LGBTs Dictate Law To 50 States: Enter, Unintended Consequences..

And it begins, the Solicitor General acknowledges a church's tax exempt status would be in question if they oppose and/or refuse SSM
I was called a liar. This supposed 60% support for gay marriage will evaporate if they go after the Church. Democrats will call for a Constutuional Amendment to repeal gay marriage when that happens.
I agree, you are a liar at times. What you refuse to understand is that the American center and left overwhelmingly support the Church's right to marry or not marry as it wishes. You are fear mongering. The support will be over 70% by next year for Marriage Equality.
And it begins, the Solicitor General acknowledges a church's tax exempt status would be in question if they oppose and/or refuse SSM
I was called a liar. This supposed 60% support for gay marriage will evaporate if they go after the Church. Democrats will call for a Constutuional Amendment to repeal gay marriage when that happens.
I agree, you are a liar at times. What you refuse to understand is that the American center and left overwhelmingly support the Church's right to marry or not marry as it wishes. You are fear mongering. The support will be over 70% by next year for Marriage Equality.
As long as the likes of you and Tipsy and Sassy and the rest keep up the hate, ME is safe.
And it begins, the Solicitor General acknowledges a church's tax exempt status would be in question if they oppose and/or refuse SSM
I was called a liar. This supposed 60% support for gay marriage will evaporate if they go after the Church. Democrats will call for a Constutuional Amendment to repeal gay marriage when that happens.

I agree, that would be the tipping point but never underestimate the stupidity of the left and the homos. They will push the issue, just wait
Why wait? I have a better idea for a tipping point. NOW.

If you are a middle type voter, say, hispanic-catholic or southern black Christian or just sane working class Joes and Janes, protest this BS you know that will be coming to your church in just a matter of time it takes lawyer's ink to dry on papers. This is the easiest protest of all. Since we dems in the middle know we are going to get completely hosed in 2016 as a result of this Decision, just DO NOTHING. Give no campaign donations to ANY democratic candidate. Only donate to those GOP candidates with a record of middle voting/policies closest to your own, or just don't donate at all. Since we are going to lose the election in 2016 on all meaningful fronts, we might as well win our party back by hitting the hard left hijackers where it hurts...right in the wallet.

How easy. Do nothing and send a message.
And it begins, the Solicitor General acknowledges a church's tax exempt status would be in question if they oppose and/or refuse SSM
I was called a liar. This supposed 60% support for gay marriage will evaporate if they go after the Church. Democrats will call for a Constutuional Amendment to repeal gay marriage when that happens.

I agree, that would be the tipping point but never underestimate the stupidity of the left and the homos. They will push the issue, just wait
Why wait? I have a better idea for a tipping point. NOW.

If you are a middle type voter, say, hispanic-catholic or southern black Christian or just sane working class Joes and Janes, protest this BS you know that will be coming to your church in just a matter of time it takes lawyer's ink to dry on papers. This is the easiest protest of all. Since we dems in the middle know we are going to get completely hosed in 2016 as a result of this Decision, just DO NOTHING. Give no campaign donations to ANY democratic candidate. Only donate to those GOP candidates with a record of middle voting/policies closest to your own, or just don't donate at all. Since we are going to lose the election in 2016 on all meaningful fronts, we might as well win our party back by hitting the hard left hijackers where it hurts...right in the wallet.

How easy. Do nothing and send a message.

Texas has already started and I suspect you will see others follow suit. I agree with you comment on contributions to GOP candidates. Either stay with the platform or run as a dem
And it begins, the Solicitor General acknowledges a church's tax exempt status would be in question if they oppose and/or refuse SSM
I was called a liar. This supposed 60% support for gay marriage will evaporate if they go after the Church. Democrats will call for a Constutuional Amendment to repeal gay marriage when that happens.

I agree, that would be the tipping point but never underestimate the stupidity of the left and the homos. They will push the issue, just wait
Why wait? I have a better idea for a tipping point. NOW.

If you are a middle type voter, say, hispanic-catholic or southern black Christian or just sane working class Joes and Janes, protest this BS you know that will be coming to your church in just a matter of time it takes lawyer's ink to dry on papers. This is the easiest protest of all. Since we dems in the middle know we are going to get completely hosed in 2016 as a result of this Decision, just DO NOTHING. Give no campaign donations to ANY democratic candidate. Only donate to those GOP candidates with a record of middle voting/policies closest to your own, or just don't donate at all. Since we are going to lose the election in 2016 on all meaningful fronts, we might as well win our party back by hitting the hard left hijackers where it hurts...right in the wallet.

How easy. Do nothing and send a message.
Fear mongering and very ineffective.
And it begins, the Solicitor General acknowledges a church's tax exempt status would be in question if they oppose and/or refuse SSM
I was called a liar. This supposed 60% support for gay marriage will evaporate if they go after the Church. Democrats will call for a Constutuional Amendment to repeal gay marriage when that happens.

I agree, that would be the tipping point but never underestimate the stupidity of the left and the homos. They will push the issue, just wait
Why wait? I have a better idea for a tipping point. NOW.

If you are a middle type voter, say, hispanic-catholic or southern black Christian or just sane working class Joes and Janes, protest this BS you know that will be coming to your church in just a matter of time it takes lawyer's ink to dry on papers. This is the easiest protest of all. Since we dems in the middle know we are going to get completely hosed in 2016 as a result of this Decision, just DO NOTHING. Give no campaign donations to ANY democratic candidate. Only donate to those GOP candidates with a record of middle voting/policies closest to your own, or just don't donate at all. Since we are going to lose the election in 2016 on all meaningful fronts, we might as well win our party back by hitting the hard left hijackers where it hurts...right in the wallet.

How easy. Do nothing and send a message.

Texas has already started and I suspect you will see others follow suit. I agree with you comment on contributions to GOP candidates. Either stay with the platform or run as a dem
Why do you only give part of it? The guv said we will not go after gay employees. The guy said protect religious liberties. That is exactly what Utah is doing, and doing it very well.
Well it's all over the news now. But I can't say I'm surprised.

The only recourse the 80% of Americans (judging from the odd recurrance of that number on various polls on this site anyway) who object to this Decision have is to get a GOP Congress and POTUS to overturn this ruling based on these two Justices and the 2009 Ruling they violated: Breaking Justice Kagan Must Recuse Herself From Upcoming Gay Marriage Hearing Page 61 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But outside of that, what the SCOTUS just did was like pouring gasoline on a wildfire. The LGBT cult's lobby owns the media. I'm seeing transgender surgery promoted on family networks at prime time now; with children watching. We have a lewd and rude sex cult parading down main street one day, and lining up the next to force adoption agencies to disgorge their orphans to go behind closed doors with people like the guy in the photo in my signature.

Keeping this at the state level would've forced a long conversation; would've exposed more of the cards the LGBT were going to try to play to work their way even deeper into the core of society. It's a cult. And you folks are going to find that out now for a fact. The SCOTUS just handed the LGBT a powerful legal weapon. They're going to not be satisfied with random Christians at their shops on main street.

Be careful what you wish for, as the old saying goes. If the GOP can button its lips about taking away birth control and universal/affordable healthcare, they've got 2016 in the bag. Middle dems are going to flock to them in droves. In one week the hard left has taken away the Southern Democrats identity (confederate flag) after a dubious attack on a church we still haven't sorted out yet as to why that particular shooter on that particular day wanted to start a "race war"...and now this. The iron fist has slammed down. Brace yourselves Christians. Lawyers are going to appear at your door soon with summons. Be sure to put a rainbow flag out on your porch. Maybe they'll pass you by for the next house.
This couldn't be funnier if it was intended as satire.
Yeah Augmented...keep laughing your candidates all the way to the poorhouse.
Texas has already started and I suspect you will see others follow suit. I agree with you comment on contributions to GOP candidates. Either stay with the platform or run as a dem

That's not what I said. I said dems like me in the middle should either not donate at all to ANY dem candidate (you wear the label, you starve) in order to take our party back. They should only donate to candidates already GOP for years but not hard line GOP; middle GOP, close to their values.

Since as of yesterday 2016 is a complete hose down for dems, only a drooling idiot would put money on a three legged horse in the race. So the best way to use your money is to not spend it at all and simply tell hard left dem hijackers "you are not going to dictate to my party what our moral value system is". That way we "win" in 2016 and forever thereafter. Dem candidates AND current incumbents will take notice of starvation in campaign donations for anyone with a rainbow-cult voting record or open platform.

Sorry hard lefters. We're done. Out you go.
Texas has already started and I suspect you will see others follow suit. I agree with you comment on contributions to GOP candidates. Either stay with the platform or run as a dem

That's not what I said. I said dems like me in the middle should either not donate at all to ANY dem candidate (you wear the label, you starve) in order to take our party back. They should only donate to candidates already GOP for years but not hard line GOP; middle GOP, close to their values.

You're a dem? I'm sorry
You're a dem? I'm sorry
Be sorry for me for now. But not after middle dems starve our party into submission.. Because of yesterday we will lose 2016 by default. But we may win our party back.

All it takes is doing nothing. What could be easier? :popcorn:
You're a dem? I'm sorry
Be sorry for me for now. But not after middle dems starve our party into submission..

Well you're not the typical dem, you seem to have some common sense
No, see, that's where you're wrong. I AM the typical dem. That's why our party keeps losing. So many of us cross over at elections that elections are highly unpredictable depending on what nonsense our hard left hijackers are peddling that year. Obama only won because the GOP was offering worse fare. Obama vs McCain? Choice of two evils. Obama. Obama vs Romney? Same thing. The guy who is an affirmative action doofus or a guy famous for selling American jobs overseas. Doofus wins again.

If the GOP gets its shit together and moves toward the middle, they'd rule the world. But they have their extremist problems too and it always costs them every single time where they're sure they think they'll win this or that candidate in purple areas. The bulk of voters are right here with me. That's why you find elections so maddeningly unpredictable in these recent times. People are just getting plain old sick of insanity. So it causes waves and ripples where extremist-strategists were dead sure it would be a calm flat pond..
2016 is a complete loss for dems. Give your campaign donations to GOP middles just right of center. It's time to send a message to the morally-depraved hijackers of the dem party. Hispanic catholics, black and white southern dems, it's time to (not) put your money where your mouth is. It's as simple as can be. Protest by not donating a dime to democratic candidates until that nuisance-platform is purged.
2016 is a romp for Dems, given that fringe-right extremists like Sil here represent almost nobody.

The Republicans will be screaming hysterically about gays and blacks and Mexicans and terrorists. The Democrats will be talking about economic issues. That's why they'll romp.
2016 is a romp for Dems, given that fringe-right extremists like Sil here represent almost nobody.

The Republicans will be screaming hysterically about gays and blacks and Mexicans and terrorists. The Democrats will be talking about economic issues. That's why they'll romp.

Just like they "romped" in 2014 eh? Look for those results, only on steroids in 2016. Like I said, only a fool would give money to a democratic candidate at this point. You might as well throw your cash into an incinerator for all the good it's going to do betting it on a three legged horse like "dem prospects in 2016 post gay marriage-by-Royal-Decree/democrat Decrees"
2016 is a romp for Dems, given that fringe-right extremists like Sil here represent almost nobody.

The Republicans will be screaming hysterically about gays and blacks and Mexicans and terrorists. The Democrats will be talking about economic issues. That's why they'll romp.

Just like they "romped" in 2014 eh? Look for those results, only on steroids in 2016. Like I said, only a fool would give money to a democratic candidate at this point. You might as well throw your cash into an incinerator for all the good it's going to do betting it on a three legged horse like "dem prospects in 2016 post gay marriage-by-Royal-Decree/democrat Decrees"
Yeah, I get it.
You oppose full right of citizenship for gay folks.
Don't know your reasons and don't care. You support willful discrimination.
That's more than enough to exclude you from consideration as one with any worthwhile opinion.
Bleh, let'em pretend to be married. As long as they keep the lunacy away from me and our children I could care less what the mental misfits do
Re-read the OP. This is a powerful legal weapon just handed to a cult that is running unchecked across the rights of others. Not the least of which are adoptable orphans. Next stop: witholding federal funds from orphanges until they disgorge their wards to the guy in my signature. Don't believe me? Check the link in my signature..


Understand that no culture has ever survived such, because it demonstrates that objectivity has been bled from the highest levels of the culture, thus subjectivism now possesses the culture's leadership and subjectivism defines the culture.

And subjectivism heralds the end of any sense of justice... .

There is now absolutely no chance that the US will avoid full-blown civil war... .
Bleh, let'em pretend to be married. As long as they keep the lunacy away from me and our children I could care less what the mental misfits do
Re-read the OP. This is a powerful legal weapon just handed to a cult that is running unchecked across the rights of others. Not the least of which are adoptable orphans. Next stop: witholding federal funds from orphanges until they disgorge their wards to the guy in my signature. Don't believe me? Check the link in my signature..


Understand that no culture has ever survived such, because it demonstrates that objectivity has been bled from the highest levels of the culture, thus subjectivism now possesses the culture's leadership and subjectivism defines the culture.

And subjectivism heralds the end of any sense of justice... .

There is now absolutely no chance that the US will avoid full-blown civil war... .

Well, in wars the side that is armed usually wins :rolleyes:

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