Liar Trump Claims Credit For The Obama Boom. His Predecessor Reminds Us Of The Truth

Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".

If not for the support of the mainstream media, he would have been laughed out of town for even proposing such a ridiculous scheme, to use taxpayer money to buy up and gratuitously destroy valuable assets.

Only an extreme leftard thinks that it helps an economy to willfully destroy wealth.
Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".

I attribute it all to Trump's "magic wand" that Obama said he didn't have. :laughing0301:
Then why, pray tell, did the economy suck all 8 years of the Typhoid Barry regime and it's now booming since he's been out of office for almost two years? Thrill me with your acumen, OP.

Even if what Old Purple Lips is lying about were true, the very fact that it took 8 years for the economy to thrive again proves him to be utterly incompetent. By his own lying words.

True. Barack Obama was the only President in American history to never have a year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate of just 1.48% was the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949.

In other words, he was a dismal failure. But he's more than willing to take credit for Trump's monumental success, just as he was blaming everyone else for his disastrous failures. What a lying worthless POS.

If you read Obama's own autobiographical race-paranoia, we have never had a president with such a massive, 3rd-world chip on his shoulder against this country, so of course he didn't give a fuck about the economy, because he wanted to punish America for its "sins" and everything he did was about taking this country down a peg. Why do you think he gutted NASA? Because aerospace is one of the things America does best and Obama had a visibly allergic reaction to American success. Remember his bristling "you didn't build that" speech? Or the way he utterly ignored those 3 young Air Force heroes who took down a massively armed terrorist on that French train, saving hundreds of lives? Even liberal mess Hollande gave them an awards ceremony in which he personally pinned France's highest medal of honor to these boys' shirts. But Obama didn't give a fuck.
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Then why, pray tell, did the economy suck all 8 years of the Typhoid Barry regime and it's now booming since he's been out of office for almost two years? Thrill me with your acumen, OP.

Even if what Old Purple Lips is lying about were true, the very fact that it took 8 years for the economy to thrive again proves him to be utterly incompetent. By his own lying words.

True. Barack Obama was the only President in American history to never have a year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate of just 1.48% was the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949.

In other words, he was a dismal failure. But he's more than willing to take credit for Trump's monumental success, just as he was blaming everyone else for his disastrous failures. What a lying worthless POS.

If you read Obama's own autobiographical race-paranoia, we have never had a president with such a massive, 3-world chip on his shoulder against this country, so of course he didn't give a fuck about the economy, because he wanted to punish America for its "sins" and everything he did was about taking this country down a peg. Why do you think he gutted NASA? Because aerospace is one of the things America does best and Obama had a visibly allergic reaction to American success. Remember his bristling "you didn't build that" speech? Or the way he utterly ignored those 3 young Air Force heroes who took down a massively armed terrorist on that French train, saving hundreds of lives? Even liberal mess Hollande gave them an awards ceremony in which he personally pinned France's highest medal of honor to these boys' shirts. But Obama didn't give a fuck.

Nailed it. Thank you.
Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".
Obama is also the only president in modern history to inherit the most fucked up economy of modern history from repubs.

Dems contributed heavily to that fucked up economy. Slick Willie's awful housing policies and deregulation of the financial industry were both culprits. What happened in 2008 took years to come to fruition and more than two or three administrations
Slick Willy handed Bush a surplus. Youre forgetting your history.
Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".
Obama is also the only president in modern history to inherit the most fucked up economy of modern history from repubs.

Dems contributed heavily to that fucked up economy. Slick Willie's awful housing policies and deregulation of the financial industry were both culprits. What happened in 2008 took years to come to fruition and more than two or three administrations
Slick Willy handed Bush a surplus. Youre forgetting your history.

Ahh, but it was only after the GOP took control of the House and Senate, that they reigned that rapist in.
Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".
Obama is also the only president in modern history to inherit the most fucked up economy of modern history from repubs.

Dems contributed heavily to that fucked up economy. Slick Willie's awful housing policies and deregulation of the financial industry were both culprits. What happened in 2008 took years to come to fruition and more than two or three administrations
Slick Willy handed Bush a surplus. Youre forgetting your history.

Ahh, but it was only after the GOP took control of the House and Senate, that they reigned that rapist in.
Slick Willy raped someone?
Are we pretending that BOTH parties don't ALWAYS take credit for the good and blame the other guys for the bad?

Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".
Obama is also the only president in modern history to inherit the most fucked up economy of modern history from repubs.

Dems contributed heavily to that fucked up economy. Slick Willie's awful housing policies and deregulation of the financial industry were both culprits. What happened in 2008 took years to come to fruition and more than two or three administrations
Slick Willy handed Bush a surplus. Youre forgetting your history.

Ahh, but it was only after the GOP took control of the House and Senate, that they reigned that rapist in.
Slick Willy raped someone?

This is news to you? :laughing0301:
Obama is also the only president in modern history to inherit the most fucked up economy of modern history from repubs.

Dems contributed heavily to that fucked up economy. Slick Willie's awful housing policies and deregulation of the financial industry were both culprits. What happened in 2008 took years to come to fruition and more than two or three administrations
Slick Willy handed Bush a surplus. Youre forgetting your history.

Ahh, but it was only after the GOP took control of the House and Senate, that they reigned that rapist in.
Slick Willy raped someone?

This is news to you? :laughing0301:
Yes. Why isnt Slick Willy in prison if he raped someone?
Dems contributed heavily to that fucked up economy. Slick Willie's awful housing policies and deregulation of the financial industry were both culprits. What happened in 2008 took years to come to fruition and more than two or three administrations
Slick Willy handed Bush a surplus. Youre forgetting your history.

Ahh, but it was only after the GOP took control of the House and Senate, that they reigned that rapist in.
Slick Willy raped someone?

This is news to you? :laughing0301:
Yes. Why isnt Slick Willy in prison if he raped someone?

Yes. Why isn't Slick Willie in prison for raping those women?
Barack Obama is right..
The Recovery Started Before Obama Was Inaugurated
He Extended The Bush Tax Cuts
To Stave Off A Double-Dip Recession During His Term
Obama Stifled Today's Boom With Regulations And Taxation
(ACA Was Ruled A TAX)
With Obama Finally Out Of The Way
Trump Could Reverse Obama's Policies
Resulting In The Boom We See Today
...That SHOULD Have Happened Eight Years Ago
If It Hadn't Been For Obama And The Democrat Super Majority

And Obama Is Now Stumping To Take Credit
For What Obama And All The Experts Said Couldn't Be Done
But Trump Could Do, By Un-Doing Obama

Recession/Recovery Chart
Like It Or Don't
The Recovery Started In Dec. 2008 From Bush's Tarp
Print media & the Great Recession


Here's Obama Being Right
His 'Magic Wand' Theory Of Economics:

Obama's Magic Wand
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In reality, what do posters know about the economy. You find your links, I'll find mine and we'll meet at the OK Corral for a showdown. Republican vs. Democrat. In the meanwhile, the wealthiest of the wealthy are laughing all the way to the bank, knowing that the working class who got screwed are blaming each other for what's gone wrong.
In reality, what do posters know about the economy. You find your links, I'll find mine and we'll meet at the OK Corral for a showdown. Republican vs. Democrat. In the meanwhile, the wealthiest of the wealthy are laughing all the way to the bank, knowing that the working class who got screwed are blaming each other for what's gone wrong.

What's "gone wrong"? I mean besides Hillary losing the election?
Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.
Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.
Do you write standup?

Naw, he's just a garden variety leftist liar.
Think about it lefties. Obama is the only president in modern history not to reach 3% GDP in a yearly average in his two terms. Obama must have known the value of the GDP but he just couldn't do it in eight years. Black unemployment was a freaking crime during the Obama administration but he did nothing outside of drumming up anger against Police heroes and inviting OWS rabble to the White House. Face it lefties, Obama was a failure in every way and if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media he would have been laughed out of town after "Cash for Clunkers".
Obama is also the only president in modern history to inherit the most fucked up economy of modern history from repubs.

Dems contributed heavily to that fucked up economy. Slick Willie's awful housing policies and deregulation of the financial industry were both culprits. What happened in 2008 took years to come to fruition and more than two or three administrations
Slick Willy handed Bush a surplus. Youre forgetting your history.

No he didn't. Smoke, mirrors and slight of hand. I'm an economic major they teach it in school. You really should sit down now

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
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Barack Obama is right. He inherited the worst economy in almost a century, and his policies turned that economy around. He almost certainly would have had an even bigger impact had conservatives who then pretended to care about deficits—only to abandon that concern once they took over the federal government—not worked directly against his efforts.

Liar Trump claims credit for the Obama boom. His predecessor reminds us of the truth

The truth has a Liberal bias.
Well, shitforbrains. How’d you quoting the Kos moonbats panout for you?

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