Liar Trump Claims Credit For The Obama Boom. His Predecessor Reminds Us Of The Truth


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.
The Obama Boom

Ha. That's a new term I've never heard before. Never heard it ONCE while Obama was actually IN OFFICE. Is that the new Liberal Lie? Wait a few years, hope everyone has forgotten the truth then rewrite history in your favor?

If there was an Obama "Boom", it was the sound of the market breathing a sigh of relief on 11/08/16 when they finally knew Obama was heading out the door and the Hillardy Beast wouldn't be following behind him.
The Obama Boom

Ha. That's a new term I've never heard before. Never heard it ONCE while Obama was actually IN OFFICE. Is that the new Liberal Lie? Wait a few years, hope everyone has forgotten the truth then rewrite history in your favor?

If there was an Obama "Boom", it was the sound of the market breathing a sigh of relief on 11/08/16 when they finally knew Obama was heading out the door and the Hillardy Beast wouldn't be following behind him.

Oh I don't know, the markets loved Ear's pumping free money into the markets
Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.
Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.
Do you write standup?
Obama spent most of his time in the White House blaming his predecessor for his own failures, and now, he tries to take credit for his successor's successes.

Can anyone imagine Obama ever taking responsibility for his own failures or his own successes?
I think the economic policies you are referring to that bailed out the banks and held no one accountable for the housing crises were put in place by the outgoing Bush Administration. President Obama just nodded his head like a puppy dog bobblehead on the dashboard. Just like he nodded when everyone said a public option to healthcare insurance couldn't be done. Just like he nodded when Hillary and the rest of the warmongers took out Libya's leadership and opened a flood of African immigrants pouring into Europe. Or just like he nodded when his warmongering advisors told him it was a good idea to arm terrorist rebels in a civil war against Asad. Barry wasn't God., Dems. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.
Its actually a good thing Drumpf lied about this. He lies so much the fact checkers have unionized. They educate the general public to the fact that its been too soon for Drumpfs financial policies to evaluated. After November he can start claiming credit.
Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.
Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.

He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around.

His policies were so awesome, the recession ended in June 2009.
So what exactly did he do to turn around the economy so quickly?

Trump claims credit for the Obama boom

Boom? You mean the weakest recovery since WWII was a boom?
Then why, pray tell, did the economy suck all 8 years of the Typhoid Barry regime and it's now booming since he's been out of office for almost two years? Thrill me with your acumen, OP.

Even if what Old Purple Lips is lying about were true, the very fact that it took 8 years for the economy to thrive again proves him to be utterly incompetent. By his own lying words.
There was no "Obama boom".

Unless you count the explosions that took place in Benghazi that night.

Or all those gunshots in Chicago.
Then why, pray tell, did the economy suck all 8 years of the Typhoid Barry regime and it's now booming since he's been out of office for almost two years? Thrill me with your acumen, OP.

Even if what Old Purple Lips is lying about were true, the very fact that it took 8 years for the economy to thrive again proves him to be utterly incompetent. By his own lying words.

True. Barack Obama was the only President in American history to never have a year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate of just 1.48% was the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949.

In other words, he was a dismal failure. But he's more than willing to take credit for Trump's monumental success, just as he was blaming everyone else for his disastrous failures. What a lying worthless POS.
Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".
Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".
Obama is also the only president in modern history to inherit the most fucked up economy of modern history from repubs.
Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.
Obama proves the stereotype. Trying to steal Trumps success. Pathetic. Obama told us we should not expect the Trump miracles, but Trump proved how inept the Kenyan really was.

Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".
Obama is also the only president in modern history to inherit the most fucked up economy of modern history from repubs.

Dems contributed heavily to that fucked up economy. Slick Willie's awful housing policies and deregulation of the financial industry were both culprits. What happened in 2008 took years to come to fruition and more than two or three administrations
Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".
Obama is also the only president in modern history to inherit the most fucked up economy of modern history from repubs.
Give us a break with your sycophant devotion to the Kenyan!

1929 - 1941. The timeline of the Great Depression was from August 1929 to June 1938, almost 10 years. The economy started to shrink in August, months before the stock market crash in October. It began growing again in 1938, but unemployment remained above 10 percent until 1941.

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