LGBTs Dictate Law To 50 States: Enter, Unintended Consequences..

Bleh, let'em pretend to be married. As long as they keep the lunacy away from me and our children I could care less what the mental misfits do
But they are now in your realm. You must subsidize their buttfucking and you must allow them to deny children a very basic human right by their equal opportunity to adopt children.
The future just got buttfucked by a bunch of ultra -conservative lefties known as democrats. Pseudo-liberals.
There are many sides to this divide. Muslims have their own. The one thing that is common to all sides is that the divisions have gotten so wide that we just don't care about one another any more. That's what's getting worse every day. A slow but inexorable alienation in a fractured American public.

Gay marriage support is growing in every demo, with a full 60% in support now.

Exactly opposite of what you're describing. With the country coming into greater consensus on this issue. Not greater division.
We all know where this is going Syriusly. This is a legal handgun just handed to the cult of LGBT on its birthday. State's rights to define the physical structure of marriage is but the first victim in its zeal to dominate the culture war it started.

We do know where this is going- couples in love can get married in all 50 states now- and you homophobes will be stomping your feet at their happiness.
Question. Was Bucky a homophobe 3 years ago before evolving?
1. Sil is still here so obviously the rapture didn't reign upon us.

2. Marriage is a fundamental right. That's what the Court upheld today. I haven't read the full opinion but when the majority rules it a fundamental right, it is protected by the constitution and any legislation infringing on the right will be subject to strict scrutiny analysis. That's a game changer.

3. Today, the Supreme Court upheld the idea of liberty in this country. That means everything to what we stand for as a nation.
1. Sil is still here so obviously the rapture didn't reign upon us.

2. Marriage is a fundamental right. That's what the Court upheld today. I haven't read the full opinion but when the majority rules it a fundamental right, it is protected by the constitution and any legislation infringing on the right will be subject to strict scrutiny analysis. That's a game changer.

3. Today, the Supreme Court upheld the idea of liberty in this country. That means everything to what we stand for as a nation.

Blah, blah, blah
A church can expect a tax exempt status if it vocally opposes a law. Show where it can't. Be specific.
Santorum was and is opposed to contraception as is a decent portion of the GOP. Stop the lies.
We all know where this is going Syriusly. This is a legal handgun just handed to the cult of LGBT on its birthday. State's rights to define the physical structure of marriage is but the first victim in its zeal to dominate the culture war it started.

We do know where this is going- couples in love can get married in all 50 states now- and you homophobes will be stomping your feet at their happiness.
Their happiness is rooted in perversion. Do you think Ted Bundy didn't find happiness killing women? Would you stomp on his happiness?

Ted Bundy killing people is exactly like two chicks getting hitched. Get a grip!
Manonthestreet Derp does not get that Santorum and a good number of GOP leaders are anti-contraception. Or knows it and won't admit it.
Since when was GOP going to take away birth control except in libs fevered lies

It took a Supreme Court decision so that women had access to birth control.

And some Republicans- like Santorum- still oppose it

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who won the non-binding Missouri primary as well as the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses on Tuesday, has also slammed Obama's decision. But he's also gone farther than that, suggesting that any form of birth control is immoral. "Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay," Santorum, a devout Catholic, said in October. "It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be." As Salon's Irin Carmon has documented, Santorum thinks Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court decision that said states can not deny married couples access to contraception, should be overturned.
Well it's all over the news now. But I can't say I'm surprised.

The only recourse the 80% of Americans (judging from the odd recurrance of that number on various polls on this site anyway) who object to this Decision have is to get a GOP Congress and POTUS to overturn this ruling based on these two Justices and the 2009 Ruling they violated: Breaking Justice Kagan Must Recuse Herself From Upcoming Gay Marriage Hearing Page 61 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But outside of that, what the SCOTUS just did was like pouring gasoline on a wildfire. The LGBT cult's lobby owns the media. I'm seeing transgender surgery promoted on family networks at prime time now; with children watching. We have a lewd and rude sex cult parading down main street one day, and lining up the next to force adoption agencies to disgorge their orphans to go behind closed doors with people like the guy in the photo in my signature.

Keeping this at the state level would've forced a long conversation; would've exposed more of the cards the LGBT were going to try to play to work their way even deeper into the core of society. It's a cult. And you folks are going to find that out now for a fact. The SCOTUS just handed the LGBT a powerful legal weapon. They're going to not be satisfied with random Christians at their shops on main street.

Be careful what you wish for, as the old saying goes. If the GOP can button its lips about taking away birth control and universal/affordable healthcare, they've got 2016 in the bag. Middle dems are going to flock to them in droves. In one week the hard left has taken away the Southern Democrats identity (confederate flag) after a dubious attack on a church we still haven't sorted out yet as to why that particular shooter on that particular day wanted to start a "race war"...and now this. The iron fist has slammed down. Brace yourselves Christians. Lawyers are going to appear at your door soon with summons. Be sure to put a rainbow flag out on your porch. Maybe they'll pass you by for the next house.
Grumpy Cat Good(1).jpg
Since when was GOP going to take away birth control except in libs fevered lies

It took a Supreme Court decision so that women had access to birth control.

And some Republicans- like Santorum- still oppose it

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who won the non-binding Missouri primary as well as the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses on Tuesday, has also slammed Obama's decision. But he's also gone farther than that, suggesting that any form of birth control is immoral. "Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay," Santorum, a devout Catholic, said in October. "It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be." As Salon's Irin Carmon has documented, Santorum thinks Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court decision that said states can not deny married couples access to contraception, should be overturned.
Did you know it was Catholic and Southern Democrats that most vigorously opposed contraception, don't you? Your history comes back to bite you yet again.

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