LGBTQ want to force their deviant culture on us

So let's think about this for a minute.....

Who is trying to force their agenda more on society, Christians or Gays?

What is the "proof" for your answer?
Christians, by far. Can’t escape the reverence to their god for the month of December. They shut down most of the country to celebrate his birthday which is not even his actual birthday.

Sound more like bitterness and anger than facts.
Let me ask you this, which get's more media coverage... and why?
Christians, again by far. Why? Because there are many more of them and they haven’t been hiding in the proverbial closet like gays had been until recent times.
So let's think about this for a minute.....

Who is trying to force their agenda more on society, Christians or Gays?

What is the "proof" for your answer?

I don’t see Gays attacking the validity of Christian marriages

Because being Gay is not a religion or world view.
So you are saying there is freedom of religion, but, keep it to yourself?
You are free to hate anyone you wish

You just can’t force government to enforce your hate. Christians for centuries have forced Government to accept their religious doctrine

Do you think it's equally right to "force" people to condone a lifestyle their religion teaches them is wrong?

You don’t have to condone anything. Hate whomever you want

But when you try to force government to recognize your relationship and shun other people’s is you forcing your views
Rossane show is a fine example with their little 12 year old cross dressing faggot. They are trying to normalize what is abnormal

Another question, what is the percentage of the population that is gay, and, does it matter?
Bout 2 to 3 percent

Why does it matter?

Dunno, if percentages don't matter why do we vote?
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for supper

Someone has to look out for the rights of sheep

So you think gays are suffering in this country. How so? Are there any other segments of the 1-2% population that you think are being treated unfairly?

Gays have gained unprecedented acceptance in recent years. It did not happen by accident. Gays suffered indignities and harassment for centuries. It took hard work to get where they are today

But all one has to do is look at the reaction of conservatives to see they still have a long way to go
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Oh no- a teacher shows students a photo of her spouse.

That can't be allowed......

You snowflakes crack me up.

parents have the right to control the conversation with their children, especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.

Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students.

She was hired to teach an Art Class not Sexual indoctrination
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Oh no- a teacher shows students a photo of her spouse.

That can't be allowed......

You snowflakes crack me up.

parents have the right to control the conversation with their children, especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.

Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students.

She was hired to teach an Art Class not Sexual indoctrination
very well put
So let's think about this for a minute.....

Who is trying to force their agenda more on society, Christians or Gays?

What is the "proof" for your answer?
Christians, by far. Can’t escape the reverence to their god for the month of December. They shut down most of the country to celebrate his birthday which is not even his actual birthday.

Sound more like bitterness and anger than facts.
Let me ask you this, which get's more media coverage... and why?
Christians, again by far. Why? Because there are many more of them and they haven’t been hiding in the proverbial closet like gays had been until recent times.

So, why, as 2% of the population, do they "deserve" such special rights. Again, are we missing any other 2% groups here?
Gays have gained unprecedented acceptance in recent years. It did not happen by accident.

Gay and Lesbian Media Control

Homosexual propaganda has been around for many years, the spark that ignited their present day stranglehold however was a brilliant book **After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays
, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and his side kick Hunter Madsen.

All sexual morality should be abolished" (pages 64 to 67)

Homosexual agenda can succeed by "jamming" and "confusing" adversaries, so as to block or counteract the "rewarding of prejudice" (page 153);

All opposing disagreements to homosexual behavior is rooted in "Homophobia, Homohatred, and Prejudice" (page 112)

A media campaign should portray only the most favorable side of gays (page 170);

Discourage anti-gay harassment by linking and calling all those that have opposing opinions to latent homosexuality (i.e., call people homophobic) (page 227)

It is acceptable to call people "Homophobic" or "Haters" if they do not agree 100% with the gay agenda views, opinions, or behavior. (page 23)

Throughout the 1990s, the media message pertaining to treatment of Homosexuals was "Tolerance". However, as society became more tolerant of their affliction largely through educational and media mind programming we have become less tolerant of those who refuse to subscribe to this political correctness. It is difficult to fathom, but there was a time not long ago, when morality and virtue was celebrated in mainstream society. Today, anybody in the public eye particularly the mainstream media who dares to disagree with homosexuality or homosexual viewpoints will more than likely be fired, branded and blacklisted.

Through the media, homosexuals have won the tolerance and sympathies of the huddled masses.
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Oh no- a teacher shows students a photo of her spouse.

That can't be allowed......

You snowflakes crack me up.

parents have the right to control the conversation with their children, especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.

Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students.

She was hired to teach an Art Class not Sexual indoctrination

Well see, that's the thing.
What about parents that are raising their kids with certain values and beliefs? What if they can't afford to put them in private school? Should schools not be "neutral" in regard to issues like this?
It's not anything new that we love our own ruination.... and the more that it spreads, the better... because ultimately, we care more about drama than our own betterment.
So let's think about this for a minute.....

Who is trying to force their agenda more on society, Christians or Gays?

What is the "proof" for your answer?
Christians, by far. Can’t escape the reverence to their god for the month of December. They shut down most of the country to celebrate his birthday which is not even his actual birthday.

Sound more like bitterness and anger than facts.
Let me ask you this, which get's more media coverage... and why?
Christians, again by far. Why? Because there are many more of them and they haven’t been hiding in the proverbial closet like gays had been until recent times.

So, why, as 2% of the population, do they "deserve" such special rights. Again, are we missing any other 2% groups here?
They have the same rights you and I do
They can now marry the partner they love.......just like we can
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Oh no- a teacher shows students a photo of her spouse.

That can't be allowed......

You snowflakes crack me up.

parents have the right to control the conversation with their children, especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.

Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students.

She was hired to teach an Art Class not Sexual indoctrination

Well see, that's the thing.
What about parents that are raising their kids with certain values and beliefs? What if they can't afford to put them in private school? Should schools not be "neutral" in regard to issues like this?

PARENTS are responsible for raising their Kids - not some misguided Social Justice Warriors who have been so fked in the head by years of University indoctrination by other social justice warriors and leftarded useful idiots
So let's think about this for a minute.....

Who is trying to force their agenda more on society, Christians or Gays?

What is the "proof" for your answer?
Christians, by far. Can’t escape the reverence to their god for the month of December. They shut down most of the country to celebrate his birthday which is not even his actual birthday.

Sound more like bitterness and anger than facts.
Let me ask you this, which get's more media coverage... and why?
Christians, again by far. Why? Because there are many more of them and they haven’t been hiding in the proverbial closet like gays had been until recent times.

So, why, as 2% of the population, do they "deserve" such special rights. Again, are we missing any other 2% groups here?
They have the same rights you and I do
They can now marry the partner they love.......just like we can
Do you understand the difference between Rights and Privileges ??

PS: Glad to see you brought back Norton :>
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Oh no- a teacher shows students a photo of her spouse.

That can't be allowed......

You snowflakes crack me up.

parents have the right to control the conversation with their children, especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.

Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students.

She was hired to teach an Art Class not Sexual indoctrination

Well see, that's the thing.
What about parents that are raising their kids with certain values and beliefs? What if they can't afford to put them in private school? Should schools not be "neutral" in regard to issues like this?

The school is under no obligation to enforce the parents hatred

A generation ago, if she were married to a black man, she would have been encouraged not to let the children know

Especially in Texas
Christians, by far. Can’t escape the reverence to their god for the month of December. They shut down most of the country to celebrate his birthday which is not even his actual birthday.

Sound more like bitterness and anger than facts.
Let me ask you this, which get's more media coverage... and why?
Christians, again by far. Why? Because there are many more of them and they haven’t been hiding in the proverbial closet like gays had been until recent times.

So, why, as 2% of the population, do they "deserve" such special rights. Again, are we missing any other 2% groups here?
They have the same rights you and I do
They can now marry the partner they love.......just like we can
Do you understand the difference between Rights and Privileges ??

PS: Glad to see you brought back Norton :>
So let's think about this for a minute.....

Who is trying to force their agenda more on society, Christians or Gays?

What is the "proof" for your answer?
Christians, by far. Can’t escape the reverence to their god for the month of December. They shut down most of the country to celebrate his birthday which is not even his actual birthday.

Sound more like bitterness and anger than facts.
Let me ask you this, which get's more media coverage... and why?
Christians, again by far. Why? Because there are many more of them and they haven’t been hiding in the proverbial closet like gays had been until recent times.

So, why, as 2% of the population, do they "deserve" such special rights. Again, are we missing any other 2% groups here?
They have the same rights you and I do
They can now marry the partner they love.......just like we can

So, our legal system decides this? We are comfortable with letting our legal systems dictate our moral beliefs?
Or, do morals have nothing to do with it? And if not, where does it "end"?
here a lesbian teacher does it to the students!!
Lesbian elementary school teacher put on leave after showing students pictures of her wife | Daily Mail Online
I was at a hetero wedding and some lesbian gave a speech about lesbian rights for one of the mass readings--totally uncalled for

Oh no- a teacher shows students a photo of her spouse.

That can't be allowed......

You snowflakes crack me up.

parents have the right to control the conversation with their children, especially as it relates to religion, politics, sex/sexual orientation, etc.

Ms. Bailey refused to follow administration’s directions regarding age-appropriate conversation with students.

She was hired to teach an Art Class not Sexual indoctrination

Well see, that's the thing.
What about parents that are raising their kids with certain values and beliefs? What if they can't afford to put them in private school? Should schools not be "neutral" in regard to issues like this?

PARENTS are responsible for raising their Kids - not some misguided Social Justice Warriors who have been so fked in the head by years of University indoctrination by other social justice warriors and leftarded useful idiots

You don't understand, leftist assholes think children belong to society for them to use, abuse and indoctrinate
Like everything else, its' a two edged sword.

When the laws were more "Christian oriented" they were "bad"
Now that they are not, it's "fair"... c'mon people....
So let's think about this for a minute.....

Who is trying to force their agenda more on society, Christians or Gays?

What is the "proof" for your answer?

I don’t see Gays attacking the validity of Christian marriages

Because being Gay is not a religion or world view.
So you are saying there is freedom of religion, but, keep it to yourself?
You are free to hate anyone you wish

You just can’t force government to enforce your hate. Christians for centuries have forced Government to accept their religious doctrine

Do you think it's equally right to "force" people to condone a lifestyle their religion teaches them is wrong?

Nobody is forcing anyone to condone any lifestyle, except your phony "Christian" cult trying to push its idiotic lifestyle on the rest of us by abusing government.

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