Liberal columnist: All men should be put in camps and heterosexuality should be eradicated

The OP link is a link to a link to a link. Apparently, the OP is not smart enough to find the actual source. Here it is:

An Interview with Julie Bindel

She never said that heterosexuality will be eradicated. She was ASKED if hetero would survive womens' liberation.

Now, virtually all of what she said, I disagree with. In fact, most Libs disagree with her. Heterosexuality, thank G-d, is and will forever be the predominant form of sexuality within our species. It is genetically built into around 90% of us. End of story.

But little owl has to find one lone female Lib who says crazy shit in order to rail against all Libs, cuz that's what little owl lives for: to be angry, angry, angry!

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!"

She is actually typical of 70s Feminists. Ugly as a hatful of assholes...on the INSIDE!!! She expounds filthy hate speech; she is irrelevant!!!

And that does not excuse male chauvinist pigs!!!Seeing women as the equal of men in a Psychic Unity of mankind sense is cool!!!


I liked your last sentence. That was interesting and thought provoking. Thanks, Helmsman!
She looks and acts like most lesbos here. I don't know what it's like elsewhere but I NEVER see an attractive lesbian couple. They all look like they have mad cow disease and would love to knife your face if you look directly at them. I'm convinced that male homosexuals are perverts that can't get enough dick and female homosexuals are male hating assholes.
I would love to see a women’s liberation that results in women turning away from men and saying: “when you come back as human beings, then we might look again.

Bindel’s suggestion of rounding up males “in some kind of camp” drew harsh attention from men’s rights activists (MRAs) at, the blog “HEqual” and at Reddit. What was most interesting, however, was the way in which other prominent feminists silently ignored this comment by Bindel, a militant lesbian

So you's funny... I wonder if this dyke has seen the statistics on domestic violence between lesbians?

Domestic violence in the GLBT community is a serious issue. The rates of domestic violence in same-gender relationships is roughly the same as domestic violence against heterosexual women. As in opposite-gendered couples, the problem is likely underreported. Symptoms of Domestic Violence? -

So all those "loving women" are beating the crap out of their girlfriends. Maybe those man-women that their girlfriends are oddly attracted to (closeted heterosexuality anyone?) should be put in a camp where they all can drive their choice of color of 2wd mini trucks with camper shells and a dog in the back?...or Harley-copy streetbikes..

Look at how today's modern lesbian feminist "rejects the archetype male"... :lmao:

There are batshit crazy people in every corner of every issue in the world. Generally, when they say absurdly inflammatory things, those who are worthy of serious attention in their "field" tend to ignore them. Because they're batshit crazy. No good comes from trying to paint them as legitimate members of a cause. However, I do find it important to demonstrate that such people do indeed exist. The article mentions how this batshit crazy was blasted by Men's Rights activists. That's a pretty interesting thing. Men's Rights activists don't exist in the US. You try talking about supporting men's rights over here, and everyone stares at you like you have two heads. They can't imagine what in the world for. They assume you're a woman hater trying to use "men's rights" as a disguise to really mean "hate women." It seems that by and large the United States has not yet figured out that aside from legitimate feminism there is contingent who actively seek and advocate for the suppression of men. And the failure to recognize that truth, in some ways, makes it a bigger problem for us than it is for the UK, where such advocacy is openly flaunted and acknowledged.

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