'Liberal Activist' Admits to Bugging Mitch McConnell's Office


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
So why hasn't he been arrested and charged yet?

Where is Holder and the DOJ on this?

'Liberal Activist' Admits to Bugging Mitch McConnell's Office | The Weekly Standard

Writing for Salon, Curtis Morrison, a self-titled "liberal activist," admits to bugging Mitch McConnell's office. He claims to have been inspired by Julian Assange and claims, "If given another chance to record him, I’d do it again."

"Earlier this year, I secretly made an audio recording of Sen. Mitch McConnell, the most powerful Republican on the planet, at his campaign headquarters in Kentucky. The released portion of the recording clocks in at less than 12 minutes, but those few minutes changed my life," writes Morrison.

I leaked the recording to Mother Jones, which published it with a transcript and analysis in April, and over the days that followed, blogs and cable news shows lit up with the revelations from that one meeting. At the time, McConnell was prepping for a race against the actress Ashley Judd — it was “the Whac-a-Mole stage of the campaign,” McConnell said smugly — and the recording captures his team in some Grade-A jackassery, including plans to use Judd’s history of depression against her.

But also up for debate was the the ethics of the audio recording itself. Here’s the latest: An assistant U.S. attorney, Brian Calhoun, telephoned my attorney yesterday, asking to meet with him next Friday as charges against me are being presented to a grand jury.

In a technology age marked by vigilante heroes like Julian Assange and Anonymous, the line between journalism and espionage has grown thin. McConnell was quick to frame himself as the victim of a crime, which was to be expected. It was the guilty repositioning of a politician who has been caught being craven.

Here's how describes himself: "I’m a liberal activist in Kentucky. I’m also a citizen journalist — at least I used to be — because I don’t subscribe to the lie that activism and journalism can be separated. Howard Zinn wrote,“You can’t be neutral on a moving train.” That’s how I see it: Journalism is a moving train, and we all choose which perspectives to bring along on the ride. Needless to say, journalists tend not to like me."

And here's where he claims Julian Assange as inspiration: "It was a frustrating moment, but in truth, I’ve never doubted that making the recording was ethical. I believe in the philosophy of Julian Assange: When we open up governments, we bring in freedom. Helping the voting population better understand a political leader’s true priorities is a good thing. And hell yes, it’s ethical."

And so much for Mother Jones' claim that the material was legally gotten by a staffer.
Republicans would do the nation a world of good if they started treating these incidents like the enemy attacks they are. This is war, get with it.
look RW nutbags, Landraeu's office got bugged, and I doubt one you gave a rat's ass. Bugging McConnell was wrong. If you're too damn thick to notice there is no difference, blame yourselves, not me. Take some personal responsibility.
So why hasn't he been arrested and charged yet?

Did you not read your own link?

To wit:
Here’s the latest: An assistant U.S. attorney, Brian Calhoun, telephoned my attorney yesterday, asking to meet with him next Friday as charges against me are being presented to a grand jury.

And so much for Mother Jones' claim that the material was legally gotten by a staffer.

Mother Jones never claimed they got the tape from a staffer.

We were not involved in the making of the tape, but it is our understanding that the tape was not the product of any kind of bugging operation. We cannot comment beyond that, except to say that under the circumstances, our publication of the article is both legal and protected by the First Amendment.

Secret Tape: McConnell and Aides Weighed Using Judd's Mental Health and Religion As Political Ammo | Mother Jones

They were incorrect in their understanding this was not from a bugging operation.

You can listen to the recording here: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ_22zTtTgU]Sen. Mitch McConnell Campaign Headquarters Recording - YouTube[/ame]

And this whole thing reminds me of those O'Keefe "undercover" tapings, as I am sure it does others.

McConnell and his staff were caught being complete dicks on tape.

But as the bugging was illegal, the weasel who committed this crime should be prosecuted.
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briebart and o'keefe. And yes, I thought they should have been prosecuted for something. anything, lol

Its okay for incompetent rw's to literally change the words said by their lib enemies. That's different and completely defended by rw idiots.

The real question here is, why did he choose Old Turtleneck? That old dinosaur is pretty much waiting around to be re-embalmed. In between his incessant and endless TAX PAID vacations, he just reads from his long list of lies.
How was the recording made? What sort of device was used? Is this fellow a surveillance technician?

I wouldn't have thought congressional offices were that vulnerable.
briebart and o'keefe. And yes, I thought they should have been prosecuted for something. anything, lol

Prehaps you have links to where they bugged an office?

Otherwise, you are simply attempting to make a moral equilavence argument that wouldn't stand up to a baby's breath.
How was the recording made? What sort of device was used? Is this fellow a surveillance technician?

I wouldn't have thought congressional offices were that vulnerable.

I have a device I can place on the outside of an office wall and pick up a conversation clearly.

No penetration or tricky wiring or anything. Piece of cake.

Congressional campaign offices are rental spaces just like any other office space. I've worked on a campaign or two, and you'd be surprised how frankly people speak around those offices. Shit that would lose elections in a heartbeat if they ever came to light. The stuff on the McConnell tape is almost tame, and certainly not the exception.

In fact, I quit politicking for a long time precisely because I heard more than enough of that crap to last a lifetime. This is why I speak so frequently about cleaning our own house. The GOP has been infected by a tsumami of shit.
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briebart and o'keefe. And yes, I thought they should have been prosecuted for something. anything, lol

What would you have had them prosecuted for? The last I checked what they did was not a crime in fact undercover hidden camera stings like that were being done long before anyone ever knew who Briebart was or O'Keefe was even born.
So why hasn't he been arrested and charged yet?

Did you not read your own link?

To wit:
Here’s the latest: An assistant U.S. attorney, Brian Calhoun, telephoned my attorney yesterday, asking to meet with him next Friday as charges against me are being presented to a grand jury.

And so much for Mother Jones' claim that the material was legally gotten by a staffer.

Mother Jones never claimed they got the tape from a staffer.

We were not involved in the making of the tape, but it is our understanding that the tape was not the product of any kind of bugging operation. We cannot comment beyond that, except to say that under the circumstances, our publication of the article is both legal and protected by the First Amendment.

Secret Tape: McConnell and Aides Weighed Using Judd's Mental Health and Religion As Political Ammo | Mother Jones

They were incorrect in their understanding this was not from a bugging operation.

You can listen to the recording here: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ_22zTtTgU]Sen. Mitch McConnell Campaign Headquarters Recording - YouTube[/ame]

And this whole thing reminds me of those O'Keefe "undercover" tapings, as I am sure it does others.

McConnell and his staff were caught being complete dicks on tape.

But as the bugging was illegal, the weasel who committed this crime should be prosecuted.

Um..that may be a problem.

As the "bugging" probably wasn't illegal.

The front door to the office building was unlocked, and there was no one behind the reception desk. Walking down the hall of the second floor, I recognized McConnell’s voice. He was talking about Sen. Rand Paul’s strategic use of the Tea Party in procuring his 2010 election.

The voices were coming from the other side of a nearby door, which had a window. I pulled out my Flip camera and started to record.
Why I secretly recorded Mitch McConnell - Salon.com

He was outside the office.
briebart and o'keefe. And yes, I thought they should have been prosecuted for something. anything, lol

What would you have had them prosecuted for? The last I checked what they did was not a crime in fact undercover hidden camera stings like that were being done long before anyone ever knew who Briebart was or O'Keefe was even born.

O'Keefe disguised himself as a telephone repairman.

His plan was to pose as a telephone repairman to investigate claims that Landrieu’s staff ignored constituent calls. But O’Keefe and three associates were arrested instead.

Originally charged with a felony, he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of entering federal property under false pretenses and eventually was sentenced to three years’ probation, 100 hours of community service and a $1,500 fine.
James O'Keefe advises 'don't get caught' after brush with law - Los Angeles Times

He's a criminal.
briebart and o'keefe. And yes, I thought they should have been prosecuted for something. anything, lol

What would you have had them prosecuted for? The last I checked what they did was not a crime in fact undercover hidden camera stings like that were being done long before anyone ever knew who Briebart was or O'Keefe was even born.

O'Keefe disguised himself as a telephone repairman.

His plan was to pose as a telephone repairman to investigate claims that Landrieu’s staff ignored constituent calls. But O’Keefe and three associates were arrested instead.

Originally charged with a felony, he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of entering federal property under false pretenses and eventually was sentenced to three years’ probation, 100 hours of community service and a $1,500 fine.
James O'Keefe advises 'don't get caught' after brush with law - Los Angeles Times

He's a criminal.

Where is the crime in playing "Dress up"?

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