LGBTQ want to force their deviant culture on us

here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
The statement said Bailey was not suspended over her request to include LGBTQ language in the district’s nondiscrimation policy, but rather due to the district’s concern that Bailey “insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.”

In the statement the district contended that “parents have the right to control the conversation with their children, especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.”

Look at this freak of nature. Sexual deviants like her have no business educating elementary school children.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
They're always shoving their lifestyle down our throats, and if you don't condone their lifestyle they get nasty really quick. They're deranged

none of my teachers in school ever showed PICTURES OF THEIR SPOUSES. ------good thing-----my schoolmates had humor fit for the gutter
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
They're always shoving their lifestyle down our throats, and if you don't condone their lifestyle they get nasty really quick. They're deranged

none of my teachers in school ever showed PICTURES OF THEIR SPOUSES. ------good thing-----my schoolmates had humor fit for the gutter
I remember being absolutely FLOORED the first time I saw my teacher in the grocery store with her husband. I thought the world had turned upside down. She had a LIFE? She existed outside the classroom? I really remember that shocking me no end.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Is there anything illegal about showing pictures of your spouse?

Dear rightwinger
as harmonica pointed out
is it illegal/wrong for a teacher to talk about white pride in the history of America and Constitutional laws?

Is it wrong for the student to "disrupt class" contesting a teacher about there being only 2 genders?

Is teaching about sex ed and condoms, Christian prayer,
creation or evolution "illegal", and is that even necessary
before someone has the right to complain about beliefs
being taught in schools that discriminate against people of other beliefs?

Couldn't we just have parents and teachers meet and agree
what can or can't be included, resolve conflicts in advance
where beliefs conflict with each other, and agree to keep those
beliefs out of schools and govt, and remain private free choice?
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

me too! OldLady
Hopefully the learning curve is near the end of the wash cycle.
Tired of all the spinning, which is dizzy and crazy making!

When people figure out, the more you push the more you
get the equal and opposite reaction, eventually they will
either tire like us, or we'll exhaust all our resources fighting to no avail.

When people on both sides find the better ways to get what they
want, without all that exhaustive wasteful fighting, yes
more people will unite around solutions that work.
And quit this endless fingerpointing bullying battle
to shout down as the louder meaner alpha leader of the pack.

At some point we will reach the end of this
and take a different approach that
actually works to get us what we want!
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
I don't see why not. Our country has decided that it no longer needs to be hidden.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
I don't see why not. Our country has decided that it no longer needs to be hidden.

Some parents don't want their children around it. Sorta like some don't want theirs around ...oh say religion
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
I don't see why not. Our country has decided that it no longer needs to be hidden.
so if a teacher showed off his nazi stuff to students, you'd be ok with that??
show anything you want to students??
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.
Why are conservatives so backward?
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
I don't see why not. Our country has decided that it no longer needs to be hidden.

" longer hidden....." ?? when my baby was crawling ------I used to close the door when I went to the toilet. He would park his little self at the door and make little complaining noises and I would say "...don't worry baby----mommy is
coming..." ---------(he was under one year old and not walking yet---and expected
CONSTANT companionship) He told me lately that he remembers the "don't
worry......" When I got him to accept the idea of toilet with baby seat-----he told me "now go out...." It was revenge.------but that is how babies are socialized.
Lots of things are supposed to be hidden. (he did let me return for behind cleaning----but once he got to be a teen------I could not even enter when he showered.......HIDDEN) <<<< does any of that constitute child-abuse?

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