LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Awwwwwwww. Whiny little trumpflake.

Guess what? You can be a bigot in your own “home”. The constitution protects everyone else from people like you.

But thanks for once again proving what deplorable lowlife loons trumptards are.
We're all bigots these days, even you. Means nothing when you call me a bigot.
State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:
That shit that they peddle is not help!!
YOU don’t get to decide what others deem helpful.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
First of all, gays have not animosity towards straights,
Other than the death threat thing which none of you can condemn
One: there is no proof other than what this guy has asserted, and as is often said, people lie and exaggerate. Two: everyone is receiving death threats these days, from mosques to Jewish people, to LGBT couples and beyond:

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."
Nice, huh? This was received on the phone of one of the couples who filed complaints against bakeries that refused them service, and it was not the only one.

The hate keeps coming: Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

Interesting that the moron who sent this message accused these women of being "anti-Christian," given that no Christian would ever have written such garbage and he would have had no idea of what religion these women believed in.

So I am not about to shed big crocodile tears for this guy. Threats seem to be epidemic these days.
First of all, gays have not animosity towards straights,
Other than the death threat thing which none of you can condemn
One: there is no proof other than what this guy has asserted, and as is often said, people lie and exaggerate. Two: everyone is receiving death threats these days, from mosques to Jewish people, to LGBT couples and beyond:

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."
Nice, huh? This was received on the phone of one of the couples who filed complaints against bakeries that refused them service, and it was not the only one.

The hate keeps coming: Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

Interesting that the moron who sent this message accused these women of being "anti-Christian," given that no Christian would ever have written such garbage and he would have had no idea of what religion these women believed in.

So I am not about to shed big crocodile tears for this guy. Threats seem to be epidemic these days.
Jesus said marriage is a male and female. Jesus would be labeled a "hater and bigot" these days.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.

What an idiotic comment. Pure fantasy. LGBTs are also active in religion (various ones). I worked with one gay guy who taught Sunday School. Being LGBT is not, itself, a religion or a cult. And the sanctimonious "people of faith," themselves non-Christian cultists, have been the aggressors, not the other way around.
The fact a homo taught sunday school in no way condones homosexuality. Many so called "churches" are not true Christian churches. There are many false churches, the bible tells us this. Homosexuality is sin, and anyone that is a practicing homosexual, adulterer, drunk, liar, etc, should not hold any position in the church. That's what Scripture teaches.

Bullshit, plain and simple. Bible-pounders are not themselves "true Christians," and they have no right to say who is, they have their own cults, and they need to leave the LGBTs, and everyone else alone.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.

What an idiotic comment. Pure fantasy. LGBTs are also active in religion (various ones). I worked with one gay guy who taught Sunday School. Being LGBT is not, itself, a religion or a cult. And the sanctimonious "people of faith," themselves non-Christian cultists, have been the aggressors, not the other way around.
The fact a homo taught sunday school in no way condones homosexuality. Many so called "churches" are not true Christian churches. There are many false churches, the bible tells us this. Homosexuality is sin, and anyone that is a practicing homosexual, adulterer, drunk, liar, etc, should not hold any position in the church. That's what Scripture teaches.

Bullshit, plain and simple. Bible-pounders are not themselves "true Christians," and they have no right to say who is, they have their own cults, and they need to leave the LGBTs, and everyone else alone.
The New Testament very plainly states that homosexuality is sin. When the Bible states something, I do have the right to believe it.
That shit that they peddle is not help!!
YOU don’t get to decide what others deem helpful.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.
YOU don’t get to decide what others deem helpful.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.
Oh, bullshit. bigot, bigot, bigot. You're just as much a bigot as I am. You're fearful you won't be able to indoctrinate the kids with your lies. It's none of your business how parents raise their kids.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.

What an idiotic comment. Pure fantasy. LGBTs are also active in religion (various ones). I worked with one gay guy who taught Sunday School. Being LGBT is not, itself, a religion or a cult. And the sanctimonious "people of faith," themselves non-Christian cultists, have been the aggressors, not the other way around.
The fact a homo taught sunday school in no way condones homosexuality. Many so called "churches" are not true Christian churches. There are many false churches, the bible tells us this. Homosexuality is sin, and anyone that is a practicing homosexual, adulterer, drunk, liar, etc, should not hold any position in the church. That's what Scripture teaches.

Bullshit, plain and simple. Bible-pounders are not themselves "true Christians," and they have no right to say who is, they have their own cults, and they need to leave the LGBTs, and everyone else alone.
The New Testament very plainly states that homosexuality is sin. When the Bible states something, I do have the right to believe it.
Jesus said nothing of the sort. But he did say lots of stuff about other people that is totally ignored. Anyway, not all LGBTs are Christian. I actually know one who is a Muslim. In any event, believe what you want, but don't attack other people. I'm tired of the sanctimonious bullshit coming from some people who call themselves Christians.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.
Oh, bullshit. bigot, bigot, bigot. You're just as much a bigot as I am. You're fearful you won't be able to indoctrinate the kids with your lies. It's none of your business how parents raise their kids.
Apparently you just as stupid as I suspected. What lies, exactly, do I want to indoctrinate kids with?
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.
Oh, bullshit. bigot, bigot, bigot. You're just as much a bigot as I am. You're fearful you won't be able to indoctrinate the kids with your lies. It's none of your business how parents raise their kids.
Apparently you just as stupid as I suspected. What lies, exactly, do I want to indoctrinate kids with?
The lie that homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality.
Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.

What an idiotic comment. Pure fantasy. LGBTs are also active in religion (various ones). I worked with one gay guy who taught Sunday School. Being LGBT is not, itself, a religion or a cult. And the sanctimonious "people of faith," themselves non-Christian cultists, have been the aggressors, not the other way around.
The fact a homo taught sunday school in no way condones homosexuality. Many so called "churches" are not true Christian churches. There are many false churches, the bible tells us this. Homosexuality is sin, and anyone that is a practicing homosexual, adulterer, drunk, liar, etc, should not hold any position in the church. That's what Scripture teaches.

Bullshit, plain and simple. Bible-pounders are not themselves "true Christians," and they have no right to say who is, they have their own cults, and they need to leave the LGBTs, and everyone else alone.
The New Testament very plainly states that homosexuality is sin. When the Bible states something, I do have the right to believe it.
Jesus said nothing of the sort. But he did say lots of stuff about other people that is totally ignored. Anyway, not all LGBTs are Christian. I actually know one who is a Muslim. In any event, believe what you want, but don't attack other people. I'm tired of the sanctimonious bullshit coming from some people who call themselves Christians.

Jesus never mentioned pedophiles either....think He was cool with It?

The Bible is clear, homosexuality is a sin and Christ followed His Father's law and word...which is the Bible
YOU don’t get to decide what others deem helpful.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.

Your own distaste of Christians reveals you yourself are a bigot.

Look up the word before using it
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.

Your own distaste of Christians reveals you yourself are a bigot.

Look up the word before using it
This forum is full of Christophobic bigots.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.

Your own distaste of Christians reveals you yourself are a bigot.

Look up the word before using it
This forum is full of Christophobic bigots.

Certainly full of morons that are clueless about Biblical matters and Christ
So much of "Christianity" in the U.S. today has become laughable. It's pathetic. "Christian" culties, do your own thing, just don't step on anyone else's toes or interfere with their lives.
So much of "Christianity" in the U.S. today has become laughable. It's pathetic. "Christian" culties, do your own thing, just don't step on anyone else's toes or interfere with their lives.
And the same goes for the queers. Leave our children alone.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.

Your own distaste of Christians reveals you yourself are a bigot.

Look up the word before using it
Please be so kind as to direct the class to something that I posted that disparaged Christians, simply for being Christian, or SHUT THE FUCK UP,

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