LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

Saul of Tarsus never even met Jesus.
He was taught by Him for 3 years in the wilderness.
No other apostle questioned Paul's credentials. No apostle disagreed with him on matters of DOCTRINE.

You probably need to read about Peter and Paul in Antioch. How do you explain all the direct conflicts between the teachings of Jesus, and what Paul said?
Are the faith-haters drawing this topic into a tangent to cover their asses again? Let's turn the conversation around. Where did the LGBT vernacular terms "twink" and "to turn" come from Bulldog?
You probably need to read about Peter and Paul in Antioch. How do you explain all the direct conflicts between the teachings of Jesus, and what Paul said?
Give an example. God had to speak to Peter in a dream after one such dispute. Peter came around and understood and agreed with Paul's mission TO THE GENTILES.
Are the faith-haters drawing this topic into a tangent to cover their asses again? Let's turn the conversation around. Where did the LGBT vernacular terms "twink" and "to turn" come from Bulldog?

I give up. You decide you couldn't win the original discussion, so you want to start another?
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.
Perversely they never say a peep about Islam.
Oh Christ!! Seriously? I and others say plenty about Islam...WHEN THE SUBJECT IS ISLAM. Do you even know what you are doing here ? I will tell you. Because you cannot defend your pathetic assertion that what these religious people are doing to the kids is harmful, you are resorting to logical fallacies to mask that fact and avoid the real subject. You just omitted three such offenses in one short sentence.

1. It is a false equivalency because you are equating Islamic persecution of gays that takes place in the context of theocracies for the most part, where the government condones it. Here, we are supposed to be a secular state.

2. It is a red herring obviously intended to divert attention away from the real issue that you are unable to effectively deal with.

and my favorite......

3. It is a tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."
We don't even know whether this guy was threatened any more than other people. I've already quoted a threat:

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."
Modern electronic communications have made threats easy and hard to track. But why is this guy somehow special?
Some Christians believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, both of which are absurd.
Jesus believed the Scriptures
And you know? Did he believe in Revelation? Saul of Tarsus' arrogant letters to his followers like he knew what he was doing?
Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus. The Apostles Paul and John wrote what Jesus gave them. Christians believe the Bible to be the Word of God. You don't. Therefore, you have absolutely no moral authority here to say who is a Christian and who isn't.
So you say. Saul of Tarsus never even met Jesus. No Supreme Being had a hand in writing the various works that were assembled in what is now known as "the bible." Believe what you wish but don't bother others.
The Scriptures state that Saul met Jesus. The Scriptures state that Jesus revealed Himself to Saul and changed his name to Paul. You have absolutely no moral authority here on who is a Christian and who isn't. I can post here, so don't you dare tell me not to bother others, you arrogant piece of shit. Who in the hell do you think you are?

Actually, Saul/Paul said that.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.
Perversely they never say a peep about Islam.
Oh Christ!! Seriously? I and others say plenty about Islam...WHEN THE SUBJECT IS ISLAM. Do you even know what you are doing here ? I will tell you. Because you cannot defend your pathetic assertion that what these religious people are doing to the kids is harmful, you are resorting to logical fallacies to mask that fact and avoid the real subject. You just omitted three such offenses in one short sentence.

1. It is a false equivalency because you are equating Islamic persecution of gays that takes place in the context of theocracies for the most part, where the government condones it. Here, we are supposed to be a secular state.

2. It is a red herring obviously intended to divert attention away from the real issue that you are unable to effectively deal with.

and my favorite......

3. It is a tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."
No one is "attacking" queers. Teaching our children that homosexuality is perverted and against God is our right. That's a Constitutional RIGHT.
We don't even know whether this guy was threatened any more than other people. I've already quoted a threat:

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."
Modern electronic communications have made threats easy and hard to track. But why is this guy somehow special?
Jesus believed the Scriptures
And you know? Did he believe in Revelation? Saul of Tarsus' arrogant letters to his followers like he knew what he was doing?
Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus. The Apostles Paul and John wrote what Jesus gave them. Christians believe the Bible to be the Word of God. You don't. Therefore, you have absolutely no moral authority here to say who is a Christian and who isn't.
So you say. Saul of Tarsus never even met Jesus. No Supreme Being had a hand in writing the various works that were assembled in what is now known as "the bible." Believe what you wish but don't bother others.
The Scriptures state that Saul met Jesus. The Scriptures state that Jesus revealed Himself to Saul and changed his name to Paul. You have absolutely no moral authority here on who is a Christian and who isn't. I can post here, so don't you dare tell me not to bother others, you arrogant piece of shit. Who in the hell do you think you are?

Actually, Saul/Paul said that.
Actually, it's Scripture. It's what Christians believe to be the Word of God.
You probably need to read about Peter and Paul in Antioch. How do you explain all the direct conflicts between the teachings of Jesus, and what Paul said?
Give an example. God had to speak to Peter in a dream after one such dispute. Peter came around and understood and agreed with Paul's mission TO THE GENTILES.

Didn't ask about that. Statements by Jesus are directly countermanded by Paul. So whose teachings do you follow?
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.
Perversely they never say a peep about Islam.
Oh Christ!! Seriously? I and others say plenty about Islam...WHEN THE SUBJECT IS ISLAM. Do you even know what you are doing here ? I will tell you. Because you cannot defend your pathetic assertion that what these religious people are doing to the kids is harmful, you are resorting to logical fallacies to mask that fact and avoid the real subject. You just omitted three such offenses in one short sentence.

1. It is a false equivalency because you are equating Islamic persecution of gays that takes place in the context of theocracies for the most part, where the government condones it. Here, we are supposed to be a secular state.

2. It is a red herring obviously intended to divert attention away from the real issue that you are unable to effectively deal with.

and my favorite......

3. It is a tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."
No one is "attacking" queers. Teaching our children that homosexuality is perverted and against God is our right. That's a Constitutional RIGHT.
What the fuck are you talking about now.? I said that some Christians are coercing and harming children, and that is MY constitutional right to do so. Yes teaching hate is YOUR right under the law I suppose, but that does not make it right, although I doubt if you can make that distinction.
Those of you fed up with the alphabet people threatening innocent people and the gvmnt attacking the free speech rights and free exercise of (the Christian) religion, please sign the petition! Thank you.

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach

22839 Actions

Dear Rep. Camilleri and Rep. Zemke,

You recently demanded that your state Attorney General launch an investigation into Metro City Church of Riverview, Michigan and FORGE Ministries after the church offered “The Unashamed Identity” Workshop, a safe place for teenage girls to learn what the Bible teaches about sexuality.

It is alarming that legislators, who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, have attacked the free speech rights and free exercise of religion by a local church congregation, in direct violation of the First Amendment. Moreover, as government officials, for you to dictate what a local church must teach regarding its theology is totalitarian in nature, and is at the heart of what the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was meant to prevent.

I urge you to respect the freedom of this church to teach what the Bible says about human sexuality and withdraw your request for an unconstitutional government investigation into Metro City Church and FORGE Ministries.

Act now! Sign our Petition!

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.
Perversely they never say a peep about Islam.
Oh Christ!! Seriously? I and others say plenty about Islam...WHEN THE SUBJECT IS ISLAM. Do you even know what you are doing here ? I will tell you. Because you cannot defend your pathetic assertion that what these religious people are doing to the kids is harmful, you are resorting to logical fallacies to mask that fact and avoid the real subject. You just omitted three such offenses in one short sentence.

1. It is a false equivalency because you are equating Islamic persecution of gays that takes place in the context of theocracies for the most part, where the government condones it. Here, we are supposed to be a secular state.

2. It is a red herring obviously intended to divert attention away from the real issue that you are unable to effectively deal with.

and my favorite......

3. It is a tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."
No one is "attacking" queers. Teaching our children that homosexuality is perverted and against God is our right. That's a Constitutional RIGHT.
What the fuck are you talking about now.? I said that some Christians are coercing and harming children, and that is MY constitutional right to do so. Yes teaching hate is YOUR right under the law I suppose, but that does not make it right, although I doubt if you can make that distinction.
But this pastor is not harming children and you are baselessly attacking him and supporting him and his family and his church being threatened - you are a fascist, regressivepervert.
Last edited:
Those of you fed up with the alphabet people threatening innocent people and the gvmnt attacking the free speech rights and free exercise of (the Christian) religion, please sign the petition! Thank you.

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach

22839 Actions

Dear Rep. Camilleri and Rep. Zemke,

You recently demanded that your state Attorney General launch an investigation into Metro City Church of Riverview, Michigan and FORGE Ministries after the church offered “The Unashamed Identity” Workshop, a safe place for teenage girls to learn what the Bible teaches about sexuality.

It is alarming that legislators, who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, have attacked the free speech rights and free exercise of religion by a local church congregation, in direct violation of the First Amendment. Moreover, as government officials, for you to dictate what a local church must teach regarding its theology is totalitarian in nature, and is at the heart of what the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was meant to prevent.

I urge you to respect the freedom of this church to teach what the Bible says about human sexuality and withdraw your request for an unconstitutional government investigation into Metro City Church and FORGE Ministries.

Act now! Sign our Petition!

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach
What a fucking joke!! The family Research Hate Group Council :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:
Those of you fed up with the alphabet people threatening innocent people and the gvmnt attacking the free speech rights and free exercise of (the Christian) religion, please sign the petition! Thank you.

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach

22839 Actions

Dear Rep. Camilleri and Rep. Zemke,

You recently demanded that your state Attorney General launch an investigation into Metro City Church of Riverview, Michigan and FORGE Ministries after the church offered “The Unashamed Identity” Workshop, a safe place for teenage girls to learn what the Bible teaches about sexuality.

It is alarming that legislators, who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, have attacked the free speech rights and free exercise of religion by a local church congregation, in direct violation of the First Amendment. Moreover, as government officials, for you to dictate what a local church must teach regarding its theology is totalitarian in nature, and is at the heart of what the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was meant to prevent.

I urge you to respect the freedom of this church to teach what the Bible says about human sexuality and withdraw your request for an unconstitutional government investigation into Metro City Church and FORGE Ministries.

Act now! Sign our Petition!

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach
What a fucking joke!! The family Research Hate Group Council :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:

Didn't ask about that. Statements by Jesus are directly countermanded by Paul. So whose teachings do you follow?
THAT is what Peter was talking about.

He NOWHERE contradicted Jesus.

• Jesus Says Not To Eat Meat Sacrificed to Idols, But Paul Says It Is Ok
• Jesus Says The Law Continues, But Paul Says No
• Paul Says The Pharisees Followed The Law Rigorously, But Jesus Says They Were Lax About The Law
• Jesus Says Salvation Initiates And Continues By Repentance From Sin and Obedience Besides Faith; Paul Says This is Heresy
• Jesus Tells Apostles To Teach His Commands Given Prior to His Ascension While In The Flesh, But Paul Says Not To Do So
• Paul Says Elders Are Entitled To Pay for 'Preaching & Teaching,' But Jesus Says No
• Jesus Teaches There Are Only 12 Apostles Into Eternity, But Paul Adds Himself To The List As a Thirteenth
• Paul Exhorts Celibacy, But Jesus Clearly Says It is A Choice Not Within Everyone's Power
• Jesus Says There Is One Pastor and Teacher (Himself), But Paul Says There Are Many Pastors and Teachers
• Paul Says God Is The God of the Dead, But Jesus Says God Is Not The God of the Dead
• Paul Says God Does Not Live in Temples Made of Human Hands, But Jesus Says He Does
• Jesus says Nations Of The World Are Under Satan, But Paul Says Their Rulers Are Agents of God
• Jesus Teaches Rapture is Of Evil Ones First, But Paul Teaches The Opposite
• Jesus Says A Call Is Revocable, But Paul Says It Is Irrevocable
• Jesus Says Some Are Righteous, But Paul Says It Is Impossible
• Paul Excludes Eating With Sinners But Christ's Example We Are To Follow, and the Lost Sheep Parable, Is Contrary
• Paul Teaches We Are Eternally Secure, But Jesus Teaches Insecurity to a Sinning Believer
• Paul Teaches In Original Sin But Jesus Contradicts
• Jesus' Command About Calling Anyone Fool Is Violated by Paul
• Paul Denies Obedience Grants Any Righteousness Unto Life, But Jesus Says It Does
• Jesus Sends The Apostles to Baptize, But Paul Says Jesus Did Not Send Him to Baptize
• Jesus Says the Merciful Receive Mercy, But Paul Says Only Those God Chooses Arbitrarily Will Receive Mercy
• Paul Says Salvation Does Not Depend Upon Exertion, But Jesus Says It Does
• Paul Says He Could Be Justified of The Sin that Never Could be Justified under the Law given Moses (Blasphemy), but Jesus says to the contrary that it is The Unpardonable Sin.
• Paul Says Flesh will not inherit the Kingdom of God, but Jesus in Flesh ascended to heaven, and promises to resurrect our bodies to heaven / New Jerusalem, giving us the same physical resurrection that Jesus had.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.
Perversely they never say a peep about Islam.
Oh Christ!! Seriously? I and others say plenty about Islam...WHEN THE SUBJECT IS ISLAM. Do you even know what you are doing here ? I will tell you. Because you cannot defend your pathetic assertion that what these religious people are doing to the kids is harmful, you are resorting to logical fallacies to mask that fact and avoid the real subject. You just omitted three such offenses in one short sentence.

1. It is a false equivalency because you are equating Islamic persecution of gays that takes place in the context of theocracies for the most part, where the government condones it. Here, we are supposed to be a secular state.

2. It is a red herring obviously intended to divert attention away from the real issue that you are unable to effectively deal with.

and my favorite......

3. It is a tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."
You have absolutely no evidence that the pastor is harming children - the bible study he offered was entirely voluntary and with parental consent.

But, being the fascist you are - you’ve decided to label bible study and voluntary conversation as something else entirely because you are a fascist Christianophobe who is terrified that kids discussing their issues with the pastor might result in them accepting their actual biological gender.

You have no right to tell other people who they can and cannot discuss their issues with, but being a fascist, you think you do.

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