Lib calls police on 9 year old for commenting about brownies

There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
Cookies were being passed around on the last day of school. The kid didn't know what brownies were so he said he didn't like the brown ones. Another student said that was racist. Off we go.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
Cookies were being passed around on the last day of school. The kid didn't know what brownies were so he said he didn't like the brown ones. Another student said that was racist. Off we go.
Every little bit of information helps.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
Cookies were being passed around on the last day of school. The kid didn't know what brownies were so he said he didn't like the brown ones. Another student said that was racist. Off we go.
Every little bit of information helps.

You still haven't answered, or I just missed it.

Do you concede that schools shouldn't be calling police over racist speech? Even REAL racist speech, let alone this made up bullshit?
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
Cookies were being passed around on the last day of school. The kid didn't know what brownies were so he said he didn't like the brown ones. Another student said that was racist. Off we go.
That's because you don't work with this population, which is why you should probably shut the hell up about these issues.

Yes, they split up ALL THE TIME for exactly this reason. I've worked their cases, and there are a LOT of them.

then if that's true most kids wouldn't be getting removed from their homes, and I have to wonder what the fuck it is you are bitching about exactly?

LULZ ideologues are so fun to slap around.

Again. Yes, children are removed often from families who refuse to do as they're told by child welfare...including refusing to stop contact with a partner who has been deemed, for whatever reason, to be a "danger" to the safety of the children.

Of course, the definition of "danger" can get pretty fuzzy, and child welfare workers LOVE to nail women for daring to have even telephone contact with their partners, and for allowing their children to have telephone contact that hasn't been "approved" by their dumbass workers.

Also you are operating under the false impression that there's always a good *reason* to bring a family under this crushing child welfare censure. Generally, the *reason* is that somebody the child welfare knows personally has an ax to grind.

You're "generally" statements don't persuade me. I'm sorry your children were removed from your home and now you are angery at CPS but that doesn't translate to all, or even a large portion of , all CPS agents are out removing kids from homes for no reason.

In fact it's actually a given that CPS agents are SO overwhelmed with cases that there are a lot of kids who are being mistreated and it doesn't get investigated because there simply isn't enough manpower.

My children have never been removed from my home, lol. I've worked in human services all my life, including residential treatment and detention where this is a common scenario.

Someone with your attitude and outlook on the world in human services. What a laugh.

You don't laugh when I end your snap benefits and call the fraud unit on you, lol.
Or when I testify before the court that you pose a threat to the community and yourself, and so should remain remanded. Or when I talk to your child welfare worker about who is living in your house. You cry like a little bitch then. Not a ho ho in sight, except the old hooker you keep on retainer.
Er..more logical fallacy. I didn't concede any of that, what a lying sack you are lol.

Let's play. You show me the post where I conceded anything.

And most kids aren't removed from 2 parent homes in the first place, dumbass. Most are removed from SINGLE parent homes. So your retarded and juvenile *argument* fails no matter which way you cut it. Like I said, this is only one of MANY scenarios that allows dumbass workers to break up families. You act like the only time a kid gets removed is when there are two parents and only one of them is allegedly *unfit*. That's asinine, and just so not true lololol. You maintain that because there are parents who are forbidden to see their children (which there are) then there should be no children in foster care, because (you seem to think) all children removed are removed only because parents refuse to split when only one is alleged to be a danger.

Or something like that. What a loon, cripes how do you wipe your ass without directions?

ALL children have two parents loon. Whether they are together or not. And don't you suppose that if the custodial parents proves to be unfit that the non custodial parent is probably the first place the state looks to place them?

But oh you keep pretending that there are hordes of federal agents out there just ripping kids away from families and placing them with strangers for no good fucking reason.

What an idiot you are.

I didn't say children didn't have two parents, you sad imbecile. I said they didn't all come from two parent homes.

Sad, obviously you have limited capacity.
Very limited.

I deal with limited capacity people a lot and I feel like I need to go and surround myself with them as a BREAK from this retard.

You ARE a limited capacity person dear.

Here's your argument

" a lot of time CPS can't find family to take these kids in, why the fuck does CPS not place these kids with family?"

LOL you're a moron. I guarantee you that CPS would rather in EVER case 1. Keep nuclear families intact 2. Place children with distant family members and 3. Place children with strangers. whenever feasible. No CPS agent is sitting around in the morning thinking "mehehehehehehe I hope I can rip some woman's kids out of her house and place them with a complete stranger for no fucking reason at all today"

And I just caught another of your idiocies..that cps workers are FEDERAL workers..only of course you attributed that bit of stupidity to me (and I certainly never said anything about federal agents taking children, wtf)....yet another dim witted attempt to inject fantasy as fact on your part.

I also never said this: "... why the fuck does CPS not place these kids with family?"

You're a fucking moron. It doesn't get much simpler than that.
ALL children have two parents loon. Whether they are together or not. And don't you suppose that if the custodial parents proves to be unfit that the non custodial parent is probably the first place the state looks to place them?

But oh you keep pretending that there are hordes of federal agents out there just ripping kids away from families and placing them with strangers for no good fucking reason.

What an idiot you are.

I didn't say children didn't have two parents, you sad imbecile. I said they didn't all come from two parent homes.

Sad, obviously you have limited capacity.
Very limited.

I deal with limited capacity people a lot and I feel like I need to go and surround myself with them as a BREAK from this retard.

You ARE a limited capacity person dear.

Here's your argument

" a lot of time CPS can't find family to take these kids in, why the fuck does CPS not place these kids with family?"

LOL you're a moron. I guarantee you that CPS would rather in EVER case 1. Keep nuclear families intact 2. Place children with distant family members and 3. Place children with strangers. whenever feasible. No CPS agent is sitting around in the morning thinking "mehehehehehehe I hope I can rip some woman's kids out of her house and place them with a complete stranger for no fucking reason at all today"

And I just caught another of your idiocies..that cps workers are FEDERAL workers..only of course you attributed that bit of stupidity to me (and I certainly never said anything about federal agents taking children, wtf)....yet another dim witted attempt to inject fantasy as fact on your part.

I also never said this: "... why the fuck does CPS not place these kids with family?"

You're a fucking moron. It doesn't get much simpler than that.

How many times do you intend to expose your stupidity in one day? Child Protective Services (or DHS in some states) is a STATE agency that is partially funded by the feds, but the employees of said agency are most definitely STATE employees, not federal employees.

There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
Cookies were being passed around on the last day of school. The kid didn't know what brownies were so he said he didn't like the brown ones. Another student said that was racist. Off we go.
Every little bit of information helps.

You still haven't answered, or I just missed it.

Do you concede that schools shouldn't be calling police over racist speech? Even REAL racist speech, let alone this made up bullshit?
On third graders? Of course they shouldn't. However, those posters who were leaping into the deep end of the pool, condemning liberal teachers, blah blah blah, before knowing what was going on were also wrong. The school was apparently told they legally had to do this shit. Now that the parents have made enough noise, it sounds as if the prosecutor's office is backing off. I don't think little kids are going to be afraid of a cop asking them a couple questions; cops are gentle with little kids. Some kids probably would think it was cool as hell. It's not as big a hairy deal as some would like to make it out to be. But cops have much better things to do with their time. Of course it's nonsense to handle it as if a law had been broken. If Tipsycat has the actual statement the kid made, all it would take is two minutes with these two kids to work out the misunderstanding and get them to be friends again.

To be honest, if I was a teacher there, I don't think I could do it. Then, of course, the kid who was offended would go home and rat me out to his mother, and then the mother would complain to the principal, and then I'd get fired among allegations of being racist, but I don't think I could do it.
I didn't say children didn't have two parents, you sad imbecile. I said they didn't all come from two parent homes.

Sad, obviously you have limited capacity.
Very limited.

I deal with limited capacity people a lot and I feel like I need to go and surround myself with them as a BREAK from this retard.

You ARE a limited capacity person dear.

Here's your argument

" a lot of time CPS can't find family to take these kids in, why the fuck does CPS not place these kids with family?"

LOL you're a moron. I guarantee you that CPS would rather in EVER case 1. Keep nuclear families intact 2. Place children with distant family members and 3. Place children with strangers. whenever feasible. No CPS agent is sitting around in the morning thinking "mehehehehehehe I hope I can rip some woman's kids out of her house and place them with a complete stranger for no fucking reason at all today"

And I just caught another of your idiocies..that cps workers are FEDERAL workers..only of course you attributed that bit of stupidity to me (and I certainly never said anything about federal agents taking children, wtf)....yet another dim witted attempt to inject fantasy as fact on your part.

I also never said this: "... why the fuck does CPS not place these kids with family?"

You're a fucking moron. It doesn't get much simpler than that.

How many times do you intend to expose your stupidity in one day? Child Protective Services (or DHS in some states) is a STATE agency that is partially funded by the feds, but the employees of said agency are most definitely STATE employees, not federal employees.



We are truly in retard land and you are the king and queen. Adios talking to you is like trying to have a conversation with an earwig.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
Cookies were being passed around on the last day of school. The kid didn't know what brownies were so he said he didn't like the brown ones. Another student said that was racist. Off we go.
Every little bit of information helps.

You still haven't answered, or I just missed it.

Do you concede that schools shouldn't be calling police over racist speech? Even REAL racist speech, let alone this made up bullshit?
On third graders? Of course they shouldn't. However, those posters who were leaping into the deep end of the pool, condemning liberal teachers, blah blah blah, before knowing what was going on were also wrong. The school was apparently told they legally had to do this shit. Now that the parents have made enough noise, it sounds as if the prosecutor's office is backing off. I don't think little kids are going to be afraid of a cop asking them a couple questions; cops are gentle with little kids. Some kids probably would think it was cool as hell. It's not as big a hairy deal as some would like to make it out to be. But cops have much better things to do with their time. Of course it's nonsense to handle it as if a law had been broken. If Tipsycat has the actual statement the kid made, all it would take is two minutes with these two kids to work out the misunderstanding and get them to be friends again.

To be honest, if I was a teacher there, I don't think I could do it. Then, of course, the kid who was offended would go home and rat me out to his mother, and then the mother would complain to the principal, and then I'd get fired among allegations of being racist, but I don't think I could do it.

I would have been fired to, for laughing in the little third grader's face when he cried racism.
That the police came out on this bit of BS might be laughable. The police come out as many as five times a DAY to this school district for the same kind of nonsense and that is serious
then if that's true most kids wouldn't be getting removed from their homes, and I have to wonder what the fuck it is you are bitching about exactly?

LULZ ideologues are so fun to slap around.

Again. Yes, children are removed often from families who refuse to do as they're told by child welfare...including refusing to stop contact with a partner who has been deemed, for whatever reason, to be a "danger" to the safety of the children.

Of course, the definition of "danger" can get pretty fuzzy, and child welfare workers LOVE to nail women for daring to have even telephone contact with their partners, and for allowing their children to have telephone contact that hasn't been "approved" by their dumbass workers.

Also you are operating under the false impression that there's always a good *reason* to bring a family under this crushing child welfare censure. Generally, the *reason* is that somebody the child welfare knows personally has an ax to grind.

You're "generally" statements don't persuade me. I'm sorry your children were removed from your home and now you are angery at CPS but that doesn't translate to all, or even a large portion of , all CPS agents are out removing kids from homes for no reason.

In fact it's actually a given that CPS agents are SO overwhelmed with cases that there are a lot of kids who are being mistreated and it doesn't get investigated because there simply isn't enough manpower.

My children have never been removed from my home, lol. I've worked in human services all my life, including residential treatment and detention where this is a common scenario.

Someone with your attitude and outlook on the world in human services. What a laugh.

You don't laugh when I end your snap benefits and call the fraud unit on you, lol.
Or when I testify before the court that you pose a threat to the community and yourself, and so should remain remanded. Or when I talk to your child welfare worker about who is living in your house. You cry like a little bitch then. Not a ho ho in sight, except the old hooker you keep on retainer.
Ah, the glory of having power over others. It is people like you that give social services a bad name.
I don't know why you keep quoting me. I took your side is there a problem you wish to clear up with me specifically?
That the police came out on this bit of BS might be laughable. The police come out as many as five times a DAY to this school district for the same kind of nonsense and that is serious
You're an attorney. Why would the prosecutor's office want such an arrangement? Can't the cops say NO to who they respond to? This was one messed up situation.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
Cookies were being passed around on the last day of school. The kid didn't know what brownies were so he said he didn't like the brown ones. Another student said that was racist. Off we go.
Every little bit of information helps.

You still haven't answered, or I just missed it.

Do you concede that schools shouldn't be calling police over racist speech? Even REAL racist speech, let alone this made up bullshit?
On third graders? Of course they shouldn't. However, those posters who were leaping into the deep end of the pool, condemning liberal teachers, blah blah blah, before knowing what was going on were also wrong. The school was apparently told they legally had to do this shit. Now that the parents have made enough noise, it sounds as if the prosecutor's office is backing off. I don't think little kids are going to be afraid of a cop asking them a couple questions; cops are gentle with little kids. Some kids probably would think it was cool as hell. It's not as big a hairy deal as some would like to make it out to be. But cops have much better things to do with their time. Of course it's nonsense to handle it as if a law had been broken. If Tipsycat has the actual statement the kid made, all it would take is two minutes with these two kids to work out the misunderstanding and get them to be friends again.

To be honest, if I was a teacher there, I don't think I could do it. Then, of course, the kid who was offended would go home and rat me out to his mother, and then the mother would complain to the principal, and then I'd get fired among allegations of being racist, but I don't think I could do it.

Calm down and think! There is a significant problem if one kid says "I don't like the brown one" and the other kid promptly calls it racist. Then the damn school calls the cops. Shit, traumatized a little kid why don't you.
Again. Yes, children are removed often from families who refuse to do as they're told by child welfare...including refusing to stop contact with a partner who has been deemed, for whatever reason, to be a "danger" to the safety of the children.

Of course, the definition of "danger" can get pretty fuzzy, and child welfare workers LOVE to nail women for daring to have even telephone contact with their partners, and for allowing their children to have telephone contact that hasn't been "approved" by their dumbass workers.

Also you are operating under the false impression that there's always a good *reason* to bring a family under this crushing child welfare censure. Generally, the *reason* is that somebody the child welfare knows personally has an ax to grind.

You're "generally" statements don't persuade me. I'm sorry your children were removed from your home and now you are angery at CPS but that doesn't translate to all, or even a large portion of , all CPS agents are out removing kids from homes for no reason.

In fact it's actually a given that CPS agents are SO overwhelmed with cases that there are a lot of kids who are being mistreated and it doesn't get investigated because there simply isn't enough manpower.

My children have never been removed from my home, lol. I've worked in human services all my life, including residential treatment and detention where this is a common scenario.

Someone with your attitude and outlook on the world in human services. What a laugh.

You don't laugh when I end your snap benefits and call the fraud unit on you, lol.
Or when I testify before the court that you pose a threat to the community and yourself, and so should remain remanded. Or when I talk to your child welfare worker about who is living in your house. You cry like a little bitch then. Not a ho ho in sight, except the old hooker you keep on retainer.
Ah, the glory of having power over others. It is people like you that give social services a bad name.

No, it's old stupid reprobates like you, who aren't smart enough to succeed and have no concept of the legality, constitutionality, or ethical considerations of their own stupid interference, who give social services a bad name. You fucking ideologues who think that if a person who earns more than you tells you to do something, no matter what it is, you should do it! And likewise, anybody that earns less than you must do what you say! And so on and so forth.

Not that it matters, your dumb ass got fired anyway. You approve of the fucking system, yet you aren't smart enough to successfully work for it. You're probably drawing SSI for fucking carpal tunnel syndrome.
That the police came out on this bit of BS might be laughable. The police come out as many as five times a DAY to this school district for the same kind of nonsense and that is serious
You're an attorney. Why would the prosecutor's office want such an arrangement? Can't the cops say NO to who they respond to? This was one messed up situation.

Because they want increased militarized oversight of elementary school children and a way to interject themselves into families they aren't able to tap into any other way. Why the fuck do you think they want it?
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
Cookies were being passed around on the last day of school. The kid didn't know what brownies were so he said he didn't like the brown ones. Another student said that was racist. Off we go.
Ironically, now the kid has good cause to hate both kinds of brownies.
Again. Yes, children are removed often from families who refuse to do as they're told by child welfare...including refusing to stop contact with a partner who has been deemed, for whatever reason, to be a "danger" to the safety of the children.

Of course, the definition of "danger" can get pretty fuzzy, and child welfare workers LOVE to nail women for daring to have even telephone contact with their partners, and for allowing their children to have telephone contact that hasn't been "approved" by their dumbass workers.

Also you are operating under the false impression that there's always a good *reason* to bring a family under this crushing child welfare censure. Generally, the *reason* is that somebody the child welfare knows personally has an ax to grind.

You're "generally" statements don't persuade me. I'm sorry your children were removed from your home and now you are angery at CPS but that doesn't translate to all, or even a large portion of , all CPS agents are out removing kids from homes for no reason.

In fact it's actually a given that CPS agents are SO overwhelmed with cases that there are a lot of kids who are being mistreated and it doesn't get investigated because there simply isn't enough manpower.

My children have never been removed from my home, lol. I've worked in human services all my life, including residential treatment and detention where this is a common scenario.

Someone with your attitude and outlook on the world in human services. What a laugh.

You don't laugh when I end your snap benefits and call the fraud unit on you, lol.
Or when I testify before the court that you pose a threat to the community and yourself, and so should remain remanded. Or when I talk to your child welfare worker about who is living in your house. You cry like a little bitch then. Not a ho ho in sight, except the old hooker you keep on retainer.
Ah, the glory of having power over others. It is people like you that give social services a bad name.
Yet you're the one defending that power. You're generally confused and rarely know what's going on around you, right?

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