LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

Imagine being gay and then being tricked into marrying a woman.

Could you imagine? At some point, the woman realizes why there is no romantic love.

Oh, they can fuk, but it's mechanical and not an act of love.

Then 20 years later, after a couple of kids, the husband says I don't love you and never did. The woman feels ashamed. She feels tricked. She's been betrayed. She never had the kind of love she wanted and expected and after so many years probably never will. Marrying a gay ruined her life.

And Republicans see no problem with that. None at all. Because they are heartless and don't really feel the kind of emotions the rest of us feel. Most typical, Republicans feel hate and not much else. These kinds of threads prove it.
Imagine taking personal responsibility for your actions.
Too outrageous a concept?
Crosses and pra
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

Dear Lysistrata
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.

So that is clearly discriminating by creed,
barring practices and expressions that Christians believe in but not atheists
while requiring practices and expressions to be included that liberals believe in but not Christians!

Both are faith based beliefs and choices of expression and practice.

Why is one set of beliefs to be established by govt under penalty of law
while the other is removed on the grounds they are "faith based beliefs"
not everyone shares or agrees to. The same is true of LGBT beliefs.

Can you explain why these aren't treated equally?

2. NOTE: the spiritual CHOICE to practice "reparative therapy"
is being banned and punished by liberals who assume (falsely and dangerously)
that ALL such therapy is the abusive malpractice type.

These overly broad laws can impose restrictions or penalties
on even OFFERING therapy to minors.

Well the Christian faith is predicated on a duty to share
the healing power of forgiveness which is the basis of
spiritual healing of UNNATURAL unwanted attractions
in the cases where therapy works to change people who don't want
unnatural attractions they AGREE is not right for them.

Why isn't that a free and respected choice to seek spiritual healing
therapy that ISN'T the fraudulent abusive type?

Lysistrata are you aware of the discrimination
against formerly gay people who changed and healed
of conditions that cause unnatural attractions?

Why are liberals claiming to want inclusion not discrimination,
yet demonize Christians who have experienced or provided
effective healing therapy for those who choose it freely and benefit from it?

To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.

The liberal LGBT have gone TOO FAR in denouncing and excluding
other beliefs, so they contradict their own principles and violate
the very laws against "discrimination by creed" they are claiming to enforce

3. In case you aren't familiar with Christian spiritual healing,
it is the same process used whether people come out gay or come out straight,
it is about forgiving and accepting what is one's natural state so they
are no longer suppressed or conflicted. Once people are fully freed of past conditions
causing spiritual conflicts, then they can be at peace; and whether they
come out gay, straight, transgender etc. they are reconciled with their natural default state.

So this process of reparative healing and therapy is NOT the same as
the malpractice fraud of trying to force, punish or coerce anyone which does heal but injures people more. But liberals and LGBT advocates don't know the difference
so they oppose all such practices they fear are about judging and forcing people.

It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

Dear Lysistrata
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.

So that is clearly discriminating by creed,
barring practices and expressions that Christians believe in but not atheists
while requiring practices and expressions to be included that liberals believe in but not Christians!

Both are faith based beliefs and choices of expression and practice.

Why is one set of beliefs to be established by govt under penalty of law
while the other is removed on the grounds they are "faith based beliefs"
not everyone shares or agrees to. The same is true of LGBT beliefs.

Can you explain why these aren't treated equally?

2. NOTE: the spiritual CHOICE to practice "reparative therapy"
is being banned and punished by liberals who assume (falsely and dangerously)
that ALL such therapy is the abusive malpractice type.

These overly broad laws can impose restrictions or penalties
on even OFFERING therapy to minors.

Well the Christian faith is predicated on a duty to share
the healing power of forgiveness which is the basis of
spiritual healing of UNNATURAL unwanted attractions
in the cases where therapy works to change people who don't want
unnatural attractions they AGREE is not right for them.

Why isn't that a free and respected choice to seek spiritual healing
therapy that ISN'T the fraudulent abusive type?

Lysistrata are you aware of the discrimination
against formerly gay people who changed and healed
of conditions that cause unnatural attractions?

Why are liberals claiming to want inclusion not discrimination,
yet demonize Christians who have experienced or provided
effective healing therapy for those who choose it freely and benefit from it?

To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.

The liberal LGBT have gone TOO FAR in denouncing and excluding
other beliefs, so they contradict their own principles and violate
the very laws against "discrimination by creed" they are claiming to enforce

3. In case you aren't familiar with Christian spiritual healing,
it is the same process used whether people come out gay or come out straight,
it is about forgiving and accepting what is one's natural state so they
are no longer suppressed or conflicted. Once people are fully freed of past conditions
causing spiritual conflicts, then they can be at peace; and whether they
come out gay, straight, transgender etc. they are reconciled with their natural default state.

So this process of reparative healing and therapy is NOT the same as
the malpractice fraud of trying to force, punish or coerce anyone which does heal but injures people more. But liberals and LGBT advocates don't know the difference
so they oppose all such practices they fear are about judging and forcing people.

It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!

Crosses and prayers are sectarian and have no place in the school system, which hosts all students of whatever background. It is the parents' right to teach their children as they wish, and send them to church, Sunday School, Hebrew School, mosque, whatever. There are no "LGBT policies" because LGBTs are not an organization. Being LGBT involves only a sexual orientation, not a set of "beliefs." I know of no organization for myself as a heterosexual or a person with blue eyes. As far as I know, "atheists" have no "practices." Many "liberals" are believers in Jesus. Trying to contrast "liberals" and "Christians" is absurd.

Offering "therapy" to minors opens the door to abuse based on a parent's participation in whatever cult. I hope that parents who do this sort of thing will be held responsible, financially and otherwise, for his/her child's psychotherapy after the child becomes an adult.

There is no reason to try to "heal" an LGBT person.

This "spiritual healing" concept is a function of your sect.
Crosses and pra
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

Dear Lysistrata
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.

So that is clearly discriminating by creed,
barring practices and expressions that Christians believe in but not atheists
while requiring practices and expressions to be included that liberals believe in but not Christians!

Both are faith based beliefs and choices of expression and practice.

Why is one set of beliefs to be established by govt under penalty of law
while the other is removed on the grounds they are "faith based beliefs"
not everyone shares or agrees to. The same is true of LGBT beliefs.

Can you explain why these aren't treated equally?

2. NOTE: the spiritual CHOICE to practice "reparative therapy"
is being banned and punished by liberals who assume (falsely and dangerously)
that ALL such therapy is the abusive malpractice type.

These overly broad laws can impose restrictions or penalties
on even OFFERING therapy to minors.

Well the Christian faith is predicated on a duty to share
the healing power of forgiveness which is the basis of
spiritual healing of UNNATURAL unwanted attractions
in the cases where therapy works to change people who don't want
unnatural attractions they AGREE is not right for them.

Why isn't that a free and respected choice to seek spiritual healing
therapy that ISN'T the fraudulent abusive type?

Lysistrata are you aware of the discrimination
against formerly gay people who changed and healed
of conditions that cause unnatural attractions?

Why are liberals claiming to want inclusion not discrimination,
yet demonize Christians who have experienced or provided
effective healing therapy for those who choose it freely and benefit from it?

To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.

The liberal LGBT have gone TOO FAR in denouncing and excluding
other beliefs, so they contradict their own principles and violate
the very laws against "discrimination by creed" they are claiming to enforce

3. In case you aren't familiar with Christian spiritual healing,
it is the same process used whether people come out gay or come out straight,
it is about forgiving and accepting what is one's natural state so they
are no longer suppressed or conflicted. Once people are fully freed of past conditions
causing spiritual conflicts, then they can be at peace; and whether they
come out gay, straight, transgender etc. they are reconciled with their natural default state.

So this process of reparative healing and therapy is NOT the same as
the malpractice fraud of trying to force, punish or coerce anyone which does heal but injures people more. But liberals and LGBT advocates don't know the difference
so they oppose all such practices they fear are about judging and forcing people.

It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

Dear Lysistrata
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.

So that is clearly discriminating by creed,
barring practices and expressions that Christians believe in but not atheists
while requiring practices and expressions to be included that liberals believe in but not Christians!

Both are faith based beliefs and choices of expression and practice.

Why is one set of beliefs to be established by govt under penalty of law
while the other is removed on the grounds they are "faith based beliefs"
not everyone shares or agrees to. The same is true of LGBT beliefs.

Can you explain why these aren't treated equally?

2. NOTE: the spiritual CHOICE to practice "reparative therapy"
is being banned and punished by liberals who assume (falsely and dangerously)
that ALL such therapy is the abusive malpractice type.

These overly broad laws can impose restrictions or penalties
on even OFFERING therapy to minors.

Well the Christian faith is predicated on a duty to share
the healing power of forgiveness which is the basis of
spiritual healing of UNNATURAL unwanted attractions
in the cases where therapy works to change people who don't want
unnatural attractions they AGREE is not right for them.

Why isn't that a free and respected choice to seek spiritual healing
therapy that ISN'T the fraudulent abusive type?

Lysistrata are you aware of the discrimination
against formerly gay people who changed and healed
of conditions that cause unnatural attractions?

Why are liberals claiming to want inclusion not discrimination,
yet demonize Christians who have experienced or provided
effective healing therapy for those who choose it freely and benefit from it?

To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.

The liberal LGBT have gone TOO FAR in denouncing and excluding
other beliefs, so they contradict their own principles and violate
the very laws against "discrimination by creed" they are claiming to enforce

3. In case you aren't familiar with Christian spiritual healing,
it is the same process used whether people come out gay or come out straight,
it is about forgiving and accepting what is one's natural state so they
are no longer suppressed or conflicted. Once people are fully freed of past conditions
causing spiritual conflicts, then they can be at peace; and whether they
come out gay, straight, transgender etc. they are reconciled with their natural default state.

So this process of reparative healing and therapy is NOT the same as
the malpractice fraud of trying to force, punish or coerce anyone which does heal but injures people more. But liberals and LGBT advocates don't know the difference
so they oppose all such practices they fear are about judging and forcing people.

It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!

Crosses and prayers are sectarian and have no place in the school system, which hosts all students of whatever background. It is the parents' right to teach their children as they wish, and send them to church, Sunday School, Hebrew School, mosque, whatever. There are no "LGBT policies" because LGBTs are not an organization. Being LGBT involves only a sexual orientation, not a set of "beliefs." I know of no organization for myself as a heterosexual or a person with blue eyes. As far as I know, "atheists" have no "practices." Many "liberals" are believers in Jesus. Trying to contrast "liberals" and "Christians" is absurd.

Offering "therapy" to minors opens the door to abuse based on a parent's participation in whatever cult. I hope that parents who do this sort of thing will be held responsible, financially and otherwise, for his/her child's psychotherapy after the child becomes an adult.

There is no reason to try to "heal" an LGBT person.

This "spiritual healing" concept is a function of your sect.
Gay men off themselves at an astonishing rate and no one blames them. Perhaps these loving parents are only teaching their children to live happier, healthier lives.

Homosexuality and Suicide: LGBT Suicide – A Serious Issue - LGBT Mental Health - Gender | HealthyPlace
There is no reason to try to "heal" an LGBT person.
You don't get to make that decision for others.
To those with their mind right, HOMOSEXUALITY is as perverse as bestiality, and every other perversion of what God created for Man.

Some "pulls" that afflict Man SHOUKD be resisted. We understood that about HOMOSEXUALITY, until recently.

Nothing good has come out if embracing this mental illness as normal.
Crosses and pra
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

Dear Lysistrata
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.

So that is clearly discriminating by creed,
barring practices and expressions that Christians believe in but not atheists
while requiring practices and expressions to be included that liberals believe in but not Christians!

Both are faith based beliefs and choices of expression and practice.

Why is one set of beliefs to be established by govt under penalty of law
while the other is removed on the grounds they are "faith based beliefs"
not everyone shares or agrees to. The same is true of LGBT beliefs.

Can you explain why these aren't treated equally?

2. NOTE: the spiritual CHOICE to practice "reparative therapy"
is being banned and punished by liberals who assume (falsely and dangerously)
that ALL such therapy is the abusive malpractice type.

These overly broad laws can impose restrictions or penalties
on even OFFERING therapy to minors.

Well the Christian faith is predicated on a duty to share
the healing power of forgiveness which is the basis of
spiritual healing of UNNATURAL unwanted attractions
in the cases where therapy works to change people who don't want
unnatural attractions they AGREE is not right for them.

Why isn't that a free and respected choice to seek spiritual healing
therapy that ISN'T the fraudulent abusive type?

Lysistrata are you aware of the discrimination
against formerly gay people who changed and healed
of conditions that cause unnatural attractions?

Why are liberals claiming to want inclusion not discrimination,
yet demonize Christians who have experienced or provided
effective healing therapy for those who choose it freely and benefit from it?

To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.

The liberal LGBT have gone TOO FAR in denouncing and excluding
other beliefs, so they contradict their own principles and violate
the very laws against "discrimination by creed" they are claiming to enforce

3. In case you aren't familiar with Christian spiritual healing,
it is the same process used whether people come out gay or come out straight,
it is about forgiving and accepting what is one's natural state so they
are no longer suppressed or conflicted. Once people are fully freed of past conditions
causing spiritual conflicts, then they can be at peace; and whether they
come out gay, straight, transgender etc. they are reconciled with their natural default state.

So this process of reparative healing and therapy is NOT the same as
the malpractice fraud of trying to force, punish or coerce anyone which does heal but injures people more. But liberals and LGBT advocates don't know the difference
so they oppose all such practices they fear are about judging and forcing people.

It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

Dear Lysistrata
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.

So that is clearly discriminating by creed,
barring practices and expressions that Christians believe in but not atheists
while requiring practices and expressions to be included that liberals believe in but not Christians!

Both are faith based beliefs and choices of expression and practice.

Why is one set of beliefs to be established by govt under penalty of law
while the other is removed on the grounds they are "faith based beliefs"
not everyone shares or agrees to. The same is true of LGBT beliefs.

Can you explain why these aren't treated equally?

2. NOTE: the spiritual CHOICE to practice "reparative therapy"
is being banned and punished by liberals who assume (falsely and dangerously)
that ALL such therapy is the abusive malpractice type.

These overly broad laws can impose restrictions or penalties
on even OFFERING therapy to minors.

Well the Christian faith is predicated on a duty to share
the healing power of forgiveness which is the basis of
spiritual healing of UNNATURAL unwanted attractions
in the cases where therapy works to change people who don't want
unnatural attractions they AGREE is not right for them.

Why isn't that a free and respected choice to seek spiritual healing
therapy that ISN'T the fraudulent abusive type?

Lysistrata are you aware of the discrimination
against formerly gay people who changed and healed
of conditions that cause unnatural attractions?

Why are liberals claiming to want inclusion not discrimination,
yet demonize Christians who have experienced or provided
effective healing therapy for those who choose it freely and benefit from it?

To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.

The liberal LGBT have gone TOO FAR in denouncing and excluding
other beliefs, so they contradict their own principles and violate
the very laws against "discrimination by creed" they are claiming to enforce

3. In case you aren't familiar with Christian spiritual healing,
it is the same process used whether people come out gay or come out straight,
it is about forgiving and accepting what is one's natural state so they
are no longer suppressed or conflicted. Once people are fully freed of past conditions
causing spiritual conflicts, then they can be at peace; and whether they
come out gay, straight, transgender etc. they are reconciled with their natural default state.

So this process of reparative healing and therapy is NOT the same as
the malpractice fraud of trying to force, punish or coerce anyone which does heal but injures people more. But liberals and LGBT advocates don't know the difference
so they oppose all such practices they fear are about judging and forcing people.

It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!

Crosses and prayers are sectarian and have no place in the school system, which hosts all students of whatever background. It is the parents' right to teach their children as they wish, and send them to church, Sunday School, Hebrew School, mosque, whatever. There are no "LGBT policies" because LGBTs are not an organization. Being LGBT involves only a sexual orientation, not a set of "beliefs." I know of no organization for myself as a heterosexual or a person with blue eyes. As far as I know, "atheists" have no "practices." Many "liberals" are believers in Jesus. Trying to contrast "liberals" and "Christians" is absurd.

Offering "therapy" to minors opens the door to abuse based on a parent's participation in whatever cult. I hope that parents who do this sort of thing will be held responsible, financially and otherwise, for his/her child's psychotherapy after the child becomes an adult.

There is no reason to try to "heal" an LGBT person.

This "spiritual healing" concept is a function of your sect.
Gay men off themselves at an astonishing rate and no one blames them. Perhaps these loving parents are only teaching their children to live happier, healthier lives.

Homosexuality and Suicide: LGBT Suicide – A Serious Issue - LGBT Mental Health - Gender | HealthyPlace
Not to mention the THOUSANDS who DECIDE to kill themselves by CHOOSING AIDS.
There is no reason to try to "heal" an LGBT person.
You don't get to make that decision for others.
To those with their mind right, HOMOSEXUALITY is as perverse as bestiality, and every other perversion of what God created for Man.

Some "pulls" that afflict Man SHOUKD be resisted. We understood that about HOMOSEXUALITY, until recently.

Nothing good has come out if embracing this mental illness as normal.
The glaring hypocrisy in all this is that not only do most (70-90%) of gender confused kids grow out of their confusion naturally as they get older, the alphabet tards and their useful idiots don’t want ANYONE (even the parents) simply talking things through with these kids or telling them what the bible says.

INSTEAD these same alphabet tards and their usueful idiots are all for pumping these kids full of dangerous puberty blockers and cancerous hormones - BEFORE they get the chance to grow out of their confusion (largely instilled in the first place by the alphabet tards and their useful idiots).

I find this VERY sinister and it is this that constitutes the REAL ABUSE of children - NOT talking and reading the bible - which so terrifies the tards that they want people criminalised and to have death threats against them and their families for doing so.

You really couldn’t make it up!
There is no reason to try to "heal" an LGBT person.
You don't get to make that decision for others.
To those with their mind right, HOMOSEXUALITY is as perverse as bestiality, and every other perversion of what God created for Man.

Some "pulls" that afflict Man SHOUKD be resisted. We understood that about HOMOSEXUALITY, until recently.

Nothing good has come out if embracing this mental illness as normal.

It is you who cannot make that decision for others. It's up to the individual person to choose, not up to a person in an outside cult to choose for some other person. Minding one's own business is a good idea. Your membership in some cult should not entitle you to et your foot in the door to someone else's personal life.
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

You're a lying twat. Shut up, you lying twat. I bet you have at least 3 mental health diagnoses.
I should call the fbi and report you so they can take your guns! Or, alternately, just kick your door down and make you crap your pants...

You have no right to tell me to shut up. Who do you think you are? Your comment shows you to be a very sick individual. I said nothing personal about you, and try to stay within the USMB rules, and yet you respond with name- calling and some oblique reference to violence.

Shut up you mentally ill craphat.
There is no reason to try to "heal" an LGBT person.
You don't get to make that decision for others.
To those with their mind right, HOMOSEXUALITY is as perverse as bestiality, and every other perversion of what God created for Man.

Some "pulls" that afflict Man SHOUKD be resisted. We understood that about HOMOSEXUALITY, until recently.

Nothing good has come out if embracing this mental illness as normal.

It is you who cannot make that decision for others. It's up to the individual person to choose, not up to a person in an outside cult to choose for some other person. Minding one's own business is a good idea. Your membership in some cult should not entitle you to et your foot in the door to someone else's personal life.
Mental illness - Symptoms and causes
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

You're a lying twat. Shut up, you lying twat. I bet you have at least 3 mental health diagnoses.
I should call the fbi and report you so they can take your guns! Or, alternately, just kick your door down and make you crap your pants...

You have no right to tell me to shut up. Who do you think you are? Your comment shows you to be a very sick individual. I said nothing personal about you, and try to stay within the USMB rules, and yet you respond with name- calling and some oblique reference to violence.

Shut up you mentally ill craphat.

Why do you insist on telling me to shut up and calling me names?
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

You're a lying twat. Shut up, you lying twat. I bet you have at least 3 mental health diagnoses.
I should call the fbi and report you so they can take your guns! Or, alternately, just kick your door down and make you crap your pants...

You have no right to tell me to shut up. Who do you think you are? Your comment shows you to be a very sick individual. I said nothing personal about you, and try to stay within the USMB rules, and yet you respond with name- calling and some oblique reference to violence.

Shut up you mentally ill craphat.

Why do you insist on telling me to shut up and calling me names?

Because you don't like it, and because I hate liars.
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

You're a lying twat. Shut up, you lying twat. I bet you have at least 3 mental health diagnoses.
I should call the fbi and report you so they can take your guns! Or, alternately, just kick your door down and make you crap your pants...

You have no right to tell me to shut up. Who do you think you are? Your comment shows you to be a very sick individual. I said nothing personal about you, and try to stay within the USMB rules, and yet you respond with name- calling and some oblique reference to violence.

Shut up you mentally ill craphat.
Awwwwww....Allie's upset.
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

You're a lying twat. Shut up, you lying twat. I bet you have at least 3 mental health diagnoses.
I should call the fbi and report you so they can take your guns! Or, alternately, just kick your door down and make you crap your pants...

You have no right to tell me to shut up. Who do you think you are? Your comment shows you to be a very sick individual. I said nothing personal about you, and try to stay within the USMB rules, and yet you respond with name- calling and some oblique reference to violence.

Shut up you mentally ill craphat.

Why do you insist on telling me to shut up and calling me names?

Because you don't like it, and because I hate liars.
You have never explained what I ever have lied about.
Imagine being gay and then being tricked into marrying a woman.

Could you imagine? At some point, the woman realizes why there is no romantic love.

Oh, they can fuk, but it's mechanical and not an act of love.

Then 20 years later, after a couple of kids, the husband says I don't love you and never did. The woman feels ashamed. She feels tricked. She's been betrayed. She never had the kind of love she wanted and expected and after so many years probably never will. Marrying a gay ruined her life.

And Republicans see no problem with that. None at all. Because they are heartless and don't really feel the kind of emotions the rest of us feel. Most typical, Republicans feel hate and not much else. These kinds of threads prove it.
A homo using a woman like that should be executed. He has taken her life just as if he put a bullet in her head.
Imagine being gay and then being tricked into marrying a woman.

Could you imagine? At some point, the woman realizes why there is no romantic love.

Oh, they can fuk, but it's mechanical and not an act of love.

Then 20 years later, after a couple of kids, the husband says I don't love you and never did. The woman feels ashamed. She feels tricked. She's been betrayed. She never had the kind of love she wanted and expected and after so many years probably never will. Marrying a gay ruined her life.

And Republicans see no problem with that. None at all. Because they are heartless and don't really feel the kind of emotions the rest of us feel. Most typical, Republicans feel hate and not much else. These kinds of threads prove it.
A homo using a woman like that should be executed. He has taken her life just as if he put a bullet in her head.
Executed??!! That is seriously over the top bat shit insane!

You have a problem with a gay man trying to be straight in order to conform to the expectations of close minded bigots, but you have no problem with what was done to him to cause him to live a lie, to try to be and maybe for a time believe that he was something that he was not. What the fuck is wrong with you??!! TWO lives were taken because of shit bags like YOU.
Executed??!! That is seriously over the top bat shit insane!

Yep and when your cult backs off on threatening to kill people trying to prevent your cult from indoctrinating their children into your deviant sex addictions, he'll probably back off too.

See how that works?
From what I've read, and heard, homosexuality is hard wired. That's not saying that all kids who are gender confused are homosexual, for many, they are still sorting themselves out and it's natural. But for the small proportion that ARE homosexual or lesbian, that too is natural.

What does it do to them, to have someone quote from the bible and tell them that they are an abomination? That at 14 years old they are already destined for hell? Is that the right way to handle it? Someone mentioned that they had a high rate of suicide...and that is kind of understandable given the cultures many of them have to live in. Why do people have to slap labels like "abomination" on head of a kid? That has got to mess when with them when they are struggling to understand their feelings, desires, and place in the world.

Seems to me...the best a parent can do is keep communication open, without judgement, and be willing to listen. If it's pastoral counseling I'd say the same thing. Listen to what the child has to say and be open minded. If he's confused, help him untangle it. If he's homosexual, help him understand it and accept himself. We are all God's children.

There are so many things a child could be or do that are far worse than being homosexual. If a one's child is ethical, compassionate, hard working, honest....then who cares what his sexual orientation is?
From what I've read, and heard, homosexuality is hard wired. That's not saying that all kids who are gender confused are homosexual, for many, they are still sorting themselves out and it's natural. But for the small proportion that ARE homosexual or lesbian, that too is natural.

What does it do to them, to have someone quote from the bible and tell them that they are an abomination? That at 14 years old they are already destined for hell? Is that the right way to handle it? Someone mentioned that they had a high rate of suicide...and that is kind of understandable given the cultures many of them have to live in. Why do people have to slap labels like "abomination" on head of a kid? That has got to mess when with them when they are struggling to understand their feelings, desires, and place in the world.

Seems to me...the best a parent can do is keep communication open, without judgement, and be willing to listen. If it's pastoral counseling I'd say the same thing. Listen to what the child has to say and be open minded. If he's confused, help him untangle it. If he's homosexual, help him understand it and accept himself. We are all God's children.

There are so many things a child could be or do that are far worse than being homosexual. If a one's child is ethical, compassionate, hard working, honest....then who cares what his sexual orientation is?
Hey! That's the illegal alien argument, too! As long as he hasn't killed anyone yet, what's the big deal?
From what I've read, and heard, homosexuality is hard wired. That's not saying that all kids who are gender confused are homosexual, for many, they are still sorting themselves out and it's natural. But for the small proportion that ARE homosexual or lesbian, that too is natural.

What does it do to them, to have someone quote from the bible and tell them that they are an abomination? That at 14 years old they are already destined for hell? Is that the right way to handle it? Someone mentioned that they had a high rate of suicide...and that is kind of understandable given the cultures many of them have to live in. Why do people have to slap labels like "abomination" on head of a kid? That has got to mess when with them when they are struggling to understand their feelings, desires, and place in the world.

Seems to me...the best a parent can do is keep communication open, without judgement, and be willing to listen. If it's pastoral counseling I'd say the same thing. Listen to what the child has to say and be open minded. If he's confused, help him untangle it. If he's homosexual, help him understand it and accept himself. We are all God's children.

There are so many things a child could be or do that are far worse than being homosexual. If a one's child is ethical, compassionate, hard working, honest....then who cares what his sexual orientation is?
Hey! That's the illegal alien argument, too! As long as he hasn't killed anyone yet, what's the big deal?

Homosexuality is not a crime.

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