LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

So much of "Christianity" in the U.S. today has become laughable. It's pathetic. "Christian" culties, do your own thing, just don't step on anyone else's toes or interfere with their lives.
And the same goes for the queers. Leave our children alone.
Do you have to work at being stupid or does it just come naturally? The only ones "bothering the children" are the holy rollers.
Christophobic bigot.
No one is "christophobic" around here, and no one is a "bigot." People are allowed to be against assholes. It has been the people who cowardly call themselves "Christians" while attacking LGBTs, regardless of the faith of their victims, without identifying which sect they themselves come from. So far they have attacked not only LGBTs of all religions, they have attacked Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, and members of the United Church of Christ (all Christian) and Muslims and Jews, all who have done nothing to them, and this is only by my count. I can't wait for them to get around to Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists who aren't members of the Southern Baptist religion, Orthodox, Quakers, and all the rest. The current crap who call themselves "Christians" are trying to destroy both Christianity and the U.S.
Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God and do their best to live accordingly. Period.
Some Christians believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, both of which are absurd.
And the same goes for the queers. Leave our children alone.
Do you have to work at being stupid or does it just come naturally? The only ones "bothering the children" are the holy rollers.
Christophobic bigot.
No one is "christophobic" around here, and no one is a "bigot." People are allowed to be against assholes. It has been the people who cowardly call themselves "Christians" while attacking LGBTs, regardless of the faith of their victims, without identifying which sect they themselves come from. So far they have attacked not only LGBTs of all religions, they have attacked Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, and members of the United Church of Christ (all Christian) and Muslims and Jews, all who have done nothing to them, and this is only by my count. I can't wait for them to get around to Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists who aren't members of the Southern Baptist religion, Orthodox, Quakers, and all the rest. The current crap who call themselves "Christians" are trying to destroy both Christianity and the U.S.
Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God and do their best to live accordingly. Period.
Some Christians believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, both of which are absurd.
Jesus believed the Scriptures
No one is "christophobic" around here, and no one is a "bigot." People are allowed to be against assholes.

You do understand it is you "non bigots"
Who believe it is your duty to stop a parent and THEIR child fromm seeking counsel from those THEY respect because it offends YOUR perverted sense of morality.

It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and you certainly have no right to threaten anyone with violence.
Who threatened anyone with violence? Guys who talk about guns while threatening other people? If this guy, this so-called "pastor," actually received threats, this is horrible, but please mention all of the other threats flying around.

Parents have a right to screw up their children at will. Then it's the children who suffer the consequences.
If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.

The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?
If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.

The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

that whole appeal to authority thing.... you mean law, reason, education, expertise and intellect?

we know that people like you hate those things. the level of stupid among trumptards is mind-boggling.

No, what i mean is morons like you don't defend your views on such things except for saying "well this court or that court said it was the case, so I guess I win!!! fuh fuh fuh"

The same line of logic was used by defenders of Plessey and other crappy court decisions. It is intellectually cowardly.
Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.

One man was charged by police after threatening, “Every member of the ANTIFA will show up ‘armed and ready. This is not a joke.’”

LGBT advocates threaten to kill pastor over Bible workshop for sexually confused girls

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
Riverview Police Chief Clifford Rosebohm confirmed that officers met with church elders on Feb. 7 regarding threats of violence they received as voicemail messages. Police say the threats were related to the church’s sexual identity workshop.

“The workshop has gained so much negative attention on social media and news outlets that the church has canceled the workshop, fearing that protest may turn violent,” police stated in their report. “The church is receiving approximately 40 voicemail messages a minute from critics of the Unashamed Identity Workshop.”

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
One guy making a blanket threat for the entire Antifa group. Was he the head of that group? Is there any reason to believe he could order such an action? To be technical, gun nuts say being armed is a right. Are you wanting to deny the 2nd rights at a pretend event? It's all less credible than most RWNJ claims
Thank you for clarifying you support threats of physical harm against those you disagree with and their children. Another fascist lefty.

Please point out exactly where I said that. Wanting it to be so doesn't make it so.
The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?
The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

that whole appeal to authority thing.... you mean law, reason, education, expertise and intellect?

we know that people like you hate those things. the level of stupid among trumptards is mind-boggling.

No, what i mean is morons like you don't defend your views on such things except for saying "well this court or that court said it was the case, so I guess I win!!! fuh fuh fuh"

The same line of logic was used by defenders of Plessey and other crappy court decisions. It is intellectually cowardly.

Thank you for admitting you have no real counter-argument, you cheap, dime store hack.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.
Perversely they never say a peep about Islam.
Do you have to work at being stupid or does it just come naturally? The only ones "bothering the children" are the holy rollers.
Christophobic bigot.
No one is "christophobic" around here, and no one is a "bigot." People are allowed to be against assholes. It has been the people who cowardly call themselves "Christians" while attacking LGBTs, regardless of the faith of their victims, without identifying which sect they themselves come from. So far they have attacked not only LGBTs of all religions, they have attacked Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, and members of the United Church of Christ (all Christian) and Muslims and Jews, all who have done nothing to them, and this is only by my count. I can't wait for them to get around to Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists who aren't members of the Southern Baptist religion, Orthodox, Quakers, and all the rest. The current crap who call themselves "Christians" are trying to destroy both Christianity and the U.S.
Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God and do their best to live accordingly. Period.
Some Christians believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, both of which are absurd.
Jesus believed the Scriptures
And you know? Did he believe in Revelation? Saul of Tarsus' arrogant letters to his followers like he knew what he was doing?
State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:
That shit that they peddle is not help!!
YOU don’t get to decide what others deem helpful.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
No, it’s not what he is offering, he is not going out and dragging kids in and forcing them to listen to what he has to say - AT ALL.
You are simply terrified that kids and their parents who exercise their choice to discuss these matters with their pastor might like what he has to say.
Clearly your ranks are not growing fast enough for you and you don’t want anything getting in the way, fascist.
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If someone voluntarily opens a business serving the public, you can't really call requiring them to obey accommodation laws forced labor.

The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

Reality is what I have on this. Quit whining.

So you have nothing, because you keep running back to "well its the law, fuh fuh fuh"
See post#199 and #202.
The thing is you and progressives everywhere extend what a Public Accomodation is to include any business transaction, which it is not.

The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

Reality is what I have on this. Quit whining.

So you have nothing, because you keep running back to "well its the law, fuh fuh fuh"
See post#199 and #202.

you can justify your intellectual cowardice any way you want, however the below still applies: (with apologies to Monty Python)

Brave Sir Bulldog ran away.
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger rears it's ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Bulldog turned about
He gallantly chickened out.

Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat.
Oh bravest of the brave, Sir Bulldog!
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.
Oh, bullshit. bigot, bigot, bigot. You're just as much a bigot as I am. You're fearful you won't be able to indoctrinate the kids with your lies. It's none of your business how parents raise their kids.
He’s one of the biggest bigots here - he insists on denying others the right to have choices and supports pastors and their children being threatened with violence. You don’t get more bigoted than that.
Why do you care "how" it's discussed? They're not your kids. Mind your own business.
I care because I do not want children being emotionally abused and damaged by bigots. We as adults have responsibility to all children,.

Your own distaste of Christians reveals you yourself are a bigot.

Look up the word before using it
This forum is full of Christophobic bigots.

Certainly full of morons that are clueless about Biblical matters and Christ
I will be the first to admit that I am clueless about Biblical matters .That does not make me a moron. It makes me grounded in reality.
Someone who thinks there is a limitless number of genders is anything but grounded in reality.
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Christophobic bigot.
No one is "christophobic" around here, and no one is a "bigot." People are allowed to be against assholes. It has been the people who cowardly call themselves "Christians" while attacking LGBTs, regardless of the faith of their victims, without identifying which sect they themselves come from. So far they have attacked not only LGBTs of all religions, they have attacked Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, and members of the United Church of Christ (all Christian) and Muslims and Jews, all who have done nothing to them, and this is only by my count. I can't wait for them to get around to Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists who aren't members of the Southern Baptist religion, Orthodox, Quakers, and all the rest. The current crap who call themselves "Christians" are trying to destroy both Christianity and the U.S.
Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God and do their best to live accordingly. Period.
Some Christians believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, both of which are absurd.
Jesus believed the Scriptures
And you know? Did he believe in Revelation? Saul of Tarsus' arrogant letters to his followers like he knew what he was doing?
Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus. The Apostles Paul and John wrote what Jesus gave them. Christians believe the Bible to be the Word of God. You don't. Therefore, you have absolutely no moral authority here to say who is a Christian and who isn't.
The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

Reality is what I have on this. Quit whining.

So you have nothing, because you keep running back to "well its the law, fuh fuh fuh"
See post#199 and #202.

you can justify your intellectual cowardice any way you want, however the below still applies: (with apologies to Monty Python)

Brave Sir Bulldog ran away.
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger rears it's ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Bulldog turned about
He gallantly chickened out.

Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat.
Oh bravest of the brave, Sir Bulldog!

I always did like Monte Python. You are still a big bag of RWNJ wind spouting Trumpbot propaganda. No reason to lend you any credibility any more than I would for Alex Jones, where you get most of your crazy rants from.
We don't even know whether this guy was threatened any more than other people. I've already quoted a threat:

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."
Modern electronic communications have made threats easy and hard to track. But why is this guy somehow special?
Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

Reality is what I have on this. Quit whining.

So you have nothing, because you keep running back to "well its the law, fuh fuh fuh"
See post#199 and #202.

you can justify your intellectual cowardice any way you want, however the below still applies: (with apologies to Monty Python)

Brave Sir Bulldog ran away.
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger rears it's ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Bulldog turned about
He gallantly chickened out.

Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat.
Oh bravest of the brave, Sir Bulldog!

I always did like Monte Python. You are still a big bag of RWNJ wind spouting Trumpbot propaganda. No reason to lend you any credibility any more than I would for Alex Jones, where you get most of your crazy rants from.

Since when is what I am talking about related to Trump? I've had these views since long before Trump even declared himself a candidate.

And I don't read Alex Jones's stuff, please show me where my position on this is linked to his stuff.
No one is "christophobic" around here, and no one is a "bigot." People are allowed to be against assholes. It has been the people who cowardly call themselves "Christians" while attacking LGBTs, regardless of the faith of their victims, without identifying which sect they themselves come from. So far they have attacked not only LGBTs of all religions, they have attacked Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, and members of the United Church of Christ (all Christian) and Muslims and Jews, all who have done nothing to them, and this is only by my count. I can't wait for them to get around to Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists who aren't members of the Southern Baptist religion, Orthodox, Quakers, and all the rest. The current crap who call themselves "Christians" are trying to destroy both Christianity and the U.S.
Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God and do their best to live accordingly. Period.
Some Christians believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, both of which are absurd.
Jesus believed the Scriptures
And you know? Did he believe in Revelation? Saul of Tarsus' arrogant letters to his followers like he knew what he was doing?
Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus. The Apostles Paul and John wrote what Jesus gave them. Christians believe the Bible to be the Word of God. You don't. Therefore, you have absolutely no moral authority here to say who is a Christian and who isn't.
So you say. Saul of Tarsus never even met Jesus. No Supreme Being had a hand in writing the various works that were assembled in what is now known as "the bible." Believe what you wish but don't bother others.
We don't even know whether this guy was threatened any more than other people. I've already quoted a threat:

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."
Modern electronic communications have made threats easy and hard to track. But why is this guy somehow special?
Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God and do their best to live accordingly. Period.
Some Christians believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, both of which are absurd.
Jesus believed the Scriptures
And you know? Did he believe in Revelation? Saul of Tarsus' arrogant letters to his followers like he knew what he was doing?
Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus. The Apostles Paul and John wrote what Jesus gave them. Christians believe the Bible to be the Word of God. You don't. Therefore, you have absolutely no moral authority here to say who is a Christian and who isn't.
So you say. Saul of Tarsus never even met Jesus. No Supreme Being had a hand in writing the various works that were assembled in what is now known as "the bible." Believe what you wish but don't bother others.
The Scriptures state that Saul met Jesus. The Scriptures state that Jesus revealed Himself to Saul and changed his name to Paul. You have absolutely no moral authority here on who is a Christian and who isn't. I can post here, so don't you dare tell me not to bother others, you arrogant piece of shit. Who in the hell do you think you are?

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