LGBTQ want to force their deviant culture on us

here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Is there anything illegal about showing pictures of your spouse?
None at all. And if the school didn’t suspend any straight teachers who did, this gay teacher will have lawyers lining up to take her case.
that's just it --heteros don't go around proud of their sexual orientation/etc
''look at my heterosexual wife''.....''I'm heterosexual'' ....etc
That’s your own bias speaking. If I show you a picture of my wife and I, we don’t have to say we’re heterosexuals but it’s implied. You don’t blink because it’s just a man and a woman. Whereas if a lesbian shows you a picture of herself and her wife, while their sexuality is also implied, that’s all you can think about. So to you, it’s in your face while my picture isn’t.
it states in the link she was discussing sexual orientation
LGTBQ talk about it more and want to shove it down our throats
again--you are great at acting stupid
Is there anything illegal about showing pictures of your spouse?

She broke the rules for age appropriate. Rules are rules.

If showing pictures of your spouse is appropriate for heterosexuals , it is appropriate for lesbians

She should be allowed to discuss her marriage the same as anyone else

why does a school teacher need to discuss her marriage with children?

My teachers spoke about their spouses all the time. Sometimes a funny story, maybe a trip they took together
I had a teacher who took a trip around the world and showed us a slide show that included her husband

Why can’t a lesbian teacher do the same?
seems like she was talking about lesbianism/LGTBQness--not funny stories
There is nothing in the link that says anything close to talking about lesbianism. She talked about her spouse, just like any other teacher can do
Oh no- a teacher shows students a photo of her spouse.

That can't be allowed......

You snowflakes crack me up
It was a photo of her lesbian "spouse". Inappropriate to show to our children.
There is nothing inappropriate about simply that.
Perhaps to a pervert. Normal people don't recognize these sham marriages. Men don't marry men, nor women marrying women. Shack up and screw your brains out in your home, just keep it to yourself and drop the marriage bullshit. You ain't married.

Just checked...Yup, I am still married.
It's a liberal demand that children accept homosexuality as exactly as warranted and nurturing as heterosexuality and we aren't buying it
Homosexuals are allowed to say they are homosexual
She broke the rules for age appropriate. Rules are rules.

If showing pictures of your spouse is appropriate for heterosexuals , it is appropriate for lesbians

She should be allowed to discuss her marriage the same as anyone else

why does a school teacher need to discuss her marriage with children?

My teachers spoke about their spouses all the time. Sometimes a funny story, maybe a trip they took together
I had a teacher who took a trip around the world and showed us a slide show that included her husband

Why can’t a lesbian teacher do the same?
seems like she was talking about lesbianism/LGTBQness--not funny stories
There is nothing in the link that says anything close to talking about lesbianism. She talked about her spouse, just like any other teacher can do
look at the Dallas news link in the DMail link
Oh no- a teacher shows students a photo of her spouse.

That can't be allowed......

You snowflakes crack me up
It was a photo of her lesbian "spouse". Inappropriate to show to our children.
There is nothing inappropriate about simply that.
Perhaps to a pervert. Normal people don't recognize these sham marriages. Men don't marry men, nor women marrying women. Shack up and screw your brains out in your home, just keep it to yourself and drop the marriage bullshit. You ain't married.
Well, I see you feel strongly about this. I've told you how I see it. I guess we've pretty much said all there is to say.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Is there anything illegal about showing pictures of your spouse?
None at all. And if the school didn’t suspend any straight teachers who did, this gay teacher will have lawyers lining up to take her case.
that's just it --heteros don't go around proud of their sexual orientation/etc
''look at my heterosexual wife''.....''I'm heterosexual'' ....etc
That’s your own bias speaking. If I show you a picture of my wife and I, we don’t have to say we’re heterosexuals but it’s implied. You don’t blink because it’s just a man and a woman. Whereas if a lesbian shows you a picture of herself and her wife, while their sexuality is also implied, that’s all you can think about. So to you, it’s in your face while my picture isn’t.
it states in the link she was discussing sexual orientation
LGTBQ talk about it more and want to shove it down our throats
again--you are great at acting stupid
I get that now after reading @iamwhatiseem’s post mentioning that; and based on that, also agree with the suspension.
#101 has been pre-sensitized by religion's fixation on the flesh of throats, while #106 is blind to the fact that men are never more homosexual than when they arrange marriages.
If showing pictures of your spouse is appropriate for heterosexuals , it is appropriate for lesbians

She should be allowed to discuss her marriage the same as anyone else

why does a school teacher need to discuss her marriage with children?

My teachers spoke about their spouses all the time. Sometimes a funny story, maybe a trip they took together
I had a teacher who took a trip around the world and showed us a slide show that included her husband

Why can’t a lesbian teacher do the same?
seems like she was talking about lesbianism/LGTBQness--not funny stories
There is nothing in the link that says anything close to talking about lesbianism. She talked about her spouse, just like any other teacher can do
look at the Dallas news link in the DMail link

From the Dallas news link

“ For Stacy, this entire ordeal began when she spoke with the students about her family which, for Stacy, included her wife," the statement said. "The District appears to speak for Stacy when it states that she 'insists it is her right and that it is age appropriate' to discuss matters including ongoing discussions about her own sexuality. This is absolutely false. Further, she never received directives to change her behavior--and never refused to follow any directive."
The school district is subject to litigation if they are imposing restrictions on homosexual teachers that they don’t impose on heterosexual teachers
It is unacceptable for a 3rd grade teacher to try and instruct students about her female partner that she is "married" to.
Unacceptable to who?

She is legally married to her wife- unless there is a policy that no teacher can talk to their students about their spouses- just because a weak kneed snowflake like you can't handle doesn't mean that should be the standard that schools set policy by.
The school district is subject to litigation if they are imposing restrictions on homosexual teachers that they don’t impose on heterosexual teachers

Depends on the state. Most states they could get away with that just fine.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
They're always shoving their lifestyle down our throats, and if you don't condone their lifestyle they get nasty really quick. They're deranged
Frigid and Rigid

It's a mental disorder caused by fear of growing up, as in Peter Pan, The Tin Drum, and some short story about someone who stayed five years old.
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.

Dear OldLady
More reason we should consider separating schools and funding
so people can get the education they want and agree to pay for.

As for blaming the parent, can you blame same sex couples
for the loss of Catholic adoption programs shut down because
they have standards and beliefs different from what Govt would require them to follow?

Isn't the problem the conflict between the people having different beliefs?
Can you really blame one side's beliefs or the other,
or blame the fact that they are being forced on each other through Govt
instead of given the freedom to operate under separate programs
they set up and choose freely without conflict?
I don't see them being "forced" on each other by "government," Emily. I am so terribly sick and tired of people refusing to live and let live.

homosexuality need not be a PUBLIC TOPIC of conversation---comic-books,
sit-coms, etc etc etc.
I don't see why not. Our country has decided that it no longer needs to be hidden.
so if a teacher showed off his nazi stuff to students, you'd be ok with that??
show anything you want to students??
Swishy Swasticker

Before he joined the Nazi Party, Hitler earned his living as a homosexual prostitute in Vienna. One of his rich tricks sponsored him in politics.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for
What a shame that ONE PARENT with a stick up her ass about homosexuality has managed to deprive all those students with a talented Teacher of the Year!
Maybe she went into more detail than the students' age warranted; that requires a discussion, not a fucking suspension.
Why are conservatives so backward?

Why are liberals so degenerate?

After an HeirHead Gets the Guillotine, There Is Only Air Where His Head Used to Be

Because they were born in a class that the guillotine hangs over like the Sword of Damocles.
For an 8 year old Family determines what is mommy and daddy and not school teachers
Why the rest of the country mocks the Bible Belt

Dear rightwinger
One thing backwards that's always been criticized about religious preachers
is if Christians aren't forgiving others as they want to be forgiven by God.

if God is supreme and in control of everything we are in life,
then what's the point of punishing people for making wrong judgments by free will.

Shouldn't we be in the business of correcting things
neighbor to neighbor hand in hand
in the spirit of Charity or Christianity
and Restorative Justice as the meaning of Christ Jesus saving us all
from death and destruction by our own words and hands?

I guess this makes as much sense as liberals
wanting free choice to be regulated by govt,
and wanting to deregulate drugs but regulate guns,
and wanting free speech under the First Amendment
to threaten the right to bear arms under the Second
when all these rights are included in the Bill of Rights
and NONE are supposed to be abused to disparage rights of anyone!

Anyone can point out the contradictions in each other.

the difference is do we forgive our faults
so we can correct them together?

Or do we expect to hide behind the blame game,
as a subterfuge and distraction from fixing
the very problems we complain about and blame on someone else?
Dear Emily

I am disgusted with intolerant Christians who persecute those who are different and do not hold the same beliefs they hold

Dear rightwinger
The only way I've seen and experienced that corrects this problem
is NOT to be the same way, but to be forgiving and inclusive to break out of this pattern,
where the Positive influence changes the dynamic. Forgiveness is the way out of the trap.

To go at them with the same Negative rejection and unforgiveness,
of course, does not correct the original problem but doubles it and makes it worse!

It's like pouring more gasoline on a fire.
The best way to snuff out the negativity is to offer corrections,
peer to peer, by including and not rejecting them out of fear,
then in the interactions, the reasons for rejection can be resolved.

This whole business of mutual hostility, blame and rejection
has never worked, to change EITHER side! So I wonder why
do people keep reacting this way. All I can think of, is they
aren't really ready to change. They just use their mutual hostility
as a "safe barrier" to keep their distance from each other. And
safely throw rocks back and forth while hiding behind a shared wall,
that is well fortified on both sides, where neither plans to take it down!
Why the rest of the country mocks the Bible Belt

Dear rightwinger
One thing backwards that's always been criticized about religious preachers
is if Christians aren't forgiving others as they want to be forgiven by God.

if God is supreme and in control of everything we are in life,
then what's the point of punishing people for making wrong judgments by free will.

Shouldn't we be in the business of correcting things
neighbor to neighbor hand in hand
in the spirit of Charity or Christianity
and Restorative Justice as the meaning of Christ Jesus saving us all
from death and destruction by our own words and hands?

I guess this makes as much sense as liberals
wanting free choice to be regulated by govt,
and wanting to deregulate drugs but regulate guns,
and wanting free speech under the First Amendment
to threaten the right to bear arms under the Second
when all these rights are included in the Bill of Rights
and NONE are supposed to be abused to disparage rights of anyone!

Anyone can point out the contradictions in each other.

the difference is do we forgive our faults
so we can correct them together?

Or do we expect to hide behind the blame game,
as a subterfuge and distraction from fixing
the very problems we complain about and blame on someone else?
Dear Emily

I am disgusted with intolerant Christians who persecute those who are different and do not hold the same beliefs they hold

Dear rightwinger
The only way I've seen and experienced that corrects this problem
is NOT to be the same way, but to be forgiving and inclusive to break out of this pattern,
where the Positive influence changes the dynamic. Forgiveness is the way out of the trap.

To go at them with the same Negative rejection and unforgiveness,
of course, does not correct the original problem but doubles it and makes it worse!

It's like pouring more gasoline on a fire.
The best way to snuff out the negativity is to offer corrections,
peer to peer, by including and not rejecting them out of fear,
then in the interactions, the reasons for rejection can be resolved.

This whole business of mutual hostility, blame and rejection
has never worked, to change EITHER side! So I wonder why
do people keep reacting this way. All I can think of, is they
aren't really ready to change. They just use their mutual hostility
as a "safe barrier" to keep their distance from each other. And
safely throw rocks back and forth while hiding behind a shared wall,
that is well fortified on both sides, where neither plans to take it down!

Dear Emily

These Christian haters are neither inclusive or forgiving. They spread hatred and hurt innocent people all in the name of Christ
Why the rest of the country mocks the Bible Belt

Dear rightwinger
One thing backwards that's always been criticized about religious preachers
is if Christians aren't forgiving others as they want to be forgiven by God.

if God is supreme and in control of everything we are in life,
then what's the point of punishing people for making wrong judgments by free will.

Shouldn't we be in the business of correcting things
neighbor to neighbor hand in hand
in the spirit of Charity or Christianity
and Restorative Justice as the meaning of Christ Jesus saving us all
from death and destruction by our own words and hands?

I guess this makes as much sense as liberals
wanting free choice to be regulated by govt,
and wanting to deregulate drugs but regulate guns,
and wanting free speech under the First Amendment
to threaten the right to bear arms under the Second
when all these rights are included in the Bill of Rights
and NONE are supposed to be abused to disparage rights of anyone!

Anyone can point out the contradictions in each other.

the difference is do we forgive our faults
so we can correct them together?

Or do we expect to hide behind the blame game,
as a subterfuge and distraction from fixing
the very problems we complain about and blame on someone else?
Dear Emily

I am disgusted with intolerant Christians who persecute those who are different and do not hold the same beliefs they hold

Dear rightwinger
The only way I've seen and experienced that corrects this problem
is NOT to be the same way, but to be forgiving and inclusive to break out of this pattern,
where the Positive influence changes the dynamic. Forgiveness is the way out of the trap.

To go at them with the same Negative rejection and unforgiveness,
of course, does not correct the original problem but doubles it and makes it worse!

It's like pouring more gasoline on a fire.
The best way to snuff out the negativity is to offer corrections,
peer to peer, by including and not rejecting them out of fear,
then in the interactions, the reasons for rejection can be resolved.

This whole business of mutual hostility, blame and rejection
has never worked, to change EITHER side! So I wonder why
do people keep reacting this way. All I can think of, is they
aren't really ready to change. They just use their mutual hostility
as a "safe barrier" to keep their distance from each other. And
safely throw rocks back and forth while hiding behind a shared wall,
that is well fortified on both sides, where neither plans to take it down!

Dear Emily

These Christian haters are neither inclusive or forgiving. They spread hatred and hurt innocent people all in the name of Christ

Yes rightwinger
my point is it doesn't solve the problem but makes it worse
to respond by being unforgiving and exclusive as well!

Two wrongs don't make this situation right.

Someone in each case has to be the first to reach out
and break out of this pattern of mutual rejection blame and unforgiveness.

Otherwise they stay stuck, nothing changes.

P.S. liberals who preach inclusion are also blamed for excluding people of different views.
So it's mutual, both sides blame the other for being mutually exclusive!

Now rightwinger there's nothing wrong with have diametrically opposite views
and staying away from each other to keep the peace.

The problem is when either group or both takes their beliefs and biases
and imposes THAT through govt. that's where it becomes a public issue.

If we can agree to keep our private beliefs out of govt, then both can
separate and have their own ways.

What has gotten out of hand is either side is pushing to include or remove
beliefs from govt, when the other side is threatened by that. So that's why
it's so critical to keep BOTH out of govt, keep govt neutral and let people do things their way on their own.
We need to get back to this where we kept our different beliefs frm imposing on others through public poicies.

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