LGBTQ want to force their deviant culture on us


The teacher was met with and told more than once about the age appropriate directive.
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
Apparently the school or someone violated confidentiality over this as well.
Did you and I read the same article? It didn't say anything about what she discussed, which is why the OP was a nothing burger to begin with.

Wasn't a nothing burger for the teach...was it?
Point being? Just gloating, eh?

I think it's silliness....BUT if she was warned about age appropriate and went ahead then she deserves what she gets

Because you see nothing wrong with gay marriage doesn't mean everybody does, a parent wasn't comfortable with it and they complained
We have no idea what she was warned about OR if she said anything that was age inappropriate, though, do we? That one parent sure has a lot of power, doesn't she, with her "discomfort." I'm sure she's as proud of herself as you are.
Read the article. Parents complained.

They complained about mixed race couples too
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
The teacher was ‘corrected’ more than once but chose to ignore the schools policy on age appropriate discussions.
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
The teacher was ‘corrected’ more than once but chose to ignore the schools policy on age appropriate discussions.
Why don’t you just read the article and the school letter in the article in its entirety?
I just did and gave you a thank you.
Information is a handy thing to have. I think it is really too bad that this teacher's personnel issues had to become a nationwide discussion. She was advised what was acceptable in that school and she continued to teach there and ignore what the community found acceptable. So if she's on the ropes, that was her decision. I still don't see why a poster in Maine and one in Britain are discussing this issue. Except that some squirrel collecting nuts is scanning the news feeds every day for some hot button topic like HOMOSEXUALITY and COMMIE EDUCATION to vomit forth to the world.
One of our little schools just had a tempest in a teapot over the sex ed class (8th grade). Bet you didn't hear about it. Bet it wasn't even in the paper, and that's how it should be for this teacher, too.
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
Teacher suspended for withdrawing college recommendation letter for student who displayed swastika
College cuts ties with teacher who said Otto Warmbier got "what he deserved" - CBS News
Teacher suspended 10 days for using N-word, calling students dumb
--for being ''white''--and not BIG news--the gays get the BIG news ---that is unequal treatment
Maryland teacher fired for alt-right social media posts
free speech:
Ohio teacher in trouble over Snapchat post about 'These damn kids and parents'
etc etc etc to infinity
...but the gays get the BIG news because they are suspended/etc---NO other teachers have been suspended :rolleyes-41:
Wasn't a nothing burger for the teach...was it?
Point being? Just gloating, eh?

I think it's silliness....BUT if she was warned about age appropriate and went ahead then she deserves what she gets

Because you see nothing wrong with gay marriage doesn't mean everybody does, a parent wasn't comfortable with it and they complained
We have no idea what she was warned about OR if she said anything that was age inappropriate, though, do we? That one parent sure has a lot of power, doesn't she, with her "discomfort." I'm sure she's as proud of herself as you are.
Read the article. Parents complained.

They complained about mixed race couples too

Not only that, they apparently think it’s the schools job to teach religion. They have had multiple cases of bible classes running into lawsuits.
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
Teacher suspended for withdrawing college recommendation letter for student who displayed swastika
College cuts ties with teacher who said Otto Warmbier got "what he deserved" - CBS News
Teacher suspended 10 days for using N-word, calling students dumb
--for being ''white''--and not BIG news--the gays get the BIG news ---that is unequal treatment
Maryland teacher fired for alt-right social media posts
free speech:
Ohio teacher in trouble over Snapchat post about 'These damn kids and parents'
etc etc etc to infinity
...but the gays get the BIG news because they are suspended/etc---NO other teachers have been suspended :rolleyes-41:
None of those got their own thread....
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
Teacher suspended for withdrawing college recommendation letter for student who displayed swastika
College cuts ties with teacher who said Otto Warmbier got "what he deserved" - CBS News
Teacher suspended 10 days for using N-word, calling students dumb
--for being ''white''--and not BIG news--the gays get the BIG news ---that is unequal treatment
Maryland teacher fired for alt-right social media posts
free speech:
Ohio teacher in trouble over Snapchat post about 'These damn kids and parents'
etc etc etc to infinity
...but the gays get the BIG news because they are suspended/etc---NO other teachers have been suspended :rolleyes-41:
None of those got their own thread....
yes--because I'm pointing out the unfairness/injustice/etc with this thread
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
Teacher suspended for withdrawing college recommendation letter for student who displayed swastika
College cuts ties with teacher who said Otto Warmbier got "what he deserved" - CBS News
Teacher suspended 10 days for using N-word, calling students dumb
--for being ''white''--and not BIG news--the gays get the BIG news ---that is unequal treatment
Maryland teacher fired for alt-right social media posts
free speech:
Ohio teacher in trouble over Snapchat post about 'These damn kids and parents'
etc etc etc to infinity
...but the gays get the BIG news because they are suspended/etc---NO other teachers have been suspended :rolleyes-41:
You realize you just admitted to being a squirrel, right?
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
Teacher suspended for withdrawing college recommendation letter for student who displayed swastika
College cuts ties with teacher who said Otto Warmbier got "what he deserved" - CBS News
Teacher suspended 10 days for using N-word, calling students dumb
--for being ''white''--and not BIG news--the gays get the BIG news ---that is unequal treatment
Maryland teacher fired for alt-right social media posts
free speech:
Ohio teacher in trouble over Snapchat post about 'These damn kids and parents'
etc etc etc to infinity
...but the gays get the BIG news because they are suspended/etc---NO other teachers have been suspended :rolleyes-41:
None of those got their own thread....
OMG, Coyote--don't encourage him.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

I really have to wonder why, nearly 3 years after Obergefell, that this is even an issue. That ruling, which as we know, said that same sex couples must be allowed to marry, also stated that same sex couples must be treated in exactly the same way as opposite sex couples. In this context, it means that if a teacher who is married to someone of the opposite sex is allowed to show the class pictures of their honeymoon which includes images of the spouse and its allowed under school policy, that policy must also allow the teacher married to the same sex partner to do so. Yes it is that simple.

My second point is that the article in the Daily Mail Tabloid* states that there was and alleged conversation with a student about sexual identity, but there is no information about when and where that conversation took place or what, if anything was actually said. It is quite possible that there was no conversation, but rather, it was simply a matter of a student mentioning to her parent that she was shown pictures of Ms. Baily's trip, with her wife, after which the parent freaked out and the school over reacted.

* A word about the Daily Mail Publication

The Daily Mail has been widely criticized for its unreliability, as well as printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research[11][12][13][14][15] and of copyright violations.[16]

Daily Mail - Wikipedia

Lastly, a question for the OP.....what EXACTLY is your problem with anything that happened here?
yes nothing happened --that's why they put her on leave!!

if you are not blind, you could see the Dallas News article about the incident--so your ''theory'' about the story being a total lie is totally wrong---...go read the whole article instead of cherry picking your own just wasn't a DM article !!!!

well, I had two examples of LGTBQ wanting to FORCE their views/etc on people ...
Why did you not post a link to the Dallas News then? Not biased enough for you? And your :" other examples have nothing to do with what ever happened at this school
hahahah--it is in the DM link!!
yes the other example clearly shows a LGTBQer trying to shove their crap down out throats--that was way out of place and uncalled for

Yes it is. My bad....but there is no additional information about what , if any conversation she had with students about her sexuality and it remains a distinct possibility that all that was involved was to show them pictures that included her wife

There is this however:

For Stacy, this entire ordeal began when she spoke with the students about her family which, for Stacy, included her wife," the statement said. "The District appears to speak for Stacy when it states that she 'insists it is her right and that it is age appropriate' to discuss matters including ongoing discussions about her own sexuality. This is absolutely false. Further, she never received directives to change her behavior--and never refused to follow any directive."

You have a serious bug up your ass.
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

What happened to ... "What people do with sticks, their ass or their spouses in the privacy of their bedrooms is none of our business"... :dunno:

Didn't take too long for that narrative to fall completely apart.
Lie to us again about what you really want.

here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

I really have to wonder why, nearly 3 years after Obergefell, that this is even an issue. That ruling, which as we know, said that same sex couples must be allowed to marry, also stated that same sex couples must be treated in exactly the same way as opposite sex couples. In this context, it means that if a teacher who is married to someone of the opposite sex is allowed to show the class pictures of their honeymoon which includes images of the spouse and its allowed under school policy, that policy must also allow the teacher married to the same sex partner to do so. Yes it is that simple.

My second point is that the article in the Daily Mail Tabloid* states that there was and alleged conversation with a student about sexual identity, but there is no information about when and where that conversation took place or what, if anything was actually said. It is quite possible that there was no conversation, but rather, it was simply a matter of a student mentioning to her parent that she was shown pictures of Ms. Baily's trip, with her wife, after which the parent freaked out and the school over reacted.

* A word about the Daily Mail Publication

The Daily Mail has been widely criticized for its unreliability, as well as printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research[11][12][13][14][15] and of copyright violations.[16]

Daily Mail - Wikipedia

Lastly, a question for the OP.....what EXACTLY is your problem with anything that happened here?
yes nothing happened --that's why they put her on leave!!

if you are not blind, you could see the Dallas News article about the incident--so your ''theory'' about the story being a total lie is totally wrong---...go read the whole article instead of cherry picking your own just wasn't a DM article !!!!

well, I had two examples of LGTBQ wanting to FORCE their views/etc on people ...
Why did you not post a link to the Dallas News then? Not biased enough for you? And your :" other examples have nothing to do with what ever happened at this school
hahahah--it is in the DM link!!
yes the other example clearly shows a LGTBQer trying to shove their crap down out throats--that was way out of place and uncalled for

Yes it is. My bad....but there is no additional information about what , if any conversation she had with students about her sexuality and it remains a distinct possibility that all that was involved was to show them pictures that included her wife

There is this however:

For Stacy, this entire ordeal began when she spoke with the students about her family which, for Stacy, included her wife," the statement said. "The District appears to speak for Stacy when it states that she 'insists it is her right and that it is age appropriate' to discuss matters including ongoing discussions about her own sexuality. This is absolutely false. Further, she never received directives to change her behavior--and never refused to follow any directive."

You have a serious bug up your ass.
it's in the BOLD lines right beneath the headlines!!
The school said she failed to follow directives about 'age-appropriate' dialogue
rather due to the district’s concern that Bailey “insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.
she thinks it's ok to talk about LGTBQ to kids--other people's kids in a school
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
The teacher was ‘corrected’ more than once but chose to ignore the schools policy on age appropriate discussions.
Why don’t you just read the article and the school letter in the article in its entirety?
I just did and gave you a thank you.
Information is a handy thing to have. I think it is really too bad that this teacher's personnel issues had to become a nationwide discussion. She was advised what was acceptable in that school and she continued to teach there and ignore what the community found acceptable. So if she's on the ropes, that was her decision. I still don't see why a poster in Maine and one in Britain are discussing this issue. Except that some squirrel collecting nuts is scanning the news feeds every day for some hot button topic like HOMOSEXUALITY and COMMIE EDUCATION to vomit forth to the world.
One of our little schools just had a tempest in a teapot over the sex ed class (8th grade). Bet you didn't hear about it. Bet it wasn't even in the paper, and that's how it should be for this teacher, too.
Well apparently the teacher and her supporters have been spreading misinformation that she was never even told about age appropriate discussions (it’s a policy), and that she was suspended because she asked for something to be done about lgbtq protection.

Therefore the admin felt compelled to clear this up as the false claims and rumours were disruptive to the school.

They state she was suspended for insisting it was her right to have ONGOING DISCUSSIONS ABOUT HER SEXUAL ORIENTATION and that of other gays, and that this was age appropriate.
In other words She was sticking two fingers up at the school, it’s policy and the PARENTS in abid to have ongoing discussions about honsexuality.

Why do I comment? Because I find it interesting and because these issues are common in Europe too.
Why did Obama decide to tell Brits how to vote in Brexit and threaten us with the back of the trade queue if we voted leave? IDK, but if he can stick his nose into our politics, I can post on a US message board - one that welcomes people from all over the world, btw.
Last edited:
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

What happened to ... "What people do with sticks, their ass or their spouses in the privacy of their bedrooms is none of our business"... :dunno:

Didn't take too long for that narrative to fall completely apart.
Lie to us again about what you really want.

No idea what you're talking about.
No idea what you're talking about.

I don't doubt you are incapable of making the connection ... That is systemic in secular dogma.
But ... No worries ... I wouldn't trust anything you or your fellow cult members have to say anyway.

There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
The teacher was ‘corrected’ more than once but chose to ignore the schools policy on age appropriate discussions.
Why don’t you just read the article and the school letter in the article in its entirety?
I just did and gave you a thank you.
Information is a handy thing to have. I think it is really too bad that this teacher's personnel issues had to become a nationwide discussion. She was advised what was acceptable in that school and she continued to teach there and ignore what the community found acceptable. So if she's on the ropes, that was her decision. I still don't see why a poster in Maine and one in Britain are discussing this issue. Except that some squirrel collecting nuts is scanning the news feeds every day for some hot button topic like HOMOSEXUALITY and COMMIE EDUCATION to vomit forth to the world.
One of our little schools just had a tempest in a teapot over the sex ed class (8th grade). Bet you didn't hear about it. Bet it wasn't even in the paper, and that's how it should be for this teacher, too.
Well apparently the teacher and her supporters have been spreading misinformation that she was never even told about age appropriate discussions (it’s a policy), and that she was suspended because she asked for something to be done about lgbtq protection.

Therefore the admin felt compelled to clear this up as the false claims and rumours were affecting the school.

Why do I comment? Because I find it interesting and because these issues are common in Europe too.
Why did Obama decide to tell Brits how to vote in Brexit and threaten us with the back of the trade queue if we voted leave? IDK, but if he can stick his nose into our politics, I can post on a US message board - one that welcomes people from all over the world, btw.
My complaint was not that you participate here. I included myself in that comment. You missed the point.
she was suspended because she asked for something to be done about lgbtq protection.
Probably didn't help her cause, that's for sure. Someone commented here that we still don't know what was actually SAID that sparked such a firestorm, though, do we?
What I'm really saying is you wouldn't be interested in this if she had been trying to teach third graders abstract analysis of Dali or Rauschenberg and it's not really our business.
There are layers to this that have been added because it is about a lesbian.
Since when do we hear, nationwide, about a single incident of a teacher having an inappropriate lesson or comment? Never. The teacher gets corrected and life goes on.

It's like those threads that the racists put up every time they find a black or Hispanic or Muslim guy committing a crime.

We feel the need to object because of the extreme overreaction. Maybe this teacher needs to teach older kids. Artists are always a little flaky.
The teacher was ‘corrected’ more than once but chose to ignore the schools policy on age appropriate discussions.
Why don’t you just read the article and the school letter in the article in its entirety?
I just did and gave you a thank you.
Information is a handy thing to have. I think it is really too bad that this teacher's personnel issues had to become a nationwide discussion. She was advised what was acceptable in that school and she continued to teach there and ignore what the community found acceptable. So if she's on the ropes, that was her decision. I still don't see why a poster in Maine and one in Britain are discussing this issue. Except that some squirrel collecting nuts is scanning the news feeds every day for some hot button topic like HOMOSEXUALITY and COMMIE EDUCATION to vomit forth to the world.
One of our little schools just had a tempest in a teapot over the sex ed class (8th grade). Bet you didn't hear about it. Bet it wasn't even in the paper, and that's how it should be for this teacher, too.

Totally agree, while I agree with their board that a suspension was in order after learning the facts.
She is in the wrong, and willfully ignored warnings.
But it isn't national news. And certainly not global.

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