LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

I wasn't hurt when Hillary cheated Bernie out of the nomination. But I was still against it.
Why would you be against gay marriage? How does it personally affect you?
I'm neither against it nor for it. What is your personal stake in the matter?
I want to see people happy. Gay people have been persecuted long enough. It has to end and since their lifestyle does not effect or harm others why would there be any hatred towards them. Really, there are such bigger issues around rather than worrying about someone's sexuality.
Yet that is their very agenda. Heteros have been oppressed far beyond anything experienced by homos simply in sheer numbers. Do you support HeteroPride?
No they haven't, not one bit.
In sheer numbers, heteros have been more oppressed than homos. Do you support HeteroPride?
Gay marriage is illegal according to our laws. :)

It's legal where I live and I know at least 5 gay couples who are married.

Why would anybody want to kill a gay person? If the actions of one person does not harm others, why get worked up over it?
That's a question for the gay allies, the muslims.
Now you're being idiotic. Muslims oppose gays more than Christians.
Add women and you've got yourself the cuck triumvirate.
You certainly are the Strawman champion.
Gays/muslims/women. That's your strength right there. :)
In sheer numbers, heteros have been more oppressed than homos. Do you support HeteroPride?

"Gay pride" is an attempt to convince people that shameful behavior isn't shameful. The term "gay" is to convince people that people who follow a miserable lifestyle are not miserable. The left is about convincing people that reality is something different than what we see with our own eyes.
Why would you be against gay marriage? How does it personally affect you?
I'm neither against it nor for it. What is your personal stake in the matter?
I want to see people happy. Gay people have been persecuted long enough. It has to end and since their lifestyle does not effect or harm others why would there be any hatred towards them. Really, there are such bigger issues around rather than worrying about someone's sexuality.
Yet that is their very agenda. Heteros have been oppressed far beyond anything experienced by homos simply in sheer numbers. Do you support HeteroPride?
No they haven't, not one bit.
In sheer numbers, heteros have been more oppressed than homos. Do you support HeteroPride?
Sure...go ahead and get a parade set up....unless you want to just stick with Mardi Gras.
In sheer numbers, heteros have been more oppressed than homos. Do you support HeteroPride?

"Gay pride" is an attempt to convince people that shameful behavior isn't shameful. The term "gay" is to convince people that people who follow a miserable lifestyle are not miserable. The left is about convincing people that reality is something different than what we see with our own eyes.
How many gay pride parades have you been to?
Executed??!! That is seriously over the top bat shit insane!

Yep and when your cult backs off on threatening to kill people trying to prevent your cult from indoctrinating their children into your deviant sex addictions, he'll probably back off too.

See how that works?

You are describing the behavior of the current phony "Christian" cults, not LGBTs, who are not a cult, just living their lives. The majority are made by trash "Christians."
Why do you hate Gay folks ?
No greater love than it is to help confused children free themselves from a life filled with perversion and risk of alcoholism and suicide. LBTG or LMNOP, whatever goes for the acronym these days needs to be shunned not celebrated.
The majority are made by trash "Christians."

Are you as sweet and loving as you sound?

Yup. There is a big difference between normal Christians of the various denominations and those who call themselves "Christian" and then act like assholes, make ridiculous claims, harass others, and try to take over everything and boss everyone else around in order to do humiliate the Christian faith, like the "god, guns, and gays" shitheads.
From what I've read, and heard, homosexuality is hard wired. That's not saying that all kids who are gender confused are homosexual, for many, they are still sorting themselves out and it's natural. But for the small proportion that ARE homosexual or lesbian, that too is natural.

What does it do to them, to have someone quote from the bible and tell them that they are an abomination? That at 14 years old they are already destined for hell? Is that the right way to handle it? Someone mentioned that they had a high rate of suicide...and that is kind of understandable given the cultures many of them have to live in. Why do people have to slap labels like "abomination" on head of a kid? That has got to mess when with them when they are struggling to understand their feelings, desires, and place in the world.

Seems to me...the best a parent can do is keep communication open, without judgement, and be willing to listen. If it's pastoral counseling I'd say the same thing. Listen to what the child has to say and be open minded. If he's confused, help him untangle it. If he's homosexual, help him understand it and accept himself. We are all God's children.

There are so many things a child could be or do that are far worse than being homosexual. If a one's child is ethical, compassionate, hard working, honest....then who cares what his sexual orientation is?
Hey! That's the illegal alien argument, too! As long as he hasn't killed anyone yet, what's the big deal?

Homosexuality is not a crime.
But it is a sin. A sin worthy of death, according to the 2nd leg of the axis.

You are free to believe it's a "sin"...but that has no bearing on our laws.
Gay marriage is illegal according to our laws. :)
Homosexuality is not.
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Why would that make you happy. Are you really being hurt when a gay couple marries?
I wasn't hurt when Hillary cheated Bernie out of the nomination. But I was still against it.
Why would you be against gay marriage? How does it personally affect you?
I'm neither against it nor for it. What is your personal stake in the matter?
I want to see people happy. Gay people have been persecuted long enough. It has to end and since their lifestyle does not effect or harm others why would there be any hatred towards them. Really, there are such bigger issues around rather than worrying about someone's sexuality.
Yet that is their very agenda. Heteros have been oppressed far beyond anything experienced by homos simply in sheer numbers. Do you support HeteroPride?
Heteropride is everyday when I can walk down the street holding my husband’s hand in public, when I don’t have to worry about getting fired because I am heterosexual and when I can give him a quick kiss without someone claiming I am shoving heterosexuality down their throats.

I am not at all threatened when a long persecuted minority wishes to celebrate their essence.

Are you? :)
From what I've read, and heard, homosexuality is hard wired. That's not saying that all kids who are gender confused are homosexual, for many, they are still sorting themselves out and it's natural. But for the small proportion that ARE homosexual or lesbian, that too is natural.

What does it do to them, to have someone quote from the bible and tell them that they are an abomination? That at 14 years old they are already destined for hell? Is that the right way to handle it? Someone mentioned that they had a high rate of suicide...and that is kind of understandable given the cultures many of them have to live in. Why do people have to slap labels like "abomination" on head of a kid? That has got to mess when with them when they are struggling to understand their feelings, desires, and place in the world.

Seems to me...the best a parent can do is keep communication open, without judgement, and be willing to listen. If it's pastoral counseling I'd say the same thing. Listen to what the child has to say and be open minded. If he's confused, help him untangle it. If he's homosexual, help him understand it and accept himself. We are all God's children.

There are so many things a child could be or do that are far worse than being homosexual. If a one's child is ethical, compassionate, hard working, honest....then who cares what his sexual orientation is?
Thank you! The voice of sanity must prevail....for the Children. The people here who are calling me a pervert for opposing reparative therapy and laying all that religious horseshit on the kids do not really care about them at all, or, they are just that fucking stupid.
Am I alone here in thinking that since 18 is the age of consent, then a kid should not be subject to EITHER any gender reassignment conversion OR the therapy to be straight?

Also, to defend any group that would threaten a person's family is unconscionable.

I have no problem with homosexuality, but damned if I support threats of violence against innocent people. The fact that I don't support gay to straight conversion therapy being administered to children doesn't mean I'm about to support death threats or the targeting of anybody's family.

Crap. I actually agree with you. On all of the above.

Neither gender reassignment nor conversion therapy should be done to a child. The fact some parents are jumping on to the "bandwagon" as it were and talking gender reassignment before puberty even is disturbing.
If I'm not mistaken , actual irreversible gender reassignment is rarely if ever done before puberty. At the most the child is given hormone blockers to delay puberty and allowed to live in the preferred gender role while s/he is helped to sort it out.
The law is the law. Individuals can't arbitrarily change that. Only an idiot would whine because they think that could be done.

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

Reality is what I have on this. Quit whining.

So you have nothing, because you keep running back to "well its the law, fuh fuh fuh"
See post#199 and #202.

you can justify your intellectual cowardice any way you want, however the below still applies: (with apologies to Monty Python)

Brave Sir Bulldog ran away.
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger rears it's ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Bulldog turned about
He gallantly chickened out.

Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat.
Oh bravest of the brave, Sir Bulldog!

and you can justify your bigotry any way you want.
We don't even know whether this guy was threatened any more than other people. I've already quoted a threat:

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."
Modern electronic communications have made threats easy and hard to track. But why is this guy somehow special?
Some Christians believe in biblical inerrancy and infallibility, both of which are absurd.
Jesus believed the Scriptures
And you know? Did he believe in Revelation? Saul of Tarsus' arrogant letters to his followers like he knew what he was doing?
Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus. The Apostles Paul and John wrote what Jesus gave them. Christians believe the Bible to be the Word of God. You don't. Therefore, you have absolutely no moral authority here to say who is a Christian and who isn't.
So you say. Saul of Tarsus never even met Jesus. No Supreme Being had a hand in writing the various works that were assembled in what is now known as "the bible." Believe what you wish but don't bother others.
The Scriptures state that Saul met Jesus. The Scriptures state that Jesus revealed Himself to Saul and changed his name to Paul. You have absolutely no moral authority here on who is a Christian and who isn't. I can post here, so don't you dare tell me not to bother others, you arrogant piece of shit. Who in the hell do you think you are?

Again arguing the how and not the why.

Is appeal to authority the only thing you have on this?

Reality is what I have on this. Quit whining.

So you have nothing, because you keep running back to "well its the law, fuh fuh fuh"
See post#199 and #202.

you can justify your intellectual cowardice any way you want, however the below still applies: (with apologies to Monty Python)

Brave Sir Bulldog ran away.
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger rears it's ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Bulldog turned about
He gallantly chickened out.

Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat.
Oh bravest of the brave, Sir Bulldog!

and you can justify your bigotry any way you want.

Again, what bigotry?

Not wanting to shit on the Constitution to get what I want is not bigotry.

It's strict constructionism and libertarianism (small "l")
Militant faggots are homosexuals' worst enemy. The militants piss people off, then "normals" suffer the consequences.
Why do you hate Gay folks ?
No greater love than it is to help confused children free themselves from a life filled with perversion and risk of alcoholism and suicide. LBTG or LMNOP, whatever goes for the acronym these days needs to be shunned not celebrated.
Oh Christ ! Have you no shame? Do you take pride in ignorance? Do you know anything besides religious right wing talking points.? I would try to educate you about the pathetic ignorance that you are demonstrating but I fear that I would be wasting my time, because you are either unable to learn, don't want to learn or both.

Get off of your ass and do some research before you continue to make an ass of yourself. Research the origins of gender identity and sexual orientation. Research the issue of alcohol and drug use in the LGBT community . Hint: consider the difference between causation and correlation. You are truly pathetically ignorant
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