LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
What a boatload of moronic, made up, delusional equine excrement!
Why are you so obsessed with animal waste? :uhh:
To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.
No one is doing that and your clearly delusional if you think that any one is. Brainwashing children however , crossed the line. I could go on with this but I won't
Oh please DO go on. You’re so entertaining! Lol.
It’s your lot that are brainwashing children - you are brainwashing them into believing they should be questioning their gender 24/7, regressivepratt!

Really? Please provide some specific examples with detailed documentation

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Of course. Just as soon as you provide detailed documentation that the Pastor who is the subject of this thread is practicing conversion therapy - since you approve of the threats against him, his church and his CHILDREN, you must have the evidence, right, regressivepratt? :th_waiting:
To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.
No one is doing that and your clearly delusional if you think that any one is. Brainwashing children however , crossed the line. I could go on with this but I won't
Oh please DO go on. You’re so entertaining! Lol.
It’s your lot that are brainwashing children - you are brainwashing them into believing they should be questioning their gender 24/7, regressivepratt!

Really? Please provide some specific examples with detailed documentation

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Of course. Just as soon as you provide detailed documentation that the Pastor who is the subject of this thread is practicing conversion therapy - since you approve of the threats against him, his church and his CHILDREN, you must have the evidence, right, regressivepratt? :th_waiting:
Nice cope out. Thank you for admitting that you can't back up your ludicrous claims. For my part, I have already provided a first hand account of the experience by a victim, but it was lost on you. You are either to obtuse to understand or too dishonest to admit it,
Nice cope out. Thank you for admitting that you can't back up your ludicrous claims. For my part, I have already provided a first hand account of the experience by a victim, but it was lost on you. You are either to obtuse to understand or too dishonest to admit it
Rectal orifice (just wanted to try that one out.)
It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
What a boatload of moronic, made up, delusional equine excrement!
Why are you so obsessed with animal waste? :uhh:
Actually, I'm obsessed with human waste and I don't mean excrement. I mean the kind of human waste that is on full display here that advocates and apologizes for cruelty to children.
To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.
No one is doing that and your clearly delusional if you think that any one is. Brainwashing children however , crossed the line. I could go on with this but I won't
Oh please DO go on. You’re so entertaining! Lol.
It’s your lot that are brainwashing children - you are brainwashing them into believing they should be questioning their gender 24/7, regressivepratt!

Really? Please provide some specific examples with detailed documentation

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Of course. Just as soon as you provide detailed documentation that the Pastor who is the subject of this thread is practicing conversion therapy - since you approve of the threats against him, his church and his CHILDREN, you must have the evidence, right, regressivepratt? :th_waiting:
Nice cope out. Thank you for admitting that you can't back up your ludicrous claims. For my part, I have already provided a first hand account of the experience by a victim, but it was lost on you. You are either to obtuse to understand or too dishonest to admit it,
No not a cop out, simply yet another request that you apply your own standards to yourself, particularly when threats of violence against the pastor and his children are based upon lies such as yours about him.

So, DETAILED DOCUMENTATION please - that the pastor - who IS the subject of this thread - is offering conversion therapy.

I’m sure even you can see that a semi literate allegation cannot really be viewed as DETAILED DOCUMENTATION - now can it, regressivepratt?
Care to try again? Lol.
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It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
What a boatload of moronic, made up, delusional equine excrement!
Why are you so obsessed with animal waste? :uhh:
Actually, I'm obsessed with human waste and I don't mean excrement. I mean the kind of human waste that is on full display here that advocates and apologizes for cruelty to children.
Sure, that’s why you won’t condemn the threats against the pastors children, right? Who do you think you’re kidding, you despicable bigot? Lol.
Imagine being gay and then being tricked into marrying a woman.

Could you imagine? At some point, the woman realizes why there is no romantic love.

Oh, they can fuk, but it's mechanical and not an act of love.

Then 20 years later, after a couple of kids, the husband says I don't love you and never did. The woman feels ashamed. She feels tricked. She's been betrayed. She never had the kind of love she wanted and expected and after so many years probably never will. Marrying a gay ruined her life.

And Republicans see no problem with that. None at all. Because they are heartless and don't really feel the kind of emotions the rest of us feel. Most typical, Republicans feel hate and not much else. These kinds of threads prove it.
It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
What a boatload of moronic, made up, delusional equine excrement!
Why are you so obsessed with animal waste? :uhh:
Actually, I'm obsessed with human waste and I don't mean excrement. I mean the kind of human waste that is on full display here that advocates and apologizes for cruelty to children.
The human waste on display here is all yours - spreading false allegations that result in threats to a pastor and his children. Go change your depends for goodness sake!
Imagine being gay and then being tricked into marrying a woman. Could you imagine? At some point, the woman realizes why there is no romantic love. Oh, they can fuk, but it's mechanical and not an act of love. Then 20 years later, after a couple of kids, the husband says I don't love you and never did. The woman feels ashamed. She feels tricked. She's been betrayed. She never had the kind of love she wanted and expected and after so many years probably never will. Marrying a gay ruined her life.

And Republicans see no problem with that. None at all. Because they are heartless and don't really feel the kind of emotions the rest of us feel. Most typical, Republicans feel hate and not much else. These kinds of threads prove it.
I assume your "gay man" was "turned" when he was a nice young "twink" so his imprinting ruined the life of both his wife and himself.

We're gonna dig deeper than "born that way" fool. Buckle up.
It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
What a boatload of moronic, made up, delusional equine excrement!
Why are you so obsessed with animal waste? :uhh:
Actually, I'm obsessed with human waste and I don't mean excrement. I mean the kind of human waste that is on full display here that advocates and apologizes for cruelty to children.
Sure, that’s why you won’t condemn the threats against the pastors children, right? Who do you think you’re kidding, you despicable bigot? Lol.
It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
What a boatload of moronic, made up, delusional equine excrement!
Why are you so obsessed with animal waste? :uhh:
Actually, I'm obsessed with human waste and I don't mean excrement. I mean the kind of human waste that is on full display here that advocates and apologizes for cruelty to children.
Sure, that’s why you won’t condemn the threats against the pastors children, right? Who do you think you’re kidding, you despicable bigot? Lol.
You excel In the underwhelming response.
It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
What a boatload of moronic, made up, delusional equine excrement!
Why are you so obsessed with animal waste? :uhh:

They are obsessed with excrement in all it's forms...not least of all their OWN.

Lefties are obsessed with their own crap! It boggles the mind.
Seems the real goal is to ban EVERYONE, including the PARENTS, from counselling gender confused children, whilst they are subjected to pro gender confusion crap all day at school. Can’t imagine why. Lol.

Florida county rejects ban on therapy for gender-confused children

October 10, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — The Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners voted 7-4 last week to reject a proposed ban onassisting minors who experience unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion.....

The majority of commissioners voted to reject the “poorly-drafted speech ban” as a violation of First Amendment free speech, religious exercise, and parental rights, and also on the grounds that government should not insert itself between a client and a counselor.

"We commend the majority of Miami-Dade County Commissioners who voted for the First Amendment," said Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver. "Municipalities have no authority to invade the counselor-client relationship.”

The speech ban's attempted reach beyond 'licensed' professionals to anyone and everyone else, including pastors counseling church members and parents counseling their own minor children, was an egregious First Amendment violation,” Staver said. “Licensed counselors and unlicensed persons all have First Amendment rights to counsel minors against the harms of homosexuality and gender confusion, for secular, scientific, and religious reasons.”...

Florida county rejects ban on therapy for gender-confused children
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Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

You're a lying twat. Shut up, you lying twat. I bet you have at least 3 mental health diagnoses.
I should call the fbi and report you so they can take your guns! Or, alternately, just kick your door down and make you crap your pants...

You have no right to tell me to shut up. Who do you think you are? Your comment shows you to be a very sick individual. I said nothing personal about you, and try to stay within the USMB rules, and yet you respond with name- calling and some oblique reference to violence.

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