LGBT "Community"?

Are you going to cry, faggot? You seem real upset. Need a tissue?
actually I laughing my ass off at your antics .
you'll have to use your own tissue ,if you have any lest from all the drooling you've been doing.
You are going to get AIDS and Martin Shkrelli is going to jack the price on your precious life-saving drugs to $1 billion dollars a pill. And you need one every 6 hours. Its gonna be great watching you shrivel up like salted slugs from your diseases. No more subsidizing your sickness 2016.
wake up Dorothy you're having that dream again..
It's going to be great. Trust me.
only in your dream, in reality it's a non event like you helicopter fantasy or the one where you are taller than tom cruise .
Damn, that's short!
I can read what you're saying and from that I can make a judgement call on what it is you are trying to push and if I don't like it, I will make that judgement.

I'm reading your words, how much more open minded can one be?
Refer to earlier when you were categorising people different from you as subhuman and not worthy of empathy or compassion.
Go read some random Tumblr and Reddit faggots blogs and you will see the feeling is mutual in many cases.
sounds like you're an expert in finding and reading gay blogs .
no wonder you have no tissue .
More than fags use those social media sites, you cucked-out, man purse wearing, dainty little chicken neck faggot.
so you're admitting to being a fag and more?
necrophilia ? coprophagia?
That was very faggy.
don't have the balls to do it yourself?
Look at this little catcher-boy faggot trying to act like he's not a little worm. Lol!
No, I have respect for the law. I'll sign up for the right wing death squads when it's time. Faggot.
taking to yourself ?
it's obvious you're a chicken shit douche bag ..
all the chest thumping and dick stretching in the world won't change that...
Are you going to cry, faggot? You seem real upset. Need a tissue?
actually I laughing my ass off at your antics .
you'll have to use your own tissue ,if you have any lest from all the drooling you've been doing.
You are going to get AIDS and Martin Shkrelli is going to jack the price on your precious life-saving drugs to $1 billion dollars a pill. And you need one every 6 hours. Its gonna be great watching you shrivel up like salted slugs from your diseases. No more subsidizing your sickness 2016.
XD Hahahahahah! So interesting that you point out Martin Shkreli like he's on your side. For one thing, the drug is not for AIDS specifically, it's for Toxoplasmosis, which only becomes harmful in a condition of a low immune system, but that's just me nitpicking. Second, Martin Shkreli, although a douchebag who plays League of Legends, turned out to not have raised the price on Daraprim out of malice but as a way of milking cash from corporations as a way of funding research into improving the drug because as it is, it's a harmful drug. If someone needs the drug and can't afford it, all they have to do is contact the guy and he will give it to them for free.

Now normally, I don't condone the death penalty as there are people who get wrongfully put to death as a result of it, but I think I'd be okay with it in your case. You're so antisocial you must as well be a time bomb. I wouldn't be surprised if you shot up a school for installing a tertiary unisex bathroom as a protest against what you view as subhuman perversion.

***I forgot to mention that I don't do unprotected sex or any sex in the first place, nor do I share blood or infected needles or use any needles in the first place. I also haven't come in contact with titty milk for well over two decades. Still think I'm going to get AIDS?
Look at this little catcher-boy faggot trying to act like he's not a little worm. Lol!
No, I have respect for the law. I'll sign up for the right wing death squads when it's time. Faggot.
taking to yourself ?
it's obvious you're a chicken shit douche bag ..
all the chest thumping and dick stretching in the world won't change that...
Are you going to cry, faggot? You seem real upset. Need a tissue?
actually I laughing my ass off at your antics .
you'll have to use your own tissue ,if you have any lest from all the drooling you've been doing.
You are going to get AIDS and Martin Shkrelli is going to jack the price on your precious life-saving drugs to $1 billion dollars a pill. And you need one every 6 hours. Its gonna be great watching you shrivel up like salted slugs from your diseases. No more subsidizing your sickness 2016.
XD Hahahahahah! So interesting that you point out Martin Shkreli like he's on your side. For one thing, the drug is not for AIDS specifically, it's for Toxoplasmosis, which only becomes harmful in a condition of a low immune system, but that's just me nitpicking. Second, Martin Shkreli, although a douchebag who plays League of Legends, turned out to not have raised the price on Daraprim out of malice but as a way of milking cash from corporations as a way of funding research into improving the drug because as it is, it's a harmful drug. If someone needs the drug and can't afford it, all they have to do is contact the guy and he will give it to them for free.

Now normally, I don't condone the death penalty as there are people who get wrongfully put to death as a result of it, but I think I'd be okay with it in your case. You're so antisocial you must as well be a time bomb. I wouldn't be surprised if you shot up a school for installing a tertiary unisex bathroom as a protest against what you view as subhuman perversion.

***I forgot to mention that I don't do unprotected sex or any sex in the first place, nor do I share blood or infected needles or use any needles in the first place. I also haven't come in contact with titty milk for well over two decades. Still think I'm going to get AIDS?

I notice you wrote quite a lengthy response to something I said to Dawson's Queer(DAWs) as if I was talking to you. I wasn't. I did skim it though. Sorry to hear about your lousy sex life.
taking to yourself ?
it's obvious you're a chicken shit douche bag ..
all the chest thumping and dick stretching in the world won't change that...
Are you going to cry, faggot? You seem real upset. Need a tissue?
actually I laughing my ass off at your antics .
you'll have to use your own tissue ,if you have any lest from all the drooling you've been doing.
You are going to get AIDS and Martin Shkrelli is going to jack the price on your precious life-saving drugs to $1 billion dollars a pill. And you need one every 6 hours. Its gonna be great watching you shrivel up like salted slugs from your diseases. No more subsidizing your sickness 2016.
XD Hahahahahah! So interesting that you point out Martin Shkreli like he's on your side. For one thing, the drug is not for AIDS specifically, it's for Toxoplasmosis, which only becomes harmful in a condition of a low immune system, but that's just me nitpicking. Second, Martin Shkreli, although a douchebag who plays League of Legends, turned out to not have raised the price on Daraprim out of malice but as a way of milking cash from corporations as a way of funding research into improving the drug because as it is, it's a harmful drug. If someone needs the drug and can't afford it, all they have to do is contact the guy and he will give it to them for free.

Now normally, I don't condone the death penalty as there are people who get wrongfully put to death as a result of it, but I think I'd be okay with it in your case. You're so antisocial you must as well be a time bomb. I wouldn't be surprised if you shot up a school for installing a tertiary unisex bathroom as a protest against what you view as subhuman perversion.

***I forgot to mention that I don't do unprotected sex or any sex in the first place, nor do I share blood or infected needles or use any needles in the first place. I also haven't come in contact with titty milk for well over two decades. Still think I'm going to get AIDS?

I notice you wrote quite a lengthy response to something I said to Dawson's Queer(DAWs) as if I was talking to you. I wasn't. I did skim it though. Sorry to hear about your lousy sex life.
My bad, I guess I wasn't paying attention. I won't make any excuses. :p

Also I'm not ashamed of my lousy sex life and why should I be? I'm not missing out in much. After all, my hand can take care of my needs. ;)
Are you going to cry, faggot? You seem real upset. Need a tissue?
actually I laughing my ass off at your antics .
you'll have to use your own tissue ,if you have any lest from all the drooling you've been doing.
You are going to get AIDS and Martin Shkrelli is going to jack the price on your precious life-saving drugs to $1 billion dollars a pill. And you need one every 6 hours. Its gonna be great watching you shrivel up like salted slugs from your diseases. No more subsidizing your sickness 2016.
XD Hahahahahah! So interesting that you point out Martin Shkreli like he's on your side. For one thing, the drug is not for AIDS specifically, it's for Toxoplasmosis, which only becomes harmful in a condition of a low immune system, but that's just me nitpicking. Second, Martin Shkreli, although a douchebag who plays League of Legends, turned out to not have raised the price on Daraprim out of malice but as a way of milking cash from corporations as a way of funding research into improving the drug because as it is, it's a harmful drug. If someone needs the drug and can't afford it, all they have to do is contact the guy and he will give it to them for free.

Now normally, I don't condone the death penalty as there are people who get wrongfully put to death as a result of it, but I think I'd be okay with it in your case. You're so antisocial you must as well be a time bomb. I wouldn't be surprised if you shot up a school for installing a tertiary unisex bathroom as a protest against what you view as subhuman perversion.

***I forgot to mention that I don't do unprotected sex or any sex in the first place, nor do I share blood or infected needles or use any needles in the first place. I also haven't come in contact with titty milk for well over two decades. Still think I'm going to get AIDS?

I notice you wrote quite a lengthy response to something I said to Dawson's Queer(DAWs) as if I was talking to you. I wasn't. I did skim it though. Sorry to hear about your lousy sex life.
My bad, I guess I wasn't paying attention. I won't make any excuses. :p

Also I'm not ashamed of my lousy sex life and why should I be? I'm not missing out in much. After all, my hand can take care of my needs. ;)
It's better than spreading diseases through promiscuous behavior like a wild beast. Or spreading leftist genetics around. Good on you.
actually I laughing my ass off at your antics .
you'll have to use your own tissue ,if you have any lest from all the drooling you've been doing.
You are going to get AIDS and Martin Shkrelli is going to jack the price on your precious life-saving drugs to $1 billion dollars a pill. And you need one every 6 hours. Its gonna be great watching you shrivel up like salted slugs from your diseases. No more subsidizing your sickness 2016.
XD Hahahahahah! So interesting that you point out Martin Shkreli like he's on your side. For one thing, the drug is not for AIDS specifically, it's for Toxoplasmosis, which only becomes harmful in a condition of a low immune system, but that's just me nitpicking. Second, Martin Shkreli, although a douchebag who plays League of Legends, turned out to not have raised the price on Daraprim out of malice but as a way of milking cash from corporations as a way of funding research into improving the drug because as it is, it's a harmful drug. If someone needs the drug and can't afford it, all they have to do is contact the guy and he will give it to them for free.

Now normally, I don't condone the death penalty as there are people who get wrongfully put to death as a result of it, but I think I'd be okay with it in your case. You're so antisocial you must as well be a time bomb. I wouldn't be surprised if you shot up a school for installing a tertiary unisex bathroom as a protest against what you view as subhuman perversion.

***I forgot to mention that I don't do unprotected sex or any sex in the first place, nor do I share blood or infected needles or use any needles in the first place. I also haven't come in contact with titty milk for well over two decades. Still think I'm going to get AIDS?

I notice you wrote quite a lengthy response to something I said to Dawson's Queer(DAWs) as if I was talking to you. I wasn't. I did skim it though. Sorry to hear about your lousy sex life.
My bad, I guess I wasn't paying attention. I won't make any excuses. :p

Also I'm not ashamed of my lousy sex life and why should I be? I'm not missing out in much. After all, my hand can take care of my needs. ;)
It's better than spreading diseases through promiscuous behavior like a wild beast. Or spreading leftist genetics around. Good on you.
No, I spread leftist ideas through this thing that might be foreign to you. It's called compassion.
Wait, I now understand a "Q" has been added so it's "LGBTQ" now. :lol: It's a free country (at least it used to be) so they can call themselves anything they please. But it seems for marketing purposes they should try to consolidate their letters into a single "Cher" maybe....I'm sure that old bat would be thrilled. But my question is about them using the word "community". That gives the impression they all know each other and maybe go bowling on Friday nights. In the past, organizations comprised of addicts and oddballs called themselves something or other "anonymous" right? They didn't like themselves and joined together to stop being what they were. But this group doesn't want anonymity...just the opposite...they seem to want all the publicity they can get. And they not only don't want to change, they want to add to their ranks. Weird eh?

208 W 13 St
New York, NY 10011
  • center_homepage_2.jpg

    Welcome to The Center
    Where everyone is celebrated for who they are. The Center is the heart and home of NYC's LGBT community, providing programs for health, wellness and community connection.

    As the foundation for connection, The Center is where we celebrate the invaluable contributions the LGBT community has made to arts and culture throughout history.


    From mental health to physical health, HIV and AIDS prevention and support to gender identity, The Center is here to help you enhance your quality of life, and to support you in addressing life’s challenges.


  • intro-img8.jpg

    Passion, Pride

    Whether you’re looking to strengthen your connection to each other or explore starting a family, you’ll find services and programs created to support and guide you at The Center.

  • future!


    Access a wide range of general, NYC and professional resources so that you can find the LGBT-specific support and service options you need to lead the happy, healthy, connected life you deserve.


  • center_homepage_2.jpg


    The Center will observe the federal holiday on Monday, February 15, 2016. Offices and programs will be closed and the building will open at 5 p.m. for scheduled meetings. Drop-in and youth programs will observe the holiday on Tuesday, February 16.

    Where everyone is celebrated for who they are. The Center is the heart and home of NYC's LGBT community, providing programs for health, wellness and community connection.


    • The LGBT Family Building Expo
      Are you on the road to parenthood and have questions about how to get there? Then join us for the 2016 LGBT Family Building Expo on May 7, 2016! Whether you are interested in adoption, surrogacy, foster care or alternative insemination, we've got the resources you need.

      Learn More

    • Fire Island Share-A-Thons
      Lock in the perfect summer beach vacation share! The Center's Fire Island Share-A-Thon events allow those seeking summer shares to connect with those offering them in a fun, social setting.


    • A Year in the Life at The Center
      Thank you to everyone who helped make the past year great at The Center. It's incredible to see all that we achieved, from renovating our home to celebrating marriage equality at NYC Pride. There is still a lot of work to do, and we hope you'll join us as we forge ahead with new programming, including services to tackle substance use among LGBT youth and the barriers to equality and employment that our transgender and gender nonconforming community members face.


    Host Your Event at The Center
    The Center hosts more than 15,000 events and activities every year. View rooms, availability, services and details on how to book for events and meetings at affordable prices.
You are going to get AIDS and Martin Shkrelli is going to jack the price on your precious life-saving drugs to $1 billion dollars a pill. And you need one every 6 hours. Its gonna be great watching you shrivel up like salted slugs from your diseases. No more subsidizing your sickness 2016.
XD Hahahahahah! So interesting that you point out Martin Shkreli like he's on your side. For one thing, the drug is not for AIDS specifically, it's for Toxoplasmosis, which only becomes harmful in a condition of a low immune system, but that's just me nitpicking. Second, Martin Shkreli, although a douchebag who plays League of Legends, turned out to not have raised the price on Daraprim out of malice but as a way of milking cash from corporations as a way of funding research into improving the drug because as it is, it's a harmful drug. If someone needs the drug and can't afford it, all they have to do is contact the guy and he will give it to them for free.

Now normally, I don't condone the death penalty as there are people who get wrongfully put to death as a result of it, but I think I'd be okay with it in your case. You're so antisocial you must as well be a time bomb. I wouldn't be surprised if you shot up a school for installing a tertiary unisex bathroom as a protest against what you view as subhuman perversion.

***I forgot to mention that I don't do unprotected sex or any sex in the first place, nor do I share blood or infected needles or use any needles in the first place. I also haven't come in contact with titty milk for well over two decades. Still think I'm going to get AIDS?

I notice you wrote quite a lengthy response to something I said to Dawson's Queer(DAWs) as if I was talking to you. I wasn't. I did skim it though. Sorry to hear about your lousy sex life.
My bad, I guess I wasn't paying attention. I won't make any excuses. :p

Also I'm not ashamed of my lousy sex life and why should I be? I'm not missing out in much. After all, my hand can take care of my needs. ;)
It's better than spreading diseases through promiscuous behavior like a wild beast. Or spreading leftist genetics around. Good on you.
No, I spread leftist ideas through this thing that might be foreign to you. It's called compassion.
There is nothing compassionate about leftism. It's a secular religious cult of statolotry.
Wait, I now understand a "Q" has been added so it's "LGBTQ" now. :lol: It's a free country (at least it used to be) so they can call themselves anything they please. But it seems for marketing purposes they should try to consolidate their letters into a single "Cher" maybe....I'm sure that old bat would be thrilled. But my question is about them using the word "community". That gives the impression they all know each other and maybe go bowling on Friday nights. In the past, organizations comprised of addicts and oddballs called themselves something or other "anonymous" right? They didn't like themselves and joined together to stop being what they were. But this group doesn't want anonymity...just the opposite...they seem to want all the publicity they can get. And they not only don't want to change, they want to add to their ranks. Weird eh?


President Obama is committed to working with all Americans to create the brightest future for our country through innovation, education and building new technologies and more connected communities.

Since taking office, the President has demonstrated that his vision for a brighter future includes greater equality for LGBT Americans. The President and his Administration are dedicated to eliminating barriers to equality, fighting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and engaging LGBT communities across the country.
Wait, I now understand a "Q" has been added so it's "LGBTQ" now. :lol: It's a free country (at least it used to be) so they can call themselves anything they please. But it seems for marketing purposes they should try to consolidate their letters into a single "Cher" maybe....I'm sure that old bat would be thrilled. But my question is about them using the word "community". That gives the impression they all know each other and maybe go bowling on Friday nights. In the past, organizations comprised of addicts and oddballs called themselves something or other "anonymous" right? They didn't like themselves and joined together to stop being what they were. But this group doesn't want anonymity...just the opposite...they seem to want all the publicity they can get. And they not only don't want to change, they want to add to their ranks. Weird eh?


LGBTQ+ Resources - Montclair State University
XD Hahahahahah! So interesting that you point out Martin Shkreli like he's on your side. For one thing, the drug is not for AIDS specifically, it's for Toxoplasmosis, which only becomes harmful in a condition of a low immune system, but that's just me nitpicking. Second, Martin Shkreli, although a douchebag who plays League of Legends, turned out to not have raised the price on Daraprim out of malice but as a way of milking cash from corporations as a way of funding research into improving the drug because as it is, it's a harmful drug. If someone needs the drug and can't afford it, all they have to do is contact the guy and he will give it to them for free.

Now normally, I don't condone the death penalty as there are people who get wrongfully put to death as a result of it, but I think I'd be okay with it in your case. You're so antisocial you must as well be a time bomb. I wouldn't be surprised if you shot up a school for installing a tertiary unisex bathroom as a protest against what you view as subhuman perversion.

***I forgot to mention that I don't do unprotected sex or any sex in the first place, nor do I share blood or infected needles or use any needles in the first place. I also haven't come in contact with titty milk for well over two decades. Still think I'm going to get AIDS?

I notice you wrote quite a lengthy response to something I said to Dawson's Queer(DAWs) as if I was talking to you. I wasn't. I did skim it though. Sorry to hear about your lousy sex life.
My bad, I guess I wasn't paying attention. I won't make any excuses. :p

Also I'm not ashamed of my lousy sex life and why should I be? I'm not missing out in much. After all, my hand can take care of my needs. ;)
It's better than spreading diseases through promiscuous behavior like a wild beast. Or spreading leftist genetics around. Good on you.
No, I spread leftist ideas through this thing that might be foreign to you. It's called compassion.
There is nothing compassionate about leftism. It's a secular religious cult of statolotry.
Except for the whole equal rights thing, you know. Nothing at all compassionate.
I don't see what compels a man to want to stick his dick in another mans ass. Sick ass motherfuckers.
Refer to earlier when you were categorising people different from you as subhuman and not worthy of empathy or compassion.
Go read some random Tumblr and Reddit faggots blogs and you will see the feeling is mutual in many cases.
sounds like you're an expert in finding and reading gay blogs .
no wonder you have no tissue .
More than fags use those social media sites, you cucked-out, man purse wearing, dainty little chicken neck faggot.
so you're admitting to being a fag and more?
necrophilia ? coprophagia?
That was very faggy.
And all you.

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