LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

Who are the militants? What behaviors do you consider militant?

For instance? People who advocate drugging children with non approved hormones to soften the kids' minds to coercion to have healthy body parts amputated. And the "doctors (for now) who assist them.
Please provide some credible documentation that anything like what you are describing is happening or even being advocated, except perhaps by some fringe lunatics -and I even doubt that- or stifle your pathetic, deranged self.
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
We don't even know whether this guy was threatened any more than other people. I've already quoted a threat:

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."
Modern electronic communications have made threats easy and hard to track. But why is this guy somehow special?
Jesus believed the Scriptures
And you know? Did he believe in Revelation? Saul of Tarsus' arrogant letters to his followers like he knew what he was doing?
Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus. The Apostles Paul and John wrote what Jesus gave them. Christians believe the Bible to be the Word of God. You don't. Therefore, you have absolutely no moral authority here to say who is a Christian and who isn't.
So you say. Saul of Tarsus never even met Jesus. No Supreme Being had a hand in writing the various works that were assembled in what is now known as "the bible." Believe what you wish but don't bother others.
The Scriptures state that Saul met Jesus. The Scriptures state that Jesus revealed Himself to Saul and changed his name to Paul. You have absolutely no moral authority here on who is a Christian and who isn't. I can post here, so don't you dare tell me not to bother others, you arrogant piece of shit. Who in the hell do you think you are?

And that goes for you too.
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Some people even put a "Q" on the end of LGBT, which stands for "queer", a word we were told was insulting and derogatory to homos, but all of a sudden must be okay to utter. They're deranged.
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Just the kind of dishonesty and stupidity that I expected! You make an bizarre claim that you can't back up. I call you on it. You pivot to something about gays disavowing Trans people. That is called a "moving the goal posts " logical fallacy. Yes there is some tension between some gay people and some trans people . So what? That in no way has anything to do with yur assertion
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Just the kind of dishonesty and stupidity that I expected! You make an bizarre claim that you can't back up. I call you on it. You pivot to something about gays disavowing Trans people. That is called a "moving the goal posts " logical fallacy. Yes there is some tension between some gay people and some trans people . So what? That in no way has anything to do with yur assertion
So why is there tension between some queers and some transgender? They have one thing in common, they're both sexually confused.
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Just the kind of dishonesty and stupidity that I expected! You make an bizarre claim that you can't back up. I call you on it. You pivot to something about gays disavowing Trans people. That is called a "moving the goal posts " logical fallacy. Yes there is some tension between some gay people and some trans people . So what? That in no way has anything to do with yur assertion
So why is there tension between some queers and some transgender? They have one thing in common, they're both sexually confused.
Figure it out. I'm not going to waste my time trying to educate the likes of you who does not really want to learn, but rather just looks for opportunities to take pot shots. Consider what has been happening politically since Obergefell. That should provide some clues.
Please provide some credible documentation that anything like what you are describing is happening or even being advocated, except perhaps by some fringe lunatics -and I even doubt that- or stifle your pathetic, deranged self.
Evidence? Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Just the kind of dishonesty and stupidity that I expected! You make an bizarre claim that you can't back up. I call you on it. You pivot to something about gays disavowing Trans people. That is called a "moving the goal posts " logical fallacy. Yes there is some tension between some gay people and some trans people . So what? That in no way has anything to do with yur assertion
So I can't back up that LGBT stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender" huh? :lmao: Are you saying it's "my assertion" that LGBT is a well known household moniker that stands for what I just said? You asked for credible documentation. I'm asking you to show me where any lesbian, gay or bisexual has taken a public stance against transgender bullshit; especially where kids are concerned.

Where are your links to LGB people standing out against T? Not moving the goal posts PP. You left your own question out of the context here so I added it back to the top.
Please provide some credible documentation that anything like what you are describing is happening or even being advocated, except perhaps by some fringe lunatics -and I even doubt that- or stifle your pathetic, deranged self.
Evidence? Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Just the kind of dishonesty and stupidity that I expected! You make an bizarre claim that you can't back up. I call you on it. You pivot to something about gays disavowing Trans people. That is called a "moving the goal posts " logical fallacy. Yes there is some tension between some gay people and some trans people . So what? That in no way has anything to do with yur assertion
So I can't back up that LGBT stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender" huh? :lmao: Are you saying it's "my assertion" that LGBT is a well known household moniker that stands for what I just said? You asked for credible documentation. I'm asking you to show me where any lesbian, gay or bisexual has taken a public stance against transgender bullshit; especially where kids are concerned.

Where are your links to LGB people standing out against T? Not moving the goal posts PP. You left your own question out of the context here so I added it back to the top.
Cut the horseshit!! You know what you said, and you know that all that you can now do is to run from it behind an idotic and dishonest smoke screen .
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Just the kind of dishonesty and stupidity that I expected! You make an bizarre claim that you can't back up. I call you on it. You pivot to something about gays disavowing Trans people. That is called a "moving the goal posts " logical fallacy. Yes there is some tension between some gay people and some trans people . So what? That in no way has anything to do with yur assertion
So why is there tension between some queers and some transgender? They have one thing in common, they're both sexually confused.
Figure it out. I'm not going to waste my time trying to educate the likes of you who does not really want to learn, but rather just looks for opportunities to take pot shots. Consider what has been happening politically since Obergefell. That should provide some clues.
That's one thing about queers and freaks, you can always count on some drama.
^^ Yep, PP is their resident pay per post drama queen and thread spammer, second only to Syriusly . The cult has openings today! Fill the role they give you.

Cut the horseshit!! You know what you said, and you know that all that you can now do is to run from it behind an idotic and dishonest smoke screen .

Well we would know what I said if you quoted me. :popcorn: Who is dishonest and creating a smokescreen?

Where are your links to LGB's denouncing transgenders? I'll wait....
I'm neither against it nor for it. What is your personal stake in the matter?
I want to see people happy. Gay people have been persecuted long enough. It has to end and since their lifestyle does not effect or harm others why would there be any hatred towards them. Really, there are such bigger issues around rather than worrying about someone's sexuality.
Yet that is their very agenda. Heteros have been oppressed far beyond anything experienced by homos simply in sheer numbers. Do you support HeteroPride?
No they haven't, not one bit.
In sheer numbers, heteros have been more oppressed than homos. Do you support HeteroPride?
Sure...go ahead and get a parade set up....unless you want to just stick with Mardi Gras.
Glad to have your support.

I wasn't hurt when Hillary cheated Bernie out of the nomination. But I was still against it.
Why would you be against gay marriage? How does it personally affect you?
I'm neither against it nor for it. What is your personal stake in the matter?
I want to see people happy. Gay people have been persecuted long enough. It has to end and since their lifestyle does not effect or harm others why would there be any hatred towards them. Really, there are such bigger issues around rather than worrying about someone's sexuality.
Yet that is their very agenda. Heteros have been oppressed far beyond anything experienced by homos simply in sheer numbers. Do you support HeteroPride?
Heteropride is everyday when I can walk down the street holding my husband’s hand in public, when I don’t have to worry about getting fired because I am heterosexual and when I can give him a quick kiss without someone claiming I am shoving heterosexuality down their throats.

I am not at all threatened when a long persecuted minority wishes to celebrate their essence.

Are you? :)
I'm embarrassed for them. Imagine showing your sexual perversions openly in public. Do you masturbate on the White House lawn?
^^ Yep, PP is their resident pay per post drama queen and thread spammer, second only to Syriusly . The cult has openings today! Fill the role they give you.

Cut the horseshit!! You know what you said, and you know that all that you can now do is to run from it behind an idotic and dishonest smoke screen .

Well we would know what I said if you quoted me. :popcorn: Who is dishonest and creating a smokescreen?

Where are your links to LGB's denouncing transgenders? I'll wait....
OK Smart ass ! In post 644 you said :
For instance? People who advocate drugging children with non approved hormones to soften the kids' minds to coercion to have healthy body parts amputated. And the "doctors (for now) who assist them.

Do you deny that? Have you responded to my question about where you get that tripe.? Are you going to continue to lie and play stupid games?
These people are officially idiots!!

Florida county rejects ban on therapy for gender-confused children

Reasons given:

The ban’s supporters misrepresented their actual goal, according to Liberty Counsel, which was to prohibit not only licensed counselors but pastors, teachers and parents from talking to any minor about the child's unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion.

They may or may not have misreprented the goal but the bad would not have prohibited parents and clergy from just talking to the kids. That is a lie. In reality:

The ban would have prohibited anyone from telling a minor that same-sex activity or identifying as the opposite sex is harmful, wrong, or should be resisted, it said.

And that I have no problem with. Discussions should be neutral and objected and child centered. Perhaps the ban was poorly worded as the opponents allege, but their concern for the first amendment was nothing more than a ruse to shoot down the ban;

Reparative therapy, often called conversion therapy, assists individuals in resisting, acting upon, minimizing, or changing unwanted same-sex attraction.

LGBT advocates are critical of the practice for its refutation of the premise that sexual attraction is immutable. A political divide remains within the mental health field on the therapy.

They emphasize "unwanted" but you can be sure that they will plant that seed that raises doubts for the child who may just want to explore their sexuality in an objective way
Militant faggots are homosexuals' worst enemy. The militants piss people off, then "normals" suffer the consequences.
Who are the militants? What behaviors do you consider militant?
Threatening the life of a pastor and his kids and his church because kids and their parents voluntarily want to discuss their gender issues with him?

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