LGBTQ want to force their deviant culture on us

The lesson here is that teachers should not be allowed to have pictures of their spouses in school or ever share a story about their spouse/children. The mere mention of such things can seemingly turn students into raging heteros or homos.
no it was more than that....she was discussing her sexual life
Did you and I read the same article? It didn't say anything about what she discussed, which is why the OP was a nothing burger to begin with.

Wasn't a nothing burger for the teach...was it?
Point being? Just gloating, eh?

I think it's silliness....BUT if she was warned about age appropriate and went ahead then she deserves what she gets

Because you see nothing wrong with gay marriage doesn't mean everybody does, a parent wasn't comfortable with it and they complained
We have no idea what she was warned about OR if she said anything that was age inappropriate, though, do we? That one parent sure has a lot of power, doesn't she, with her "discomfort." I'm sure she's as proud of herself as you are.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Is there anything illegal about showing pictures of your spouse?

She broke the rules for age appropriate. Rules are rules.

If showing pictures of your spouse is appropriate for heterosexuals , it is appropriate for lesbians

She should be allowed to discuss her marriage the same as anyone else

why does a school teacher need to discuss her marriage with children?

My teachers spoke about their spouses all the time. Sometimes a funny story, maybe a trip they took together
I had a teacher who took a trip around the world and showed us a slide show that included her husband

Why can’t a lesbian teacher do the same?
no it was more than that....she was discussing her sexual life
Did you and I read the same article? It didn't say anything about what she discussed, which is why the OP was a nothing burger to begin with.

Wasn't a nothing burger for the teach...was it?
Point being? Just gloating, eh?

I think it's silliness....BUT if she was warned about age appropriate and went ahead then she deserves what she gets

Because you see nothing wrong with gay marriage doesn't mean everybody does, a parent wasn't comfortable with it and they complained
We have no idea what she was warned about OR if she said anything that was age inappropriate, though, do we? That one parent sure has a lot of power, doesn't she, with her "discomfort." I'm sure she's as proud of herself as you are.

Well I'd think it was covered when they discussed age appropriate, our children's school has the same policy, at certain grades things are not to be discussed such as our youngest's class, no discussions on transgender, homosexuality, religion, etc. Those rules are in place for a reason, they are too young to be exposed to it and it's the parent's who should explain it to them.

As the students grow older certain topics become discussion topics but elementary children are too young for that shit
The lesson here is that teachers should not be allowed to have pictures of their spouses in school or ever share a story about their spouse/children. The mere mention of such things can seemingly turn students into raging heteros or homos.
no it was more than that....she was discussing her sexual life

A claim that the teacher disputes.
The lesson here is that teachers should not be allowed to have pictures of their spouses in school or ever share a story about their spouse/children. The mere mention of such things can seemingly turn students into raging heteros or homos.
no it was more than that....she was discussing her sexual life

A claim that the teacher disputes.
of course
They do not seek equality but rather forced recognition and compliance
Why should it have to be forced? Because people are continuing to refuse to see them as equal? They seek the right to be treated like any heterosexual couple. This teacher is currently prohibited from teaching her classes because she showed a picture of her spouse at their wedding. Explain the equality in that.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Is there anything illegal about showing pictures of your spouse?

She broke the rules for age appropriate. Rules are rules.

If showing pictures of your spouse is appropriate for heterosexuals , it is appropriate for lesbians

She should be allowed to discuss her marriage the same as anyone else

why does a school teacher need to discuss her marriage with children?

My teachers spoke about their spouses all the time. Sometimes a funny story, maybe a trip they took together
I had a teacher who took a trip around the world and showed us a slide show that included her husband

Why can’t a lesbian teacher do the same?
seems like she was talking about lesbianism/LGTBQness--not funny stories
The lesson here is that teachers should not be allowed to have pictures of their spouses in school or ever share a story about their spouse/children. The mere mention of such things can seemingly turn students into raging heteros or homos.
no it was more than that....she was discussing her sexual life

A claim that the teacher disputes.
of course

Neither of us know for sure, but you appear have already made up your mind that she did. Were you in the class when this alleged topic was brought up?
Did you and I read the same article? It didn't say anything about what she discussed, which is why the OP was a nothing burger to begin with.

Wasn't a nothing burger for the teach...was it?
Point being? Just gloating, eh?

I think it's silliness....BUT if she was warned about age appropriate and went ahead then she deserves what she gets

Because you see nothing wrong with gay marriage doesn't mean everybody does, a parent wasn't comfortable with it and they complained
We have no idea what she was warned about OR if she said anything that was age inappropriate, though, do we? That one parent sure has a lot of power, doesn't she, with her "discomfort." I'm sure she's as proud of herself as you are.

Well I'd think it was covered when they discussed age appropriate, our children's school has the same policy, at certain grades things are not to be discussed such as our youngest's class, no discussions on transgender, homosexuality, religion, etc. Those rules are in place for a reason, they are too young to be exposed to it and it's the parent's who should explain it to them.

As the students grow older certain topics become discussion topics but elementary children are too young for that shit
I don't disagree with that general rule, Sassy. It does still depend on the age and what was actually said. If she is a young activist, maybe she said more than was appropriate, but you'd think someone who was Teacher of the Year would be professional enough to be aware of all that. So I wonder.
Wasn't a nothing burger for the teach...was it?
Point being? Just gloating, eh?

I think it's silliness....BUT if she was warned about age appropriate and went ahead then she deserves what she gets

Because you see nothing wrong with gay marriage doesn't mean everybody does, a parent wasn't comfortable with it and they complained
We have no idea what she was warned about OR if she said anything that was age inappropriate, though, do we? That one parent sure has a lot of power, doesn't she, with her "discomfort." I'm sure she's as proud of herself as you are.

Well I'd think it was covered when they discussed age appropriate, our children's school has the same policy, at certain grades things are not to be discussed such as our youngest's class, no discussions on transgender, homosexuality, religion, etc. Those rules are in place for a reason, they are too young to be exposed to it and it's the parent's who should explain it to them.

As the students grow older certain topics become discussion topics but elementary children are too young for that shit
I don't disagree with that general rule, Sassy. It does still depend on the age and what was actually said. If she is a young activist, maybe she said more than was appropriate, but you'd think someone who was Teacher of the Year would be professional enough to be aware of all that. So I wonder.

As I said to MDK I suspect there is more going on. IDK but I was just explaining how it works with our youngest's class. Some topics are strictly forbidden and if a teacher breaks the rule they'd be suspended, no doubt in my mind
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Why the rest of the country mocks the Bible Belt

Dear rightwinger
One thing backwards that's always been criticized about religious preachers
is if Christians aren't forgiving others as they want to be forgiven by God.

if God is supreme and in control of everything we are in life,
then what's the point of punishing people for making wrong judgments by free will.

Shouldn't we be in the business of correcting things
neighbor to neighbor hand in hand
in the spirit of Charity or Christianity
and Restorative Justice as the meaning of Christ Jesus saving us all
from death and destruction by our own words and hands?

I guess this makes as much sense as liberals
wanting free choice to be regulated by govt,
and wanting to deregulate drugs but regulate guns,
and wanting free speech under the First Amendment
to threaten the right to bear arms under the Second
when all these rights are included in the Bill of Rights
and NONE are supposed to be abused to disparage rights of anyone!

Anyone can point out the contradictions in each other.

the difference is do we forgive our faults
so we can correct them together?

Or do we expect to hide behind the blame game,
as a subterfuge and distraction from fixing
the very problems we complain about and blame on someone else?
Dear Emily

I am disgusted with intolerant Christians who persecute those who are different and do not hold the same beliefs they hold
They do not seek equality but rather forced recognition and compliance
Why should it have to be forced? Because people are continuing to refuse to see them as equal? They seek the right to be treated like any heterosexual couple. This teacher is currently prohibited from teaching her classes because she showed a picture of her spouse at their wedding. Explain the equality in that.
One reason is that mommy mommy or daddy daddy is not the same thing as mommy daddy and stop trying to peddle that it is
Yeah...from the Dallas News....that is a problem

The statement said Bailey was not suspended over her request to include LGBTQ language in the district’s nondiscrimation policy, but rather due to the district’s concern that Bailey “insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.”

Mansfield teacher suspended for discussing her sexual orientation with students, officials say | Mansfield | Dallas News

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