LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

The indignance toward "faith haters " is understandable, as knowledge overtakes it across the planet.
The indignance toward "faith haters " is understandable, as knowledge overtakes it across the planet.

You sound like you are straight up, batshit crazy, incidentally.

Hopefully we'll be building some shiny new institutions for creeps like you.
#536: To abstain from reading Hitler's Mein Kampf presupposes one to nazism much more efficiently than had they done so. Others may not have problems reading gay authors, even when the reader is heterosexual.

A Thousand Tiny Sexes: Feminism and Rhizomatics
You're a fag, of course you are.
doubly batshit.
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.
Those of you fed up with the alphabet people threatening innocent people and the gvmnt attacking the free speech rights and free exercise of (the Christian) religion, please sign the petition! Thank you.

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach

22839 Actions

Dear Rep. Camilleri and Rep. Zemke,

You recently demanded that your state Attorney General launch an investigation into Metro City Church of Riverview, Michigan and FORGE Ministries after the church offered “The Unashamed Identity” Workshop, a safe place for teenage girls to learn what the Bible teaches about sexuality.

It is alarming that legislators, who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, have attacked the free speech rights and free exercise of religion by a local church congregation, in direct violation of the First Amendment. Moreover, as government officials, for you to dictate what a local church must teach regarding its theology is totalitarian in nature, and is at the heart of what the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was meant to prevent.

I urge you to respect the freedom of this church to teach what the Bible says about human sexuality and withdraw your request for an unconstitutional government investigation into Metro City Church and FORGE Ministries.

Act now! Sign our Petition!

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach
This is "family research council" crap.

It counters Southern Poverty Law Center crap

The SPLC monitors and rates organizations from all over the political spectrum, and it does not pretend to have a religious bias. The "family research council" is phony "Christian" garbage that seeks to spread its shit. Big difference.

SPLC is a hate group running around calling others hate groups.

This ain't my first rodeo,pal
Pathetic appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. Speaking out against hate does not make one a hater.
#543 is angry for exposing the contradictions of reasoning whilst taking the opportunity to reveal the secret of Jesus's homosexuality. Another reason to protect oneself from the double blackmail of religion.
Reparative Therapy | A Pastor's Journey Out of the Closet...

Well, it’s time to start going “public” a bit more. I’ve started a YouTube channel because I really feel a calling to get my story out and to speak to the damage that ex-gay ministries cause. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel…more great things to come!

I am in my 40’s and have been “in the closet” for most of my life. I lived a straight life, got married, had kids, and have been a pastor for 17 years. All along, though, I knew I was gay. But the message that I got from churches and from seminary was that being gay is not ok…and therefore I had to do whatever it took for me not to live as a gay man. During the past 20+ years, I have silently struggled, constantly trying to suppress my sexuality so that I could be a “good Christian”, a pastor with integrity, and a husband and father. Unfortunately, the result is that I ended up depressed, withdrawn, and acting out in unhealthy ways because I was trying to be something that I was not…straight! You can only suppress your identity for so long before it affects your emotional health in negative ways. My negative emotional health crippled me, my marriage, my parenting, my relationships, and my ministry.
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

Dear Lysistrata
1. The same liberal activism to remove Crosses and prayer from schools
now pushes for beliefs in LGBT policies on same sex marriage and transgender bathroom requirements
to be endorsed and included.

So that is clearly discriminating by creed,
barring practices and expressions that Christians believe in but not atheists
while requiring practices and expressions to be included that liberals believe in but not Christians!

Both are faith based beliefs and choices of expression and practice.

Why is one set of beliefs to be established by govt under penalty of law
while the other is removed on the grounds they are "faith based beliefs"
not everyone shares or agrees to. The same is true of LGBT beliefs.

Can you explain why these aren't treated equally?

2. NOTE: the spiritual CHOICE to practice "reparative therapy"
is being banned and punished by liberals who assume (falsely and dangerously)
that ALL such therapy is the abusive malpractice type.

These overly broad laws can impose restrictions or penalties
on even OFFERING therapy to minors.

Well the Christian faith is predicated on a duty to share
the healing power of forgiveness which is the basis of
spiritual healing of UNNATURAL unwanted attractions
in the cases where therapy works to change people who don't want
unnatural attractions they AGREE is not right for them.

Why isn't that a free and respected choice to seek spiritual healing
therapy that ISN'T the fraudulent abusive type?

Lysistrata are you aware of the discrimination
against formerly gay people who changed and healed
of conditions that cause unnatural attractions?

Why are liberals claiming to want inclusion not discrimination,
yet demonize Christians who have experienced or provided
effective healing therapy for those who choose it freely and benefit from it?

To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.

The liberal LGBT have gone TOO FAR in denouncing and excluding
other beliefs, so they contradict their own principles and violate
the very laws against "discrimination by creed" they are claiming to enforce

3. In case you aren't familiar with Christian spiritual healing,
it is the same process used whether people come out gay or come out straight,
it is about forgiving and accepting what is one's natural state so they
are no longer suppressed or conflicted. Once people are fully freed of past conditions
causing spiritual conflicts, then they can be at peace; and whether they
come out gay, straight, transgender etc. they are reconciled with their natural default state.

So this process of reparative healing and therapy is NOT the same as
the malpractice fraud of trying to force, punish or coerce anyone which does heal but injures people more. But liberals and LGBT advocates don't know the difference
so they oppose all such practices they fear are about judging and forcing people.

It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
Last edited:
Those of you fed up with the alphabet people threatening innocent people and the gvmnt attacking the free speech rights and free exercise of (the Christian) religion, please sign the petition! Thank you.

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach

22839 Actions

Dear Rep. Camilleri and Rep. Zemke,

You recently demanded that your state Attorney General launch an investigation into Metro City Church of Riverview, Michigan and FORGE Ministries after the church offered “The Unashamed Identity” Workshop, a safe place for teenage girls to learn what the Bible teaches about sexuality.

It is alarming that legislators, who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, have attacked the free speech rights and free exercise of religion by a local church congregation, in direct violation of the First Amendment. Moreover, as government officials, for you to dictate what a local church must teach regarding its theology is totalitarian in nature, and is at the heart of what the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was meant to prevent.

I urge you to respect the freedom of this church to teach what the Bible says about human sexuality and withdraw your request for an unconstitutional government investigation into Metro City Church and FORGE Ministries.

Act now! Sign our Petition!

Sign Petition! - Help Pastors Stand against Government Overreach
This is "family research council" crap.

It counters Southern Poverty Law Center crap

The SPLC monitors and rates organizations from all over the political spectrum, and it does not pretend to have a religious bias. The "family research council" is phony "Christian" garbage that seeks to spread its shit. Big difference.

SPLC is a hate group running around calling others hate groups.

This ain't my first rodeo,pal
Pathetic appeal to ignorance logical fallacy. Speaking out against hate does not make one a hater.

Except they are haters. I see you're still trying your conversion therapy ruse, LOL....the thread isn't about that, you should stop now
Nobody is targeting children, attempting to "steal children," or "criminalizing Christianity." What a pile of rap. It's amazing what some people will buy.

You're a lying twat. Shut up, you lying twat. I bet you have at least 3 mental health diagnoses.
I should call the fbi and report you so they can take your guns! Or, alternately, just kick your door down and make you crap your pants...
Send me money and I will.......Pray away the Gay

So that is clearly discriminating by creed,
barring practices and expressions that Christians believe in but not atheists
while requiring practices and expressions to be included that liberals believe in but not Christians!
What practices and expression that Christians believe ?-Child abuse. Mental Cruelty? What practices that liberals and atheists believe in are included at the expanse of Christians? Freedom from religious persecution? Just answer that and spare us the psychobabble
To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.
No one is doing that and your clearly delusional if you think that any one is. Brainwashing children however , crossed the line. I could go on with this but I won't
It's sad that liberals know the difference between peaceful Muslims vs jihadist terrorists
instead of blaming and banning all Muslims. But when it comes to Christians, they
do the same thing and blame and want to ban the whole practice because of abuses
of religion that are actually fraudulent and not the true practice in the first place. What a mess!
What a boatload of moronic, made up, delusional equine excrement!
To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.
No one is doing that and your clearly delusional if you think that any one is. Brainwashing children however , crossed the line. I could go on with this but I won't
Oh please DO go on. You’re so entertaining! Lol.
It’s your lot who are brainwashing children - you are brainwashing them into believing they should be questioning their gender 24/7, regressivepratt!
To demonize and ban Christian teaching and practice
is a form of discrimination instead of respecting equal free exercise, speech and choice
in these spiritual matters.
No one is doing that and your clearly delusional if you think that any one is. Brainwashing children however , crossed the line. I could go on with this but I won't
Oh please DO go on. You’re so entertaining! Lol.
It’s your lot that are brainwashing children - you are brainwashing them into believing they should be questioning their gender 24/7, regressivepratt!

Really? Please provide some specific examples with detailed documentation

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