LGBTQ want to force their deviant culture on us

the title is true. we want to turn all of you gay!
you want to shove it down our I said, some lesbian got up to do the reading at a hetero wedding I was at and she starts talking about the new law allowing same sex marriage.....totally uncalled for ---out of the blue
It is a decline in the USA that schools can't talk about God or Jesus or even being a moral and responsible person but they are free to extol the "virtues" of homosexuality
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.
That blue haired carpet muncher should have been sent packin years ago. Little children do not need to be exposed to such overt faggotry.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Is there anything illegal about showing pictures of your spouse?
None at all. And if the school didn’t suspend any straight teachers who did, this gay teacher will have lawyers lining up to take her case.
seems like she was talking about lesbianism/LGTBQness--not funny stories

How did you come across this information? By divination?
about her discussing her sexual orientation with elementary-aged students, district officials said Tuesday afternoon.
from the Dallas news link in the OP link

I am unable to view that link at the moment on my phone. Once I get to my PC I’ll check it out. I never whitelist sites on my phone.
seems like she was talking about lesbianism/LGTBQness--not funny stories

How did you come across this information? By divination?
about her discussing her sexual orientation with elementary-aged students, district officials said Tuesday afternoon.
from the Dallas news link in the OP link

I am unable to view that link at the moment on my phone. Once I get to my PC I’ll check it out. I never whitelist sites on my phone.
roger that
seems like she was talking about lesbianism/LGTBQness--not funny stories

How did you come across this information? By divination?
about her discussing her sexual orientation with elementary-aged students, district officials said Tuesday afternoon.
from the Dallas news link in the OP link

I am unable to view that link at the moment on my phone. Once I get to my PC I’ll check it out. I never whitelist sites on my phone.

It's AdBlocked but a lot more info
  • Thanks
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here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Is there anything illegal about showing pictures of your spouse?
None at all. And if the school didn’t suspend any straight teachers who did, this gay teacher will have lawyers lining up to take her case.
that's just it --heteros don't go around proud of their sexual orientation/etc
''look at my heterosexual wife''.....''I'm heterosexual'' ....etc
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

For the most part I agree with you.
It's all about the context. If the teacher was showing her picture to the kids for other reasons and as it were her partner was in the photo...then I would have zero issue with it. None. And it would be morally and ethically wrong to punish her for that. And stupid.
However, if she was showing the students the picture for the specific reason to show she has a female partner..then she is in the wrong.
But I do agree a suspension would seem to be over the top. But we don't know all the facts, seeing that she belongs to political groups and is outspoken about her beliefs...if she was preaching to the kids about her sexuality or anyone's sexuality then a suspension was in order.
It's a liberal demand that children accept homosexuality as exactly as warranted and nurturing as heterosexuality and we aren't buying it
It is unacceptable for a 3rd grade teacher to try and instruct students about her female partner that she is "married" to. She is seeking to advance her liberal and political agenda at the expense of very young minds
Okay, so I read the article and I change my statement.
She was totally in the wrong, and 100% deserved a suspension. And I would even go further to say she should have to appear before the board and discuss her license to teach and how doing this places that in jeopardy.
In the article she clearly states she believes she should be able to have frank discussion about sexuality, sexual identity of herself and others.
That is absolutely wrong.
Theology takes age into consideration. It will wait some time before teaching the young that to think about adultery is the same thing as to do adultery.
Personally, I didn't know anything about sex in third grade. When in 4th grade, the gym teacher took us girls aside and gave us the low down on menstruation, I asked how the sperm gets to the egg and I got told to go ask my mother.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Is there anything illegal about showing pictures of your spouse?
None at all. And if the school didn’t suspend any straight teachers who did, this gay teacher will have lawyers lining up to take her case.
that's just it --heteros don't go around proud of their sexual orientation/etc
''look at my heterosexual wife''.....''I'm heterosexual'' ....etc
That’s your own bias speaking. If I show you a picture of my wife and I, we don’t have to say we’re heterosexuals but it’s implied. You don’t blink because it’s just a man and a woman. Whereas if a lesbian shows you a picture of herself and her wife, while their sexuality is also implied, that’s all you can think about. So to you, it’s in your face while my picture isn’t.
Oh no- a teacher shows students a photo of her spouse.

That can't be allowed......

You snowflakes crack me up
It was a photo of her lesbian "spouse". Inappropriate to show to our children.
There is nothing inappropriate about simply that.
Perhaps to a pervert. Normal people don't recognize these sham marriages. Men don't marry men, nor women marrying women. Shack up and screw your brains out in your home, just keep it to yourself and drop the marriage bullshit. You ain't married.

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