Lib calls police on 9 year old for commenting about brownies

That the police came out on this bit of BS might be laughable. The police come out as many as five times a DAY to this school district for the same kind of nonsense and that is serious
You're an attorney. Why would the prosecutor's office want such an arrangement? Can't the cops say NO to who they respond to? This was one messed up situation.

Because they want increased militarized oversight of elementary school children and a way to interject themselves into families they aren't able to tap into any other way. Why the fuck do you think they want it?
Since when did you become Tipsycat? I already know what wild shit YOU think is behind this. I'd like to hear from someone with at least one foot on the ground, please.
You're "generally" statements don't persuade me. I'm sorry your children were removed from your home and now you are angery at CPS but that doesn't translate to all, or even a large portion of , all CPS agents are out removing kids from homes for no reason.

In fact it's actually a given that CPS agents are SO overwhelmed with cases that there are a lot of kids who are being mistreated and it doesn't get investigated because there simply isn't enough manpower.

My children have never been removed from my home, lol. I've worked in human services all my life, including residential treatment and detention where this is a common scenario.

Someone with your attitude and outlook on the world in human services. What a laugh.

You don't laugh when I end your snap benefits and call the fraud unit on you, lol.
Or when I testify before the court that you pose a threat to the community and yourself, and so should remain remanded. Or when I talk to your child welfare worker about who is living in your house. You cry like a little bitch then. Not a ho ho in sight, except the old hooker you keep on retainer.
Ah, the glory of having power over others. It is people like you that give social services a bad name.

No, it's old stupid reprobates like you, who aren't smart enough to succeed and have no concept of the legality, constitutionality, or ethical considerations of their own stupid interference, who give social services a bad name. You fucking ideologues who think that if a person who earns more than you tells you to do something, no matter what it is, you should do it! And likewise, anybody that earns less than you must do what you say! And so on and so forth.

Not that it matters, your dumb ass got fired anyway. You approve of the fucking system, yet you aren't smart enough to successfully work for it. You're probably drawing SSI for fucking carpal tunnel syndrome.
Even worse, by your sights, I'm teaching.
You're "generally" statements don't persuade me. I'm sorry your children were removed from your home and now you are angery at CPS but that doesn't translate to all, or even a large portion of , all CPS agents are out removing kids from homes for no reason.

In fact it's actually a given that CPS agents are SO overwhelmed with cases that there are a lot of kids who are being mistreated and it doesn't get investigated because there simply isn't enough manpower.

My children have never been removed from my home, lol. I've worked in human services all my life, including residential treatment and detention where this is a common scenario.

Someone with your attitude and outlook on the world in human services. What a laugh.

You don't laugh when I end your snap benefits and call the fraud unit on you, lol.
Or when I testify before the court that you pose a threat to the community and yourself, and so should remain remanded. Or when I talk to your child welfare worker about who is living in your house. You cry like a little bitch then. Not a ho ho in sight, except the old hooker you keep on retainer.
Ah, the glory of having power over others. It is people like you that give social services a bad name.
Yet you're the one defending that power. You're generally confused and rarely know what's going on around you, right?
You haven't bothered to read my posts, I think. I was defending kids when I had that job.
My children have never been removed from my home, lol. I've worked in human services all my life, including residential treatment and detention where this is a common scenario.

Someone with your attitude and outlook on the world in human services. What a laugh.

You don't laugh when I end your snap benefits and call the fraud unit on you, lol.
Or when I testify before the court that you pose a threat to the community and yourself, and so should remain remanded. Or when I talk to your child welfare worker about who is living in your house. You cry like a little bitch then. Not a ho ho in sight, except the old hooker you keep on retainer.
Ah, the glory of having power over others. It is people like you that give social services a bad name.
Yet you're the one defending that power. You're generally confused and rarely know what's going on around you, right?
You haven't bothered to read my posts, I think. I was defending kids when I had that job.
I understood your posts just fine. I know that your invincible ignorance is fueled by the fear that you haven't made a damn difference in any child's life and in fact in many cases you just made things worse. If I had that kind of track record, I would lie to myself too.
I couldn't even tell if the kid actually made a racist article upon browsing that article. I miss something?
No. It was a lousy article. That was my point. However, posters started linking articles with more information about half-way through the thread. According to another poster, the kid apparently said "I don't like the brown ones" when handed a plate of cookies and brownies. Happy reading!
Someone with your attitude and outlook on the world in human services. What a laugh.

You don't laugh when I end your snap benefits and call the fraud unit on you, lol.
Or when I testify before the court that you pose a threat to the community and yourself, and so should remain remanded. Or when I talk to your child welfare worker about who is living in your house. You cry like a little bitch then. Not a ho ho in sight, except the old hooker you keep on retainer.
Ah, the glory of having power over others. It is people like you that give social services a bad name.
Yet you're the one defending that power. You're generally confused and rarely know what's going on around you, right?
You haven't bothered to read my posts, I think. I was defending kids when I had that job.
I understood your posts just fine. I know that your invincible ignorance is fueled by the fear that you haven't made a damn difference in any child's life and in fact in many cases you just made things worse. If I had that kind of track record, I would lie to myself too.
People with such a deep seated need to be vile, while having absolutely no clue what they're talking about, are what we used to call bullies. They sat on the back of the bus and made the little kids cry. I've never understood what is so pleasurable about that, but it apparently feels good to you, does it? Grow up.
I couldn't even tell if the kid actually made a racist article upon browsing that article. I miss something?
No. It was a lousy article. That was my point. However, posters started linking articles with more information about half-way through the thread. According to another poster, the kid apparently said "I don't like the brown ones" when handed a plate of cookies and brownies. Happy reading!

Sounds like innuendo. But even still; we should not be literally calling the police for words out of a nine year old's mouth. That's a straight up police state.
I couldn't even tell if the kid actually made a racist article upon browsing that article. I miss something?
No. It was a lousy article. That was my point. However, posters started linking articles with more information about half-way through the thread. According to another poster, the kid apparently said "I don't like the brown ones" when handed a plate of cookies and brownies. Happy reading!

Sounds like innuendo. But even still; we should not be literally calling the police for words out of a nine year old's mouth. That's a straight up police state.
Like I said, keep reading. The police and the school board both strenuously objected to this policy, but it was implemented anyway by the prosecutor's office for some strange yet to be justified reason. I agree it's ridiculous, at least based on what we know. I didn't even know it was against the law to utter actual racist speech. Now, as a student in school, you'll likely get your ass chewed for it, but arrested? At 8 years old?
That the police came out on this bit of BS might be laughable. The police come out as many as five times a DAY to this school district for the same kind of nonsense and that is serious
You're an attorney. Why would the prosecutor's office want such an arrangement? Can't the cops say NO to who they respond to? This was one messed up situation.

Because they want increased militarized oversight of elementary school children and a way to interject themselves into families they aren't able to tap into any other way. Why the fuck do you think they want it?
Since when did you become Tipsycat? I already know what wild shit YOU think is behind this. I'd like to hear from someone with at least one foot on the ground, please.
If you are asking me. I have no idea what is behind this insanity. It seems to be the accusation of racism. Once another child said racist some zero tolerance policy took over. Police have to go if they are called. They don't get to pick and choose.

Children are no longer taught what words mean. They throw out words like racist, sexist, homophobic like they know what these words mean. Obviously this third grader doesn't know what the word racist means or he would know that cookies cannot be the subject of racism. The school is so afraid of being sued, they have lost their good sense.
I couldn't even tell if the kid actually made a racist article upon browsing that article. I miss something?
No. It was a lousy article. That was my point. However, posters started linking articles with more information about half-way through the thread. According to another poster, the kid apparently said "I don't like the brown ones" when handed a plate of cookies and brownies. Happy reading!

Sounds like innuendo. But even still; we should not be literally calling the police for words out of a nine year old's mouth. That's a straight up police state.
Like I said, keep reading. The police and the school board both strenuously objected to this policy, but it was implemented anyway by the prosecutor's office for some strange yet to be justified reason. I agree it's ridiculous, at least based on what we know. I didn't even know it was against the law to utter actual racist speech. Now, as a student in school, you'll likely get your ass chewed for it, but arrested? At 8 years old?

The police don't take orders from prosecutors as it comes to enforcing the law. Nor do prosecutors make laws.
Is not liking brownies actual racist speech?

Station a cop at every Baskin Robbins to arrest everyone that orders vanilla ice cream.
Muslim kid makes a simulated bomb, brings it to school, gets congratulations from the WH.

American kid says "brownies" in school, gets interrogated for racial extremism.
It was a CLOCK

Your partisan slip is showing.

Obviously that was more than a clock.

So if they thought it was a bomb, why did the teacher not call the cops right away? They took it from him and reported it to the principal?

But the English teacher kept the clock, and during sixth period, Mohamed was pulled out of class by the principal and a police officer. They took him to a room where four other officers were waiting. When he entered, one officer leaned back in his chair and said, “That’s who I thought it was,” Mohamed told MSNBC.

‘They thought it was a bomb': 9th-grader arrested after bringing a home-built clock to school

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Police Called Over 'Racist' Brownies? Seems to be a lot of details missing, like what was actually said.
What was said is that the child didn't know what brownies were called so when he was passed the cookies, he said he didn't like the brown ones. It would have been no different had he said he didn't like brownies.
I haven't read every post. Was there another article cited, because the one in the OP says nothing of the sort?

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