief Clifford Rosebohm confirmed that officers met with church elders on Feb. 7 regarding threats of violence they received as voicemail messages. Police say the threats were related to the church’s sexual identity workshop.

“The workshop has gained so much negative attention on social media and news outlets that the church has canceled the workshop, fearing that protest may turn violent,” police stated in their report. “The church is receiving approximately 40 voicemail messages a minute from critics of the Unashamed Identity Workshop.”

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
One guy making a blanket threat for the entire Antifa group. Was he the head of that group? Is there any reason to believe he could order such an action? To be technical, gun nuts say being armed is a right. Are you wanting to deny the 2nd rights at a pretend event? It's all less credible than most RWNJ claims
This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays. Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.

There is very little bigotry against Christianity. However, the fake Christianity that is adopted by homophobes, racists, and generally ignorant, disgusting right wingers as an excuse for their vile beliefs and behavior is catching hell.
Do you believe the pastor and his family deserve death threats? It’s a really simple question, yet you, like the other leftards here, seem unable to answer. Do you?

I never said anybody deserves death threats. Only that any religious nut who encourages the denial of rights to others just because of sexual orientation should not be surprised to get them.
You’ve not been asked if anyone should be surprised - the alphabet people regularly threaten pastors - no one is surprised - you were asked if you condemn them.
It’s simple enough, do you condemn them?

Again, it's hard to condemn something that only exists in your mind.
I never said anybody deserves death threats. Only that any religious nut who encourages the denial of rights to others just because of sexual orientation should not be surprised to get them
Well, you are making progress.

Let me show you how it is done:..

Atheist Timothy McVeigh was a murderer and got and deserved the death penalty.

Dylan Roof walked into a church and murdered several people in cold blood. I believe he is to get the death penalty. I support that.
Your turn Bulldog. You're our only hope.

I concur with your opinions of McVeigh, and Roof.
The pastor is not a Christian unless he has proof that Jesus hated gays. He doesn`t have that proof.

Jesus didn't hate anyone, He hates their sin. Over and over in the Bible homosexuality is a sin, an abomination.

he'd have told you losers to leave gay people alone.

He'd have told the gays He forgave them and go and sin no more

You really don't think I'm taking Biblical matters from you seriously do you?
How can anyone take bible matters seriously??
How judgemental!
Yet we MUST believe there are 72 genders!
More than that. Gender is infinite and exists along a continuum as does sexual preference. Get with it .
All we heteros ask is that the homos show us the proper respect and gratitude for their very existence
They call us "breeders" because they cannot reproduce.

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