LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

They just can't stand when you prove them wrong. Too bad they don't have the ability to step back and look at themselves .
State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:
That shit that they peddle is not help!!
YOU don’t get to decide what others deem helpful.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
They just can't stand when you prove them wrong. Too bad they don't have the ability to step back and look at themselves .
This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays.

Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.

It does , doesn't it. they prove everything we see about them, they prove what they do to others as a whole. I mean those not even on the board these are your Trump haters these are the selfish pricks who think they fight for equality when realistically they fight for their own selfish wants, and to fkn greedy to see just how selfish they even are.
Don't know. Get back with me when that happens
So you're not the one who will step up and condemn death threats?
Well, maybe they should just be locked in a psych ward forever.
Who should?
ANYONE who is a perpetrator of conversion "therapy" especially in the guise of bible study
But he isn’t offering conversion therapy, he’s offering discussion. YOU are clearly a despotic retard.
You clearly have your head way up that smelly place where the sun don't shine.
This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays.

Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.

It does , doesn't it. they prove everything we see about them, they prove what they do to others as a whole. I mean those not even on the board these are your Trump haters these are the selfish pricks who think they fight for equality when realistically they fight for their own selfish wants, and to fkn greedy to see just how selfish they even are.
This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays.

Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.
This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays.

Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.

It does , doesn't it. they prove everything we see about them, they prove what they do to others as a whole. I mean those not even on the board these are your Trump haters these are the selfish pricks who think they fight for equality when realistically they fight for their own selfish wants, and to fkn greedy to see just how selfish they even are.

Ok you got me on this one waaay to funny .......... but it should be big girl pants bhaahhHA

This thread does a very good job of illustrating the absolutle bigotry of militant gays et al and their supporters.

They prattle on day in and day out how there are x number of genders, and how anyone can fluctuate between them at any given moment, and that we must all BELIEVE and RESPECT that, BUT if the gender confused wish to discuss the issue with their pastor, the pastor deserves to die! Lol.

What we are basically witnessing is extreme bigotry against Christianity - notice how none of these regressive retards manage to squeeze in a single thread about gays being thrown off buildings, hung from cranes or forced to have sex change ops - yet theregressivepervert, for example, starts thread after thread after thread about the (mostly imagined) slights against gays.

Theregressivepervert et al are clearly hugely bigoted Christianophobes and should be identified as such as often as possible.

It does , doesn't it. they prove everything we see about them, they prove what they do to others as a whole. I mean those not even on the board these are your Trump haters these are the selfish pricks who think they fight for equality when realistically they fight for their own selfish wants, and to fkn greedy to see just how selfish they even are.

Ok you got me on this one waaay to funny .......... but it should be big girl pants bhaahhHA

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Is the conspiracy loon getting cranky?
Yeah & their cult dictionary also has terms like "twink" for underaged boys sought for sex by old men & "to turn" which is for older gay men to sexually coerce young boys into gay sex/imprint them with a gay sex fetish.

But that's on digital record & as such able to be fact checked. And you know how big of tantrums they throw when their bullshit is fact-checked.
Yeah & their cult dictionary also has terms like "twink" for underaged boys sought for sex by old men & "to turn" which is for older gay men to sexually coerce young boys into gay sex/imprint them with a gay sex fetish.

But that's on digital record & as such able to be fact checked. And you know how big of tantrums they throw when their bullshit is fact-checked.
Yeah. They get angry when the curtain is pulled back.
Or as fascist as forcing anyone to bake any cake.

That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.

The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?
All we heteros ask is that the homos show us the proper respect and gratitude for their very existence
They call us "breeders" because they cannot reproduce.
Well that’s quite a delusional little lie there, cookie
It's the truth. I heard that term years ago.
Urban Dictionary: Breeder

you ever hear a real person use that term in real life? I can promise you I've never heard a single friend, gay or not, use it and I'm going to guess that way more gays live in NYC than where you are.

I'll also point out that even in your link, the primary definition was for CHILDLESS people in reference to people who had kids whose behavior they don't like and has nothing to do with LGBT folk.

so basically, focusing on gays is BS.

glad we got that straight.
That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.

The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?
That is the crazy homophobe's claim. It's stupid, but it is the claim.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.

The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

that whole appeal to authority thing.... you mean law, reason, education, expertise and intellect?

we know that people like you hate those things. the level of stupid among trumptards is mind-boggling.
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.

The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?
No one in America should be forced to provide labor. That's nazi shit.

If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.

The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

that whole appeal to authority thing.... you mean law, reason, education, expertise and intellect?

we know that people like you hate those things. the level of stupid among trumptards is mind-boggling.

No, what i mean is morons like you don't defend your views on such things except for saying "well this court or that court said it was the case, so I guess I win!!! fuh fuh fuh"

The same line of logic was used by defenders of Plessey and other crappy court decisions. It is intellectually cowardly.
you ever hear a real person use that term in real life? I can promise you I've never heard a single friend, gay or not, use it and I'm going to guess that way more gays live in NYC than where you are

The world doesn't revolve around you.

Why are you so hung up on this?

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