LGBT should be completely banned

Does it bother you that you are nuts?
It would bother me if I were a homosexual. Maybe I would have committed suicide, but luckily I'm not a homosexual. I look like a cowboy and girls love me. There is no cause for concern.
Everything that destroys human nature and high romantic ideals harms the people. Imposing a cult of moral freaks on Europe is a crime against the people of the United States, and all who participated in this conspiracy against the Great Nation should be executed.

LGBT people should be isolated from society and undergo therapy.

For LGBT people, being the way they are is human nature. And they are as romantic as anyone.

No, we will not isolate people based on their sexuality (as long as it is consenting adults). And no therapy works.
How are you going to defend Freedom in the World after sucking the dick of the infamous Taliban? Even shameful slaves will laugh at you.

We will defend freedom the way we always have, with enthusiasm at the polls and violence if necessary.
For LGBT people, being the way they are is human nature. And they are as romantic as anyone.

No, we will not isolate people based on their sexuality (as long as it is consenting adults). And no therapy works.
Everyone is born with sin nature. You, me, the next person, and anyone claiming to be “homosexual.” Sin is sin. It's our job, personally, to overcome our sin. The Bible describes it as “repenting” of our sin. So, yes, homosexuals are born with sin and homosexuality happens to be the sin they lean towards. But they can overcome it and train themselves to know right from wrong.
Such a god is not needed in the USA
I agree. This God is an underachiever. We can do better. Gods die when people stop believing in them. That's what happened to Zeus and Ra and Odin. The same thing will happen to the God of Abraham. It's no biggie. People will invent a new one more suitable for the 21st century.
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It would bother me if I were a homosexual. Maybe I would have committed suicide, but luckily I'm not a homosexual. I look like a cowboy and girls love me. There is no cause for concern.
So it doesn't bother you that you are nuts. Good for you. Not let it get you down.
I bet you think about gay sex a lot.
Everyone is born with sin nature. You, me, the next person, and anyone claiming to be “homosexual.” Sin is sin. It's our job, personally, to overcome our sin. The Bible describes it as “repenting” of our sin. So, yes, homosexuals are born with sin and homosexuality happens to be the sin they lean towards. But they can overcome it and train themselves to know right from wrong.
But rupol 2000 wants to cease onto Caesar what is not his. He wants to give God's prerogative to the government by allowing the government to punish them for sins against God.
But rupol 2000 wants to cease onto Caesar what is not his. He wants to give God's prerogative to the government by allowing the government to punish them for sins against God.
Old Testament Law would agree with him. New Testament Law would not. Laws should not force one person's sense of morality on another. But laws should work in a way that one person or group cannot harm another person or group based on a set of moral values.
Old Testament Law would agree with him. New Testament Law would not. Laws should not force one person's sense of morality on another. But laws should work in a way that one person or group cannot harm another person or group based on a set of moral values.
Well we are not gonna ban the whole non straight community. Ban em from what exactly? Being who they are? Expell em from the US to some foreign place? Where?
So much for rupol2000 and his hate fueled idea.
Our laws work. Separation of church and state protects everyone.
Well we are not gonna ban the whole non straight community. Ban em from what exactly? Being who they are? Expell em from the US to some foreign place? Where?
So much for rupol2000 and his hate fueled idea.
Our laws work. Separation of church and state protects everyone.
I don't care what a person does in the privacy of his/her home. But I am concerned when the activists in the LGBTQXYZ community become aggressive. I don't remember straight people ever holding marches or parades telling the world that they were straight. We've always pretty much kept our personal preferences to ourselves.

I'm not certain I understand why gay men take “pride” in the fact that they can put their weiner in another man's bum. That's truly none of my business and not something I need to know (nor want to know). It would be like me “taking pride” in the fact that I just used the toilet. Nobody really wants to know the gory details.

When these activists begin going after children and indoctrinated their young minds with adult themes, a line has been crossed and a civilized and moral society has a right and responsibility to take actions of their own. Leave the kids alone!!
I am not potentially, but really dangerous for villains. I, like Indra, unravel all the tricks of the cunning and dig a grave for them.

A lot of processes occur according to my scenarios. Maybe I predicted it, or maybe I pushed it, who knows.

I exposed the Trumpists over a year ago and predicted their end and Trump's trial. More than a year ago I predicted the Polish spring, and now it has come.

What I am writing here is a scenario for the future.
You lack the intelligence and experience to even understand your own illness .Pompous ass . All of your predictions were kids stuff to anybody who follows matters . And you certainly did not" expose" anything. You simply made high probability reasoned forecasts which I and many others count as normal all the time .
I don't care what a person does in the privacy of his/her home. But I am concerned when the activists in the LGBTQXYZ community become aggressive. I don't remember straight people ever holding marches or parades telling the world that they were straight. We've always pretty much kept our personal preferences to ourselves.

I'm not certain I understand why gay men take “pride” in the fact that they can put their weiner in another man's bum. That's truly none of my business and not something I need to know (nor want to know). It would be like me “taking pride” in the fact that I just used the toilet. Nobody really wants to know the gory details.

When these activists begin going after children and indoctrinated their young minds with adult themes, a line has been crossed and a civilized and moral society has a right and responsibility to take actions of their own. Leave the kids alone!!
They are not going back into the closet just because you rather had it that way. Just forget about that.
They are not going back into the closet just because you rather had it that way. Just forget about that.
And I ain't going anywhere, either. Stay out of my face and away from my family, and we're good! Plaster the queer flag all of the place and I hold my cross to their face like I would a vampire.
I don't remember straight people ever holding marches or parades telling the world that they were straight.

Probably because heterosexuality has never been against the law. Probably because heterosexuals never had to fight for their civil rights (unless they were people of color, of course). Probably because heterosexuals never had fight for the right to marry the person they loved (unless of course they were a mixed race couple). These are just three reasons why you "don't remember straight people ever holding marches or parades telling the world that they were straight." They never had to. Their rights were never denied.
Probably because heterosexuality has never been against the law. Probably because heterosexuals never had to fight for their civil rights (unless they were people of color, of course). Probably because heterosexuals never had fight for the right to marry the person they loved (unless of course they were a mixed race couple). These are just three reasons why you "don't remember straight people ever holding marches or parades telling the world that they were straight." They never had to. Their rights were never denied.
Still doesn't explain by one should "take pride" in putting his wingding in another man's germ-ridden bumbum.
Still doesn't explain by one should "take pride" in putting his wingding in another man's germ-ridden bumbum.

While not gay myself, and having never attended a pride event, I'm pretty sure that's not what they're taking pride in... I tend to think it is a broader idea than that, more of a statement of not being ashamed of who they are.
While not gay myself, and having never attended a pride event, I'm pretty sure that's not what they're taking pride in... I tend to think it is a broader idea than that, more of a statement of not being ashamed of who they are.
There's actually a good reason for “shame.” When we're kids, we're (hopefully) taught right from wrong. When we did something wrong, we were ashamed and showed shame in our face when caught.

Regardless, just because they no longer feel shame for doing wrong doesn't mean that I can't be ashamed for them. And I am ashamed of what America has become.

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