LGBT attacks Christian pastor helping teens with same sex attraction if you do not stop we will kill

And certainly not to the pedophiles that head up the sex groups.
Never heard the Catholic church referred to as a "sex group" before....but ok....sounds about right.
One of the reasons I left the Catholic church as a teenager, aside from its bizarre and humiliating treatment of us supposedly second-class female persons, was its seeming to be a religion totally obsessed with sex and it continues to use the presence of male genitalia as an entry ticket. It didn't seem to be offering anything about the broader picture of spiritual growth and what we could find out about the postulated presence of a supreme being in our universe. It turns out that these protestant cults offer even more of this rubbish than the males who lead the Catholic church did. Yeah. I'd say that they are all "sex groups."
The mentally ill and intellectually stunted often make such claims. The truth is, it reflects their own illness, not the illness of the church or the institution of Christianity.
The "institution of Christianity" has no part in this. The morons from these phony "Christian" cults have everything to do with these persistent attacks on LGBTs, but they are the stupid assholes who want to govern every personal thing in peoples' lives and need a scapegoat, which they quickly found in LGBTs and transgenders. These cult morons need to mind their own business. Each person will decide what s/he wishes to do.

Defending your kids from lgbts in schools is not an attack. It's just defending your kids.

Get the perverts out of the schools, we'll be fine.

Defending your kids from just what??? What "perverts" are in our schools?
Never heard the Catholic church referred to as a "sex group" before....but ok....sounds about right.
One of the reasons I left the Catholic church as a teenager, aside from its bizarre and humiliating treatment of us supposedly second-class female persons, was its seeming to be a religion totally obsessed with sex and it continues to use the presence of male genitalia as an entry ticket. It didn't seem to be offering anything about the broader picture of spiritual growth and what we could find out about the postulated presence of a supreme being in our universe. It turns out that these protestant cults offer even more of this rubbish than the males who lead the Catholic church did. Yeah. I'd say that they are all "sex groups."
The mentally ill and intellectually stunted often make such claims. The truth is, it reflects their own illness, not the illness of the church or the institution of Christianity.
The "institution of Christianity" has no part in this. The morons from these phony "Christian" cults have everything to do with these persistent attacks on LGBTs, but they are the stupid assholes who want to govern every personal thing in peoples' lives and need a scapegoat, which they quickly found in LGBTs and transgenders. These cult morons need to mind their own business. Each person will decide what s/he wishes to do.

Defending your kids from lgbts in schools is not an attack. It's just defending your kids.

Get the perverts out of the schools, we'll be fine.

Defending your kids from just what??? What "perverts" are in our schools?

This shit.....

Parents horrified after man performs drag show at NYC school
Show us anywhere where teachers are "grooming" any students as to whether to be LGBT. there is plenty of "grooming" to be heterosexual or to adopt a certain, very specific religious sect, and plenty of court cases about this grooming.
Christophobic bigot. The children belong to their parents, not the government indoctrination centers (public school).
Parents are always welcome to teach their children themselves or pick the private RELIGIOUS school of their choice. That option has always been there.
Thank you. The folks who insist on complaining and want "god" and "prayer" back in schools, which are necessarily sectarian, are people who refuse to acknowledge that it is that parents' duty to raise their children as to these matters. When I was a child in public school, we said the Christian Lord's Prayer every morning. I sat next to a Jewish kid. It took years for me to realize that this prayer did not exist in the Jewish faith. It was totally sectarian. The school was invading her parents' rights to raise their child as a Jewish person.
Schools are not *necessarily sectarian* . That's nonsense that came about with the nationalization of our schools, also known as the commization of our schools, which started with the creation of the Dept. of Education. The dept of education, like so many other leftist organizations, is actually concerned with the dumbing down of kids..not their education. Which is why our schools and our children have gone steadily downhill since it's inception.

Schools should be locally managed and should receive nothing from the feds, and they should exist in the form that the community that funds them decides is best suited for their children. Eliminate all federal funding, eliminate all federal interference, eliminate all federal oversight. Eliminate every single federal *program* from the stupid "clubs" that target and brainwash vulnerable kids for heavy doses of indoctrination around pizza and dancing, to the stupid food programs. Get the forest service, the dept. of fish and wildlife, and planned parenthood out of our schools entirely. And start firing teachers.

Until we do that, our schools will continue to be the disgusting crapholes they currently are.

People are pulling their kids out like there's no tomorrow, and that's a good thing.

What I actually said that ideas about a supreme being, the existence of this supreme being, and prayers being offered up to this being are necessarily sectarian, and should not be included in schools. The educational basics can be taught to our kids without such sectarianism, and the kids' instruction in faith should be left up to the parents, not "the community." BTW: food programs are NOT "stupid." Kids come to class hungry. The forest service, the "dept. of fish and wildlife, and planned parenthood" are not involved in our schools. I agree that teachers who bring religious materials to their classes should be fired.

Academic excellence can, and must, be achieved without sectarianism. Moreover, remember that these kids will have to survive and compete against kids from all over the world when we are gone.

Dear Lysistrata
1. What if the Liberal/LGBT is using Government as that body of "supreme authority" while others do not.

Does that count as a belief system based on some "external"
or "universal" "supreme absolute authority"?

2. If you do not see both liberal/LGBT (which is argued as BELIEVING in Government as the central authority for establishing the collective will of the people) and Christian/organized religions about deifying "a supreme being" as similar "beliefs"
isn't that a form of DISCRIMINATION to only
apply "religious" references in Constitutional law
you pinpoint (ie only those "beliefs" that refer to a "supreme being" as you limit this definition to)

Shouldn't ANY BELIEF be treated the same?

Not just "beliefs concerning supreme PERSONIFIED authority"
but what about beliefs concerning government as a supreme authority?

Sholdn't ANYONE's BELIEF be protected equally from the BELIEFS of other people or groups, instead of some biased agenda or policy
being decided by the govt or school administration that EXCLUDES people of other beliefs?

Shouldn't this be applied to everyone who objects and doesn't believe in or feel equally included, protected or represented by the FAITH BASED beliefs promoted by factions who have those beliefs that the others do not.

3. if not, Lysistrata if you do NOT believe as I do that LGBT and Christian beliefs, liberal and conservative beliefs about govt shold be treated equally,
then what about MY BELIEFS as a Constitutionalist (which is a political religion I have a right to defend and exercise for myself though not impose on others either) and as a believer in equal rights and representation for each person regardless of beliefs (including religious, political or political religious beliefs all treated equally as creeds).

Don't I have a right to treat these LGBT/liberal and Christian/Conservative beliefs as equal, and not be subject to govt laws or public policies that unconstitutionally establish one while penalizing or prohibiting the other.

What about my beliefs, do those count?
by my beliefs, it is equally unconstitutional to impose either one through public policy, but both sides in conflict should agree on a consensual way to write and apply policy so that beliefs on both sides are equally included, represented and protected. Thus I believe that in cases involving faith based beliefs that can't be changed or forced to change by govt, this requires local mediation to resolve conflicts and arrive at a mutually agreed consensus decision even if that agreement is to separate funding or jurisdiction. Only agreed policies that reflect the public as a whole (not one side being represented while the other is left out) can be considered public law that is constitutionally equally protecting, including and representing people equally. without equal inclusion it causes discrimination by creed.

Are you okay with that belief I have in interpreting creed
to mean secular beliefs and political beliefs and religions
equally as you take religion to mean organized religions only?

As for your definition, can Buddhists teach to focus on Wisdom as universal supreme truth? Does that count as a "supreme being" if it is not personified.

So if Buddhism does not have a supreme being or deity, are you saying Buddhists can teach in schools but not Christians?

Do you see how it's not fair to say only beings or personified authorities can be the focus of a religious teaching or belief.

Buddhists will claim they do not believe in a supreme being.
So your definition of what is a biased religious belief
would not treat Buddhists the same as Christians.
Not to mention Atheists whose beliefs are not based on
an organized religion but individual beliefs.

I don't see how people are going to be treated equally under law
if we start "nitpicking" what constitutes a belief or not recognized by law.

So that's why I treat all beliefs as equally protected
as a creed under Civil Rights and under free exercise of religion
under the First Amendment.

I'm trying to treat and include all people equally
regardless how we EXPRESS our beliefs.

Does that make sense?
I feel I cover more people from more views and groups this way
and try to be equal and universal about it. Thanks Lysistrata
please reply to which points above you can agree or disagree with
and why?
Never heard the Catholic church referred to as a "sex group" before....but ok....sounds about right.
One of the reasons I left the Catholic church as a teenager, aside from its bizarre and humiliating treatment of us supposedly second-class female persons, was its seeming to be a religion totally obsessed with sex and it continues to use the presence of male genitalia as an entry ticket. It didn't seem to be offering anything about the broader picture of spiritual growth and what we could find out about the postulated presence of a supreme being in our universe. It turns out that these protestant cults offer even more of this rubbish than the males who lead the Catholic church did. Yeah. I'd say that they are all "sex groups."
The mentally ill and intellectually stunted often make such claims. The truth is, it reflects their own illness, not the illness of the church or the institution of Christianity.
The "institution of Christianity" has no part in this. The morons from these phony "Christian" cults have everything to do with these persistent attacks on LGBTs, but they are the stupid assholes who want to govern every personal thing in peoples' lives and need a scapegoat, which they quickly found in LGBTs and transgenders. These cult morons need to mind their own business. Each person will decide what s/he wishes to do.

Defending your kids from lgbts in schools is not an attack. It's just defending your kids.

Get the perverts out of the schools, we'll be fine.

Defending your kids from just what??? What "perverts" are in our schools?
The perverts that teach our kids that LGBTQ is as normal as heterosexuality. Our public education system is infected with these indoctrinated idiots disguised as "educators".
Never heard the Catholic church referred to as a "sex group" before....but ok....sounds about right.
One of the reasons I left the Catholic church as a teenager, aside from its bizarre and humiliating treatment of us supposedly second-class female persons, was its seeming to be a religion totally obsessed with sex and it continues to use the presence of male genitalia as an entry ticket. It didn't seem to be offering anything about the broader picture of spiritual growth and what we could find out about the postulated presence of a supreme being in our universe. It turns out that these protestant cults offer even more of this rubbish than the males who lead the Catholic church did. Yeah. I'd say that they are all "sex groups."
The mentally ill and intellectually stunted often make such claims. The truth is, it reflects their own illness, not the illness of the church or the institution of Christianity.
The "institution of Christianity" has no part in this. The morons from these phony "Christian" cults have everything to do with these persistent attacks on LGBTs, but they are the stupid assholes who want to govern every personal thing in peoples' lives and need a scapegoat, which they quickly found in LGBTs and transgenders. These cult morons need to mind their own business. Each person will decide what s/he wishes to do.
This LGBTQ crap is just the latest fad from the left to keep kids confused and manipulative. If children don't know who they are and how they were created then they will be confused, and that's exactly what the left wants so they can step in and direct their lives. A truly independent thinker and a person confident in the knowledge of God and His creation is a threat.
I would bet money that lys is a faggot teacher.

And you can see from the way she forms her statements..her purpose is to drive a wedge between kids and their parents, kids and their community, and bring them to depravity.

That's what the schools do any more. They should be burned to the ground and the teachers dragged into the village square and flogged.

I can see by your violence that you are a member of one of these cheap cults. I am against having teachers in schools trying to indoctrinate the kids when their parents aren't there. The kids' religious upbringing is entirely the responsibility of the parents. This drive among the phony "Christian" cults to have their cult ideas taught in schools when the parents aren't there is ridiculous, but these cults attempt to recruit as much as they can. There is no point in reading from the New Testament to a kid whose parents are not Christian, and no point in reciting the Lord's Prayer and requiring a Jewish kid to remain silent or to recite, except for purposes of recruitment when the kid's parents aren't there. This example, of course, leaves out children of parents of other faiths.

Moreover, there have been plenty of cases in which kids in schools have been required to attend assemblies that featured religious recruiters.
One of the reasons I left the Catholic church as a teenager, aside from its bizarre and humiliating treatment of us supposedly second-class female persons, was its seeming to be a religion totally obsessed with sex and it continues to use the presence of male genitalia as an entry ticket. It didn't seem to be offering anything about the broader picture of spiritual growth and what we could find out about the postulated presence of a supreme being in our universe. It turns out that these protestant cults offer even more of this rubbish than the males who lead the Catholic church did. Yeah. I'd say that they are all "sex groups."
The mentally ill and intellectually stunted often make such claims. The truth is, it reflects their own illness, not the illness of the church or the institution of Christianity.
The "institution of Christianity" has no part in this. The morons from these phony "Christian" cults have everything to do with these persistent attacks on LGBTs, but they are the stupid assholes who want to govern every personal thing in peoples' lives and need a scapegoat, which they quickly found in LGBTs and transgenders. These cult morons need to mind their own business. Each person will decide what s/he wishes to do.
This LGBTQ crap is just the latest fad from the left to keep kids confused and manipulative. If children don't know who they are and how they were created then they will be confused, and that's exactly what the left wants so they can step in and direct their lives. A truly independent thinker and a person confident in the knowledge of God and His creation is a threat.
I would bet money that lys is a faggot teacher.

And you can see from the way she forms her statements..her purpose is to drive a wedge between kids and their parents, kids and their community, and bring them to depravity.

That's what the schools do any more. They should be burned to the ground and the teachers dragged into the village square and flogged.

I can see by your violence that you are a member of one of these cheap cults. I am against having teachers in schools trying to indoctrinate the kids when their parents aren't there. The kids' religious upbringing is entirely the responsibility of the parents. This drive among the phony "Christian" cults to have their cult ideas taught in schools when the parents aren't there is ridiculous, but these cults attempt to recruit as much as they can. There is no point in reading from the New Testament to a kid whose parents are not Christian, and no point in reciting the Lord's Prayer and requiring a Jewish kid to remain silent or to recite, except for purposes of recruitment when the kid's parents aren't there. This example, of course, leaves out children of parents of other faiths.

Moreover, there have been plenty of cases in which kids in schools have been required to attend assemblies that featured religious recruiters.
Yet, you desire our kids be indoctrinated by your cult that wants to force our kids to accept LGBTQ as perfectly normal.
Teachers are grooming them and turning them into freaks.
Show us anywhere where teachers are "grooming" any students as to whether to be LGBT. there is plenty of "grooming" to be heterosexual or to adopt a certain, very specific religious sect, and plenty of court cases about this grooming.
Christophobic bigot. The children belong to their parents, not the government indoctrination centers (public school).
And certainly not to the pedophiles that head up the sex groups.
Religious people should never bring up the word pedophile when just about every christian church group has had so many pedophiles who were protected by their leaders from the law.
Meh pedophiles are drawn to any organization that reaches out to children. Child welfare is also filled with them.

The schools have a lot more pedophiles and a lot more access than the churchs any more. And they are protected by other teachers and the unions.
I am not hurt by the comparison...the Catholic church is primarily democrat...and my kids aren't catholic. And the law doesn't require our children be indoctrinated by Catholics....and in Catholic schools, the priests and nuns don't teach the children that they are obliged to oblige perverts.
Please provide evidence of this assertion of teacher's protecting other pedophile teachers. I will save you the trouble. You can't. I can provide plenty of documentation that most Christian sects have done this. Also it is more than the catholic church that has. The Anglican church in Canada has gone bankrupt with all the litigation problems dealing with this sort of thing. Like I stated, religious people should be the last to point fingers at any organization when it comes to pedophiles. The last.
The mentally ill and intellectually stunted often make such claims. The truth is, it reflects their own illness, not the illness of the church or the institution of Christianity.
The "institution of Christianity" has no part in this. The morons from these phony "Christian" cults have everything to do with these persistent attacks on LGBTs, but they are the stupid assholes who want to govern every personal thing in peoples' lives and need a scapegoat, which they quickly found in LGBTs and transgenders. These cult morons need to mind their own business. Each person will decide what s/he wishes to do.
This LGBTQ crap is just the latest fad from the left to keep kids confused and manipulative. If children don't know who they are and how they were created then they will be confused, and that's exactly what the left wants so they can step in and direct their lives. A truly independent thinker and a person confident in the knowledge of God and His creation is a threat.
I would bet money that lys is a faggot teacher.

And you can see from the way she forms her statements..her purpose is to drive a wedge between kids and their parents, kids and their community, and bring them to depravity.

That's what the schools do any more. They should be burned to the ground and the teachers dragged into the village square and flogged.

I can see by your violence that you are a member of one of these cheap cults. I am against having teachers in schools trying to indoctrinate the kids when their parents aren't there. The kids' religious upbringing is entirely the responsibility of the parents. This drive among the phony "Christian" cults to have their cult ideas taught in schools when the parents aren't there is ridiculous, but these cults attempt to recruit as much as they can. There is no point in reading from the New Testament to a kid whose parents are not Christian, and no point in reciting the Lord's Prayer and requiring a Jewish kid to remain silent or to recite, except for purposes of recruitment when the kid's parents aren't there. This example, of course, leaves out children of parents of other faiths.

Moreover, there have been plenty of cases in which kids in schools have been required to attend assemblies that featured religious recruiters.
Yet, you desire our kids be indoctrinated by your cult that wants to force our kids to accept LGBTQ as perfectly normal.

If the kids are taught that LGBTQs exist, this is a statement of fact. What you teach in your own home about them is entirely your business. Focus on the family, frankie graham, dobson, tony graham, also exist. This is a fact. It's up to the parents to teach about them, as well.
Show us anywhere where teachers are "grooming" any students as to whether to be LGBT. there is plenty of "grooming" to be heterosexual or to adopt a certain, very specific religious sect, and plenty of court cases about this grooming.
Christophobic bigot. The children belong to their parents, not the government indoctrination centers (public school).
And certainly not to the pedophiles that head up the sex groups.
Religious people should never bring up the word pedophile when just about every christian church group has had so many pedophiles who were protected by their leaders from the law.
Meh pedophiles are drawn to any organization that reaches out to children. Child welfare is also filled with them.

The schools have a lot more pedophiles and a lot more access than the churchs any more. And they are protected by other teachers and the unions.
I am not hurt by the comparison...the Catholic church is primarily democrat...and my kids aren't catholic. And the law doesn't require our children be indoctrinated by Catholics....and in Catholic schools, the priests and nuns don't teach the children that they are obliged to oblige perverts.
Please provide evidence of this assertion of teacher's protecting other pedophile teachers. I will save you the trouble. You can't. I can provide plenty of documentation that most Christian sects have done this. Also it is more than the catholic church that has. The Anglican church in Canada has gone bankrupt with all the litigation problems dealing with this sort of thing. Like I stated, religious people should be the last to point fingers at any organization when it comes to pedophiles. The last.

A child is 100 times more likely to be sexually abused by an educator or school staff than by a priest.

That comes from the US Dept of Education
If the kids are taught that LGBTQs exist, this is a statement of fact. What you teach in your own home about them is entirely your business. Focus on the family, frankie graham, dobson, tony graham, also exist. This is a fact. It's up to the parents to teach about them, as well.

Drug addicts also exist. So do pedophiles. So do people who cut themselves. Those are also statements of fact. Your point being?

We should teach children at appropriate ages that all sorts of deviant behaviors exist. Not that because the behaviors exist, the people aren't deviants, just because it makes the people feel better about themselves. Human dysfunction is not a thing to encourage as acceptable in children.
The "institution of Christianity" has no part in this. The morons from these phony "Christian" cults have everything to do with these persistent attacks on LGBTs, but they are the stupid assholes who want to govern every personal thing in peoples' lives and need a scapegoat, which they quickly found in LGBTs and transgenders. These cult morons need to mind their own business. Each person will decide what s/he wishes to do.
This LGBTQ crap is just the latest fad from the left to keep kids confused and manipulative. If children don't know who they are and how they were created then they will be confused, and that's exactly what the left wants so they can step in and direct their lives. A truly independent thinker and a person confident in the knowledge of God and His creation is a threat.
I would bet money that lys is a faggot teacher.

And you can see from the way she forms her statements..her purpose is to drive a wedge between kids and their parents, kids and their community, and bring them to depravity.

That's what the schools do any more. They should be burned to the ground and the teachers dragged into the village square and flogged.

I can see by your violence that you are a member of one of these cheap cults. I am against having teachers in schools trying to indoctrinate the kids when their parents aren't there. The kids' religious upbringing is entirely the responsibility of the parents. This drive among the phony "Christian" cults to have their cult ideas taught in schools when the parents aren't there is ridiculous, but these cults attempt to recruit as much as they can. There is no point in reading from the New Testament to a kid whose parents are not Christian, and no point in reciting the Lord's Prayer and requiring a Jewish kid to remain silent or to recite, except for purposes of recruitment when the kid's parents aren't there. This example, of course, leaves out children of parents of other faiths.

Moreover, there have been plenty of cases in which kids in schools have been required to attend assemblies that featured religious recruiters.
Yet, you desire our kids be indoctrinated by your cult that wants to force our kids to accept LGBTQ as perfectly normal.

If the kids are taught that LGBTQs exist, this is a statement of fact. What you teach in your own home about them is entirely your business. Focus on the family, frankie graham, dobson, tony graham, also exist. This is a fact. It's up to the parents to teach about them, as well.
The fact that a tiny miniscule number of sexually confused freaks exist has nothing to do with education. Focus on the high dropout rate in our inner city schools in Chicago, Detroit, etc. Our public education system has it's priorities screwed up.
Every kid on the planet knows fags exist if they've been in public schools. It's the primary focus of public indoctrinate them and baptize them into the faggot cult. Secondary focus of public schools is to line them up as target practice for the sad lunatics that the kids have been taught are not out to harm them.
Every kid on the planet knows fags exist if they've been in public schools. It's the primary focus of public indoctrinate them and baptize them into the faggot cult. Secondary focus of public schools is to line them up as target practice for the sad lunatics that the kids have been taught are not out to harm them.
Totally agree. Their bid is to inject deviant sex act ideas under the skin of kids under the umbrella of "inoculating them against bigotry". There will come a time in the future where this particular era in our nation will be seen as a very dark time, on the verge of social collapse because of this insidious cult.
The mentally ill and intellectually stunted often make such claims. The truth is, it reflects their own illness, not the illness of the church or the institution of Christianity.
The "institution of Christianity" has no part in this. The morons from these phony "Christian" cults have everything to do with these persistent attacks on LGBTs, but they are the stupid assholes who want to govern every personal thing in peoples' lives and need a scapegoat, which they quickly found in LGBTs and transgenders. These cult morons need to mind their own business. Each person will decide what s/he wishes to do.
This LGBTQ crap is just the latest fad from the left to keep kids confused and manipulative. If children don't know who they are and how they were created then they will be confused, and that's exactly what the left wants so they can step in and direct their lives. A truly independent thinker and a person confident in the knowledge of God and His creation is a threat.
I would bet money that lys is a faggot teacher.

And you can see from the way she forms her statements..her purpose is to drive a wedge between kids and their parents, kids and their community, and bring them to depravity.

That's what the schools do any more. They should be burned to the ground and the teachers dragged into the village square and flogged.

I can see by your violence that you are a member of one of these cheap cults. I am against having teachers in schools trying to indoctrinate the kids when their parents aren't there. The kids' religious upbringing is entirely the responsibility of the parents. This drive among the phony "Christian" cults to have their cult ideas taught in schools when the parents aren't there is ridiculous, but these cults attempt to recruit as much as they can. There is no point in reading from the New Testament to a kid whose parents are not Christian, and no point in reciting the Lord's Prayer and requiring a Jewish kid to remain silent or to recite, except for purposes of recruitment when the kid's parents aren't there. This example, of course, leaves out children of parents of other faiths.

Moreover, there have been plenty of cases in which kids in schools have been required to attend assemblies that featured religious recruiters.
Yet, you desire our kids be indoctrinated by your cult that wants to force our kids to accept LGBTQ as perfectly normal.

Gawd you are both right.
If the kids are taught that LGBTQs exist, this is a statement of fact. What you teach in your own home about them is entirely your business. Focus on the family, frankie graham, dobson, tony graham, also exist. This is a fact. It's up to the parents to teach about them, as well.

Drug addicts also exist. So do pedophiles. So do people who cut themselves. Those are also statements of fact. Your point being?

We should teach children at appropriate ages that all sorts of deviant behaviors exist. Not that because the behaviors exist, the people aren't deviants, just because it makes the people feel better about themselves. Human dysfunction is not a thing to encourage as acceptable in children.

It's not the job of our schools to teach kids about deviant behavior.
It's the job of our schools to #1, protect them from physical danger and deviants while they are in the schools..., and #2, teach them to read, write, figure, and understand the basic tenets of our government and the history of the world.

That's it. math and history books, literature (the real stuff, not the garbage they give them in *language arts*) and the constitution are all that is needed.

Nothing else.
If the kids are taught that LGBTQs exist, this is a statement of fact. What you teach in your own home about them is entirely your business. Focus on the family, frankie graham, dobson, tony graham, also exist. This is a fact. It's up to the parents to teach about them, as well.

Drug addicts also exist. So do pedophiles. So do people who cut themselves. Those are also statements of fact. Your point being?

We should teach children at appropriate ages that all sorts of deviant behaviors exist. Not that because the behaviors exist, the people aren't deviants, just because it makes the people feel better about themselves. Human dysfunction is not a thing to encourage as acceptable in children.

It's not the job of our schools to teach kids about deviant behavior.
It's the job of our schools to #1, protect them from physical danger and deviants while they are in the schools..., and #2, teach them to read, write, figure, and understand the basic tenets of our government and the history of the world.

That's it. math and history books, literature (the real stuff, not the garbage they give them in *language arts*) and the constitution are all that is needed.

Nothing else.

They have enjoyed giving up their rights as parents, they prefer the system to be the parents. The parent of today ( sheep) just feed and clothe them send them off to school to their real parents " the education system" . the school police them, the state polices them and they get off on authority . From schools to their every aspect of life. round and round and they don't ever see any of it.

USEFUL idiots are great for governmental zombies bend overs.
If the kids are taught that LGBTQs exist, this is a statement of fact. What you teach in your own home about them is entirely your business. Focus on the family, frankie graham, dobson, tony graham, also exist. This is a fact. It's up to the parents to teach about them, as well.

Drug addicts also exist. So do pedophiles. So do people who cut themselves. Those are also statements of fact. Your point being?

We should teach children at appropriate ages that all sorts of deviant behaviors exist. Not that because the behaviors exist, the people aren't deviants, just because it makes the people feel better about themselves. Human dysfunction is not a thing to encourage as acceptable in children.

It's not the job of our schools to teach kids about deviant behavior.
It's the job of our schools to #1, protect them from physical danger and deviants while they are in the schools..., and #2, teach them to read, write, figure, and understand the basic tenets of our government and the history of the world.

That's it. math and history books, literature (the real stuff, not the garbage they give them in *language arts*) and the constitution are all that is needed.

Nothing else.

Because they will never bother to listen, or read they will forever remain clueless zombies accepting their Gov. parents orders. It is all in black and white they just have been brain washed into thinking it's a conspiracy which in turn their Gov parents got them right where they want them.

Tonight, on History... So It Doesn't Repeat: we discuss the past, present, and future of public schooling, with Charlotte Iserbyt, former Sr. Policy Advisor for the U.S. Department of Education. We'll discover the root cause of the Deliberate Dumbing Down of Americans.


Who Controls The Children (schools dumb down kids deliberately)

Xianity has extreme examples of desensitization: Graziano, Divine Violence: Spectacle, Psychosexuality and Radical Christianity in the Argentine 'Dirty War.' K's language arts as "garbage" masks the modus operandi of Schossau's argument: "conversation." Inculcation of youth is an important theological parameter to assure no deviation from the stultifying iron collar of Oedipus.

'It will hardly come as a surprise to learn that Oedipus as a structure is the Christian Trinity, whereas Oedipus as a crisis is a familial trinity insufficiently structured by faith: always the two poles in inverse proportion, Oedipus forever!

See J.M. Pohier, "La paternite de Dieu," L'Inconscient, no. 5 (January 1968). This article contains a perfect formulation of Oedipus as double bind: "The psychic life of man unfolds in a sort of dialectical tension between two ways of living the Oedipus complex: one that consists in living it, and the other that consists in living according to the structures that might be called Oedipal. Experience has shown us that these structures are not foreign to the most critical phase of this complex. For Freud, man is definitively marked by this complex: it constitutes his grandeur and his misery." '
(Deleuze G. Guattari F, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Psychoanalysis and Familialism: The Holy Family, p. 82)

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