Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

no, you're incorrect about that.

the releasing of proprietary data, in breach of contract, would necessarily have to come along with the company's name or the information is irrelevant to begin with.

He could falsify the numbers to represent a close scenario, even. Stop bullshitting.

Excuse are 100% wrong.

If I had the formula for Coca-Cola and I posted it as the formula for a great tasting soda...not using the word Coca-Cola...and I was in contract with Coke.....I would be in breach of contract. offense...but you are acting childish now...saying things as fact that you have no idea about.

The formula for a product has nothing with what we're talking about. Which is why you used it.

We're not talking about a company's secret formula. We're talking about a Balance sheet. We're talking about a guy stating that Obamacare will bankrupt his company. were the one who said I was bulshitting about "proprietary information" I gave you another example.

Typical shit....not interested in this type of a is turning into a shit show.

not to mention the 35% tax breal on the ACA payments, and the kick back from the insurance company.

Insurance company kick back to a small business owner. lol

You have no clue idiot. Thanks for showing you have no place in the discussion.

I have to go, I'm closing a car deal.
Excuse are 100% wrong.

If I had the formula for Coca-Cola and I posted it as the formula for a great tasting soda...not using the word Coca-Cola...and I was in contract with Coke.....I would be in breach of contract. offense...but you are acting childish now...saying things as fact that you have no idea about.

The formula for a product has nothing with what we're talking about. Which is why you used it.

We're not talking about a company's secret formula. We're talking about a Balance sheet. We're talking about a guy stating that Obamacare will bankrupt his company. were the one who said I was bulshitting about "proprietary information" I gave you another example.

Typical shit....not interested in this type of a is turning into a shit show.


Bye bye.
not to mention the 35% tax breal on the ACA payments, and the kick back from the insurance company.

Insurance company kick back to a small business owner. lol

You have no clue idiot. Thanks for showing you have no place in the discussion.

I have to go, I'm closing a car deal.

^^didn't read the bill but still has gaul to speak on it ^^
I cant wait to see a Business owner who has really crunched the numbers, and is not just secretly bloviating or listening to hysteria.

I want to see some hard data from someone who is going to be bankrupt because of Obamacare. I'll fight hard against Obamacare if this is some widespread phenomena that actually has a factual basis in raw data.
Papa john's put out some data, I think they said they have to increase the price per pizza by fifteen cents.

Lemme see.

*goes to papa john's site*

1.36% increase.

Not only that, but bankrupt the whole operation, lol.

I'm no fan of the ACA but I don't buy this shit. This law might be a deterrent in some ways but it's not THIS bad.

And if it is THIS bad, I'd need to see some hard data to believe such.

I think these gay life partner business owners need to reevaluate the way they're running their business.
So I have to share this because it really pisses me off. So I manage a business for two owners who are absolutely fabulous people...I mean wonderful people and I love them to death...but they are flaming liberals and can't see their hand two inches past their nose. So prior to the election they tasked me with setting up a plan fo expansion into a second location. Now I know the books and so the other day we meet and ask my plan and my response was: "I don't think we can expand now"

"Why not?" they asked confused.

"Well," I said. "Right now our company has 47 employees. Expanding to a second locaton will put us over the 50 employee limit on Obamacare and we will have to pay health benefits for every one of our employees or pay the fine to avoid it. After looking at the books, that will bankrupt us." I explained.

"But our business is ready to take the next step." they said to me.

"Yes it is," I responded "but we can't afford to anymore. The good old days of expanding according to sales and demand are over." I explained. "That's not the way it works anymore."

"Well why not?" they asked sincerely.

"Well because of the Affordable Health Care Act" I said. I then explained all the implications and do you know what their response was? These flaming liberals who voted for Obama and pounded the "health care is a human right" angle? Know what they said to me? They said "Well we have to find a loophole to get out of this. We can't afford that. it will end our business."

I was tempted at that point to reach across the table and strangle them both screaming "this is what you voted for mother fuckers!!!!" but I kept my cool. I said slowly "the business landscape has changed. Now here are our options.....#1 cut every employee to below 30 hours a week. If they go over 30 hours we fire them on the spot."

"Well how will they support their families on only 30 hours a week?" they asked.

"If they go over 30 hours after the expansion," I explained "then you will support their families directly from your own pocket because the business cannot sustain the expense incurred by Obamacare." I got incredulous at this point. "Jesus fucking Christ have you not been paying attention?" I was met with silence.

"Now the other option is to expand to the new location but to sub-contract labor to a different entity. Technically, you will have no new employees and be under the 50 cap. On the other hand you have to entrust your labor to a totally different business...and don't even think about creating a dummy corporation yourself to hire those workers under unless you want a nice battle with the IRS for fraud. It will have to be a completely unrelated business with totally unrelated ownership."

So after a while of them thinking they looked at me and asked.

"So what you are saying is that we can't expand our business unless we slash the hours of our employees who need every hour they can get, sub-contract out our labor an allow an independent business to control our labor, or just say fuck it and not expand at all?"

i said "Yep"

"THAT'S TOTAL BULLSHIT" they screamed

"That's what you voted for" I said calmly risking my job.

I didn't get fired. The expansion will not take place. 45 jobs set and ready just got lost thanks to Obamacare.

According to Rasmussen, 87% of Americans think this is a true story.

Papa john's put out some data, I think they said they have to increase the price per pizza by fifteen cents.

Lemme see.

*goes to papa john's site*

1.36% increase.


Could be, they closed here. Too much competition from other pizza places. Higher pizza prices aren't going to help them on that.
Papa john's put out some data, I think they said they have to increase the price per pizza by fifteen cents.

Lemme see.

*goes to papa john's site*

1.36% increase.


Could be, they closed here. Too much competition from other pizza places. Higher pizza prices aren't going to help them on that.

They could give it away for free and i still wouldn't eat it.
If there's legitimate demand for whatever goods or services this business provides,

then a competitor will get the work.
Papa john's put out some data, I think they said they have to increase the price per pizza by fifteen cents.

Lemme see.

*goes to papa john's site*

1.36% increase.


Could be, they closed here. Too much competition from other pizza places. Higher pizza prices aren't going to help them on that.

Bro, adding cents and not dollars to the cost of a pizza isnt deterring anyone. Get real. It's a helluva lot more to do with their shitty shitty taste. is a basic analysis I did for a service company a few years back...the numbers are skewed...and I am now insituting the ACA for debate purposes....

They had 41 employees at the time (real number)....the return on each employee was approximately 10K referring to AFTER cost of did not include other costs such as office space, etc.....

Say the owner had a net profit of 400K.....(off of his empoloyees)

He decides to open a second location and add 15 employees....

Lets put aside the cost of the new venue for now....

now he has 54 employees....and by law MUST insure ALL of them...the first 41 are not grandfathered.....

The cost of insurance per employee is 5K after rebates and incentives....a rational number

Now the return on each employee is down to 5K...

So his net profit of his entire staff is of 54 is 270K.

So his net profit has decreased by 130K due to his expansion....not to mention the INCREASE in operating costs due to the need for additional office space and technology is a basic analysis I did for a service company a few years back...the numbers are skewed...and I am now insituting the ACA for debate purposes....

They had 41 employees at the time (real number)....the return on each employee was approximately 10K referring to AFTER cost of did not include other costs such as office space, etc.....

Say the owner had a net profit of 400K.....(off of his empoloyees)

He decides to open a second location and add 15 employees....

Lets put aside the cost of the new venue for now....

now he has 54 employees....and by law MUST insure ALL of them...the first 41 are not grandfathered.....

The cost of insurance per employee is 5K after rebates and incentives....a rational number

Now the return on each employee is down to 5K...

So his net profit of his entire staff is of 54 is 270K.

So his net profit has decreased by 130K due to his expansion....not to mention the INCREASE in operating costs due to the need for additional office space and technology

That's not hard data, and you're not a Business owner who has, you'd WANT TO BELIEVE, necessarily researched the exact numbers of rebates and incentives. I'm looking for someone who has. All I can come up with is Papa john's. Their outlook is nothing to even flinch at. is a basic analysis I did for a service company a few years back...the numbers are skewed...and I am now insituting the ACA for debate purposes....

They had 41 employees at the time (real number)....the return on each employee was approximately 10K referring to AFTER cost of did not include other costs such as office space, etc.....

Say the owner had a net profit of 400K.....(off of his empoloyees)

He decides to open a second location and add 15 employees....

Lets put aside the cost of the new venue for now....

now he has 54 employees....and by law MUST insure ALL of them...the first 41 are not grandfathered.....

The cost of insurance per employee is 5K after rebates and incentives....a rational number

Now the return on each employee is down to 5K...

So his net profit of his entire staff is of 54 is 270K.

So his net profit has decreased by 130K due to his expansion....not to mention the INCREASE in operating costs due to the need for additional office space and technology

That's not hard data, and you're not a Business owner who has, you'd WANT TO BELIEVE, necessarily researched the exact numbers of rebates and incentives. I'm looking for someone who has. All I can come up with is Papa john's. Their outlook is nothing to even flinch at.

it was my job....the one that allowed me to retire at the age of 54.

Whatever. is a basic analysis I did for a service company a few years back...the numbers are skewed...and I am now insituting the ACA for debate purposes....

They had 41 employees at the time (real number)....the return on each employee was approximately 10K referring to AFTER cost of did not include other costs such as office space, etc.....

Say the owner had a net profit of 400K.....(off of his empoloyees)

He decides to open a second location and add 15 employees....

Lets put aside the cost of the new venue for now....

now he has 54 employees....and by law MUST insure ALL of them...the first 41 are not grandfathered.....

The cost of insurance per employee is 5K after rebates and incentives....a rational number

Now the return on each employee is down to 5K...

So his net profit of his entire staff is of 54 is 270K.

So his net profit has decreased by 130K due to his expansion....not to mention the INCREASE in operating costs due to the need for additional office space and technology

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't have to pay the full cost of the health insurance he just has to offer a plan, no? is a basic analysis I did for a service company a few years back...the numbers are skewed...and I am now insituting the ACA for debate purposes....

They had 41 employees at the time (real number)....the return on each employee was approximately 10K referring to AFTER cost of did not include other costs such as office space, etc.....

Say the owner had a net profit of 400K.....(off of his empoloyees)

He decides to open a second location and add 15 employees....

Lets put aside the cost of the new venue for now....

now he has 54 employees....and by law MUST insure ALL of them...the first 41 are not grandfathered.....

The cost of insurance per employee is 5K after rebates and incentives....a rational number

Now the return on each employee is down to 5K...

So his net profit of his entire staff is of 54 is 270K.

So his net profit has decreased by 130K due to his expansion....not to mention the INCREASE in operating costs due to the need for additional office space and technology

That's not hard data, and you're not a Business owner who has, you'd WANT TO BELIEVE, necessarily researched the exact numbers of rebates and incentives. I'm looking for someone who has. All I can come up with is Papa john's. Their outlook is nothing to even flinch at.

it was my job....the one that allowed me to retire at the age of 54.


You retired before the subject we're discussing will have taken effect.

Also, I'm wondering how many businesses are hovering between 40 and 60 employees right now. I'm pretty sure Republicans think it's in the millions.
here is the best way to explain simple terms...

A servcice company does not have revenue per employee increase with addtional employees.....revenue per employee is a stationary number....such is different in manufacturing....but in service, all analyses are made based on the return per employee being a set number...regardless of the increase in staff....

This does not include cost of space and technology.

If expanding means the cost of employee will increase, but the return on employee will remain the same, then one would not expand.

Now...if going above 50 employees means the cost of each employee will increase, but the return will remain the same, then an analysis will be needed to determine where it would make sense to expand....and as the numbers above show...expanding by 33% is far from the number...

And unfortunately...expanding by anything more than 33% is next to impossible at one shot.

Take it from there.
Blue Phantom's account I have no idea if factually accurate but in reality everything he said could be true.

A college in the Pittsburgh area is doing exactly as PH outlined. They are cutting back on hours and who do you think they voted for???

College Cuts Staff Hours to Avoid Obamacare Costs

A right wing blog that isn't credible. The schools press releases tell a different story.

Western Pennsylvania community colleges trying to 'live within means' | TribLIVE

Damn you made me read the entire article to find out the issue isn't mentioned, would you mention it in your press release?

Any way is this a non-right wing source that will applease you?:

CCAC Cuts Adjuncts' Hours To Avoid Obamacare Requirements is a basic analysis I did for a service company a few years back...the numbers are skewed...and I am now insituting the ACA for debate purposes....

They had 41 employees at the time (real number)....the return on each employee was approximately 10K referring to AFTER cost of did not include other costs such as office space, etc.....

Say the owner had a net profit of 400K.....(off of his empoloyees)

He decides to open a second location and add 15 employees....

Lets put aside the cost of the new venue for now....

now he has 54 employees....and by law MUST insure ALL of them...the first 41 are not grandfathered.....

The cost of insurance per employee is 5K after rebates and incentives....a rational number

Now the return on each employee is down to 5K...

So his net profit of his entire staff is of 54 is 270K.

So his net profit has decreased by 130K due to his expansion....not to mention the INCREASE in operating costs due to the need for additional office space and technology

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't have to pay the full cost of the health insurance he just has to offer a plan, no?

Yes I'll correct you and I don't even know the insides of ACA!

YOU said "he just has to offer a plan" RIGHT?
THAT's fraud first... JUST to OFFER a plan BUT NOT pay for it??? Fraud.
Next... Let's assume not fraud and can do what you suggest.."just offer a plan"... for who's benefit by just "offering a plan".. Owner to satisfy ACA?
Next... Explain how ANY insurance company would quote a PRICE based on "just offering a plan"???
They can't! The insurance co. has to know EXACTLY how many people will be covered.. so if you say I am assuming of 50 employees 20 will take it up!
Sounds good EXCEPT the premise is premium based on number of people participating!
How many will be participating???

SEE there is SO MANY variables involved that the ACA in ITS complexity never covered what the MARKET does more efficiently!!!
Each time the govt gets involved they anticipate ONE SIZE FITS ALL! The Market ..Let's meet your needs"!!!

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