LGBTs Dictate Law To 50 States: Enter, Unintended Consequences..


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Well it's all over the news now. But I can't say I'm surprised.

The only recourse the 80% of Americans (judging from the odd recurrance of that number on various polls on this site anyway) who object to this Decision have is to get a GOP Congress and POTUS to overturn this ruling based on these two Justices and the 2009 Ruling they violated: Breaking Justice Kagan Must Recuse Herself From Upcoming Gay Marriage Hearing Page 61 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But outside of that, what the SCOTUS just did was like pouring gasoline on a wildfire. The LGBT cult's lobby owns the media. I'm seeing transgender surgery promoted on family networks at prime time now; with children watching. We have a lewd and rude sex cult parading down main street one day, and lining up the next to force adoption agencies to disgorge their orphans to go behind closed doors with people like the guy in the photo in my signature.

Keeping this at the state level would've forced a long conversation; would've exposed more of the cards the LGBT were going to try to play to work their way even deeper into the core of society. It's a cult. And you folks are going to find that out now for a fact. The SCOTUS just handed the LGBT a powerful legal weapon. They're going to not be satisfied with random Christians at their shops on main street.

Be careful what you wish for, as the old saying goes. If the GOP can button its lips about taking away birth control and universal/affordable healthcare, they've got 2016 in the bag. Middle dems are going to flock to them in droves. In one week the hard left has taken away the Southern Democrats identity (confederate flag) after a dubious attack on a church we still haven't sorted out yet as to why that particular shooter on that particular day wanted to start a "race war"...and now this. The iron fist has slammed down. Brace yourselves Christians. Lawyers are going to appear at your door soon with summons. Be sure to put a rainbow flag out on your porch. Maybe they'll pass you by for the next house.
Bleh, let'em pretend to be married. As long as they keep the lunacy away from me and our children I could care less what the mental misfits do
Well it's all over the news now. But I can't say I'm surprised.

The only recourse the 80% of Americans (judging from the odd recurrance of that number on various polls on this site anyway) who object to this Decision have is to get a GOP Congress and POTUS to overturn this ruling based on these two Justices and the 2009 Ruling they violated: Breaking Justice Kagan Must Recuse Herself From Upcoming Gay Marriage Hearing Page 61 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

God you really are clueless when it comes to the law.

Congress- and the President- cannot overturn any Supreme Court ruling. That is why the Courts are the third branch of government.

Congress could only attempt to impeach Justices- which requires a 2/3 majority in the House, and a 2/3 majority in the Senate to convict- and that is not going to happen- but I would be thrilled if some nutball like Cruz promotes the idea- with 60% of the country- and 60% of young Republicans now supporting same gender marriage that would only help render the Republican Party more impotent.

There are only two ways this decision can be reversed- a future Supreme Court could make the decision- which is not going to happen- or a Constitutional Amendment- which will not happen for the same reason impeachment will not happen.
The ruling can be overturned by a constitutional amendment. It won't be. What it can be is made ineffective. What happened with the right to abortion? Yes, it is still a right. In many places the right may well not exist.

Integration has been a right since 1965. Do we have segregation today?
Denial is the first of the five stages of grief.
Bleh, let'em pretend to be married. As long as they keep the lunacy away from me and our children I could care less what the mental misfits do
Re-read the OP. This is a powerful legal weapon just handed to a cult that is running unchecked across the rights of others. Not the least of which are adoptable orphans. Next stop: witholding federal funds from orphanges until they disgorge their wards to the guy in my signature. Don't believe me? Check the link in my signature..
Denial is the first of the five stages of grief.
Yes and speaking of that. Denying what this is going to do to the death of the democratic hopes for 2016 may just be your first stage of grief too. Check the title of the thread..
The ruling can be overturned by a constitutional amendment. It won't be. What it can be is made ineffective. What happened with the right to abortion? Yes, it is still a right. In many places the right may well not exist.

Integration has been a right since 1965. Do we have segregation today?

The only way governments will be able to side step it is to stop issuing marriage licenses- at all.

That would please some- I can see why Conservatives would be pleased to be able to bypass the process of marriage and divorce and remarriage- and just swap out mates.
Denial is the first of the five stages of grief.
Yes and speaking of that. Denying what this is going to do to the death of the democratic hopes for 2016 may just be your first stage of grief too. Check the title of the thread..

60% of Americans support gay marriage. The majority of independent voters support gay marriage. 70% of millenials support gay marriage- hell even 60% of young Republicans support gay marriage.

Your predictions of doom will be as 'accurate' as always- which is batting .000
The government polls say that support is that high. You don't know if its true or grubered.
Denial is the first of the five stages of grief.
Yes and speaking of that. Denying what this is going to do to the death of the democratic hopes for 2016 may just be your first stage of grief too. Check the title of the thread..

60% of Americans support gay marriage. The majority of independent voters support gay marriage. 70% of millenials support gay marriage- hell even 60% of young Republicans support gay marriage.

Your predictions of doom will be as 'accurate' as always- which is batting .000
That's not what poll after poll after poll has turned out at this website anyway. I'd like to think USMB represents a typical cross section of the the US. It's in the 70-80% against, not for..
Denial is the first of the five stages of grief.
Yes and speaking of that. Denying what this is going to do to the death of the democratic hopes for 2016 may just be your first stage of grief too. Check the title of the thread..

This will continue to be a losing issue for the GOP if they continue to harp on it. The wise members already see the writing the on wall in terms of support for gay marriage. Those numbers skyrocket the younger you look at the support. That trend is going to continue.
And it begins, the Solicitor General acknowledges a church's tax exempt status would be in question if they oppose and/or refuse SSM
Millenials are a much nicer and kinder generation. They aren't racist at all.

It's accepted right up to the point of mass murder.
Denial is the first of the five stages of grief.
Yes and speaking of that. Denying what this is going to do to the death of the democratic hopes for 2016 may just be your first stage of grief too. Check the title of the thread..

60% of Americans support gay marriage. The majority of independent voters support gay marriage. 70% of millenials support gay marriage- hell even 60% of young Republicans support gay marriage.

Your predictions of doom will be as 'accurate' as always- which is batting .000
That's not what poll after poll after poll has turned out at this website anyway. I'd like to think USMB represents a typical cross section of the the US. It's in the 70-80% against, not for..

You're full of shit. The poll you're citing is whether churches should be forced to marry gays not. The vast and overwhelming majority of the people believe that churches shouldn't not be forced to marry any couple against their wishes. Again, denial is the first of the five stages of grief.
And it begins, the Solicitor General acknowledges a church's tax exempt status would be in question if they oppose and/or refuse SSM
Churches should give up tax exempt status and regain their freedom of speech. Churches could say whatever they want including openly endorsing political candidates.
The government polls say that support is that high. You don't know if its true or grubered.

Not government polls- I don't know of any government agency that cares.


Same-sex marriage support at all-time high Gallup poll finds - POLITICO
Support for same-sex marriage has reached a record high, according to a Gallup tracking poll released Tuesday.

Sixty percent of Americans now support legally recognized same-sex marriages that carry the same rights as traditional marriages, compared with 37 percent who believe such marriages should not be considered valid.

This is the highest level of support witnessed by Gallup since the organization began asking the question in 1996. Back then, 27 percent of Americans supported same-sex marriage. In the past year alone, the level of support has risen by five points to its current high.

Pew Research Center

Young Republicans favor same-sex marriage Pew Research Center
Young people continue to be the strongest proponents of same-sex marriage. And as public support for same-sex marriage continues to grow, the gap between young and old is nowhere more striking than within the Republican coalition.

Today, 61% of Republicans and Republican leaners under 30 favor same-sex marriage while just 35% oppose it. By contrast, just 27% of Republicans ages 50 and older favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry.

You can be in denial as much as you want. But the polls are consistent.
Well it's all over the news now. But I can't say I'm surprised.

The only recourse the 80% of Americans (judging from the odd recurrance of that number on various polls on this site anyway) who object to this Decision have is to get a GOP Congress and POTUS to overturn this ruling based on these two Justices and the 2009 Ruling they violated: Breaking Justice Kagan Must Recuse Herself From Upcoming Gay Marriage Hearing Page 61 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Nope. None of the 'polls' you're citing ask about the legality of same sex marriage. You hallucinated all of that.

And of course, Gallup has actually asked about the legality of same sex marriage repeatedly. And they put support for gay marriage at around 60%


Ignore as you will. As today's decision demonstrates elegantly, your willful ignorance really doesn't matter.
And it begins, the Solicitor General acknowledges a church's tax exempt status would be in question if they oppose and/or refuse SSM

Only link I found supporting that claim is an unsubstantiated post on Free Republic- and that would not surprise me if that is your 'source' of information.

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