LGBTQ want to force their deviant culture on us

a different standard than a heterosexual teacher

That's where you clowns don't get it - there's a difference between a degenerate lifestyle and a normal heterosexual one
there's a difference between a degenerate lifestyle and a normal heterosexual one
This is the actual crux of the argument, all clever efforts to disguise it aside.

Yes. There it is.

Heterosexuals are not defined by their sexual orientation - they are men, women, teachers, postmen, engineers, doctors...

Homosexuals are defined by their sexual orientation - they are lesbians, faggots, and the first thing that comes up is not that they are a teacher but what the public thinks they do in the privacy of bedroom.

Normalizing it is recognizing that they are men, women, teachers, postmen, engineers, doctors...not sexual objects.
I agree--but there has to be fairness on both sides
...I have no problem until they bring it up for no reason as in my other example--there was no reason to bring up same sex marriage at the hetero marriage

People are individuals some will, some won't. There is this pervasive idea that gays and lesbians are constantly "shoving it in our faces" when that "shoving" consists of little more then referring to one's partner, holding hands in public, talking about an upcoming marriage - in otherwords, doing exactly what anyone else tends to do. In time - when society becomes more accepting, there will be less defensiveness, less need to be forceful about one's rights, less aggressively open. It will be normalized, people will move on because that is what happens. Like with interracial marriage.
Family determines who tells an 8 year old what mommy and daddy are and not an advocate for alternative life style

Same sex couples are a fact. They are legal and a teacher is under no obligation to hide who their spouse is

If parents want to mislead their children that is their problem
Yes I am sure you and your liberal alternative life style friends know better than the parents and in fact you are so sanctimoniously sure about it that you really believe you are entitled to impose that upon the child
I really have to wonder why, nearly 3 years after Obergefell, that this is even an issue. That ruling, which as we know, said that same sex couples must be allowed to marry, also stated that same sex couples must be treated in exactly the same way as opposite sex couples. In this context, it means that if a teacher who is married to someone of the opposite sex is allowed to show the class pictures of their honeymoon which includes images of the spouse and its allowed under school policy, that policy must also allow the teacher married to the same sex partner to do so. Yes it is that simple.

My second point is that the article in the Daily Mail Tabloid* states that there was and alleged conversation with a student about sexual identity, but there is no information about when and where that conversation took place or what, if anything was actually said. It is quite possible that there was no conversation, but rather, it was simply a matter of a student mentioning to her parent that she was shown pictures of Ms. Baily's trip, with her wife, after which the parent freaked out and the school over reacted.

* A word about the Daily Mail Publication

Lastly, a question for the OP.....what EXACTLY is your problem with anything that happened here?
yes nothing happened --that's why they put her on leave!!

if you are not blind, you could see the Dallas News article about the incident--so your ''theory'' about the story being a total lie is totally wrong---...go read the whole article instead of cherry picking your own just wasn't a DM article !!!!

well, I had two examples of LGTBQ wanting to FORCE their views/etc on people ...
Why did you not post a link to the Dallas News then? Not biased enough for you? And your :" other examples have nothing to do with what ever happened at this school
hahahah--it is in the DM link!!
yes the other example clearly shows a LGTBQer trying to shove their crap down out throats--that was way out of place and uncalled for

Yes it is. My bad....but there is no additional information about what , if any conversation she had with students about her sexuality and it remains a distinct possibility that all that was involved was to show them pictures that included her wife

There is this however:

For Stacy, this entire ordeal began when she spoke with the students about her family which, for Stacy, included her wife," the statement said. "The District appears to speak for Stacy when it states that she 'insists it is her right and that it is age appropriate' to discuss matters including ongoing discussions about her own sexuality. This is absolutely false. Further, she never received directives to change her behavior--and never refused to follow any directive."

You have a serious bug up your ass.
it's in the BOLD lines right beneath the headlines!!
The school said she failed to follow directives about 'age-appropriate' dialogue
rather due to the district’s concern that Bailey “insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.
she thinks it's ok to talk about LGTBQ to kids--other people's kids in a school
What EXACTLY did she say or talk about??!! You don't know! This issue is a boatload of made up bovine excrement.
a different standard than a heterosexual teacher

That's where you clowns don't get it - there's a difference between a degenerate lifestyle and a normal heterosexual one
there's a difference between a degenerate lifestyle and a normal heterosexual one
This is the actual crux of the argument, all clever efforts to disguise it aside.

Yes. There it is.

Heterosexuals are not defined by their sexual orientation - they are men, women, teachers, postmen, engineers, doctors...

Homosexuals are defined by their sexual orientation - they are lesbians, faggots, and the first thing that comes up is not that they are a teacher but what the public thinks they do in the privacy of bedroom.

Normalizing it is recognizing that they are men, women, teachers, postmen, engineers, doctors...not sexual objects.
I agree--but there has to be fairness on both sides
...I have no problem until they bring it up for no reason as in my other example--there was no reason to bring up same sex marriage at the hetero marriage
Was there a reason not to bring it up? Did guests react with shock and horror, or was it only you?
yes nothing happened --that's why they put her on leave!!

if you are not blind, you could see the Dallas News article about the incident--so your ''theory'' about the story being a total lie is totally wrong---...go read the whole article instead of cherry picking your own just wasn't a DM article !!!!

well, I had two examples of LGTBQ wanting to FORCE their views/etc on people ...
Why did you not post a link to the Dallas News then? Not biased enough for you? And your :" other examples have nothing to do with what ever happened at this school
hahahah--it is in the DM link!!
yes the other example clearly shows a LGTBQer trying to shove their crap down out throats--that was way out of place and uncalled for

Yes it is. My bad....but there is no additional information about what , if any conversation she had with students about her sexuality and it remains a distinct possibility that all that was involved was to show them pictures that included her wife

There is this however:

For Stacy, this entire ordeal began when she spoke with the students about her family which, for Stacy, included her wife," the statement said. "The District appears to speak for Stacy when it states that she 'insists it is her right and that it is age appropriate' to discuss matters including ongoing discussions about her own sexuality. This is absolutely false. Further, she never received directives to change her behavior--and never refused to follow any directive."

You have a serious bug up your ass.
it's in the BOLD lines right beneath the headlines!!
The school said she failed to follow directives about 'age-appropriate' dialogue
rather due to the district’s concern that Bailey “insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.
she thinks it's ok to talk about LGTBQ to kids--other people's kids in a school
What EXACTLY did she say or talk about??!! You don't know! This issue is a boatload of made up bovine excrement.

Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
Why did you not post a link to the Dallas News then? Not biased enough for you? And your :" other examples have nothing to do with what ever happened at this school
hahahah--it is in the DM link!!
yes the other example clearly shows a LGTBQer trying to shove their crap down out throats--that was way out of place and uncalled for

Yes it is. My bad....but there is no additional information about what , if any conversation she had with students about her sexuality and it remains a distinct possibility that all that was involved was to show them pictures that included her wife

There is this however:

For Stacy, this entire ordeal began when she spoke with the students about her family which, for Stacy, included her wife," the statement said. "The District appears to speak for Stacy when it states that she 'insists it is her right and that it is age appropriate' to discuss matters including ongoing discussions about her own sexuality. This is absolutely false. Further, she never received directives to change her behavior--and never refused to follow any directive."

You have a serious bug up your ass.
it's in the BOLD lines right beneath the headlines!!
The school said she failed to follow directives about 'age-appropriate' dialogue
rather due to the district’s concern that Bailey “insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.
she thinks it's ok to talk about LGTBQ to kids--other people's kids in a school
What EXACTLY did she say or talk about??!! You don't know! This issue is a boatload of made up bovine excrement.

Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
There is something very seriously wrong with you Bean Brain. Showing pictures of her honeymoon that included images of her spouse is not teaching sex ed. or discussing her sexuality any more so than had a teacher married to someone of the opposite sex done the same thing. Show proof that she did more than that or shut the fuck up!

CC Tilly
hahahah--it is in the DM link!!
yes the other example clearly shows a LGTBQer trying to shove their crap down out throats--that was way out of place and uncalled for

Yes it is. My bad....but there is no additional information about what , if any conversation she had with students about her sexuality and it remains a distinct possibility that all that was involved was to show them pictures that included her wife

There is this however:

For Stacy, this entire ordeal began when she spoke with the students about her family which, for Stacy, included her wife," the statement said. "The District appears to speak for Stacy when it states that she 'insists it is her right and that it is age appropriate' to discuss matters including ongoing discussions about her own sexuality. This is absolutely false. Further, she never received directives to change her behavior--and never refused to follow any directive."

You have a serious bug up your ass.
it's in the BOLD lines right beneath the headlines!!
The school said she failed to follow directives about 'age-appropriate' dialogue
rather due to the district’s concern that Bailey “insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.
she thinks it's ok to talk about LGTBQ to kids--other people's kids in a school
What EXACTLY did she say or talk about??!! You don't know! This issue is a boatload of made up bovine excrement.

Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
There is something very seriously wrong with you Bean Brain. Showing pictures of her honeymoon that included images of her spouse is not teach sex ed. or discussing her sexuality and more so than had a teacher married to someone of the opposite sex done the same thing. She proof that she did more than that or shut the fuck up!

CC Tilly
Good God, you’re as dumb as a stump!

The statement went on to say that Bailey 'insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.'

'Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students,' it read.

'Parents have the right to control the conversation with their children,especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.'
Yes it is. My bad....but there is no additional information about what , if any conversation she had with students about her sexuality and it remains a distinct possibility that all that was involved was to show them pictures that included her wife

There is this however:

You have a serious bug up your ass.
it's in the BOLD lines right beneath the headlines!!
The school said she failed to follow directives about 'age-appropriate' dialogue
rather due to the district’s concern that Bailey “insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.
she thinks it's ok to talk about LGTBQ to kids--other people's kids in a school
What EXACTLY did she say or talk about??!! You don't know! This issue is a boatload of made up bovine excrement.

Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
There is something very seriously wrong with you Bean Brain. Showing pictures of her honeymoon that included images of her spouse is not teach sex ed. or discussing her sexuality and more so than had a teacher married to someone of the opposite sex done the same thing. She proof that she did more than that or shut the fuck up!

CC Tilly
Good God, you’re as dumb as a stump!

The statement went on to say that Bailey 'insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.'

'Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students,' it read.

'Parents have the right to control the conversation with their children,especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.'
I'm dumb as a stump ?:21::21::21: You need to work on your reading comprehension. That is what THE SCHOOL said that she said. There is nothing to indicate that she actually said it. Second of all, even if she did say it, it does not mean that she followed through with it or discussed anything regarding sex or sexuality in the class that lead up to this incident.

here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.
The school has a policy that it’s the parents job to educate their kids about politics, religion and sex/orientation.
There is no reason for teachers to be discussing their sexual orientation etc with other peoples children.
The reason is so that the liberal agenda driven school system can try and impose their belief system and attempt to undermine any views and values that the family is instilling
it's in the BOLD lines right beneath the headlines!!
she thinks it's ok to talk about LGTBQ to kids--other people's kids in a school
What EXACTLY did she say or talk about??!! You don't know! This issue is a boatload of made up bovine excrement.

Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
There is something very seriously wrong with you Bean Brain. Showing pictures of her honeymoon that included images of her spouse is not teach sex ed. or discussing her sexuality and more so than had a teacher married to someone of the opposite sex done the same thing. She proof that she did more than that or shut the fuck up!

CC Tilly
Good God, you’re as dumb as a stump!

The statement went on to say that Bailey 'insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.'

'Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students,' it read.

'Parents have the right to control the conversation with their children,especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.'
I'm dumb as a stump ?:21::21::21: You need to work on your reading comprehension. That is what THE SCHOOL said that she said. There is nothing to indicate that she actually said it. Second of all, even if she did say it, it does not mean that she followed through with it or discussed anything regarding sex or sexuality in the class that lead up to this incident.

Why should the classmates know what her sexual preference is
it's in the BOLD lines right beneath the headlines!!
she thinks it's ok to talk about LGTBQ to kids--other people's kids in a school
What EXACTLY did she say or talk about??!! You don't know! This issue is a boatload of made up bovine excrement.

Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
There is something very seriously wrong with you Bean Brain. Showing pictures of her honeymoon that included images of her spouse is not teach sex ed. or discussing her sexuality and more so than had a teacher married to someone of the opposite sex done the same thing. She proof that she did more than that or shut the fuck up!

CC Tilly
Good God, you’re as dumb as a stump!

The statement went on to say that Bailey 'insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.'

'Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students,' it read.

'Parents have the right to control the conversation with their children,especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.'
I'm dumb as a stump ?:21::21::21: You need to work on your reading comprehension. That is what THE SCHOOL said that she said. There is nothing to indicate that she actually said it. Second of all, even if she did say it, it does not mean that she followed through with it or discussed anything regarding sex or sexuality in the class that lead up to this incident.

YOU said all she did was show pics of her ‘wife’.

I’m showing you (again) that she is also alleged to have discussed her sexuality and insisted that she had a right to do so, and that doing so is age appropriate.

YOU are the one picking out a single allegation as TRUE whilst discarding the rest, idiot.
The allegations are what are being discussed here as obviously none of us - including you - were present to witness her behaviour.

Good God, you are dumb! Lol.
What EXACTLY did she say or talk about??!! You don't know! This issue is a boatload of made up bovine excrement.

Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
There is something very seriously wrong with you Bean Brain. Showing pictures of her honeymoon that included images of her spouse is not teach sex ed. or discussing her sexuality and more so than had a teacher married to someone of the opposite sex done the same thing. She proof that she did more than that or shut the fuck up!

CC Tilly
Good God, you’re as dumb as a stump!

The statement went on to say that Bailey 'insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.'

'Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students,' it read.

'Parents have the right to control the conversation with their children,especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.'
I'm dumb as a stump ?:21::21::21: You need to work on your reading comprehension. That is what THE SCHOOL said that she said. There is nothing to indicate that she actually said it. Second of all, even if she did say it, it does not mean that she followed through with it or discussed anything regarding sex or sexuality in the class that lead up to this incident.

Why should the classmates know what her sexual preference is
Simple. Because if a heterosexual teach showed pictures that included an opposite sex spouse, thus revealing s/he's "sexual preference" no one would have batted an eyelash. Read Obergefell.
Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
There is something very seriously wrong with you Bean Brain. Showing pictures of her honeymoon that included images of her spouse is not teach sex ed. or discussing her sexuality and more so than had a teacher married to someone of the opposite sex done the same thing. She proof that she did more than that or shut the fuck up!

CC Tilly
Good God, you’re as dumb as a stump!

The statement went on to say that Bailey 'insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.'

'Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students,' it read.

'Parents have the right to control the conversation with their children,especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.'
I'm dumb as a stump ?:21::21::21: You need to work on your reading comprehension. That is what THE SCHOOL said that she said. There is nothing to indicate that she actually said it. Second of all, even if she did say it, it does not mean that she followed through with it or discussed anything regarding sex or sexuality in the class that lead up to this incident.

Why should the classmates know what her sexual preference is
Simple. Because if a heterosexual teach showed pictures that included an opposite sex spouse, thus revealing s/he's "sexual preference" no one would have batted an eyelash. Read Obergefell.
The statement went on to say that Bailey 'insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.'

'Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students,' it read.

'Parents have the right to control the conversation with their children,especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.'
Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
There is something very seriously wrong with you Bean Brain. Showing pictures of her honeymoon that included images of her spouse is not teach sex ed. or discussing her sexuality and more so than had a teacher married to someone of the opposite sex done the same thing. She proof that she did more than that or shut the fuck up!

CC Tilly
Good God, you’re as dumb as a stump!

The statement went on to say that Bailey 'insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.'

'Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students,' it read.

'Parents have the right to control the conversation with their children,especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.'
I'm dumb as a stump ?:21::21::21: You need to work on your reading comprehension. That is what THE SCHOOL said that she said. There is nothing to indicate that she actually said it. Second of all, even if she did say it, it does not mean that she followed through with it or discussed anything regarding sex or sexuality in the class that lead up to this incident.

Why should the classmates know what her sexual preference is
Simple. Because if a heterosexual teach showed pictures that included an opposite sex spouse, thus revealing s/he's "sexual preference" no one would have batted an eyelash. Read Obergefell.
If you show a picture of two women standing together does that mean that they are sexually involved no she would had to mention they were
Anytime the free flowing push for the homosexual agenda is obstructed then of course it's an international crime-so sayeth the Libs and media
Doesn't matter shit fer brains - she repeatedly violated a directive from her superiors. She was hired to teach an ART Class - not Sex Ed or any related social issues but Art to GRADE SCHOOL kids ... No grade school teacher has the authority to invent their own curriculum Like a typical slimy dike she saw fit to impose her warped world view
There is something very seriously wrong with you Bean Brain. Showing pictures of her honeymoon that included images of her spouse is not teach sex ed. or discussing her sexuality and more so than had a teacher married to someone of the opposite sex done the same thing. She proof that she did more than that or shut the fuck up!

CC Tilly
Good God, you’re as dumb as a stump!

The statement went on to say that Bailey 'insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.'

'Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students,' it read.

'Parents have the right to control the conversation with their children,especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.'
I'm dumb as a stump ?:21::21::21: You need to work on your reading comprehension. That is what THE SCHOOL said that she said. There is nothing to indicate that she actually said it. Second of all, even if she did say it, it does not mean that she followed through with it or discussed anything regarding sex or sexuality in the class that lead up to this incident.

Why should the classmates know what her sexual preference is
Simple. Because if a heterosexual teach showed pictures that included an opposite sex spouse, thus revealing s/he's "sexual preference" no one would have batted an eyelash. Read Obergefell.

Like it or not homosexuals are an abberation, perhaps a birth defect perhaps a product of early childhood trauma as science dicated, untill it became politicized. These Children are the products of heterosexual unions - so far as I know, taking up the ass like you guys are so fond of - will not produce a human being, just disease.

They [The Children] would not be subjected to any form of shock treatment by being exposed to a heterosexual couple at such an early age - now exposure to sexual deviants - that's another story altogether

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