LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Why is it that some people are SO AFRAID of others having the ability and desire to change their gender? What's up with that fear?
These people are officially idiots!!

Florida county rejects ban on therapy for gender-confused children

Reasons given:

The ban’s supporters misrepresented their actual goal, according to Liberty Counsel, which was to prohibit not only licensed counselors but pastors, teachers and parents from talking to any minor about the child's unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion.

They may or may not have misreprented the goal but the bad would not have prohibited parents and clergy from just talking to the kids. That is a lie. In reality:

The ban would have prohibited anyone from telling a minor that same-sex activity or identifying as the opposite sex is harmful, wrong, or should be resisted, it said.

And that I have no problem with. Discussions should be neutral and objected and child centered. Perhaps the ban was poorly worded as the opponents allege, but their concern for the first amendment was nothing more than a ruse to shoot down the ban;

Reparative therapy, often called conversion therapy, assists individuals in resisting, acting upon, minimizing, or changing unwanted same-sex attraction.

LGBT advocates are critical of the practice for its refutation of the premise that sexual attraction is immutable. A political divide remains within the mental health field on the therapy.

They emphasize "unwanted" but you can be sure that they will plant that seed that raises doubts for the child who may just want to explore their sexuality in an objective way
No, they certainly are not ‘officially idiots’ but are very sensibly protecting the rights of parents to discuss gender issues with their own children.

No surprise you think that’s idiotic and wrong. You and your ilk clearly want the parents out of the picture as much as possible, you want to disenfranchise them and even criminalise them for discussing gender issues WITH THEIR OWN CHILDREN, whilst teachers and people unknown to the kids and their parents are allowed to force this crap down their children’s throats at school.
Your agenda was rumbled and Florida would have no part of that, good on them!
Militant faggots are homosexuals' worst enemy. The militants piss people off, then "normals" suffer the consequences.
Who are the militants? What behaviors do you consider militant?
Threatening the life of a pastor and his kids and his church because kids and their parents voluntarily want to discuss their gender issues with him?

Some won't ever see how they are victims of indoctrination. They're to far gone.
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Why is it that some people are SO AFRAID of others having the ability and desire to change their gender? What's up with that fear?

LMAO nobody can change their gender. Fool
These people are officially idiots!!

Florida county rejects ban on therapy for gender-confused children

Reasons given:

The ban’s supporters misrepresented their actual goal, according to Liberty Counsel, which was to prohibit not only licensed counselors but pastors, teachers and parents from talking to any minor about the child's unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion.

They may or may not have misreprented the goal but the bad would not have prohibited parents and clergy from just talking to the kids. That is a lie. In reality:

The ban would have prohibited anyone from telling a minor that same-sex activity or identifying as the opposite sex is harmful, wrong, or should be resisted, it said.

And that I have no problem with. Discussions should be neutral and objected and child centered. Perhaps the ban was poorly worded as the opponents allege, but their concern for the first amendment was nothing more than a ruse to shoot down the ban;

Reparative therapy, often called conversion therapy, assists individuals in resisting, acting upon, minimizing, or changing unwanted same-sex attraction.

LGBT advocates are critical of the practice for its refutation of the premise that sexual attraction is immutable. A political divide remains within the mental health field on the therapy.

They emphasize "unwanted" but you can be sure that they will plant that seed that raises doubts for the child who may just want to explore their sexuality in an objective way
No, they certainly are not ‘officially idiots’ but are very sensibly protecting the rights of parents to discuss gender issues with their own children.
No surprise you think that’s idiotic and wrong. You and your ilk clearly want the parents out of the picture as much as possible, you want to disenfranchise them and even criminalise them for discussing gender issues WITH THEIR OWN CHILDREN, whilst teachers and people unknown to the kids and their parents are allowed to force this crap down their children’s throats at school. Your agenda was rumbled and Florida would have no part of that, good on them!
The write up states that parents would have been prohibited from discussing sexual matters with the children. I don't know that to be a fact and neither do you. It sounds like a lot of hype. How would it be enforced? The intent is to prohibit coercive and damaging "therapy " and to require educators , clergy and therapists to approach the issue in a neutral and constructive way. You claim that anyone wants "parents out of the picture" and make them criminals is bogus, made up, bovine excrement.
These people are officially idiots!!

Florida county rejects ban on therapy for gender-confused children

Reasons given:

The ban’s supporters misrepresented their actual goal, according to Liberty Counsel, which was to prohibit not only licensed counselors but pastors, teachers and parents from talking to any minor about the child's unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion.

They may or may not have misreprented the goal but the bad would not have prohibited parents and clergy from just talking to the kids. That is a lie. In reality:

The ban would have prohibited anyone from telling a minor that same-sex activity or identifying as the opposite sex is harmful, wrong, or should be resisted, it said.

And that I have no problem with. Discussions should be neutral and objected and child centered. Perhaps the ban was poorly worded as the opponents allege, but their concern for the first amendment was nothing more than a ruse to shoot down the ban;

Reparative therapy, often called conversion therapy, assists individuals in resisting, acting upon, minimizing, or changing unwanted same-sex attraction.

LGBT advocates are critical of the practice for its refutation of the premise that sexual attraction is immutable. A political divide remains within the mental health field on the therapy.

They emphasize "unwanted" but you can be sure that they will plant that seed that raises doubts for the child who may just want to explore their sexuality in an objective way
No, they certainly are not ‘officially idiots’ but are very sensibly protecting the rights of parents to discuss gender issues with their own children.
No surprise you think that’s idiotic and wrong. You and your ilk clearly want the parents out of the picture as much as possible, you want to disenfranchise them and even criminalise them for discussing gender issues WITH THEIR OWN CHILDREN, whilst teachers and people unknown to the kids and their parents are allowed to force this crap down their children’s throats at school. Your agenda was rumbled and Florida would have no part of that, good on them!
The write up states that parents would have been prohibited from discussing sexual matters with the children. I don't know that to be a fact and neither do you. It sounds like a lot of hype. How would it be enforced? The intent is to prohibit coercive and damaging "therapy " and to require educators , clergy and therapists to approach the issue in a neutral and constructive way. You claim that anyone wants "parents out of the picture" and make them criminals is bogus, made up, bovine excrement.
If it wasn’t true that they were trying to remove the parents from the picture and to criminalise them ffs, they would have countered those claims. They didn’t! And neither did they make a mistake, they cast their net wide in the foolish hope they’d get it passed, instead they got burned for it. Viva Florida!
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Why is it that some people are SO AFRAID of others having the ability and desire to change their gender? What's up with that fear?

LMAO nobody can change their gender. Fool
They don't change their DNA, true.....but, yes they can change their gender. Why does that ability frighten you so much?

And I know you binary thinkers don't know this but: Think gender comes down to X and Y chromosomes? Think again
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Why is it that some people are SO AFRAID of others having the ability and desire to change their gender? What's up with that fear?

LMAO nobody can change their gender. Fool
They don't change their DNA, true.....but, yes they can change their gender. Why does that ability frighten you so much?

And I know you binary thinkers don't know this but: Think gender comes down to X and Y chromosomes? Think again

LOL nah, but you're confused who you're supposed to sleep with so it's no surprise you are on this also
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
How about answering the question?
Why would you be against gay marriage? How does it personally affect you?
I'm neither against it nor for it. What is your personal stake in the matter?
I want to see people happy. Gay people have been persecuted long enough. It has to end and since their lifestyle does not effect or harm others why would there be any hatred towards them. Really, there are such bigger issues around rather than worrying about someone's sexuality.
Yet that is their very agenda. Heteros have been oppressed far beyond anything experienced by homos simply in sheer numbers. Do you support HeteroPride?
Heteropride is everyday when I can walk down the street holding my husband’s hand in public, when I don’t have to worry about getting fired because I am heterosexual and when I can give him a quick kiss without someone claiming I am shoving heterosexuality down their throats.

I am not at all threatened when a long persecuted minority wishes to celebrate their essence.

Are you? :)
I'm embarrassed for them. Imagine showing your sexual perversions openly in public. Do you masturbate on the White House lawn?
Is that the way your mind works
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Some people even put a "Q" on the end of LGBT, which stands for "queer", a word we were told was insulting and derogatory to homos, but all of a sudden must be okay to utter. They're deranged.

It does not mean "queer." It means "questioning."
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Some people even put a "Q" on the end of LGBT, which stands for "queer", a word we were told was insulting and derogatory to homos, but all of a sudden must be okay to utter. They're deranged.

It does not mean "queer." It means "questioning."

It can mean either....easily Googled

Not always. In fact, the 'Q' can stand for 'questioning' or 'queer' and sometimes you may see the acronym written as “LGBTQQ” (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer]. When the Q” is used as a stand-in for questioning, you're right that it means the individual is uncertain of his or her orientation.
Evidence? :lmao:Ok. The cult of LGBT. "T" stands for transgender. It's in the name jackwad

How about this: You provide ME with evidence that LGBT has denounced publicly the T part of their moniker. Especially when it comes to kids.
Why is it that some people are SO AFRAID of others having the ability and desire to change their gender? What's up with that fear?

LMAO nobody can change their gender. Fool
They don't change their DNA, true.....but, yes they can change their gender. Why does that ability frighten you so much?

And I know you binary thinkers don't know this but: Think gender comes down to X and Y chromosomes? Think again

LOL nah, but you're confused who you're supposed to sleep with so it's no surprise you are on this also
"who you're supposed to sleep with"....check this fascist statement out! :71:
Sassy is correct:

USA TODAY Network talked with experts and individuals in the gay community about what the Q means, why it's used and who is saying it.

What does the 'Q' stand for?

Q can mean either 'questioning' or 'queer,' Fred Sainz, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, an organization that lobbies for LGBT rights, told USA TODAY Network. Either interpretation is accepted, he said.

What does the Q in LGBTQ stand for?
I'm neither against it nor for it. What is your personal stake in the matter?
I want to see people happy. Gay people have been persecuted long enough. It has to end and since their lifestyle does not effect or harm others why would there be any hatred towards them. Really, there are such bigger issues around rather than worrying about someone's sexuality.
Yet that is their very agenda. Heteros have been oppressed far beyond anything experienced by homos simply in sheer numbers. Do you support HeteroPride?
Heteropride is everyday when I can walk down the street holding my husband’s hand in public, when I don’t have to worry about getting fired because I am heterosexual and when I can give him a quick kiss without someone claiming I am shoving heterosexuality down their throats.

I am not at all threatened when a long persecuted minority wishes to celebrate their essence.

Are you? :)
I'm embarrassed for them. Imagine showing your sexual perversions openly in public. Do you masturbate on the White House lawn?
Is that the way your mind works
I asked you first. :)
^^ Yep, PP is their resident pay per post drama queen and thread spammer, second only to Syriusly . The cult has openings today! Fill the role they give you.

LOL- I love Silhouette the drama queen and USMB's own Spamalot calling others spammers.

I will say it again- no one should be threatened with violence or attacks- not if they are gay- or if they offend gays.

But gays have been on the receiving end of the threats of violence far, far more than Christian pastors- hell there are American Christian pastors who have called for the death of gays.

All gays.

By the "logic" of the whacky homophobic right- if they were actual standards- that would mean that all Christian pastors are threatening all gay Americans.
^^ Yep, PP is their resident pay per post drama queen and thread spammer, second only to Syriusly . The cult has openings today! Fill the role they give you.

LOL- I love Silhouette the drama queen and USMB's own Spamalot calling others spammers.

I will say it again- no one should be threatened with violence or attacks- not if they are gay- or if they offend gays.

Well then publicize a blog saying just that.
^^ Yep, PP is their resident pay per post drama queen and thread spammer, second only to Syriusly . The cult has openings today! Fill the role they give you.

LOL- I love Silhouette the drama queen and USMB's own Spamalot calling others spammers.

I will say it again- no one should be threatened with violence or attacks- not if they are gay- or if they offend gays.

Well then publicize a blog saying just that.

Or I can do what I do here- unlike yourself- I publicly condemn all threats of violence- directed at gays- or directed at the vocal critics of gays.
Bear in mind that the deadly holiday, Easter is looming as Persephone awakens for another spring.

'....and scamming them out of their hard-earned money....'
(Reps Condemn Conversion Therapy Workshop Planned for Downriver 8 Feb 2018)

Was Schossau going to charge the virgin girls?

Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis, and the War on the West
'....A copy of the Zohar, which is "the most important document in Jewish mysticism," and which, among other things, "taught the Jews to sacrifice Christian virgins for God's pleasure."....those ecstatic and instinctual forces of christianity. '

This Zohar is pivoting on Jesus's private homosexuality. We are all privately homosexual. That's what "we" also means. If the christian female, according to Freud's inner circle, must think of herself as a male homosexual, or have only one other choice, ecstatic melancholy, then the Zohar is disturbingly easy to decipher.

Freud's 'money = shit' shows why Schossau's actions come under the jurisdiction of the Michigan Consumer Protection Act, and is akin to the USMB food coercion thread. Schossau's targeting of females is par for the course, as was the Pentecostal mafia in Bedford Township, Michigan fifty miles south by, advertising the church (linked to Clintons, Planned Parenthood, drug trafficking, etc.) as a marriage mill. Schossau's modus operandi was to get females converted for their reproductive capabilities and by default, the real target: males who make more money, which avarice is gayer than gay, more lesbionic than Lesbos.


questionable, differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal, suspicious, peculiar, to spoil the effect or success of, counterfeit money, to spoil something planned, arranged, or attempted, eccentric, unconventional, strange, etc.

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