LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

All we heteros ask is that the homos show us the proper respect and gratitude for their very existence
They call us "breeders" because they cannot reproduce.
Well that’s quite a delusional little lie there, cookie
It's the truth. I heard that term years ago.
Urban Dictionary: Breeder

you ever hear a real person use that term in real life? I can promise you I've never heard a single friend, gay or not, use it and I'm going to guess that way more gays live in NYC than where you are.

I'll also point out that even in your link, the primary definition was for CHILDLESS people in reference to people who had kids whose behavior they don't like and has nothing to do with LGBT folk.

so basically, focusing on gays is BS.

glad we got that straight.
Yes, I have heard the term, used by queers on a few political forums in an insulting derogatory manner against heteros. Your point is baseless. The fact is I am correct and your denial is false. Glad we got that "straight". We're not "focusing" on homos. We're sharing some TRUTH and you don't like the truth. After all, this thread is about freaks, isn't it?
What happens if one of these young women this minister is counselling through “Bible study” commits suicide because the thought of being an “abomination” in the eyes of the Lord is too horrible to bear? Do you think the minister should be charged for “bullying”? I do.
So you don't believe in VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION.

If someone believes a BEHAVIOUR is wrong, and seeks help, IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS (pro choice). Quit being a busybody and CONDEMN TERROR THREATS.
Is it voluntary association? Are the girls seeking help? The kind of "help" being offered? They are kids who are confused and instead of the adults helping them to find their way, they are taking a captive audience and trying to mold them into who and want they want them to be
Nothing you say is true, theregressivepervert, and that’s because you are a lying fascist Christianophobe. No one is dragging kids off the street and keeping them captive or forcing them to do anything No child is accepted unless a parent(s) accompanies them during the application.
You are soooooo very frightened that a gender confused kid might find peace with who they are, you are determined to take away their choice to discuss their issues with their pastor. That makes you a fascist.
So you're not the one who will step up and condemn death threats?
Well, maybe they should just be locked in a psych ward forever.
Who should?
ANYONE who is a perpetrator of conversion "therapy" especially in the guise of bible study
But he isn’t offering conversion therapy, he’s offering discussion. YOU are clearly a despotic retard.
Bovine Excrement!
I know you are!
Did he report the threats to police?

What was the outcome of the investigation?
You tell us. I'm looking for that information.
Other than your Christophobia, what evidence you you have he is lying.
And if there are no death threats, why can't you God Haters condemn the threats if they really don't exist.

One man was charged by police after threatening, “Every member of the ANTIFA will show up ‘armed and ready. This is not a joke.’”

LGBT advocates threaten to kill pastor over Bible workshop for sexually confused girls

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
Riverview Police Chief Clifford Rosebohm confirmed that officers met with church elders on Feb. 7 regarding threats of violence they received as voicemail messages. Police say the threats were related to the church’s sexual identity workshop.

“The workshop has gained so much negative attention on social media and news outlets that the church has canceled the workshop, fearing that protest may turn violent,” police stated in their report. “The church is receiving approximately 40 voicemail messages a minute from critics of the Unashamed Identity Workshop.”

Man charged with threatening Riverview church over conversion therapy program
One guy making a blanket threat for the entire Antifa group. Was he the head of that group? Is there any reason to believe he could order such an action? To be technical, gun nuts say being armed is a right. Are you wanting to deny the 2nd rights at a pretend event? It's all less credible than most RWNJ claims
Thank you for clarifying you support threats of physical harm against those you disagree with and their children. Another fascist lefty.
Jesus didn't hate anyone, He hates their sin. Over and over in the Bible homosexuality is a sin, an abomination.

he'd have told you losers to leave gay people alone.

He'd have told the gays He forgave them and go and sin no more

You really don't think I'm taking Biblical matters from you seriously do you?
How can anyone take bible matters seriously??
How judgemental!
Yet we MUST believe there are 72 genders!
More than that. Gender is infinite and exists along a continuum as does sexual preference. Get with it .
Yet you are such a fascist you want to prevent kids who want to discuss the issue with their pastor from doing so, and you approve of threats against the pastor and his children. You are christianophobic fascist.
State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:
That shit that they peddle is not help!!
YOU don’t get to decide what others deem helpful.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
So you're not the one who will step up and condemn death threats?
Well, maybe they should just be locked in a psych ward forever.
Who should?
ANYONE who is a perpetrator of conversion "therapy" especially in the guise of bible study
But he isn’t offering conversion therapy, he’s offering discussion. YOU are clearly a despotic retard.
You clearly have your head way up that smelly place where the sun don't shine.
No, I’m nowhere near you and never will be, smelly regressivepervert.
All we heteros ask is that the homos show us the proper respect and gratitude for their very existence
They call us "breeders" because they cannot reproduce.
Well that’s quite a delusional little lie there, cookie
It's the truth. I heard that term years ago.
Urban Dictionary: Breeder

you ever hear a real person use that term in real life? I can promise you I've never heard a single friend, gay or not, use it and I'm going to guess that way more gays live in NYC than where you are.

I'll also point out that even in your link, the primary definition was for CHILDLESS people in reference to people who had kids whose behavior they don't like and has nothing to do with LGBT folk.

so basically, focusing on gays is BS.

glad we got that straight.
Yes, I have heard the term, used by queers on a few political forums in an insulting derogatory manner against heteros. Your point is baseless. The fact is I am correct and your denial is false. Glad we got that "straight". We're not "focusing" on homos. We're sharing some TRUTH and you don't like the truth. After all, this thread is about freaks, isn't it?
I see that you children have been having a rather active early morning fuck fest here. Anyone who believes that gays routinely refer to straights as" breeders " is as stupid as stupid gets . First of all, gays have not animosity towards straights, except for bigots like you. Secondly, gay people find ways of having kids-JUST LIKE straight couples do where one partner is infertile. So cut the moronic crap already.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.
They call us "breeders" because they cannot reproduce.
Well that’s quite a delusional little lie there, cookie
It's the truth. I heard that term years ago.
Urban Dictionary: Breeder

you ever hear a real person use that term in real life? I can promise you I've never heard a single friend, gay or not, use it and I'm going to guess that way more gays live in NYC than where you are.

I'll also point out that even in your link, the primary definition was for CHILDLESS people in reference to people who had kids whose behavior they don't like and has nothing to do with LGBT folk.

so basically, focusing on gays is BS.

glad we got that straight.
Yes, I have heard the term, used by queers on a few political forums in an insulting derogatory manner against heteros. Your point is baseless. The fact is I am correct and your denial is false. Glad we got that "straight". We're not "focusing" on homos. We're sharing some TRUTH and you don't like the truth. After all, this thread is about freaks, isn't it?
I see that you children have been having a rather active early morning fuck fest here. Anyone who believes that gays routinely refer to straights as" breeders " is as stupid as stupid gets . First of all, gays have not animosity towards straights, except for bigots like you. Secondly, gay people find ways of having kids-JUST LIKE straight couples do where one partner is infertile. So cut the moronic crap already.
Yeah, ya'll find ways, but you can't do it nature's way. The anus doesn't have a womb.
I asked you if you would condemn the sicko’s issuing death threats to the pastor and his CHILDREN.
Instead of doing so (and you’ve been asked several times), you answered ‘the pastor is the sicko’, therefore it is quite clear you cannot bring yourself to condemn the people threatening the pastor and his children, and instead support their murderous threats.
Again, thank you for your candour
You know, I never believed I was naive about anything. But I guess I "misunderestimated" (a Bushism) the left. I never thought they were THIS low.

Not ONE. Not a single Leftist loon can stand out from his fellow freaks and say it is WRONG to make DEATH THREATS against an innocent family.
Of course it's wrong to make Death Threats.
I asked you if you would condemn the sicko’s issuing death threats to the pastor and his CHILDREN.
Instead of doing so (and you’ve been asked several times), you answered ‘the pastor is the sicko’, therefore it is quite clear you cannot bring yourself to condemn the people threatening the pastor and his children, and instead support their murderous threats.
Again, thank you for your candour
You know, I never believed I was naive about anything. But I guess I "misunderestimated" (a Bushism) the left. I never thought they were THIS low.

Not ONE. Not a single Leftist loon can stand out from his fellow freaks and say it is WRONG to make DEATH THREATS against an innocent family.
Of course it's wrong to make Death Threats.
An honest lib.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.

What an idiotic comment. Pure fantasy. LGBTs are also active in religion (various ones). I worked with one gay guy who taught Sunday School. Being LGBT is not, itself, a religion or a cult. And the sanctimonious "people of faith," themselves non-Christian cultists, have been the aggressors, not the other way around.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Awwwwwwww. Whiny little trumpflake.

Guess what? You can be a bigot in your own “home”. The constitution protects everyone else from people like you.

But thanks for once again proving what deplorable lowlife loons trumptards are.
I asked you if you would condemn the sicko’s issuing death threats to the pastor and his CHILDREN.
Instead of doing so (and you’ve been asked several times), you answered ‘the pastor is the sicko’, therefore it is quite clear you cannot bring yourself to condemn the people threatening the pastor and his children, and instead support their murderous threats.
Again, thank you for your candour
You know, I never believed I was naive about anything. But I guess I "misunderestimated" (a Bushism) the left. I never thought they were THIS low.

Not ONE. Not a single Leftist loon can stand out from his fellow freaks and say it is WRONG to make DEATH THREATS against an innocent family.
Of course it's wrong to make Death Threats.
An honest lib.

That’s funny coming from compulsively lying purveyors of Russian disinformation.

Trumpscum are funny
State government politicians Rep. Adam Zemke and Darrin Camilleri responded not by condemning the LGBT’s threats, but by now trying to pass a law to make helping teenagers with same-sex attraction a crime:
That shit that they peddle is not help!!
YOU don’t get to decide what others deem helpful.
No?? Common fucking sense should dictate what is helpful. Robbing children of their identity, invalidating their feelings about who they are and using guilt, shame and threats of damnation to coerce kids into being what these holy rollers think that they should be is NOT HELPFUL.
And that is not what this pastor was offering. Why are you so scared that gender confused kids might decide they are happy with the gender they were born with after all? Why do you think you have the right to tell them who they can and cannot discuss this with, fascist Christianophobe?
Bullshit! It's exactly what he is offering. Actually "offering " is the wrong word. Foisting is more accurate. And it's pretty fucking stupid of you to think that I am afraid that these kids will discover that that are not gay. I have said time and again that I want them to be able to find their own way and discover themselves for who they are without being coerced . It's not a matter of what they discuss, it about how it's discussed, but I understand that you small minded bigots can't deal with such nuances.
The left is continually crying about Christians trying to force their beliefs on them, yet they have no problem trying to indoctrinate OUR children with their perverse lie.

Yes because as I've said all along, LGBT is a cult. They are literally in a religious war with people of faith. They are faith-haters.

What an idiotic comment. Pure fantasy. LGBTs are also active in religion (various ones). I worked with one gay guy who taught Sunday School. Being LGBT is not, itself, a religion or a cult. And the sanctimonious "people of faith," themselves non-Christian cultists, have been the aggressors, not the other way around.
The fact a homo taught sunday school in no way condones homosexuality. Many so called "churches" are not true Christian churches. There are many false churches, the bible tells us this. Homosexuality is sin, and anyone that is a practicing homosexual, adulterer, drunk, liar, etc, should not hold any position in the church. That's what Scripture teaches.

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